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Spillover Effects of China Going Global cover
Also available at Amazon and Kobo

When the People's Republic of China (PRC) was granted Most Favored Nation (MFN) status by the United States in 1979, no one imagined the massive transformation the Chinese economy would make within a few decades. China's remarkable transition from merely being a “world factory”, to the source of the world's new R&D and product design and innovation since the 1980s is the key focus of Spillover Effects of China Going Global. In this insightful and unique book, Joseph Pelzman shows how the second largest world economy triggered off many spillover effects beyond mass-labour production of durable and non-durable goods — such as the provision of foreign aid to African, Latin American and Asian economies, and increasing focus on internal endogenous innovation, research and development. He provides a comprehensive look at these spillover effects and analyzes how they will undoubtedly bring positive opportunities for others within the rest of the world in the 21st Century.

Sample Chapter(s)
Chapter 1: Introduction (57 KB)

  • Introduction
  • An Overview of China's Export Growth
  • The Value-Added Chain in China's International Trade
  • China's International Trade Competitiveness: An Assessment Based on Revealed Comparative Advantage (RCA) and Constant Market Share (CMS) Indexes
  • Evolution of China's International Trade Competitiveness in Textiles and Apparel Exports to the USA — Pre- and Post-MFA
  • China's 10-Year WTO Experience: Applying Market Solutions to a Non-Market Player
  • Quantifying and Modeling PRC Foreign Aid — A Search for Markets, Infrastructure and Service Contracts and Resources
  • China's Outward Investment Program — A Search for Technology

Readership: Economics and international relations students; researchers and policymakers interested in China's growing economic and political presence in the world.