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The Marcel Grossmann Meetings seek to further the development of the foundations and applications of Einstein's general relativity by promoting theoretical understanding in the relevant fields of physics, mathematics, astronomy and astrophysics and to direct future technological, observational, and experimental efforts. The meetings discuss recent developments in classical and quantum aspects of gravity, and in cosmology and relativistic astrophysics, with major emphasis on mathematical foundations and physical predictions, having the main objective of gathering scientists from diverse backgrounds for deepening our understanding of spacetime structure and reviewing the current state of the art in the theory, observations and experiments pertinent to relativistic gravitation. The range of topics is broad, going from the more abstract classical theory, quantum gravity, branes and strings, to more concrete relativistic astrophysics observations and modeling.
The three volumes of the proceedings of MG13 give a broad view of all aspects of gravitational physics and astrophysics, from mathematical issues to recent observations and experiments. The scientific program of the meeting included 33 morning plenary talks during 6 days, and 75 parallel sessions over 4 afternoons. Volume A contains plenary and review talks ranging from the mathematical foundations of classical and quantum gravitational theories including recent developments in string/brane theories, to precision tests of general relativity including progress towards the detection of gravitational waves, and from supernova cosmology to relativistic astrophysics including such topics as gamma ray bursts, black hole physics both in our galaxy and in active galactic nuclei in other galaxies, and neutron star and pulsar astrophysics. Volumes B and C include parallel sessions which touch on dark matter, neutrinos, X-ray sources, astrophysical black holes, neutron stars, binary systems, radiative transfer, accretion disks, quasors, gamma ray bursts, supernovas, alternative gravitational theories, perturbations of collapsed objects, analog models, black hole thermodynamics, numerical relativity, gravitational lensing, large scale structure, observational cosmology, early universe models and cosmic microwave background anisotropies, inhomogeneous cosmology, inflation, global structure, singularities, chaos, Einstein–Maxwell systems, wormholes, exact solutions of Einstein's equations, gravitational waves, gravitational wave detectors and data analysis, precision gravitational measurements, quantum gravity and loop quantum gravity, quantum cosmology, strings and branes, self-gravitating systems, gamma ray astronomy, and cosmic rays and the history of general relativity.
Sample Chapter(s)
Chapter 1: On the Cosmological Singularity (477 KB)
The following sections are included:
The long story of the oscillatory approach to the initial cosmological singularity and its more recent incarnation in multidimensional universe models is told.
This paper is written in occasion of the Marcel Grossmann Award I received at the 13th Marcel Grossmann Meeting held in Stockholm in 2012 July 2–7. I review the story of the BeppoSAX discovery of the Gamma Ray Burst afterglow and cosmological distance determination, starting from the first GRB detection with Vela satellites and from the efforts done before BeppoSAX. An extended review of this story has also been given,1 on the occasion of the award of the Fermi Prize 2010.
As a preparation for the generation of a new set of core collapse progenitor models, a new investigation of the physics of such stars has begun. Supercomputers allow the simulation of three dimensional highly turbulent flow. Treating these numerical “experiments” as valid representations of the behavior of high energy density (HED) plasma, a view supported by laboratory experiments with inertial confinement fusion (ICF) devices, we are beginning to develop a theory of this behavior appropriate to stellar interiors. Unlike conventional astrophysical convection theory, the Richardson-Kolmogorov turbulent cascade and the Lorenz strange attractor make an appearance, as well as a rich set of boundary-region physics. The process of developing physical insight from numerical simulations will be illustrated, and implications for stellar evolution, from the Sun to gamma-ray bursts and supernovae, will be discussed.
Recent developments concerning oscillatory spacelike singularities in general relativity are taking place on two fronts. The first treats generic singularities in spatially homogeneous cosmology, most notably Bianchi types VIII and IX. The second deals with generic oscillatory singularities in inhomogeneous cosmologies, especially those with two commuting spacelike Killing vectors. This paper describes recent progress in these two areas: in the spatially homogeneous case focus is on mathematically rigorous results, while analytical and numerical results concerning generic behavior and so-called recurring spike formation are the main topic in the inhomogeneous case. Unifying themes are connections between asymptotic behavior, hierarchical structures, and solution generating techniques, which provide hints for a link between the nature of generic singularities and a hierarchy of hidden asymptotic symmetries.
In this contribution we aim to provide a very brief introduction to some of the work that has been done over the last 50 years on the problem of trying to understand the dynamics of space-time close to a cosmological singularity. Starting with the pioneering work of BKL, we move on to outline how their early work has more recently led to surprising connections with the theory of Kac-Moody algebras. We will discuss the stimulus these developments have had for the problem of quantising gravity.
The current state of the vacuum evolution problem in general relativity is reviewed from a perspective of rigorous mathematical results.
This article reviews black hole solutions of higher-dimensional General Relativity. The focus is on stationary vacuum solutions and recent work on instabilities of such solutions.
Causal Dynamical Triangulations provide a non-perturbative regularization of a theory of quantum gravity. We describe how it connects to the asymptotic safety program and to the Hořava-Lifshitz gravity theory and present the most recent results from computer simulations.
We discuss the conceptual ideas underlying the Asymptotic Safety approach to the nonperturbative renormalization of gravity. By now numerous functional renormalization group studies predict the existence of a suitable nontrivial ultraviolet fixed point. We use an analogy to elementary magnetic systems to uncover the physical mechanism behind the emergence of this fixed point. It is seen to result from the dominance of certain paramagnetic-type interactions over diamagnetic ones. Furthermore, the spacetimes of Quantum Einstein Gravity behave like a polarizable medium with a “paramagnetic” response to external perturbations. Similarities with the vacuum state of Yang-Mills theory are pointed out.
The talk will review recent developments showing that in a precise sense gravity scattering amplitudes are double copies of corresponding gauge theory ones used to describe the strong subnuclear interactions. Underlying this is a correspondence between the color charges and kinematic numerators appearing in gauge theory scattering amplitudes. An application of these ideas will be given, demonstrating that within perturbation theory standard supergravity theories are much tamer in the ultraviolet than had been believed possible.
Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) have been used with remarkable success to map the expansion history of the Universe. These measurements dramatically changed our description of nature as they revealed cosmic acceleration, indicating the presence of new physics, dark energy, counteracting the effect of gravity at the largest scales. Understanding the source of the acceleration ranks among the most pressing undertakings in fundamental physics. Current and future surveys are challenged to accurately measure the equation state of dark energy, the parameter used to explore its nature. Distances measurements using SNe Ia remain among the most powerful techniques in observational cosmologists. The recent history of the field is reviewed, as well as current limitations and opportunities for the future.
he history of cosmic expansion can be accurately traced using Type Ia supernovae (SN Ia) as standard candles. Over the past 40 years, this effort has improved its precision and extended its reach in redshift. Recently, the distances to SN Ia have been measured to a precision of ~5% using luminosity information that is encoded in the shape of the supernova's rest frame optical light curve. By combining observations of supernova distances as measured from their light curves and redshifts measured from spectra, we can detect changes in the cosmic expansion rate. This empirical approach was successfully exploited by the High-Z Supernova Team and by the Supernova Cosmology Project to detect cosmic expansion and to infer the presence of dark energy. The 2011 Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded to Perlmutter, Schmidt and Riess for this discovery. The world's sample of well-observed SN Ia light curves at high redshift and low, approaching 1000 objects, is now large enough to make statistical errors due to sample size a thing of the past. Systematic errors are now the challenge. To learn the properties of dark energy and determine, for example, whether it has an equation-of-state that is different from the cosmological constant demands higher precision and better accuracy. The largest systematic uncertainties come from light curve fitters, photometric calibration errors, and from uncertain knowledge of the scattering properties of dust along the line of sight. Efforts to use SN Ia spectra as luminosity indicators have had some success, but have not yet produced a big step forward. Fortunately, observations of SN Ia in the near infrared (NIR), from 1 to 2 microns, offer a very promising path to better knowledge of the Hubble constant and to improved constraints on dark energy. In the NIR, SN Ia are better standard candles and the effects of dust absorption are smaller. We have begun an HST program dubbed RAISIN (SN IA in the IR) to tighten our grip on dark energy properties
The traditional Tolman-Oppenheimer-Volkoff (TOV) equations of NSs assume local charge neutrality and electromagnetic structure is not accounted for. We show that such an assumption is inconsistent when all known interactions in NS equilibrium equations are present, including electromagnetism. We present the new Einstein-Maxwell-Thomas-Fermi (EMTF) set of equations, which must be solved under the constraint of global, but not local, charge neutrality. We discuss new gravito-electrodynamic effects and present their implications on the mass-radius relation and observational properties of neutron stars.
The past decade has witnessed the successful operation of the first generation of large scale ground-based gravitational-wave interferometers — LIGO, Virgo, and GEO600 — each demonstrating remarkably sensitive, robust performance over a series of observing runs beginning in 2002 and continuing through 2011. Although gravitational waves have not yet been directly detected, searches by these detectors have established noteworthy limits on the possible emission of gravitational waves from astrophysical sources. Second generation instruments currently under construction such as Advanced LIGO, Advanced Virgo, and KAGRA will begin observing in the second half of this decade with sensitivities that are predicted to lead to direct detections of binary neutron star mergers and possibly other sources of gravitational waves.
The origin of gamma-ray burst (GRB) prompt emission, bursts of γ-rays lasting from shorter than one second to thousands of seconds, remains not fully understood after more than 40 years of observations. The uncertainties lie in several open questions in the GRB physics, including jet composition, energy dissipation mechanism, particle acceleration mechanism, and radiation mechanism. Recent broad-band observations of prompt emission with Fermi sharpen the debates in these areas, which stimulated intense theoretical investigations invoking very different ideas. I will review these debates, and argue that the current data suggest the following picture: A quasi-thermal spectral component originating from the photosphere of the relativistic ejecta has been detected in some GRBs. Even though in some cases (e.g. GRB 090902B) this component dominates the spectrum, in most GRBs, this component either forms a sub-dominant “shoulder” spectral component in the low energy spectral regime of the more dominant “Band” component, or is not detectable at all. The main “Band” spectral component likely originates from the optically thin region due to synchrotron radiation. The diverse magnetization in the GRB central engine is likely the origin of the observed diverse prompt emission properties among bursts.
I review some recent progress in understanding the nature of Gamma Ray Bursts (GRBs) and in particular, of the relationship between short GRBs and binary neutron stars, as well as long GRBs and Supernovae (SNe). The coincidental occurrence of a GRB with a SN is explained within the Induced Gravitational Collapse (IGC) paradigm in a prototypical case. The following sequence is shown to occur: 1) an initial binary system consists of a compact Carbon-Oxygen (CO) core star and a Neutron Star (NS); 2) the CO core explodes as a SN, part of the SN ejecta accretes onto the NS which reaches its critical mass and collapses to a Black Hole (BH) giving rise to a GRB; 3) a new NS is generated by the SN as a remnant; 4) after ~ 13 days in the GRB cosmological rest frame the supernova is observed. The observational consequences of this scenario are outlined and the first example of a genuine short GRB is described.
In the quest of understanding gravity, binary pulsars provide indispensable laboratories for precision tests of gravity. Effects that can be studied in great detail include the emission of gravitational waves, Shapiro delay, orbital precession and more. But also fundamental differences between general relativity and alternative theories of gravity can be probed, such as possible violations of the strong equivalence principle, preferred frame effects or the existence of gravitational dipole radiation or scalar fields. Also the effects of spin precession in strongly self-gravitating bodies can be studied by observing effects of geodetic precession.
We provide a description of the latest status and performance of the Planck satellite, focusing on the final predicted sensitivity of Planck. The optimization of the observational strategy for the additional surveys following the nominal fifteen months of integration (about two surveys) originally allocated and the limitation represented by astrophysical foreground emissions are presented. An outline of early and intermediate astrophysical results from the Planck Collaboration is provided. A concise view of some fundamental cosmological results that will be achieved by exploiting Planck's full set of temperature and polarization data is presented. Finally, the perspectives opened by Planck in answering some key questions in fundamental physics, with particular attention to Parity symmetry analyses, are described.
The discovery of a new particle while searching for the standard model Higgs boson in the Compact Muon Solenoid experiment at the LHC is presented. The data samples analysed correspond to integrated luminosities of up to 5.1 fb−1 at and 5.3 fb−1 at
. The search is performed in five decay modes:
. An excess of events is observed above the expected background, with a local significance of 5.0 standard deviations. The excess is most significant in the two decay modes with the best mass resolution, γγ and ZZ; a fit to these signals gives to the new boson a mass of 125.3 ± 0.4 (stat.) ± 0.5 (syst.) GeV.
Spectral features in the CMB energy spectrum contain a wealth of information about the physical processes in the early Universe, z ≲ 2 × 106. The CMB spectral distortions are complementary to all other probes of cosmology. In fact, most of the information contained in the CMB spectrum is inaccessible by any other means. This review outlines the main physics behind the spectral features in the CMB throughout the history of the Universe, concentrating on the distortions which are inevitable and must be present at a level observable by the next generation of proposed CMB experiments. The spectral distortions considered here include spectral features from cosmological recombination, resonant scattering of CMB by metals during reionization which allows us to measure their abundances, y-type distortions during and after reionization and μ-type and i-type (intermediate between μ and y) distortions created at redshifts z ≳ 1.5 × 104.
This document presents a brief overview of some of the experimental techniques employed by the ATLAS experiment at the CERN Large Hadron Collider in the search for the Higgs boson predicted by the standard model of particle physics. The data and the statistical analyses which allowed in July 2012, only few days before this presentation at the Marcel Grossman Meeting, to firmly establish the observation of a new particle, are described. The additional studies needed to check the consistency between the newly discovered particle and the Higgs boson are also discussed.
Some personal reflections on the life of Fang Lizhi, my friend and scientific twin…
This article reviews the biography of the Swiss mathematician Marcel Grossmann (1878–1936) and his contributions to the emergence of the general theory of relativity. The first part is his biography, while the second part reviews his collaboration with Einstein in Zurich which resulted in the Einstein-Grossmann theory of 1913. This theory is a precursor version of the final theory of general relativity with all the ingredients of that theory except for the correct gravitational field equations. Their collaboration is analyzed in some detail with a focus on the question of exactly what role Grossmann played in it.
The investigation of Dark Matter (DM) particles has its foundation in many astrophysical observations and theoretical developments dating back nearly a century, and efforts to study the presence of Dark Matter at galactic scales are compelling and have been in progress already for decades. Some aspects of the present state of this topic are recalled here together with a discussion of some interesting ways to address it in the future.
We present an overview of recent developments in numerical relativity studies of higher dimensional spacetimes with a focus on time evolutions of black-hole systems. After a brief review of the numerical techniques employed for these studies, we summarize results grouped into the following three areas: (i) Numerical studies of fundamental properties of black holes, (ii) Applications of black-hole collisions to the modeling of Trans-Planckian scattering, (iii) Numerical studies of asymptotically anti-de Sitter spacetimes in the context of the gauge-gravity duality.
We review cosmological solutions and their stability in nonlinear massive gravity. After constructing homogeneous and isotropic solutions, we show that they suffer from ghost instability. We then find new attractor solutions, in which the physical metric is of FRW type but anisotropy in the fiducial metric leads to statistical anisotropy of perturbations.
The main focus of this session was the presentation of new higher-dimensional black hole solutions, including black rings, black strings, and multi black holes, and the study of their properties. Besides new asymptotically flat and locally asymptotically flat black objects also new black holes with anti-de Sitter asymptotics were reported. The studies of their properties included the investigation of their stability, their thermodynamics, their analyticity and their existence. Furthermore, the geodesics in such higher-dimensional space-times were investigated.
This contribution is a review of some talks presented at the session ‘Magneto-Plasma Processes in Relativistic Astrophysics’ of the Thirteenth Marcel Grossmann Meeting MG13. We discuss the modern developments of relativistic astrophysics, connected with presence of plasma and magnetic fields. The influence of magneto-plasma processes on the structure of the compact objects and accretion processes is considered. We also discuss a crucial role of magnetic field for the mechanism of core-collapse supernova explosions. Gravitational lensing in plasma is also considered.
From the quasinormal modes of black holes, we obtain the quantizations of the entropy and horizon area of black holes via Bohr-Sommerfeld quantization, based on Bohr's correspondence principle. For this, we identify the appropriate action variable of the classical system corresponding to a black hole. By considering the BTZ black holes in topologically massive gravity as well as Einstein gravity, it is found that the spectra of not the horizon areas but the entropies of black holes are equally spaced. We also propose that other characteristic modes of black holes, which are non-quasinormal modes or holographic quasinormal modes, can be used in quantization of entropy spectra just like quasinormal modes. From these modes, it is found that only the entropy spectrum of the warped AdS3 black hole is equally spaced as well. Furthermore, by considering a scattering problem in a black hole, we propose that the total transmission modes and total reflection modes of black holes can be regarded as characteristic modes of black holes and result in the equally spaced entropy of the Kerr and Reissner-Nordström black holes. Finally, we conclude that there is a universal behavior that the entropy spectra of various black holes are equally spaced.
In this article we focus on the astrophysical results and the related cosmological implications derived from recent microwave surveys, with emphasis to those coming from the Planck mission. We critically discuss the impact of systematics effects and the role of methods to separate the cosmic microwave background signal from the astrophysical emissions and each different astrophysical component from the others. We then review of the state of the art in diffuse emissions, extragalactic sources, cosmic infrared background, and galaxy clusters, addressing the information they provide to our global view of the cosmic structure evolution and for some crucial physical parameters, as the neutrino mass. Finally, we present three different kinds of scientific perspectives for fundamental physics and cosmology offered by the analysis of on-going and future cosmic microwave background projects at different angular scales dedicated to anisotropies in total intensity and polarization and to absolute temperature.
We review recent developments on possible effects of a heavy scalar field on the power spectrum for the primordial fluctuations. Though the heavy scalar field is usually assumed to be stuck to its potential minimum, it can be excited when the background trajectory is curved. The excitation could leave various signatures on the power spectrum. In this paper, we introduce two example: a feature induced by mixing between the light and heavy modes and enhancement of the fluctuations through the resonance with the excited oscillation. Though no strong evidence is found at present, if they are detected, they will improve our understanding the physics behind inflation.
Dark energy models account for the present accelerated expansion of the universe. Many models were suggested and investigated, based on very different physical principles. We will review some representative models emphasizing similarities and differences between these various approaches.
This report comprises two parts. On the one hand, I will, based on the talks at the CM4 parallel session which I chaired, point to interesting recent developments in quantum cosmology. On the other hand, some of the basics of supersymmetric quantum cosmology are briefly reviewed, pointing to promising lines of research to explore. I will start with the latter, finishing the report with the former.
Cosmological models that invoke warm or cold dark matter can not explain observed regularities in the properties of dwarf galaxies, their highly anisotropic spatial distributions, nor the correlation between observed mass discrepancies and acceleration. These problems with the standard model of cosmology have deep implications, in particular in combination with the observation that the data are excellently described by Modified Newtonian Dynamics (MOND). MOND is a classical dynamics theory which explains the mass discrepancies in galactic systems, and in the universe at large, without invoking ‘dark’ entities. MOND introduces a new universal constant of nature with the dimensions of acceleration, a0, such that the pre-MONDian dynamics is valid for accelerations a ≫ a0, and the deep MONDian regime is obtained for a ≪ a0, where space-time scale invariance is invoked. Remaining challenges for MOND are (i) explaining fully the observed mass discrepancies in galaxy clusters, and (ii) the development of a relativistic theory of MOND that will satisfactorily account for cosmology. The universal constant a0 turns out to have an intriguing connection with cosmology: . This may point to a deep connection between cosmology and internal dynamics of local systems.
Recent observations, especially by the Fermi satellite, point out the importance of the thermal component in GRB spectra. This fact revives strong interest in photospheric emission from relativistic outflows. Early studies already suggested that the observed spectrum of photospheric emission from relativistically moving objects differs in shape from the Planck spectrum. However, this component appears to be subdominant in many GRBs and the origin of the dominant component is still unclear. One of the popular ideas is that energy dissipation near the photosphere may produce a non-thermal spectrum and account for such emission. Before considering such models, though, one has to determine precise spectral and timing characteristics of the photospheric emission in the simplest possible case. Hence this paper focuses on various physical effects which make the photospheric emission spectrum different from the black body spectrum and quantifies them.
We discuss recent developments related to certain blow up methods suitable for the analysis of cosmological singularities and asymptotics. We review results obtained in a variety of currently popular themes and describe ongoing research about universes with various kinds of extreme states, higher order gravity, and certain models of braneworlds.
Future gravitational wave observatories will be realized underground in order to reduce external disturbances, such as seismic, Newtonian and environmental noises. The Japanese gravitational wave telescope KAGRA is under construction at the Kamioka site and the Einstein Telescope gravitational wave observatory is under study in Europe; the common aspects, the differences and the expected performances of these innovative machines are investigated.
Gamma–Ray Bursts (GRB) emit in a few dozen of seconds up to ~1054 erg, in terms of isotropic equivalent radiated energy Eiso, therefore they can be observed up to z ~ 10 and appear very promising tools to describe the expansion rate history of the Universe. In this paper we review the use of the Ep,i–Eiso correlation of Gamma–Ray Bursts to measure ΩM. We show that the present data set of GRBs, coupled with the assumption that we live in a flat universe, can provide indipendent evidence, from other probes, that ΩM~0.3. We show that current (e.g., Swift, Fermi/GBM, Konus–WIND) and next GRB experiments (e.g., CALET/GBM, SVOM, Lomonosov/UFFO, LOFT/WFM) will allow us, within a few years, to constrain ΩM and the evolution of dark energy with time, with an accuracy comparable to that currently exhibited by SNe–Ia.
The following sections are included:
I offer a perspective on opportunities for quantum-gravity phenomenology involving GRB neutrinos and macroscopic bodies. Among the neutrinos observed by the IceCube neutrino telescope some are expected to be GRB neutrinos and if that is confirmed an important opportunity for quantum-gravity phenomenology will arise. A few recent studies concerned opportunities for quantum-gravity phenomenology involving macroscopic bodies, but several related issues still need to be investigated.
A SL(5, ℝ) gauge-invariant topological field theory of gravity and possible gauge unifications are considered in four-dimensions. The problem of quantization is evaluated in the asymptotic safety scenario. ‘Minimal’ BF type models for the high energy limit are physically not quite realistic, a tiny symmetry breaking is needed to recover standard Einsteinian gravity for the macroscopic metrical background with induced cosmological constant.
It is now widely accepted that soft gamma repeaters and anomalous X-ray pulsars are the observational manifestations of magnetars, i.e. sources powered by their own magnetic energy. This view was supported by the fact that these ‘magnetar candidates’ exhibited, without exception, a surface dipole magnetic field (as inferred from the spin-down rate) in excess of the electron critical field (≃4.4 × 1013 G). The recent discovery of fullyqualified magnetars, SGR 0418+5729 and Swift J1822.3−1606, with dipole magnetic field well in the range of ordinary radio pulsars posed a challenge to the standard picture, showing that a very strong field is not necessary for the onset of magnetar activity (chiefly bursts and outbursts). Here we summarise the observational status of the low-magneticfield magnetars and discuss their properties in the context of the mainstream magnetar model and its main alternatives.
The origin of cosmic rays remains a mystery, even over 100 years since their discovery. Neutron stars (NSs) are considered textbook cases of particle acceleration sites in our Galaxy, but many unresolved numerical problems remain. Searches for new acceleration sites are crucial for astrophysics. The magnetized white dwarfs (MWDs) have the same kind of rotating magnetosphere as NSs, and may be the source of up to 10% of galactic cosmic ray electrons. In the parallel session of the “white dwarf pulsars and rotating white dwarf theory”, we focus on the current observational results on white dwarf pulsars, related theories of the radiation process both in white dwarfs and neutron stars, and the origin and rule of white dwarf pulsars, as well as surveying on the current theories of the internal structure and the equation of state of white dwarfs.
We present the last developments of the LAUE project, whose main goal is to build a Laue lens for soft gamma–ray astronomy (80–600 keV) and to set an advanced technology for assembling high focal length focusing optics. With such a lens we expect to increase the sensitivity of the current non-focusing instruments by 2 orders of magnitude in the energy range above mentioned.
We describe the GRB and All-sky Monitor Experiment (GAME) mission submitted by a large international collaboration (Italy, Germany, Czech Repubblic, Slovenia, Brazil) in response to the 2012 ESA call for a small mission opportunity for a launch in 2017 and presently under further investigation for subsequent opportunities. The general scientific objective is to perform measurements of key importance for GRB science and to provide the wide astrophysical community of an advanced X-ray all-sky monitoring system. The proposed payload was based on silicon drift detectors (~1–50 keV), CdZnTe (CZT) detectors (~15–200 keV) and crystal scintillators in phoswich (NaI/CsI) configuration (~20 keV–20 MeV), three well established technologies, for a total weight of ~250 kg and a required power of ~240 W. Such instrumentation allows a unique, unprecedented and very powerful combination of large field of view (3–4 sr), a broad energy energy band extending from ˜1 keV up to ˜20 MeV, an energy resolution as good as ~250 eV in the 1–30 keV energy range, a source location accuracy of ~1 arcmin. The mission profile included a launch (e.g., by Vega) into a low Earth orbit, a baseline sky scanning mode plus pointed observations of regions of particular interest, data transmission to ground via X-band (4.8 Gb/orbit, Alcantara and Malindi ground stations), and prompt transmission of GRB / transient triggers.
Holographic modeling of strongly correlated many-body systems motivates the study of novel spacetime geometries where the scaling behavior of quantum critical systems is encoded into spacetime symmetries. Einstein-Dilaton-Maxwell theory has planar black brane solutions that exhibit Lifshitz scaling and in some cases hyperscaling violation. Entanglement entropy and Wilson loops in the dual field theory are studied by inserting simple geometric probes involving minimal surfaces into the black brane geometry. Coupling to background matter fields leads to interesting low-energy behavior in holographic models, such as U(1) symmetry breaking and emergent Lifshitz scaling.
After introducing the Szekeres and Lemaître–Tolman cosmological models, the real-time cosmology program is briefly mentioned. Then, a few widespread misconceptions about the cosmological models are pointed out and corrected. Investigation of null geodesic equations in the Szekeres models shows that observers in favourable positions would see galaxies drift across the sky at a rate of up to 10-6 arc seconds per year. Such a drift would be possible to measure using devices that are under construction; the required time of monitoring would be ≈ 10 years. This effect is zero in the FLRW models, so it provides a measure of inhomogeneity of the Universe. In the Szekeres models, the condition for zero drift is zero shear. But in the shearfree normal models, the condition for zero drift is that, in the comoving coordinates, the time dependence of the metric completely factors out.
The periastron shift, the Lense-Thirring effect, and the conicity of bound orbital motion in a general six-parameter axially symmetric black hole space-time are considered. We analyze the influence of the different space-time parameters on the these observables and characterize Kerr, Taub-NUT, Schwarzschild-de Sitter, and other space-times.
We reexamine the post-Newtonian effects on Lagrange's equilateral triangular solution for the three-body problem. For three finite masses, it is found that a triangular configuration satisfies the post-Newtonian equation of motion in general relativity, if and only if it has the relativistic corrections to each side length. For the same masses and angular velocity, the post-Newtonian triangular configuration is always smaller than the Newtonian one.
In order to arrive at a full analytical solution to the leading post-Newtonian (pN) order spin-squared dynamics of a compact binary system we investigate the geodesic solutions of a test mass moving in a Kerr spacetime field produced by a rotating black hole. As the Kerr field incorporates arbitrary powers of the spin parameter ‘a’ when expanded in a post-Newtonian manner we truncate the expansion at second order in ‘a’ and at leading pN order and show how to solve the resulting geodesic equations analytically exact in elliptic functions.
Recently we derived the next-to-next-to-leading order post-Newtonian Hamiltonians at spin-orbit and spin(1)-spin(2) level for a binary system of compact objects. In this talk the derivation of them will be shortly outlined at an introductory level. We will also discuss some checks of our (complicated and long) results in the first part of the talk. In the second part we will show how to apply our results to the calculation of the last stable circular orbit of such a binary system of black holes or neutron stars.
We use the post-Newtonian-Affine model to assess the validity of the adiabatic approximation in modeling tidal effects in the phase evolution of compact binary systems. We compute the dynamical evolution of the tidal tensor, which we estimate at the 2PN order, and of the quadrupole tensor, finding that their ratio, i.e. the tidal deformability, increases in the last phases of the inspiral. We derive the gravitational wave phase corrections due to this phenomenon and quantify how they affect gravitational wave detectability.
An outline of a proof of the decomposition of the linear metric perturbation into gaugeinvariant and gauge-variant parts on an arbitrary background spacetime is discussed through an exlicit construction of gauge-invariant and gauge-variant parts. Although this outline is incomplete, yet, due to our assumptions, we propose a conjecture which states that the linear metric perturbation is always decomposed into its gauge-invariant and gageu-variant parts. If this conjecture is true, we can develop the higher-order gaugeinvariant perturbation theory on an arbitrary background spacetime.
Gravitational waveforms generated by unequal mass black hole binaries are expected to be common sources for future gravitational wave detectors. We derived the waveforms emitted by such systems during the last part of the inspiral, when the larger spin dominates over the orbital angular momentum and the smaller spin is negligible. These Spin-Dominated Waveforms (SDW) arise as a double expansion in the post-Newtonian parameter and another parameter proportional to the ratio of the orbital angular momentum and the dominant spin. The time spent by the gravitational wave as an SDW in the sensitivity range of the KAGRA detector is presented for the first time.
Using the pseudo-Newtonian (PN) potential, we estimate the influence of the repulsive cosmological constant Ʌ ~ 1.3×10–56 cm–2 implied by recent cosmological tests onto the motion of both Small and Large Magellanic Clouds (SMC and LMC) in the gravitational field of the Milky Way. The role of the cosmological constant is most conspicuous when binding mass is estimated for the satellite galaxies. We have found a strong influence of cosmic repulsion on the total binding mass for both galaxies. We have found that in some cases, the effect of the cosmic repulsion can be even comparable to the effects of the dynamical friction and the Andromeda galaxy.
We estimate virial masses of galaxy clusters using the parametrized post-Newtonian (PPN) virial theorem. Also, we show explicitly that post-Newtonian corrections can not address the mass discrepancy in the galaxy clusters.
We derive gravitational waveforms needed to compute the 18th post-Newtonian (18PN) order energy flux, i.e. v36 beyond the Newtonian approximation, where υ is the orbital velocity of a test particle, in a circular orbit around a Schwarzschild black hole. Comparing our 18PN formula for the energy flux with high precision numerical results, we find that the relative error of the 18PN flux at the innermost stable circular orbit is about 10−5. Finally, we derive the 8PN expression of the energy flux for circular and equatorial orbits around a Kerr black hole and examine the applicability of our 18PN expressions to the case of the Kerr black hole by combining our 8PN formula for the Kerr black hole.
We present results from calculations of the orbital evolution in eccentric binaries of nonrotating black holes with extreme mass-ratios. Our inspiral model is based on the method of osculating geodesics, and is the first to incorporate the full gravitational self-force (GSF) effect, including conservative corrections. The GSF information is encapsulated in an analytic interpolation formula based on numerical GSF data for over a thousand sample geodesic orbits. We assess the importance of including conservative GSF corrections in waveform models for gravitational-wave searches.
In order to extract physical parameters from the waveform of an extreme-mass-ratio binary, one requires a second-order–accurate description of the motion of the smaller of the two objects in the binary. Using a method of matched asymptotic expansions, I derive the second-order equation of motion of a small, nearly spherical and non-rotating compact object in an arbitrary vacuum spacetime. I find that the motion is geodesic in a certain locally defined effective metric satisfying the vacuum Einstein equation through second order, and I outline a method of numerically determining this effective metric.
We present some recent results on the motion of test bodies with internal structure in General Relativity. On the basis of a multipolar approximation scheme, we study the motion of extended test bodies endowed with an explicit model for the quadrupole. The model is inspired by effective actions recently proposed in the context of the post-Newtonian approximation, including spin-squared and tidal contributions. In the equatorial plane of the Kerr geometry, the motion can be characterized by an effective potential of the binding energy. We compare our findings to recent results for the conservative part of the self-force in astrophysically realistic situations.
We report on numerical simulations of charged-black-hole collisions.We focus on head-on collisions of non-spinning black holes, starting from rest and with the same charge to mass ratio. The addition of charge to black holes introduces a new interesting channel of radiation and dynamics. The amount of gravitational-wave energy generated throughout the collision decreases by about three orders of magnitude as the charge-to-mass ratio is increased from 0 to 0.98. This is a consequence of the smaller accelerations present for larger values of the charge.
Within numerical relativity, the most accurate method available to transport gravitational radiation from a finite worldtube to I+ is characteristic extraction. In this method, the coordinates are based on radially compactified outgoing null cones, the metric is written in Bondi-Sachs form and is evolved into the future using the vacuum Einstein equations. Existing characteristic codes are only second order accurate. Further, because of numerical stability issues, they use a special “parallelogram” algorithm for evolution which cannot be extended to higher order. We develop a new approach that uses the method of lines in both the radial and time directions with angular dependence handled pseudo spectrally. The method can, in principle, be applied to any desired order of convergence, and we have implemented and tested the method for stability and convergence at fourth order.
We present new numerical techniques we developed for launching the first parameter study of magnetized black hole–neutron star (BHNS) mergers, varying the magnetic fields seeded in the initial neutron star. We found that magnetic fields have a negligible impact on the gravitational waveforms and bulk dynamics of the system during merger, regardless of magnetic field strength or BH spin. In a recent simulation, we seeded the remnant disk from an unmagnetized BHNS merger simulation with large-scale, purely poloidal magnetic fields, which are otherwise absent in the full simulation. The outcome appears to be a viable sGRB central engine.
The addition of nuclear and neutrino physics to general relativistic fluid codes allows for a more realistic description of hot nuclear matter in neutron star and black hole systems. This additional microphysics requires that each processor have access to large tables of data, such as equations of state. Modern many-tasking execution models contain special semantic constructs designed to simplify distributed access to such tables and to reduce the negative impact in distributed large table access through network latency hiding measures such as local control objects. We present evolutions of a neutron star obtained using a message driven multi-threaded execution model known as ParalleX.
Direct detection experiments are reporting intriguing indications of a possible dark matter signal, the most noticeable case being the annual modulation effect observed by the DAMA experiments. A relevant interpretation of these results is in terms of light neutralino dark matter, arising in supersymmetric models where gaugino universality is broken. These supersymmetric models possess specific features that differentiate them from more typical supersymmetric scenarios and that can be tested at the LHC.
The DAMA/LIBRA experiment, running at the Gran Sasso National Laboratory of the INFN, has a sensitive mass of about 250 kg highly radiopure NaI(Tl). It is mainly devoted to the investigation of Dark Matter (DM) particles in the Galactic halo by exploiting the model independent DM annual modulation signature. The present DAMA/LIBRA experiment and the former DAMA/NaI one (the first generation experiment having an exposed mass of about 100 kg) have released so far results corresponding to a total exposure of 1.17 ton × yr over 13 annual cycles. They provide a model independent evidence of the presence of DM particles in the galactic halo at 8.9 σ C.L..
CRESST (Cryogenic Rare Event Search with Superconducting Thermometers) is a direct Dark Matter detection experiment located in the Gran Sasso underground laboratory. In 2011, the CRESST–II Dark Matter search completed 730 kgd of data taking operating scintillating CaWO4 crystals at mK temperatures. The simultaneous detection of the deposited energy by the phonon signal and the scintillation light allows the discrimination of the interacting particles on an event-by-event basis. In the acceptance region of the detectors, 67 events where observed in total. A maximum-likelihood analysis shows that an additional signal on top of the known backgrounds of α–, β–, γ–radiation and neutrons is required to explain the observed distribution both in energy and light–yield. The excess signal however is compatible with the signal expected from a WIMP (Weakly Interacting Massive Particle) with a mass in the range of 10–30 GeV/c2.
Recently enlarged, the Canfranc Underground laboratory hosts a multidisciplinary scientific program, with a focus on rare event physics. Up to now, seven experiments have been approved and are being installed at the new facilities. We present the main research activity that our group is developing in the underground facilities: ANAIS, an experiment that will look for dark matter annual modulation with 250 kg of NaI(Tl) scintillators.
We have recently proposed a new scenario where blazars are classified as flat-spectrum radio quasars or BL Lacs according to the prescriptions of unified schemes, and to a varying combination of Doppler boosted radiation from the jet, emission from the accretion disk, the broad line region, and light from the host galaxy. This mix of different components leads to strong selection effects, which are properly taken into account in our scheme. We describe here the main features of our approach, which solves many long-standing issues of blazar research, give the most important results, and discuss its implications and testable predictions.
It is believed that jets emerging from blazars (flat spectrum radio quasars (FSRQs) and BL Lacs) are almost aligned to the line-of-sight. BL Lacs usually exhibit lower luminosity and harder power law spectra at gamma-ray energies than FSRQs. It was argued previously that the difference in accretion rates is mainly responsible for the large observed luminosity mismatch between them. However, when intrinsic luminosities are derived by correcting for beaming effects, this mismatch is significantly reduced. We show that spin plays an important role to reveal the dichotomy of luminosity distributions between BL Lacs and FSRQs, suggesting BL Lacs to be low luminous and slow rotators compared to FSRQs.
We report about recent progress in the first numerical implementations of spectral energy distribution (SED) fits to estimate synchrotron-self Compton (SSC) model parameters. Using two well observed objects, Markarian 421 and Markarian 501, we will highlight the strength of the method, as well as plans for future improvements.
The Milagro experiment was a TeV gamma-ray observatory designed to continuously monitor the overhead sky in the 0.1-100 TeV energy range. It operated from 2000 and 2008 and was characterized by a large field of view (∼ 2 sr) and a high duty cycle (≥ 90%). Here we report on the long-term monitoring of the blazar Mrk 421 with Milagro over the period from September 21, 2005 to March 15, 2008. We present a study of the TeV variability of the source and provide upper limits for the measured flux for different time scales, ranging from one week up to one year.
We summarize recent results based on an analysis of Fermi-LAT data for the lobes of the nearby radio galaxy Centaurus A (Cen A). The high-energy gamma-ray emission extends up to 6 GeV, with a significance of more than 10 and 20 σ for the north and the south lobe, respectively. We provide a short discussion of the lobe's spectral energy distribution (SED) in the context of hadronic and time-dependent leptonic scenarios.
This paper reports on recent results from measurements of energy spectrum and nuclear composition of galactic cosmic rays performed with the IceCube Observatory at the South Pole in the energy range between about 300 TeV and 1 EeV.
A basic quantity in the characterization of relativistic particles is the proton-to-electron (p/e) energy density ratio. We derive a simple approximate expression suitable to estimate this quantity, Up/Ue = (mp/me)(3−q)/2, valid when a nonthermal ‘gas’ of these particles is electrically neutral and the particles' power-law spectral indices are equal — e.g., at injection. This relation partners the well-known p/e number density ratio at 1GeV, Np/Ne = (mp/me)(q−1)/2.
The Pierre Auger Observatory has been designed to investigate the origin and the nature of Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays (UHECRs). Selected results concerning the measurements of the energy spectrum and the mass composition are presented.
The Telescope Array is a hybrid detector using fluorescence telescopes and an array of particle counters to observe extensive air showers generated by ultra-high cosmic rays. The recent results from the experiment, including the energy spectrum, primary mass composition, and a search for anisotropy in arrival directions are reviewed.
We discuss recent developments in gravitational fields with sources, regular black holes, quasiblack holes, and analogue black holes, related to the talks presented at the corresponding Parallel Session AT3 of the 13th Marcel Grossmann Meeting.
We discuss new classes of degenerate horizon geometries in Einstein gravity in all dimensions greater than five. Cross-sections of the horizon are inhomogeneous metrics on 2-sphere and Lens space bundles over any Fano Kähler-Einstein manifold. The horizons are consistent with the known restrictions on the topology and symmetry for black holes.
We consider the radiation emitted in a collision of shock waves, in D-dimensional General Relativity (GR), and describe a remarkably simple pattern, hinting at a more fundamental structure, unveiled by the introduction of the parameter D.
Higher dimensional Ricci-flat black branes suffer from the Gregory-Laflamme instability. In this talk I will present a very simple and efficient long-wavelength approximation to this instability. This hydrodynamic approximation exhibits a conformal symmetry much like in AdS/CFT, where gravitational modes in AdS encode CFT quantities. This fact links to recent developments suggesting that conformal symmetry plays a role in all kinds of black holes, including Ricci-flat ones.
We discuss the peeling bahaviour of the Weyl tensor near null infinity for an asymptotivally flat higher dimensional spacetime and describe how these results can be used to write the Bondi energy flux in terms of “Newman-Penrose” Weyl components.
Main results on a generalization of the Goldberg-Sachs theorem to five-dimensional Einstein spacetimes are briefly overviewed. In particular, we focus on necessary conditions on the optical matrix of a multiple WAND. We point out that there are three canonical classes of 3 × 3 optical matrices, each involving just two parameters. We refer to explicit examples of spacetimes corresponding to each of these forms.
We study exact vacuum solutions to Einstein gravity and quadratic gravity (QG) of the Weyl types N and III. We show that in an arbitrary dimension all Einstein spacetimes of the Weyl type N and a subclass of Einstein type III spacetimes are exact solutions to QG and we refer to explicitly known metrics within these classes. We also study a wider class of spacetimes admitting a pure radiation term in the Ricci tensor. In contrast to the Einstein case, the field equations of generic QG determine optical properties of the geometry and restrict such exact solutions to the Kundt class.
Critical Gravity in D dimensions is discussed from the point of view of its exact solutions. A non-linear realization of the logarithmic modes of linearized Critical Gravity is seen to emerge as a peculiarity of the sector of anti-de Sitter wave solutions.
We consider a class of higher dimensional theories consisting of D-dimensional gravity coupled to a scalar dilaton and a form field propagating over a warped higher dimensional spacetime. In the simplest set-up, the models are characterized by two moduli: one related to the volume of the internal space, the other to the modulus of the warp factor. While the volume-modulus can be fixed by appropriately tuning the gauge field strength, curvature of the internal space, and cosmological constant, the same mechanism cannot work for the warp modulus. Here, we will present a stabilizing mechanism for the warp modulus and its mass in terms of quantum fluctuations from both moduli. We will show that, while quantum effects from the modulus associated to the warp modulus can only provide a stabilization mechanism of the mass scale in a restricted region of the parameter space, quantum effects from the volume modulus offer an efficient mechanism of stabilization.
We present a higher order generalisation of the perturbative method to find the metric after the collision of two Aichelburg-Sexl gravitational shock waves in D-dimensions. A central challenge is to extract a higher order estimate for the inelasticity. We present an adaptation of the Bondi mass loss formula in D-dimensions, which allows us to obtain an expression valid non-perturbatively, for axially symmetric asymptotically flat spaces.
We present a U(1) gauge cosmic string solution on a warped 5-dimensional space time, where we solved the effective 4-dimensional equations modified by the projection of the Weyl tensor on the brane together with the junction and boundary conditions. Where the mass per unit length of the string in the bulk can be of order of the Planck scale, in the brane it will be warped down to unobservable GUT scale. It turns out that the induced 4-dimensional space time does not show asymptotic conical behavior as in the 4D counterpart model. So there is no angle deficit and the space time seems to be unphysical at finite distance from the core of the string. This could explain the absence of observational evidence of the lensing effect cosmic strings would produce and could have consequences for the (2+1)-dimensional related models.
Five-dimensional(5D) black-hole and black-ring formation are investigated numerically. We express the matter with collisionless particles, and prepare these distribution in homogeneous spheroidal and toroidal configurations under the momentarily static assumption. Evolutions are followed by using ADM formalism (4 + 1 decomposition) and solving the geodesic equation. For spheroidal configurations, we repeat the 4D simulations performed by Shapiro and Teukolsky (1991) that announced an appearance of a naked singularity, and discuss the differences in the 5D version. For toroidal configurations, we consider the rotating collisionless particles which consist of equal numbers co-rotating and counterrotating under a certain rotational law. We show topology change of apparent horizon from ring-shaped to spherical shape during its evolution.
We present the vacuum polarisation of a massless, conformally coupled scalar field on the brane for a Schwarzschild–Tangherlini black hole in a bulk of zero to seven additional dimensions.
By computing coordinate time Lyapunov exponent, we prove that for more than four spacetime dimensions (N ≥ 3), there are no Innermost Stable Circular Orbit (ISCO) in charged Myers Perry blackhole spacetime.Using it, we show that the instability of equatorial circular geodesics, both massive and massless particles for such types of blackhole space-times.
Several issues coming from Cosmology, Astrophysics and Quantum Field Theory suggest to extend the General Relativity in order to overcome several shortcomings emerging at conceptual and experimental level. From one hand, standard Einstein theory fails as soon as one wants to achieve a full quantum description of space-time. In fact, the lack of a final self-consistent Quantum Gravity Theory can be considered one of the starting points for alternative theories of gravity. Specifically, the approach based on corrections and enlargements of the Einstein scheme, have become a sort of paradigm in the study of gravitational interaction. On the other hand, such theories have acquired great interest in cosmology since they “naturally” exhibit inflationary behaviours which can overcome the shortcomings of standard cosmology. From an astrophysical point of view, Extended Theories of Gravity do not require to find candidates for dark energy and dark matter at fundamental level; the approach starts from taking into account only the “observed” ingredients (i.e., gravity, radiation and baryonic matter); it is in full agreement with the early spirit of General Relativity but one has to relax the strong hypothesis that gravity acts at same way at all scales. Several scalar-tensor and f(R)-models agree with observed cosmology, extragalactic and galactic observations and Solar System tests, and give rise to new effects capable of explaining the observed acceleration of cosmic fluid and the missing matter effect of self-gravitating structures. Despite these preliminary results, no final model addressing all the open issues is available at the moment, however the paradigm seems promising in order to achieve a complete and self-consistent theory working coherently at all interaction scales.
We construct self/anti-self charge conjugate (Majorana-like) states in the (1/2, 0) ⊕ (0, 1/2) representation of the Lorentz group, and their analogs for higher spins within the quantum field theory. The problem of the basis rotations and that of the selection of phases in the Dirac-like and Majorana-like field operators are considered. The discrete symmetries properties (P, C, T) are studied. The corresponding dynamical equations are presented. In the (1/2, 0) ⊕ (0, 1/2) representation they obey the Dirac-like equation with eight components, which has been first introduced by Markov. Thus, the Fock space for corresponding quantum fields is doubled (as shown by Ziino). The particular attention has been paid to the questions of chirality and helicity (two concepts which are frequently confused in the literature) for Dirac and Majorana states. We further review several experimental consequences which follow from the previous works of M.Kirchbach et al. on neutrinoless double beta decay, and G.J.Ni et al. on meson lifetimes.
We present our Finsler spacetime formalism which extends the standard formulation of Finsler geometry to be applicable in physics. Finsler spacetimes are viable non-metric geometric backgrounds for physics; they guarantee well defined causality, the propagation of light on a non-trivial null structure, a clear notion of physical observers and the existence of physical field theories determining the geometry of space-time dynamically in terms of an extended gravitational field equation. Here we give the precise definition of Finsler spacetimes, the notion of well-defined observers, their measurements and extended Lorentz transformations between them. Moreover we show how to formulate action based field theories.
Stationary, asymptotically flat black holes in scalar-tensor theories of gravity are studied. It is shown that such black holes have no scalar hair and are the same as in General Relativity.
We consider super-inflating solutions in modified gravity for several popular families of f(R) functions. Using scalar field reformulation of f(R)-gravity we describe how the form of effective scalar field potential can be used for explaining existence of stable superinflation solutions in the theory under consideration. Several new solutions of this type have been found analytically…
In this paper we show how in the most natural extension of gravity with torsion, fermion fields are endowed with running coupling in spinorial interaction that are eventually shown to reproduce the strength and structure of the leptonic weak forces.
We review a class of higher derivative theories of gravity consistent at quantum level. This class is marked by a non-polynomal entire function (form factor), which averts extra degrees of freedom (including ghosts) and improves the high energy behaviour of the loop amplitudes. By power counting arguments, it is proved that the theory is superrenormalizable, i.e. only one-loop divergences survive. At classical level, black holes and cosmological solutions are singularity free.
Horava-Lifshitz gravity has covariance only under the foliation-preserving diffeomorphism. This implies that the quantities on the constant-time hypersurfaces should be regular. In the original theory, the projectability condition which strongly restricts the lapse function is proposed. We assume that a star is filled with a perfect fluid, that it has the reflection symmetry about the equatorial plane. As a result, we find a no-go theorem for stationary axisymmetric star solutions in projectable Horava-Lifshitz gravity under the physically reasonable assumptions on the matter sector.
Thermodynamics of extended gravity static spherically symmetric black hole solutions is investigated. The energy issue is discussed making use of the derivation of Clausius relation from equations of motion, evaluating the black hole entropy by the Wald method and computing the related Hawking temperature.
The importance of Astrometry as a powerful technique for accurate tests of gravity theories has constantly grown during the last years. Usually these tests are formulated in the framework of the PPN formalism. We provide a short review of the forthcoming experimental scenario, and suggest how its results can be reformulated and interpreted in the context of the Extended Theories of Gravity.
The chameleon mechanism appearing in massive tensor-scalar theory of gravity can effectively reduce the nonminimal coupling between the scalar field and matter. This mechanism is invoked to reconcile cosmological data requiring introduction of Dark Energy with small-scale stringent constraints on General Relativity. In this communication, we present constraints on this mechanism obtained by a cosmological analysis (based on Supernovae Ia data) and by a Solar System analysis (based on PPN formalism).
Two Measures Field Theory (TMT) uses both the Riemannian volume element and a new one Φd4x, this new measure of integration Φ can be build of four scalar fields or a totally antisymmetric three index field. Here we summarize the basic idea of the theory, present some arguments in favour, and present applications of TMT to cosmology and particle physics.
This article presents an extended model of gravity obtained by gauging the AdS-Mawell algebra. It involves additional fields that shift the spin connection, leading effectively to theory of two independent connections. Extension of algebraic structure by another tetrad gives rise to the model described by a pair of Einstein equations.
We present a new model of gravity which explicitly breaks Lorentz-invariance by the introduction of a unit time-like vector field, thereby giving rise to an extra (scalar) degree of freedom. We discuss its cosmology, exact solutions and the dynamics of the scalar mode. We show that it predicts inflation without an inflaton and admits the black hole solutions of General Relativity (GR). We argue that the scalar mode is well behaved and contains none of the pathologies previously found in similar models.
We present an extension of general relativity in which an f(R) term á la Palatini is added to the usual metric Einstein-Hilbert Lagrangian. Expressing the theory in a dynamically equivalent scalar-tensor form, we show that it can pass the Solar System observational tests even if the scalar field is very light or massless. Applications to cosmology and astrophysics, and some exact solutions are discussed.
In this paper we consider a tomographic representation of quantum cosmology, in which tomograms (i.e. a standard positive probability distribution function) describe the quantum state of universe in place of the the wave function or density matrices. Extending this representation to classical cosmology we define a classical tomogram in order to reconstruct the initial conditions of the universe.
A metric approach through mass-length acceleration scales is built in regions where usually dark matter and dark energy are introduced. The approach is based on pure observations of dynamical motion of stars and of bending of light through gravitational lensing. A first cosmological calibration is done using the SNIa magnitude-redshift relation and turns out to be equivalent with the approach made at galactic and extragalactic scales.
Significative developments on the primordial black hole quantization seem to indicate that the structure formation in the universe behaves under a unified scheme. This leads to the existence of scaling relations, whose validity could offer insights on the process of unification between quantum mechanics and gravity. Encouraging results have been obtained in order to recover the observed magnitudes of angular momenta, peculiar radii and virialized times for large and small structures. In the cosmological regime, we show that it seems possible to infer the magnitude of the cosmological constant in terms of the matter density, in agreement with the observed values.
We consider a maximal extension of the Hilbert-Einstein action and analyze several interesting features of the theory. More specifically, the motion is non-geodesic and takes place in the presence of an extra force. These models could lead to some major differences, as compared to the predictions of General Relativity or other modified theories of gravity, in several problems of current interest, such as cosmology, gravitational collapse or the generation of gravitational waves. Thus, the study of these phenomena may also provide some specific signatures and effects, which could distinguish and discriminate between the various gravitational models.
Recently, a unified model of the primordial inflation and the present cosmic acceleration has been proposed in the context of f(R) gravity. In this model, the reheating dynamics after the inflation is significantly altered. We investigated the reheating dynamics and found that typical parameter range of the model has already been excluded by the observations of cosmic microwave background and gravitational waves…
In f(R) extensions of General Relativity the Palatini approach provides ghost-free theories with second-order field equations and allows to obtain charged black hole solutions which depart from the standard Reissner-Nordström solution.
We consider a static cylindrically symmetric spacetime with elastic matter and show that the Einstein field equations can be reduced to a system of two nonlinear ordinary differential equations. We present analytical and numerical solutions satisfying the dominant energy conditions. The solutions are matched at a finite radius to suitable exteriors given by the Linet-Tian spacetime.
We consider static conformally flat cylindrically symmetric spacetimes with a cosmological constant and study the matching problem with the exterior Linet-Tian spacetime. We show that the matching is impossible if Λ < 0.
We investigate static inhomogeneous charged planar black hole solutions of the Einstein- Maxwell system in an asymptotically anti-de Sitter spacetime. Within the framework of linear perturbations, the inhomogeneous solutions predict that the Cauchy horizon always disappears for any wavelength perturbation. For extremal black holes, we analytically show that an observer freely falling into the black hole feels infinite tidal force at the horizon for any long wavelength perturbation, even though the Kretschmann scalar curvature invariant remains small.
We discuss a method to study linear perturbations of generic rotating spacetimes in the slow-rotation limit. The framework is valid for any perturbation field and it is particularly advantageous when the field equations are not separable. Using this approach, we show that massive vector perturbations in the Kerr metric exibit strong superradiant instabilities, which put competitive constraints on the mass of the photon: mγ ≲ 10−20 eV.
Continuous sequences of asymptotically flat solutions to the Einstein-Maxwell equations describing regular equilibrium configurations of ordinary matter can reach a black hole limit. For a distant observer, the spacetime becomes more and more indistinguishable from the metric of an extreme Kerr-Newman black hole outside the horizon when approaching the limit. From an internal perspective, a still regular but non-asymptotically flat spacetime with the extreme Kerr-Newman near-horizon geometry at spatial infinity forms at the limit. Interesting special cases are sequences of Papapetrou-Majumdar distributions of electrically counterpoised dust leading to extreme Reissner-Nordström black holes and sequences of rotating uncharged fluid bodies leading to extreme Kerr black holes.
We present results concerning the existence of static electrically charged spheres made by a charged perfect fluid with polytropic equation of state that are arbitrarily close to a quasiblack hole configuration. The study is performed by solving the Tolman-Oppenheimer- Volkoff equation, by assuming that the charge distribution is proportional to the energy density. We search for compact equilibrium configurations and verify that the extremal limit for charged polytropic spheres, i.e., the quasiblack hole limit, is approached when considering high polytropic indexes and large charge densities.
Quadratic gravity is a general class of quantum-gravity-inspired theories, where the Einstein–Hilbert action is extended through the addition of all terms quadratic in the curvature tensor coupled to a scalar field. In this article, we focus on the scalar Gauss– Bonnet (sGB) theory and consider the black hole binary inspiral in this theory. By applying the post-Newtonian (PN) formalism, we found that there is a scalar dipole radiation which leads to -1PN correction in the energy flux relative to gravitational radiation in general relativity. From the orbital decay rate of a low-mass X-ray binary A0600-20, we obtain the bound that is six orders of magnitude stronger than the current solar system bound. Furthermore, we show that the excess in the orbital decay rate of XTE J1118+480 can be explained by the scalar radiation in sGB theory.
We give a summary of quasiblack hole properties with special emphasis on the drawing of the corresponding Carter-Penrose diagrams.
We discuss a general procedure to generate a class of (everywhere regular) solutions of Einstein equations that can have an (a-priori fixed) arbitrary number of horizons. We then report on work currently in progress i) to find a suitable classification scheme for the maximal extension of these solutions and ii) to interpret the source term in Einstein equations as an effective contribution arising from higher dimensional and/or modified gravity.
Black brane solutions with scalar hair and with non-AdS asymptotics have several features that make them very interesting for holographic applications: (1) They allow to circumvent usual no-hair theorems; (2) They may have a non singular extremal limit in the form of a scalar soliton that interpolates between AdS and non-AdS vacua; (3) They allow for phase transitions between the Schwarzschild-AdS (SADS) and scalar dressed black branes; (4) They give an holographic realization of hyperscaling violation in critical systems. In this note I illustrate these features using an exact integrable Einstein-scalar gravity model.
We study a gauge field subsystem which is of a special non-linear form containing a square-root of the Maxwell term and which previously has been shown to produce a QCD-like confining gauge field dynamics in flat space-time. The condition of finite energy of the system or asymptotic flatness on one side of the horned particle implies that the charged object sitting at the throat expels all the flux it produces into the other side of the horned particle, which turns out to be of a “tube-like” nature. An outside observer in the asymptotically flat universe detects, therefore, apparently neutral object. The hiding of the electric flux behind the tube-like region of a horned particle is the only possible way that a truly charged particle can still be of finite energy, in a theory that in flat space describes confinement…
We construct a regular black hole model which is constituted of a de Sitter core, a massive shell and Reissner-Nordstrüm spacetime. We obtain some stationary solutions and the parameters of the solutions range in limited region. And the stable solutions have positive mass of the shell.
Gravitational vacuum condensate stars or gravastars have been proposed as the final state of complete gravitational collapse, consistent with all quantum and statistical principles. In this brief contribution the main features of gravastars are summarized and the prospects for observationally distinguishing them from black holes are discussed.
We consider the possibility that wormhole geometries are sustained by their own quantum fluctuations, in the context of noncommutative geometry and Gravity's Rainbow models. More specifically, the energy density of the graviton one-loop contribution to a classical energy in a wormhole background is considered as a self-consistent source for wormholes. In this semi-classical context, we consider the effects of a smeared particle-like source in noncommutative geometry and of the Rainbow's functions in sustaining wormhole geometries…
We present an investigation of the quasinormal modes of the draining bathtub using three different methods, namely: finite difference, continued fraction and geodesic expansion. We compare the results obtained with these different approaches.
A fundamental property in wormhole physics is the flaring-out condition of the throat, which through the Einstein field equation entails the violation of the null energy condition. In the context of modified theories of gravity, it has also been shown that the normal matter can be imposed to satisfy the energy conditions, and it is the higher order curvature terms, interpreted as a gravitational fluid, that sustain these non-standard wormhole geometries, fundamentally different from their counterparts in general relativity. We review recent work in wormhole physics in the context of modified theories of gravity.
A classical analogue to the Aharonov-Bohm (AB) effect occurs in a (idealized) draining bathtub (DBT) vortex system. The DBT vortex presents a sonic horizon, at which the flow rate exceeds the speed of sound. The sonic horizon is the analogue of a black hole event horizon. The DBT vortex also presents an ergoregion, similar to a rotating black hole. Because of the sonic event horizon, the AB effect is modified and has two tuning coefficients proportional to the flow draining and circulation couplings with the perturbation frequency.
In this article a discussion of Analogue Gravity is presented in relation with its recently discovered relation, valid at any perturbative order, with the nonlinear Von Mises wave equation of fluid dynamics. A discussion of the role of the acoustic metric at nonlinear level is presented.
We discuss some consequences of changing the matter to gravity coupling without affecting the gravitational dynamics. The Einstein tensor is usually assumed to be proportional to the stress tensor due to the divergence free property of both object. This is not the only consistent way to couple matter to gravity; we explore some aspect of consistent modification to the matter/gravity coupling using the recently proposed Eddington inspired Born Infeld extension of gravity.
In this work we present an analytical solution of a slowly rotating black hole in a modified theory of gravity in four dimensions, described by the Einstein-Hilbert action plus all quadratic, algebraic curvature invariants, generically coupled to a single scalar field. We explicitly show the frequencies of the innermost stable circular orbits and the light ring in this modified theory of gravity, to first order in the spin parameter.
We discuss static, spherically symmetric solutions with an electric field in a quadratic extension of general relativity formulated in the Palatini approach (assuming that metric and connection are independent fields). Unlike the usual metric formulation of this theory, the field equations are second-order and ghost-free. It is found that the resulting black holes present a central core whose area is proportional to the Planck area times the number of charges. Some of these solutions are nonsingular. In this case, the charge-to-mass ratio implies that the core matter density is independent of the specific amounts of charge and mass and of order the Planck density.
We analyze the apparent horizon dynamics in the inhomogeneous Clifton-Mota-Barrow solution of Brans-Dicke theory. This solution models a central matter configuration embedded in a cosmological background. In certain regions of the parameter space we find solutions exhibiting dynamical creation or merging of two horizons.
I review the theoretical aspects and phenomenology of a class of gravitational theories incorporating violation of the Lorentz invariance. The observational constraints on the parameters of these theories following from the tests of general relativity, as well as the consequences of the Lorentz violation in the dark energy and dark matter sectors are discussed.
We use a dynamical systems analysis to investigate the future behaviour of Einstein-aether cosmological models. In particular, we study the inflationary scenario.
Recently, there has been a lot of progress in the area of non-linear massive gravity. A theory free from the Boulware-Deser ghost has been proposed by de Rham, Gabadadze, Tolley (dRGT). We clarify some of its existing formulations, and provide a new and elegant alternative approach to the counting of the number of degrees of freedom of dRGT theory.
The recent discovery of a ghost-free, non-linear extension of the Fierz—Pauli theory of massive gravity, and its bigravity formulation, introduced new possibilities of interpreting cosmological observations, in particular, the apparent late-time accelerated expansion of the Universe. Here we discuss such possibilities by studying the background cosmology of the model and comparing its predictions to different cosmological measurements. We place constraints on the model parameters through an extensive statistical analysis of the model, and compare its viability to that of the standard model of cosmology. We demonstrate that the model can yield perfect fits to the data and is capable of explaining the cosmic acceleration in the absence of an explicit cosmological constant or dark energy, but there are a few caveats that must be taken into account when interpreting the results.
A brief summary of some of the main consequences of spontaneous Lorentz violation in gravity is presented, including evasion of a no-go theorem, concomitant spontaneous diffeomorphism breaking, the appearance of massless Nambu-Goldstone modes and massive Higgs modes, and the possibility of a Higgs mechanism in gravity.
As a first step toward understanding a lanscape of vacua in a theory of non-linear massive gravity, we consider a landscape of a single scalar field and study tunneling between a pair of adjacent vacua. We study the Hawking-Moss (HM) instanton that sits at a local maximum of the potential, and evaluate the dependence of the tunneling rate on the parameters of the theory. It is found that provided with the same physical HM Hubble parameter HH M, depending on the values of parameters α3 and α4 in the action, the corresponding tunneling rate can be either enhanced or suppressed when compared to the one in the context of General Relativity (GR). Furthermore, we find the constraint on the ratio of the physical Hubble parameter to the fiducial one, which constrains the form of potential. This result is in sharp contrast to GR where there is no bound on the minimum value of the potential.
We summarise some results of work in progress in collaboration with Giovanni Amelino-Camelia about momentum dependent (Rainbow) metrics in a Relative Locality framework and we show that this formalism is equivalent to the Hamiltonian formalization of Relative Locality obtained in arXiv:1102.4637.
Massive Gravity or Massive General Relativity (MGR) is a modification of GR originated from the very natural question: what is the way to give the graviton a mass? This question was partially answered back in the 1930's by Fierz and Pauli who wrote down a theory of a massive spin 2 field in Minkowski background. However, the generalization to the full self-gravitating case was proved to be notoriously difficult due hurdles like the van Dam–Veltman–Zakharov (vDVZ) discontinuity and the discovery of the Boulware–Deser (BD) ghost…
The purpose of this contribution is to elucidate some of the properties of Shape Dynamics (SD) and is largely based on the longer article. We shall point out some of the key differences between SD and related theoretical constructions, illustrate the central mechanism of symmetry trading in electromagnetism and finally point out some new quantization strategies inspired by SD. We refrain from describing mathematical detail and from citing literature. For both we refer to1.
Massive gravity may be viewed as a suitable limit of bimetric gravity. The limiting procedure can lead to an interesting interplay between the “background” and “foreground” metrics in a cosmological context. The fact that in bimetric theories one always has two sets of metric equations of motion continues to have an effect even in the massive gravity limit. Thus, solutions of bimetric gravity in the limit of vanishing kinetic term are also solutions of massive gravity, but the contrary statement is not necessarily true…
We study a theory of dilaton gravity in a 5D brane scenario, with the dilaton nonminimally coupled to the matter content of the universe localized on the brane. We investigate whether the observed large-scale structure of the universe can exist on the brane in the effective 4D dilaton gravity model with an exact anti de Sitter bulk. The corresponding constraint on the spatial derivative of the matter energy density is derived, and subsequently quantified using the current limits resulting from searches for variation of Newton's constant. By confronting it with the observational data from galaxy surveys, we show that the derived bound does not allow for the existence of the large-scale structure as is observed today. Thus, such a dilaton gravity brane scenario is ruled out.
We show how generic off—diagonal cosmological solutions depending, in general, on all spacetime coordinates can be constructed in massive gravity using the anholonomic frame deformation method. Such metrics describe the late time acceleration due to effective cosmological terms induced by nonlinear off—diagonal interactions and graviton mass and include matter, graviton mass and other effective sources modelling nonlinear gravitational and matter fields interactions with polarization of physical constants and deformations of metrics, which may explain certain dark energy and dark matter effects.
Rotation curves of spiral galaxies are fundamental tools in the study of dark matter. Here we test the Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) dark matter model against rotation curve data of High and Low Surface Brightness (HSB and LSB) galaxies, respectively. When the rotational velocities increase over the whole observed range, the fit of the BEC model is similar to the one of the Navarro-Frenk-White (NFW) dark matter model. When however the rotation curves exhibit long flat regions, the NFW profiles provide a slightly better fit.
The importance of choosing suitable tetrads for the study of exact solutions in f(T) gravity is discussed. For any given metric, we define the concept of good tetrads as the tetrads satisfying the field equations without constrainig the function f(T). Employing local Lorentz transformations, good tetrads in the context of spherical symmetry are found for Schwarzschild-de Sitter solutions.
We investigate the Weyl space-time extension of general relativity. We have derived the equations of evolution for expansion, shear and rotation. We have performed the study of the FLRW cosmology through focusing and defocusing of the geodesic congruences in the Weyl space-time. In particular, the Einstein-Palatini formalism turns out to reduce to a subclass of this spacetime, the Weyl integrable space-time (WIST). In this particular case we have considered the Starobinsky modification, f(R) = R + βR2 − 2Λ, of gravity in order to study the formation of the caustics. In this model, it is possible to have a Big Bang singularity free cyclic Universe but unfortunately the periodicity turns out to be extremely short.
We test the consistency of the cosmic growth of structure predicted by General Relativity (GR) and the cosmic expansion history predicted by the cosmological constant plus cold dark matter paradigm (ΛCDM) by combining galaxy cluster data from ROSAT and Chandra, cosmic microwave background (CMB) data from WMAP, and galaxy clustering data from WiggleZ, 6dFGS and SDSS-III BOSS. The combination of these three independent, well studied measurements of the evolution of the mean energy density and its fluctuations is able to break strong degeneracies between growth parameters. To further tighten the constraints on the expansion parameters, we also include supernova, Cepheid variable and baryon acoustic oscillation data. For a spatially flat geometry, accounting for systematic uncertainties, and allowing for convenient departures from the expansion and growth histories of GR+ΛCDM, we obtain results that are in excellent agreement with this model and represent the tightest and most robust simultaneous constraint on cosmic growth and expansion to date.
We consider Jordan frame scalar-tensor gravity with arbitrary potential and coupling functions in flat Friedmann-Lemaître-Robertson-Walker cosmological spacetimes, in the dust matter and potential dominated epochs. We develop and apply an approximation scheme in the regime close to the so-called limit of general relativity and solve the ensuing nonlinear equations for the scalar field and Hubble parameter analytically in cosmological time. This allows us to recognize the theories with solutions that asymptotically converge to general relativity and draw some implications about the cosmological dynamics near this limit. Further, we also apply these methods and get some results in the generalized case with multiple scalar fields.
We study linear perturbations around static, spherically-symmetric spacetimes in f(R, C) theory, the nondynamical and dynamical Chern-Simons theory, and the most general scalar-tensor theory with second-order field equations. By explicitly constructing the second order action, we have derived the no-ghost condition and the no-tachyon condition, and the propagation speed for each mode.
A simplification of the full teleparallel theory of gravity is considered. The theory, resembling electrodynamics, admits a full hamiltonian treatment and yields the standard algebra of the scalar and vector constraints. The structure of the scalar constraint is very similar to the one obtained in the case of the full theory.
This paper shows how a quasi-Newton's law of gravitation, relying on an erfc potential, can be derived when a statistical pattern recognition paradigm based on the Bayes' law and the Central Limit Theorem is applied to the Einstein's field equation. This method incorporates a probabilistic factor that takes into account the probability of presence of a given energy-momentum density in its corresponding 4D curved spacetime manifold. The resulting symmetric and axisymmetric metrics and their corresponding geometries are briefly investigated.
In second-order scalar-tensor theories we study how the Vainshtein mechanism works in a spherically symmetric background with a matter source. In the presence of the field coupling with the Ricci scalar we generally derive the Vainshtein radius within which the General Relativistic behavior is recovered even for the coupling constant of the order of unity. Our analysis covers the models such as the extended Galileon and Brans-Dicke theories with a dilatonic field self-interaction. We show that, if these models are responsible for the cosmic acceleration today, the corrections to gravitational potentials are generally small enough to be compatible with local gravity constraints.
The effect of a universal scalar/matter coupling are investigated in Scalar-Tensor theories where the scalar potential is null. It is shown that the metric can be put in its standard post-Newtonian form. However, considering an effective Lagrangian for the matter field, it is pointed out that 1 − γ could be either positive, null or negative for finite value of ω, depending on the coupling function; while Scalar-Tensor theories without coupling always predict γ < 1 for finite value of ω.
In this work an extension to Eddington's gravitational action is analyzed. We consider the tensor perturbations of a FLRW space-time in the Eddington regime in where the tensor mode is linearly unstable deep and the resulting modifications to Einstein regime are quite strong.
The Noether symmetries with gauge term are studied for the f(R) cosmological model. By utilization of the Noether Symmetry approach, we obtain a time-varying invariant for the Lagrangian despite the fact that it does not depends on time explicitly.
We examine a flat (N + 1)-dimensional universe filled with a homogeneous magnetic field in Gauss-Bonnet gravity and take an interest in the behavior of cosmological solutions near the singularity.
We present numerical evidence for the existence of balanced black ring solutions in d ≥ 6 spacetime dimensions. They approach asymptotically the Minkowski background and have a regular event horizon with S1 × Sd−3 topology, the case d = 6 being studied in a systematic way. The black ring solutions are found within a nonperturbative approach, by directly solving the Einstein field equations with suitable boundary conditions.
Various higher-dimensional black holes have been shown to be unstable by studying linearized gravitational perturbations. A simpler method for demonstrating instability is to find initial data that describes a small perturbation of the black hole and violates a Penrose inequality. We use the method to confirm the existence of the “ultraspinning” instability of Myers-Perry black holes. We also study black rings and show that “fat” black rings are unstable. We find no evidence of any rotationally symmetric instability of “thin” black rings.
The dimensional reduction of (the bosonic sector of) five-dimensional minimal supergravity to four dimensions leads to a theory with a massless axion and a dilaton coupled to gravity and two U(1) gauge fields (one of which has Chern-Simons coupling), whose field equations have SL(2, R) invariance. Utilizing this SL(2, R)-duality in the dimensionally reduced spacetime, we provide a new formalism for solution generation. Using the SL(2, R)-duality, we construct general Kaluza-Klein black hole solutions which carry six independent charges, its mass, angular momentum along four dimensions, electric and magnetic charges of the Maxwell fields in addition to Kaluza-Klein electric and magnetic monopole charges.
We construct a new exact solution describing a charged black hole on the Taub-Bolt instanton within the five-dimensional Einstein-Maxwell-dilaton gravity. Some general relations regarding the properties of the 5D black holes on asymptotically locally flat gravitational instantons are derived and demonstrated on the constructed solution, including a Smarr-like relation.
We present a new solution in 5D Einstein-Maxwell-dilaton gravity describing an equilibrium configuration of extremal rotating black holes with lens space horizon topologies. The basic properties of the solution are investigated and the physical quantities are calculated. It is shown that the black hole horizons are superconducting in the sense that they expel the magnetic flux lines.
In this talk I review some basic results on rotating black rings on Taub-NUT, which are generalisations of the Emparan–Reall and Pomeransky–Sen'kov black rings to a Taub-NUT background space. The talk is based on the authors' published work in Ref. 1.
We show that there exist chaotic bound orbits of a particle around a singly rotating black ring in five-dimensions by using Poincaré map.
we show the existence of the regular thermodynamic black di-ring system, in which the temperatures and angular velocities of the inner black ring and the outer black ring in the system are the same so that the system may be considered globally thermal equilibrium states. We also comment on some peculiar properties of the thermodynamic black di-ring system.
We consider equilibrium configurations of strongly magnetized neutron stars. Within full general relativity and assuming axisymmetry, we construct rotating stars with both poloidal and toroidal fields. Using a self-consistent field approach, we investigate the relative contributions from both magnetic components.
Spin-down rates of 6 X-ray pulsars inferred from observations of their spin-down trends are presented. We note that these pulsars brake harder than it is expected in the conventional accretion scenarios. The observed rapid spin-down favors the magnetic accretion scenario in which the neutron star is accreting material from a magnetized wind. The observed spin-down rate in this case can be explained provided the neutron star accretes from a non-Keplerian magnetic slab and the interchange instabilities of its magnetospheric boundary are suppressed.
The coefficients that determine the electron heat transfer and diffusion in the crust of neutron stars are calculated on the basis of a solution of the Boltzmann equation with allowance for degeneracy.
We study non-thermal processes produced by the injection of relativistic particles in a strongly magnetized corona around an accreting black hole. The spectral energy distribution produced in this component of X-ray binaries can be strongly affected by different interactions between locally injected relativistic particles and the different fields of the source. We compute in a self-consistent way the effects of relativistic Bremsstrahlung, inverse Compton scattering, synchrotron radiation, and pair-production/annihilation of leptons, as well as of hadronic interactions. Our goal is to determine the non-thermal broadband radiative output of the corona. The set of coupled kinetic equations for electrons, positrons, protons and photons are solved and the resulting particle distributions are computed self-consistently. We apply our model to Cygnus X-1 obtaining a good fit of the observational data.
In this contribution we discuss the dynamics of a twisted fully relativistic accretion disc around a slowly rotating black hole. At first, we outline the derivation of basic equations assuming that geometrical thickness of disc, inclination angle of its rings with respect to the black hole equatorial plane and rotation parameter of the black hole are small. Then, we analyse the shapes of the stationary twisted configurations for a particular case of the Novikov-Thorne model of the disc.
The conditional symmetries of the reduced Einstein–Hilbert action emerging from a static, spherically symmetric geometry are used as supplementary conditions on the wave function. Based on their integrability conditions, only one of the three existing symmetries can be consistently imposed, while the unique Casimir invariant, being the product of the remaining two symmetries, is calculated as the only possible second condition on the wave function. This quadratic integral of motion is identified with the reparametrization generator, as an implication of the uniqueness of the dynamical evolution, by fixing a suitable parametrization of the r-lapse function. In this parametrization, the determinant of the supermetric plays the role of the measure. The combined Wheeler–DeWitt and linear conditional symmetry equations are analytically solved. The solutions obtained depend on the product of the two “scale factors”.
We study orbits and accretion disks around Kerr black holes in f(R) gravity with constant curvature and compare the results of the emitted spectra with what is expected in General Relativity.
We investigate possible signatures of a Kerr naked singularity (superspinar) in the profiled spectral lines of radiation emitted by monochromatically and isotropically radiating point sources forming a Keplerian ring or disc around such compact object. We have found out that the profiled spectral line of the radiating Keplerian ring can be splitted into two parts due to the fact that there is no event horizon in the naked singularity spacetimes.
We obtain the absorption cross section of Reissner-Nordström black holes when the incident wave is purely gravitational. We verify the equality between Gravitational and Electromagnetic Absorption Cross Sections of Extreme Reissner-Nordström Black Holes.
We compute the proper time principal Lyapunov exponent(LE) for extremal Reissner Nordstrøm(RN) space-time which is precisely zero for the geodesics r0 = rc = M.
Kerr naked singularities (superspinars) have to be efficiently converted to a black hole due to accretion from Keplerian discs. In the final stages of the conversion process the near-extreme Kerr naked singularities (superspinars) provide a variety of extraordinary physical phenomena. Such superspinning Kerr geometries can serve as an efficient accelerator for extremely high-energy collisions enabling direct and clear demonstration of the outcomes of the collision processes. We shall discuss the efficiency and visibility of the ultra-high energy collisions in the deepest parts of the gravitational well of superspinning near-extreme Kerr geometries for the whole variety of particles freely falling from infinity. We demonstrate that the ultra high-energy processes can be obtained with no fine tuning of the motion constants and the products of the collision can escape to infinity with efficiency higher than in the case of the near-extreme black holes.
We study the scalar sector of the quasinormal modes of charged general relativistic, static and spherically symmetric black holes coupled to nonlinear electrodynamics and embedded in a class of scalar-tensor theories. It turns out that for certain values of the parameters unstable modes are present. This implies the existence of scalar-tensor black holes with primary hair that bifurcate from the embedded general relativistic black-hole solutions at critical values of the parameters corresponding to the static zero-modes. We prove that such scalar-tensor black holes really exist by solving the full system of scalartensor field equations for the static, spherically symmetric case. The obtained branches of hairy black holes are in one to one correspondence with the bounded states of the potential governing the linear perturbations of the scalar field. The stability of the new hairy black holes is also examined.
The following sections are included:
Bañados, Silk and West have indicated that Kerr black holes act as particle accelerators to arbitrarily high energy. In this context, we discuss the relevance of an ISCO particle around a nearly maximally rotating black hole. This implies that high-velocity collisions of compact objects are naturally expected around a rapidly rotating supermassive black hole. We also discuss that the particle acceleration would not be so sensitive to gravitational radiation reaction if the mass ratio of the inspiraling particle to the black hole is sufficiently small.
The extreme limit of the Kerr solution has recently attracted much attention, see and references therein. We have investigated hypersurfaces called velocity-of-light surfaces for extreme and near extreme Kerr.
We present an expression for the center-of-mass (CM) energy of two colliding general geodesic massive and massless particles around a Kerr black hole. We show that the CM energy can be arbitrarily high only in the limit to the horizon and then derive a formula for the CM energy of two general geodesic particles colliding near the horizon. To have an arbitrarily high CM energy, the angular momentum of either of the two particles must be fine-tuned to the critical value. We show that, in the direct collision scenario, the collision with an arbitrarily high CM energy can occur near the horizon of maximally rotating black holes not only at the equator but also on a belt centered at the equator. This belt lies between latitudes .
We analyze several approaches at obtaining a fluid interpretation for a fully dynamical solution of Einstein's equations describing an accreting (or evaporating) black hole in an expanding universe, using the generalized McVittie solution as a starting point. We show that a description in terms of multiple perfect fluids is severely constrained by consistency checks of the field equations. Extending the analysis to consider imperfect fluids alleviates some of these difficulties.
The entropy of the Schwarzschild-anti de Sitter black hole in the recently proposed four-dimensional critical gravity is trivial in the Euclidean action formulation, while it can be expressed by the area law in terms of the brick wall method given by 't Hooft. To resolve this discrepancy, we relate the Euclidean action formulation to the brick wall method semiclassically, and show that the entropy of the black hole can be expressed by the area law even at the critical point.
Previously we investigated classical motion of a string in (3+1)-dimensional spherically symmetric neutral and charged black holes. As an extension the solutions in (3+1)-dimensional axially symmetric rotating black hole are investigated. The solutions for the wiggly string exhibit open strings lying in the radial direction in the equatorial plane outside the horizon.
In this work we study linear fields on Kerr's spacetime, both in the region behind the Cauchy horizon of a black hole, and in the a2 > M2 naked singularity. The main result is the proof of existence of a family of axially symmetric unstable (i.e exponentially growing in time) modes satisfying appropriate spatial boundary conditions for all relevant linear fields: gravitational perturbations, electromagnetic fields, Weyl spinors and massless scalar fields. We then argue that these spacetimes are lineary unstable, and use this as an argument that favours the cosmic censorship hypotesis. We also give details related to the field reconstruction for the case of the electromagnetic perturbation, and study the behaviour of the unstable fields near the ring singularity.
Four decades after its first postulation by Bekenstein, black hole entropy remains mysterious. It has long been suggested that the entanglement entropy of quantum fields on the black hole gravitational background should represent at least an important contribution to the total Bekenstein-Hawking entropy, and that the divergences in the entanglement entropy should be absorbed in the renormalization of the gravitational couplings. In this talk, we describe how an improved understanding of black hole entropy is obtained by combining these notions with the renormalization group. By introducing an RG flow scale, we investigate whether the total entropy of the black hole can be partitioned in a “gravitational” part related to the flowing gravitational action, and a “quantum” part related to the unintegrated degrees of freedom. We describe the realization of this idea for free fields, and the complications and qualifications arising for interacting fields.
We review the Seiberg-Witten instability of topological black holes in Anti-de Sitter space due to nucleation of brane-anti-brane pairs. We start with black holes in general relativity, and then proceed to discuss the peculiar property of topological black holes in Hořava-Lifshitz gravity – they have instabilities that occur at only finite range of distance away from the horizon. This behavior is not unique to black holes in Hořava-Lifshitz theory, as it is also found in the relatively simple systems of charged black hole with dilaton hair that arise in low energy limit of string theory.
We investigate the four dimensional gravitational theories which admit homogeneous but anisotropic black brane solutions in asymptotically AdS spacetime. The gravitational theories we consider are 1) Einstein-Maxwell-dilaton theory, and 2) Einstein-Maxwelldilaton- axion theory with SL(2, Z) symmetry. We obtain the solutions both analytically and numerically. Our solutions approach singular behavior at the horizon in the extremal limit but in non-extremal case, they are smooth everywhere. We also discuss how the third law of thermodynamics holds in our set-up.
In the Einstein-dilaton theory, we find a Schwarzschild-type black hole solution, whose asymptotic geometry is described by the warped geometry and which is thermodynamically stable in some parameter range. Applying the gauge/gravity duality, we find that the dual theory corresponds to a relativistic non-conformal theory with the equation of state depending on the non-conformality.
We study a class of holographic superconductors dual to Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet AdS gravity coupled to nonlinear matter fields. We find an exact formula for the free energy of this system in any dimension and an approximate formula in terms of the thermodynamic quantities. We provide a simple method to select the couplings that admit charged black hole solutions in the bulk and have phase transitions on the boundary.
We consider a discrete model of a stretched horizon of the Schwarzschild black hole. Using our model it is possible to obtain an explicit, analytic expression for the partition function of the hole. Among other things, our partition function implies the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy law and provides a microscopic explanation to the Hawking effect.
We give a detailed treatment of the back-reaction effects on the Hawking spectrum in the semiclassical approach to the Hawking radiation. We solve the exact system of non linear equations giving the action of the system, by a rigorously convergent iterative procedure. The first two terms of such an expansion give the O(ω/M) correction to the Hawking spectrum.
We observe the past and present of the universe, but can we predict the far future? Observations suggest that in thousands of billions of years from now most matter and radiation will be absorbed by the cosmological horizon. As it absorbs the contents of the universe, the cosmological horizon is pushed further and further away. In time, the universe asymptotes towards an equilibrium state of the gravitational field. Flat Minkowski space is the limit of this process. It is indistinguishable from a space with an extremely small cosmological constant (Λ → 0) and thus has divergent entropy.
These are promising times for the study of cosmic microwave background and foregrounds. While, at the date of this meeting, WMAP is close to release its final maps and products, Planck early and intermediate results have been presented with the first release of the compact source catalog, and the presentation of the first cosmological products is approaching. This parallel session is focussed on the astrophysical sky as seen by Planck and other observatories, and on their scientific exploitation, regarding diffuse emissions, sources, galaxy clusters, cosmic infrared background, as well as on critical issues coming from systematic effects and data analysis, in the view of fundamental physics and cosmology perspectives. At the same time, a new generation of CMB anisotropy and polarization experiments is currently operated using large arrays of detectors, boosting the sensitivity and resolution of the surveys to unprecedented levels. Mainstream projects are observations of the polarization of the CMB, looking for the inflationary B-modes at large and intermediate angular scales, fine-scale measurements of the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect in clusters of galaxies, and the precise measure of CMB spectrum.
This contribution reviews the most difficult observational aspect of Zodiacal Light Emission (ZLE) in CMB missions below 1 THz: its separability from the background. We compare the background subtraction based on the use of priors and on differential methods exploiting signal time dependence. We illustrate the impact of systematics such as the straylight. Finally, we address the problem of differences in the ZLE geometrical properties possibly relevant at these frequencies.
Planck is the most sensitive space mission to date dedicated to accurate measurements of the Cosmic Microwave Background. Its μK sensitivity calls for a comparable level of control of systematic effects, that represents the primary challenge to fully extract the wealth of scientific information encoded in the data. Planck has been designed and built to ensure, as much as possible, “in-hardware” rejection to spurious signals. Residual effects, however, need to be detected in the data and removed during data processing. In this talk we present a review of the main systematic effects in Planck, and of the design solutions adopted in the satellite and instruments to keep them under control. We then discuss the impact of the residual effects after data processing on the main scientific products.
In this review we discuss some of the most relevant results obtained by recent surveys of extragalactic sources at millimeter and sub–mm wavelengths emphasizing some of the main results achieved by the Planck satellite during the first 1.6 full-sky surveys. Bright extragalactic point sources (EPS) – i.e., nearby or distant galaxies – observed in this frequency range can be classified into two main source classes: a) radio sources, i.e., sources with emission dominated by non-thermal synchrotron radiation, at intermediate to high–redshift; b) far–infrared sources, i.e. nearby dusty galaxies with a spectrum dominated by thermal dust emission, typically at very low redshift. Planck's number counts of EPS at LFI frequencies are found in agreement with Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) counts. However, a clear steepening of the mean spectral index of bright radio sources is observed above 70 GHz, that has recently been interpreted in terms of a “break” frequency in the spectra of sources, in agreement with standard models of synchrotron emission in jets of compact radio sources. For nearby dusty galaxies, current observations find evidence of colder dust, with T < 20 K, than has previously been found. Moreover, the number counts and the local luminosity function (l.l.f.) of bright local dusty galaxies have been measured, for the first time, at sub–millimetre wavelengths by exploiting the new and unique data published in the Planck Early Release Compact Source Catalogue (ERCSC).
The expected sensitivity of cluster SZ number counts to neutrino mass in the sub-eV range is assessed. We find that from the ongoing Planck/SZ measurements the (total) neutrino mass can be determined at a (1σ) precision of 0.06 eV, if the mass is in the range 0.1 – 0.3 eV, and the survey detection limit is set at the 5σ significance level. The mass uncertainty is predicted to be lower by a factor ˜ 2/3, if a similar survey is conducted by a cosmic-variance-limited experiment, a level comparable to that projected if CMB lensing extraction is accomplished with the same experiment. At present, the main uncertainty in modeling cluster statistical measures reflects the difficulty in determining the mass function at the high-mass end.
Silk damping in the early Universe, before and during recombination, erases anisotropies in the cosmic microwave background (CMB) on small scales. This power, which disappears from anisotropies, appears in the monopole as y-type, i-type and μ-type distortions. The observation of the CMB spectral distortions will thus make available to us the information about the primordial power spectrum on scales corresponding to the comoving wavenumbers 8 ≲ k ≲ 104 Mpc−1 increasing our total view of inflation, when combined with CMB anisotropies, to span 17 e-folds. These distortions can be understood simply as mixing of blackbodies of different temperatures and the subsequent comptonization of the resulting distortions.
We present light-cone-integrated simulations of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) polarization signal induced by a single scattering in the direction of clusters of galaxies and filaments. We characterize the statistical properties of the induced polarization signals from the presence of the CMB quadrupole component (pqiCMB) and as the result of the transverse motion of ionized gas clouds with respect to the CMB rest frame (pβt2SZ). From adiabatic N-body/hydrodynamic simulations, we generated 28 random sky patches integrated along the light cone, each with about 0.86 deg2 at angular resolution of 6”.
The 7-year WMAP data are used to trace both the disk and the halo of the M31 galaxy…
The following sections are included:
It is shown how viscosities affect the dynamics of the perturbations at linear order for a two-fluid system composed by the inflaton and a radiation bath. These two-fluid systems are typical of nonisentropic models, like warm inflation. It is shown that viscosities effects must be considered to proper control the backreaction of the radiation fluctuations on the inflaton fluctuations and to give a proper value for the amplitude of the power spectrum.
The semiclassical approximation has frequently been used to describe the initial stage of particle production, often called preheating, which occurs after the inflationary epoch in chaotic models of inflation. During this phase backreaction effects from the produced particles on the inflaton field are significant, and one might be concerned about the validity of the semiclassical approximation, even though large backreaction effects are allowed if the inflaton field is coupled to a large number of quantum fields. A criterion is presented for the validity of the semiclassical approximation in this case and the question of whether this criterion is satisfied during preheating is addressed.
Non-adiabatic pressure perturbations naturally occur in models of inflation consisting of more than one scalar field. The amount of non-adiabatic pressure present at the end of inflation can have observational consequences through changes in the curvature perturbation, the generation of vorticity and subsequently the sourcing of B-mode polarisation. In this work, based on a presentation at the 13th Marcel Grossmann Meeting, we give a very brief overview of non-adiabatic pressure perturbations in multi-field inflationary models and describe our recent calculation of the spectrum of isocurvature perturbations generated at the end of inflation for different models which have two scalar fields.
Vorticity is ubiquitous in nature however, to date, studies of vorticity in cosmology and the early universe have been quite rare. In this paper, based on a talk in session CM1 of the 13th Marcel Grossmann Meeting, we consider vorticity generation from scalar cosmological perturbations of a perfect fluid system. We show that, at second order in perturbation theory, vorticity is sourced by a coupling between energy density and entropy gradients, thus extending a well-known feature of classical fluid dynamics to a relativistic cosmological framework. This induced vorticity, sourced by isocurvature perturbations, may prove useful in the future as an additional discriminator between inflationary models.
This contribution provides a brief update on the transport approach to calculating the statistics of perturbations produced during inflation. It is based in particular on work in collaboration with Gemma Anderson and David Seery.
Primordial non-Gaussianity generated in an inflationary model where inflation is preceded by a radiation era is discussed. It is shown that both bispectrum and trispectrum non-Gaussianities are enhanced due to the presence of pre-inflationary radiation era. One distinguishing feature of such a scenario is that the trispectrum non-Gaussianity is larger than the bispectrum one.
We work out the primordial inflationary trispectrum for curvature perturbations in models with standard kinetic terms, when the initial quantum state is not necessarily the Bunch-Davies vacuum state. The presence of initial perturbations enhances the trispectrum amplitude for squeezed configurations, in parallel to the bispectrum enhancement. For those squeezed configurations the trispectrum acquires the so-called local form, with a scale dependent amplitude that can get values larger than the prediction of the so-called Maldacena consistency relation. The enhancement factor could be as large as 106, and could reach the sensitivity of forthcoming observations, even for single-field inflationary models.
We find constraints on inflationary dynamics that yield a large local bispectrum and/or trispectrum during two-field slow-roll inflation. This leads to simple relations between the non-Gaussianity parameters, simplifying the Suyama–Yamaguchi inequality and also producing a new result between the trispectrum parameters τNL and gNL.
A Galileon-like nonlinear self-interaction (∂ϕ)2□ϕ generally leads to a enhanced friction during inflation, by which even steep potentials for the standard inflation can drive cosmic acceleration. However if the Galileon term is dominant by the end of inflation, this can affect the field oscillation during reheating and the scalar propagation speed squared can be negative, which leads to the instability of small-scale perturbations. For chaotic inflation and natural inflation we clarify the parameter space in which the field oscillates coherently during reheating. Moreover we place observational constraints of the scalar spectral index ns and the tensor-to-scalar ratio r.
How much does the curvature perturbation change after it leaves the horizon, and when should one evaluate the power spectrum? To answer these questions we study single field inflation models numerically, and compare the evolution of different curvature perturbations from horizon crossing to the end of inflation. We find that e.g. in chaotic inflation, the amplitude of the comoving and the curvature perturbation on uniform density hypersurfaces differ by up to 180 % at horizon crossing assuming the same amplitude at the end of inflation, and that it takes approximately 3 efolds for the curvature perturbation to be within 1 % of its value at the end of inflation.
We discriminate between theoretical models of dark energy from recent observations. We place constraints on dark energy models from the background cosmology by using the data of supernovae Ia, cosmic microwave background, and baryon acoustic oscillations. We further show that the recent measurement of the peculiar velocity of galaxies is powerful to constrain modified gravity models.
In this work we consider a gravitating scalar field χ with a non-conventional kinetic term, as in the string theory tachyon, and two measures – a geometric measure, , and a non-metric measure, Φ. This model gives a unified picture of dark energy and dark matter. It is also possible to realize dynamical dark energy and dark matter by a mechanism similar to that studied for branes and strings with dynamical tension; in particular an “inverse quintessence scenario” can be obtained by introducing an additional ghost field η into the dark energy/dark matter dynamics.
We constrain the parameters of dynamical dark energy in the form of a classical scalar field with barotropic equation of state jointly with other cosmological parameters using various combined datasets including the CMB power spectra from WMAP7, the baryon acoustic oscillations in the space distribution of galaxies from SDSS DR7 and WiggleZ, the light curves of SN Ia from 3 different compilations: SDSS (SALT2 and MLCS2k2 light curve fittings), SNLS3 and Union2.1. The considered class of models involves both quintessential and phantom subclasses. The analysis has shown that the phantom models are generally preferred by the observational data. We discuss the effect of allowing for non-zero masses of active neutrinos, non-zero curvature or non-zero contribution from the tensor mode of perturbations on the precision of dark energy parameters estimation. We also perform a forecast for the Planck mock data.
It has been proposed that the nature of the cosmological constant problem would be fundamentally related to the quantum nature of spacetime and the development of quantum gravity theory plays an important role for the quest of the cosmological constant problem. In this paper, the relationship between the cosmological constant problem and quantum gravity is further discussed. The equivalence principle of quantum gravity is introduced and the theory developed under such principle is background independent. The nature of the cosmological constant problem would be an intrinsic property of the quantum space-time-matter structure.
The dark energy scalar field is here presented as a mean-field effect arising from the collective motion of interacting structures on an expanding lattice. This cosmological analogue to solid-state soft phonons in an unstable crystal network is shown to produce cosmic acceleration while mimicking phantom equation of state.
We proposed in Ref. 1 the simplest model of teleparallel dark energy that invokes a non-minimal coupling to gravity but no self-potential. This model possesses a variety of interesting features, to be reviewed in the present paper.
We solve the equation of the equilibrium for systems with a polytropic equation of state, in the frame of the Newtonian gravity, with non-zero cosmological constant Λ. We also investigate the stability of equilibrium solutions and show that dark energy reduces the dynamic stability of the configuration. We apply the results for analyzing the properties of equilibrium states for cluster of galaxies in the present universe with non-zero Λ.
This report brings attention to the ignored components of the kinetic energy related to vorticity and shear in the standard cosmological dynamics. It is concluded that averaged term of squared vorticity is term attributed as an accelerated expansion caused by negative energy of an enigmatic repulsive factor. Cosmological singularity has been a consequence of the unrealistically excessive cosmological principle (too detailed symmetry of flow) such as “Hubble law”. Appropriate realistic one is suggested, which is also linear function of space coordinates (because of homogeneity principle) but has tensor character. Cosmological principle is applied to irregularities – they are homogeneous and isotropic in average to some extend within the corresponding Megagalactic scales. The “Big Bang” is nothing but the local bounce of the Meta-galaxy which is typical among myriads others. Exact solutions are presented (dynamic, steady and static) of the cosmologic dynamics. “Negative radiation” equation of state p =∈/3 with p≤0, ∈≤0 is generated by vorticity which is dynamic carrier of the dark energy. This fact dismisses the need in any other artificial cosmologic term, the need in any other modifications of the gravity theory or in an exotic matter as a cause for cosmological accelerated expansion. New conception of material point established. Social and educational aspects of the findings touched slightly.
It is argued that dark energy -or something dynamically equivalent at the background level- is necessary if the expanding universe is to behave as an ordinary macroscopic system; that is, if it is to tend to some thermodynamic equilibrium state in the long run.
We study the dynamics of a scalar field with Kaluza-Klein type couplings to cold dark matter and an isotropy-violating vector field. The vector coupling, f2 (ϕ)F2, has been studied thoroughly in the context of inflation recently. We generalize the model to a dark energy context and study the cosmological consequences. We find a rich set of exact anisotropic power-law solutions and identify a strong vector coupling regime where the anisotropy is controllable and all solutions are close to the ΛCDM limit.
We propose and constrain with the latest observational data three parameterizations of the deceleration parameter, valid from the matter era to the far future. They are well behaved and do not diverge at any redshift. On the other hand, they are model independent in the sense that in constructing them the only assumption made was that the Universe is homogeneous and isotropic at large scales.
Over the last nine years of cosmic microwave background observations, the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) results were consistent with a ΛCDM cosmological model in which the age of the Universe is one Hubble time, and the time-averaged value of the deceleration parameter is consistent with zero. This curious observation has been put forward as a new coincidence problem for the ΛCDM concordance cosmology, which is in fact a ‘greater’ coincidence than the near equality of the density parameters of matter and the cosmological constant. At the moment of writing these conference proceedings, the Planck Collaboration has released its first cosmological data, which revealed a small shift in the ΛCDM cosmological parameters when compared to WMAP. We show that under the assumption of a spatially flat ΛCDM cosmology, Planck's results remove this coincidence problem for ΛCDM at greater than 99% confidence level.
We use cosmography to present constraints on the kinematics of the Universe without postulating any underlying theoretical model a priori. To this end, we use a Markov Chain Monte Carlo analysis to perform comparisons to the supernova Ia union 2 compilation, combined with the Hubble Space Telescope measurements of the Hubble constant, and the Hubble parameter datasets. The cosmographic approach to our analysis is revisited and extended for new notions of redshift presented as alternatives to the redshift z. Furthermore, we introduce a new set of fitting parameters describing the kinematical evolution of the Universe in terms of the equation of state of the Universe and derivatives of the total pressure. Our results are consistent with the ΛCDM model, although alternative models, with nearly constant pressure and no cosmological constant, match the results accurately as well.
Cosmography is the tool that makes possible to untie the interpretation of cosmological observations from the definition of any dynamical prior. We review the constraints on the cosmographic parameter obtained using the most thorough data set ensemble available. We focus on some specific topics about the statistically based selection of the most stringent fitting expansion.
We argue that interactions in the dark sector may have a crucial impact on the cosmological dynamics. In particular, the future cosmic evolution may be very different from that predicted by the ΛCDM model. An example is a scenario in which the currently observed accelerated expansion is an interaction-induced transient phenomenon. We discuss such type of behavior on the basis of a two-fluid toy model.
We use the formalism of Geometrothermodynamics to derive a series of fundamental equations for thermodynamic systems. It is shown that all these fundamental equations can be used in the context of relativistic cosmology to derive diverse scenarios which include the standard cosmological model, a unified model for dark energy and dark matter, and an effective inflationary model.
We investigate the effect of backreaction due to inhomogeneities on the evolution of the present universe within the Buchert framework. Our analysis shows how backreaction from inhomogeneities in the presence of the cosmic event horizon causes the current acceleration of the Universe to slow down in the future and even lead in certain cases to the emergence of a future decelerating epoch.
We summarize the cosmological analysis that we have performed recently for several f(R) gravity models, including the comparison of several equations of state (EOS) that have been proposed in the past and which are used to characterize the geometric dark energy. We introduce the corresponding covariant energy-momentum tensors from which the EOS can be obtained and briefly discuss their drawbacks and advantages.
Exact inhomogeneous solutions of Einstein's equations have been used in the literature to build models reproducing the cosmological data without dark energy. However, owing to the degrees of freedom pertaining to these models, it is necessary to get rid of the degeneracy often exhibited by the problem of distinguishing between them and accelerating universe models. We give an overview of redshift drift in inhomogeneous cosmologies, and explain how it serves to this purpose. One class of models which fits the data is the Szekeres Swiss-cheese class where non-spherically symmetric voids exhibit a typical size of about 400 Mpc. We present our calculation of the redshift drift in this model, and compare it with the results obtained by other authors for alternate scenarios.
We check the validity of the generalized second law of thermodynamics on apparent as well as on a horizon of fixed radius l. We take non-interacting dark matter and new holographic dark energy in flat Kaluza-Klein universe. It turns out that the generalized second law of thermodynamics is valid for a specific range depending upon the values of parameters but does not hold on horizon with fixed radius l.
We explore whether the generalized second law of thermodynamics is fulfilled in the transition from a generic initial Einstein static phase to the inflationary phase, with constant Hubble rate, and from the end of the latter to the conventional thermal radiation dominated era of expansion. As it turns out, the said law is satisfied provided the radiation component does not contribute largely to the total energy of the static phase.
Starting from a recently proposed model that allows for an enhanced rate of child universe production under generic conditions, we elaborate on refinements that may allow for non-singular initial configurations. A possibility to treat both, the initial state and the tunnelling beyond the semiclassical level will also be introduced.
We discuss a Brans-Dicke model with a cosmological constant, negative value of the w parameter and an arbitrary (in general non-vanishing) scale factor at the Big Bang. The Friedman equations for a flat universe are considered. The current observational values for Hubble constant H0 and deceleration parameter q0 play the role of initial conditions. We follow the approach of Ref. 1 in order to solve field equations analytically. In Ref. 1 only positive values of w were considered, we extend the study to a complete set of possible w values. Our main result is that the scale factor (during it's evolution back in time direction) may not vanish, unlike in the standard ΛCDM case. In other words, the considered model demonstrates a cosmological bounce instead of the initial singularity. The famous formula, that leads to the bounce, is valid only for the dust-filled universe with p = 0 and, therefore, is not adequate for the Early Universe hot stage when the bounce happens. So, our results are qualitative in nature and must be used to obtain initial values for the hot stage of the Universe.
We consider a non singular origin for the Universe starting from an Einstein static Universe in the framework of a theory which uses two volume elements and Φd4x, where Φ is a metric independent density, also curvature, curvature square terms, first order formalism and for scale invariance a dilaton field ϕ are considered in the action. In the Einstein frame we also add a cosmological term that parametrizes the zero point fluctuations. The resulting effective potential for the dilaton contains two flat regions, for ϕ → ∞ relevant for the non singular origin of the Universe and ϕ → −∞, describing our present Universe. Surprisingly, avoidance of singularities and stability as ϕ → ∞ imply a positive but small vacuum energy as ϕ → −∞. Zero vacuum energy density for the present universe is the “threshold” for universe creation…
Historically the earliest general relativistic cosmological solution was received by Einstein himself as homogenous, isotropic one. In accordance with European cosmology it was expected static. The Eternal Universe as scientific model is conflicting with the existed theological model of the Universe created by God, therefore, of the limited age. Christianity, younger Islam, older Judaism are based on creationism. Much older oriental traditions such us Hinduism and Buddhism are based on conceptions of eternal and cyclic Universe which are closer to scientific worldview. To have static universe Einstein needed a factor to counteract gravity and postulated cosmological term and considered it as a disadvantage of the theory. This aesthetic dissatisfaction was amplified by interpretation distance-redshift relationship as a cosmological expansion effect. Emerged scientific cosmological community (excluding Hubble himself – almost always) endorsed the concept of expanding Universe. At the same time, as it is shown in this report, a natural well known factors do exist to counteract gravity. They are inertial centrifugal and Coriolis forces finding their geometrical presentation in the relativity theory.
Compactification of extra dimensions in string theory leads to a vast number of (3+1) dimensional worlds, (about 10500 so far), coined the landscape. At the time of the discovery of the landscape, the question which one of these worlds is our universe seemed hopeless. Many argued that the vastness of the landscape undermines the very foundations of string theory for two reasons: (i) the theory seemed unfalsifiable since for every observation we could find a matching world on the landscape; (ii) the method advocated at the time for making sense of this landscape was the anthropic principle. The former objection implied string theory can not be scientific. The latter concern is that anthropics do not help scientific inquiry and rigor but rather it may seem to push some version of creationism to the next level. For these reasons the whole field of string theory and also, of cosmology that relied on it for answers about fundamental questions such as the origins of the universe, seemed to be in deep crisis at the beginning of the millenia…
In order to find the correct theory of quantum gravity, one has to look for observational effects in any candidate theory. Here, we focus on canonical quantum gravity and calculate the quantum-gravitational contributions to the anisotropy spectrum of the cosmic microwave background that arise from a semiclassical approximation to the Wheeler–DeWitt equation. While the resulting modification of the power spectrum at large scales is too weak to be observable, we find an upper bound on the energy scale of inflation.
In previous works, it has been shown that the Lagrangians and Hamiltonians of cosmological linear perturbations can be put in a simple form without ever using the background classical equations. In this paper, we discuss the generalization of this result to general fluids, which includes entropy perturbations, and to arbitrary spacelike hyper-surfaces. This procedure enables one to simultaneously quantize both the background metric and its inhomogeneous perturbations which then allow us to analyze the primordial spectrum of perturbations through a quantum bounce. In addition, our procedure solves an ambiguity problem concerning the definitions of the perturbed momenta.
It is commonly accepted that the large scale structure in the universe was originated from primordial quantum cosmological perturbations that developed into classical inhomogeneities, and then suffered gravitational instability. However, this transition from the quantum to the classical regime is not yet fully understood, due to the difficulties presented by the standard quantum theory when applied to closed systems. We show that this issue is clarified in the framework of the de Broglie-Bohm quantum theory, where the classical limit is easily characterized.
Continuous Spontaneous Localization (CSL) model of Quantum Mechanics modifies Schrödinger equation by adding non-linear stochastic terms due to which the total energy of a system increases with a constant rate which is proportional to the collapse rate λ. Thus applying CSL model to cosmological scenarios can change the thermal behaviour of the particles during evolution and we will put constraints on λ by considering several cosmological scenarios.
We give a formulation of quantum cosmology with a pressureless dust and arbitrary additional matter fields. The dust provides a natural time gauge corresponding to a cosmic time, yielding a physical time independent Hamiltonian. The approach simplifies the analysis of both Wheeler-deWitt and loop quantum cosmology models, broadening the applicability of the latter.
The following sections are included:
We study the nucleation mechanism of the thick wall for topological inflation. The topological inflation represents the inflation occurred in the interior of the domain wall if the thickness of the domain wall is greater than or equal to the horizon size. The important question is how the thick domain wall to realize the scenario can be created in the theory. Our oscillating instanton solutions have a thick wall and the solutions can be interpreted as a mechanism providing nucleation of the thick wall for topological inflation.
The Lee-Wick theories require unusual Lee-Wick (LW) partners to the standard model (SM) particles. The excitations of the unusual fields may have indefinite norms in the Hilbert space. In the present talk the thermodynamic results of a toy LW (where each normal particle has only one LW partner and the standard massless gauge fields do not appear in the normal particle spectrum as their LW partners has the potential to produce negative energy density) as well as a realistic LW universe (where the above restrictions are not present) will be discussed.
We study a relation between the cosmological singularities in classical and quantum theory, comparing the classical and quantum dynamics in some models possessing the Big Brake singularity - the model based on a scalar field and two models based on a tachyon-pseudo-tachyon field. It is shown that the effect of quantum avoidance is absent for the soft singularities of the Big Brake type while it is present for the Big Bang and Big Crunch singularities. Thus, there is some kind of a classical - quantum correspondence, because soft singularities are traversable in classical cosmology, while the strong Big Bang and Big Crunch singularities are not traversable.
We present a cosmological landscape where the classical closed string tachyon field plays an important role in the framework of a critical bosonic compactification. Our cosmological solutions for a universe with constant curvature describes an finite inflationary stage which expands till a maximum value before undergoes a big crunch as the tachyon reaches the minimum of its potential.
We derive two new equations of quantum gravity and combine them with reinterpretations of previously proposed concepts of dark energy, black holes, inflation, the arrow of time and the energy at which rest-mass first manifests itself into a theory which may be a first step toward a comprehensive description of all these phenomena. The resulting theory also predicts new tests which can be experimentally checked within a few years.
The boundary conditions to be imposed on the quantum state of the whole multiverse could be such that the universes would be created in entangled pairs. Then, interuniversal entanglement would provide us with a vacuum energy for each single universe that might be fitted with observational data, making testable not only the multiverse proposal but also the boundary conditions of the multiverse. Furthermore, the second law of the entanglement thermodynamics would enhance the expansion of the single universes.
A scheme based on a constructive axiomatic approach for General Relativity is presented which can be taken as guideline to experimentally test and confirm General Relativity. We start with the properties of light propagation and the properties of the motion of neutral pointlike test particles. For that also the structure of the equations of motion are discussed. The requirements that particles are not allowed to move faster than light and that the ticking rates of clocks behave universal in gravitational field then give the Riemannian structure of space-time. The next step is to establish the Einstein field equations for which no constructive scheme exists. Therefore deviations from these field equations are considered. The central task is to find a scheme which does not allow any loophole in the experimental foundation of General Relativity and, thus, provide a complete test of SR and GR. The presentation of the Experimental Gravitation session are included in the presented scheme.
The MICROSCOPE space mission aims at testing the Equivalence Principle (EP) with an accuracy of 10−15. This principle is one of the basis of the General Relativity theory; it states the equivalence between gravitational and inertial mass. The test is based on the precise measurement of a gravitational signal by a differential electrostatic accelerometer which includes two cylindrical test masses made of different materials. The accelerometers constitute the payload accommodated on board a drag-free micro-satellite which is controlled inertial or rotating about the normal to the orbital plane. The acceleration estimates used for the EP test are disturbed by the instruments physical parameters and by the instrument environment conditions on-board the satellite. These parameters are partially measured with ground tests or during the integration of the instrument in the satellite (alignment). Nevertheless, the ground evaluations are not sufficient with respect to the EP test accuracy objectives. An in-orbit calibration is therefore needed to characterize them finely. The calibration process for each parameter has been defined.
We consider a class of spherically symmetric and static Finsler spacetimes which are small perturbations of the Schwarzschild spacetime. The deviations from the Schwarzschild spacetime are coded into three perturbation functions. One of them, which we call the ‘Finslerity’, introduces a spatial anisotropy which is a genuine Finsler feature. We work out the equations of motion for freely falling particles and for light rays, i.e. the timelike and lightlike geodesics, in this class of spacetimes. Then we discuss the bounds placed on the perturbation functions, in particular on the Finslerity, by observations in the Solar system such as light deflection, perihelion precession and others.
In ether-drift experiments, one usually assumes that the macroscopic Earth's motion should be detectable in the laboratory from the time dependence of the data. Therefore a stochastic signal, which does not exhibit the smooth modulations expected from the Earth's rotation, tends to be considered as a spurious instrumental effect. The real situation, however, might be more subtle if the hypothetical ether (i.e. the physical vacuum) resembles a turbulent fluid where large-scale and small-scale motions are only indirectly related. In this case, the data might contain a genuine stochastic component. To test this scenario, a numerical simulation was performed to estimate the signal by assuming i) an ‘emergent-gravity’ picture and ii) a simple model of statistically isotropic and homogeneous turbulence. In this framework, the present data become consistent with velocity fluctuations whose absolute scale is determined by the Earth's cosmic motion with respect to the CMB (projected in the plane of the interferometer at the latitude of the laboratory). Therefore the Earth's motion, although undetectable from the naive time dependence of the data, could nevertheless show up in their statistical distributions. In particular, the predicted non-gaussian nature of the instantaneous data could be tested with the forthcoming generation of precise cryogenic experiments, with potentially important implications for our understanding of both gravity and relativity.
Primordial and micro- black holes - are objects of attention both as astrophysicist and high-energy physicist. Promising abundance in space for the first and probability of birth at the LHC for the second make a reality their detection and experimental study. The new mechanism of mBH mass stability is offered.
A variation of the gravitational constant over cosmological ages modifies the main sequence lifetimes and white dwarf cooling ages. Using a state-of-the-art stellar evolutionary code we compute the effects of a secularly varying G on the main sequence ages and, employing white dwarf cooling ages computed taking into account the effects of a running G, we place constraints on the rate of variation of Newton's constant. This is done using the white dwarf luminosity function and the distance of the well studied open Galactic cluster NGC 6791. We derive an upper bound for the secular variation of the gravitational constant which compares favorably with those obtained using other stellar evolutionary properties, and can be easily improved if deep images of the cluster allow to obtain an improved white dwarf luminosity function.
We forecast the ability of future CMB and galaxy lensing surveys to constrain variation in the fine structure constant in the early universe. We found that lensing data, as that expected from satellite experiments like Euclid could improve the constraint from future CMB experiments leading to a Δα/α = 8 × 10−4 accuracy.
Although Einstein's general relativity has passed all the tests so far, alternative theories are still required for deeper understanding of the nature of gravity. Double pulsars provide us a significant opportunity to test them. In order to probe some modified gravities which try to explain some astrophysical phenomena without dark matter, we use periastron advance of four binary pulsars (PSR B1913+16, PSR B1534+12, PSR J0737-3039 and PSR B2127+11C) to constrain their Yukawa parameters: λ = (3.97 ± 0.01) × 108m and α = (2.40 ± 0.02) × 10−8. It might help us to distinguish different gravity theories and get closer to the new physics.
New tests are proposed to constrain possible deviations from local Lorentz invariance and local position invariance in the gravity sector. By using precise timing results of two binary pulsars, i.e., PSRs J1012+5307 and J1738+0333, we are able to constrain (strongfield) parametrized post-Newtonian parameters to high precision, among which,
(95% C.L.) is reported here for the first time.
Under the standard model extension (SME) framework, Lorentz invariance is tested in five binary pulsars: PSR J0737-3039, PSR B1534+12, PSR J1756-2251, PSR B1913+16 and PSR B2127+11C. By analyzing the advance of periastron, we obtain the constraints on a dimensionless combination of SME parameters that is sensitive to timing observations. The results imply no evidence for the break of Lorentz invariance at 10−10 level, one order of magnitude larger than previous estimation.
We present a Bayesian data analysis pipeline for testing GR using gravitational wave signals from coalescing compact binaries, and in particular binary neutron stars. In this study, we investigate its performance when sources with spins are taken into account.
We study the diffuse NIR background light associated with the cluster of high velocity stars at the Galactic Center, known as the S-stars. We use the luminosity function of the cluster members, the distribution of the diffuse background light and the stellar number density counts to investigate the amount of stellar and dark mass associated with the cluster in the immediate vicinity of the supermassive black hole. We show that both the total mass, and the number, of objects within an S-star's orbit can be constrained using observed changes in the star's orbital elements.
Dynamical friction is the process responsible for matter transport toward the inner region of galaxies in form of massive objects, like intermediate mass black holes, globular clusters and small satellite galaxies. While very bright galaxies show an almost flat luminosity profile in the inner region, fainter ones have, usually, a peaked, cuspidal, profile toward the center. This makes unreliable, in these cases, the use of the classic Chandrasekhar's formula for dynamical friction in its local approximation. Using both N–body simulations and a semi analytical approach, we have obtained reliable results for the orbital decay of massive objects in cuspidal galaxies. A relevant result is that of a shallower dependence of dynamical friction braking on the satellite mass than in the usual Chandrasekhar's local expression, at least in a range of large satellite masses.
A rotating supermassive black hole (SBH) interacts with stars in a galactic nucleus via torques due to dragging of inertial frames. If the stars orbit preferentially about an axis that is misaligned with the SBH's spin, the SBH will experience a net torque and its spin vector will precess; individual stellar orbits also precess about the instantaneous SBH spin vector, although at different rates depending on their orbital elements. Solution of the coupled, post-Newtonian equations describing this interaction reveals two evolutionary modes: sustained precession of the SBH; and damped precession, leading to alignment of the SBH spin with the nuclear angular momentum. Beyond a certain radius, stars interact gravitationally with each other in a time shorter than the Lense-Thirring time. Long-term evolution in this case is well described as uniform precession of the SBH about the cluster's rotational axis, with a stochastic contribution due to star-star interactions.
The MilkyWay (MW) is surrounded by numerous satellite objects: dwarf galaxies, globular clusters and streams of disrupted systems. Together, these form a vast polar structure (VPOS), a thin plane spreading to Galactocentric distances as large as 250 kpc. The orbital directions of satellite galaxies and the preferred alignment of streams with the VPOS demonstrate that the objects orbit within the structure. This strong phase-space correlation is at odds with the expectations from simulations of structure formation based on the cold dark matter cosmology (ΛCDM). The accretion of sub-halos along filaments has been suggested as the origin of the anisotropic distribution. We have tested this scenario using the results of high-resolution cosmological simulations and found it unable to account for the large degree of correlation of the MW satellite orbits. It is therefore advisable to search for alternative explanations. The formation of tidal dwarf galaxies (TDGs) in the debris expelled from interacting galaxies is a very natural formation scenario of the VPOS. If a number of MWsatellites truly are TDGs, mistakenly interpreting them to trace the dark-matter sub-structure of the MW halo would significantly enhance the ‘small-scale’ problems which are already known to plague the ΛCDM model.
This paper reports one recent result from a set of pre-virialized galaxy group simulations that are being used in an investigation of measurement techniques for the quantity of intragroup light (IGL). We present evidence that the binding energy of the stellar material stripped from the galaxies is essentially uncorrelated with the local mass density. This suggests that IGL detection methods based on the distribution of luminosity perform poorly in detecting the unbound stars.
We present a unified model for galactic Dark Matter (DM) halos as well as galactic DM central cores (alternatively to the central Supermassive Black Hole scenario), based on systems of self-gravitating fermions at finite temperatures. This work will deal mainly with the halo part, leaving the core description to another part of this proceedings…
In 1939 Einstein [1] provided a model of self-gravitating masses, each moving along geodesic circular orbits under the influence of the gravitational field of the rest of the particle in the system. This model allowed him to argue that ‘Schwarzschild singularities’ do not exist in physical reality because a cluster with a given number of masses cannot be arbitrarily concentrated. This is due to the fact that otherwise the particles constituting the cluster would reach the speed of light. Of course, this model can actually only be considered as an interesting possibility to try to provide a counterexample of a singularity within Einstein's theory of gravity, since Black Holes are a physical reality within the theory of General Relativity…
With the failure of the optically thin models to explain gamma-ray bursts (GRB) prompt emission, attention had been given to optically thick models. In these models, part of the observed spectrum originated from processes occurring below the photosphere, in regions of high optical depth. The photons are coupled to the plasma, and escape once they reach the photosphere. Various processes cause the observed spectra to differ than the naively expected “Planck” function. I describe recent developments in our understanding of emission from the photosphere, which may hold the key to understanding the physics of GRBs.
A new physically motivated classification of outflows with respect to the photospheric emission—photon thick and photon thin outflows—is proposed. We computed both energy flux and observed spectra in dynamics. For photon thick outflows these results generalize the ones known for steady relativistic winds. In photon thin outflows most of radiation is shown to originate not at its photospheric radius, but at smaller radii due to radiation diffusion. Time integrated observed spectra are naturally described by the Band function. For our simple density profile and thermal comoving emission we find values for the low energy power law index α ≃ 0.2 ÷ 1 and the high-energy power law index β ≃ −3.5.
The Fermi/LAT gamma-ray telescope has observed 36 GRBs in 4 years of operations. Among them, the bursts with the largest number of LAT-detected photons have spectra which are not well described by the widely used Band model, independently of their energy fluences. High-energy and low-energy excesses have been detected and modeled by an additional power law component and/or by an additional thermal component; high-energy cutoffs have been observed as well. These results point towards a “Band model crisis”: the unprecedented spectral coverage of Fermi (8 keV - 100 GeV) shows the need for an improved modeling of GRB spectra, opening new exciting perspectives and challenges for interpretation and theoretical development. I will review these results, with particular regard to the connected data-analysis challenges.
We study radiation transport in the pair plasma of GRB sources. We considered two cases. 1. Mildly reletivistic plasma with a final gamma factor ≲ 10 of a mini fireball reaches a thermal equilibrium at it expands. We use kinetic approach for all particles without additional assumptions. 2. Ultra relativistic plasma corresponding to real GRB. We assume thermal spectra for electrons in the comoving reference frame (CRF). We obtained the nonthermal spectrum of photons.
In the Fireshell model, GRBs originate from an optically thick e+e− plasma in thermal equilibrium, formed around a charged black hole. This plasma is confined in an expanding shell and engulfs the baryonic remnant, which thermalizes with the pairs. The total baryonic mass MB is described by the Baryon load , where
is the total plasma energy. The canonical GRB is composed of the emission at the transparency, the Proper-GRB (P-GRB), and the extended afterglow, due to the collisions of the accelerated baryons with the CircumBurst Medium (CBM) with density nCBM. The class of genuine short GRBs, occurs for Baryon load B ≲ 10−5. The energy emitted in the P-GRB is predominant with respect to the extended afterglow (see Fig. 1) and, therefore, their spectrum has a significant thermal emission. Since B is small but not zero, an additional nonthermal component originating from the extended afterglow is expected…
We studied the decoupling of photons from ultra-relativistic spherically symmetric outflows expanding with constant velocity by means of Monte-Carlo (MC) simulation. We compute and analyse the probability density function of photon last scattering.
I review some key observables seen during gamma-ray bursts (GRB) prompt emission phase. These include: the narrow distribution of the peak energy at the sub-MeV range, the peak energy - luminosity relation and the clustering of the low energy spectral slope index around 〈α〉 ∼ −1. I confront the different theoretical suggestions with these observations, discussing: (1) optically thin emission models; (2) pure “Planck” spectra; (3) broadened “Planck” spectra, caused by (a) sub-photospheric heating, and (b) geometrical broadening. I discuss the success and failure of each of these models in explaining the observed spectra.
We here present our analysis on GRB 110709B. It is quite an uncommon source, as it is the first for which there have been two Swift-BAT triggers, separated by a time interval of ∼ 10 minutes. The BAT light curve is shown in Fig. 1. It presents two clear emissions, that we have called Episode 1 and 2, respectively. Episode 1 goes from 40 s before the first trigger up to 60 s after it, while Episode 2 goes from 30 s before the second trigger to 100 s after it…
We investigate nucleosynthesis inside the gamma-ray burst (GRB) accretion disks formed by the Type II collapsars and outflows launched from these disks. We deal with accretion disks having relatively low accretion rates: and hence they are predominantly advection dominated. We report the synthesis of several unusual nuclei like 31P, 39K, 43Sc, 35Cl and various isotopes of titanium, vanadium, chromium, manganese and copper in the disk. We also confirm that isotopes of iron, cobalt, nickel, argon, calcium, sulphur and silicon get synthesized in the disk, as shown by previous authors. Much of these heavy elements thus synthesized are ejected from the disk and survive in the outflows. Indeed, emission lines of many of these heavy elements have been observed in the X-ray afterglows of several GRBs.
Amati-like relations are the most discussed relations in the physics of GRBs. The question raised is if these relations are intrinsic or consequences of the instruments selection. Furthermore, the analyses of the GRB samples with known redshifts and spectral properties report that these relations have large dispersions. In this work we study the Amati and Yonetoku relations by using a Monte-Carlo method to generate a population of synthetic GRBs. We discuss about the parameters characterizing these two relations.
In recent works, some of the authors have described the phenomenon of the gravitational collapse of a neutron star induced by a Supernova (SN) explosion. They have proposed the scenario of a binary system composed of a massive star (an evolved C+O core) and a neutron star (NS). The massive star explodes as a SN Ib/c, ejecting material that reaches the NS and inducing its collapse to a black hole (BH). Immediately after, a GRB is produced. We believe that GRB 111228 could have been produced in these circumstances…
Because long gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) occur at the end of the evolution of certain types of massive stars, we can expect the observed signal of the gamma-ray burst afterglow to contain information about the circumstellar environment through which the GRB jet moves. This environment has been shaped by the stellar wind and radiation over the course of the stellar evolution, which allows us to use the GRB afterglow observations to investigate the course of stellar evolution that leads to a GRB.
In recent years it was proposed that the temporal coincidence of some gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) and a type Ib/c supernovae (SNe) can be explained by the concept of induced gravitational collapse (IGC) of a neutron star (NS) to a black hole (BH) induced by accretion of matter ejected by the SN Ib/c. More recently, this concept has been extended, including a precise description of the progenitor system of such GRB-SN systems…
Due to their extreme luminosities, gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) are routinely detected in hostile regions of galaxies, nearby and at very high redshift. The galaxies hosting most GRBs, the long-duration ones (associated with core-collapse supernovae), are generally star forming. Still, the link to the total galaxy population is controversial, mainly because of the small-number statistics: the ∼ 70 hosts studied in detail so far are typically low-redshift (z < 1.5), low luminosity, metal poor, and star-forming galaxies. On the other hand, at 1.5 < z < 4, massive, metal rich and dusty, interacting galaxies are not uncommon. The deep limits reached for the most distant population (z > 4) indicate very small and star-forming objects, even more than the low-z population. This is a natural consequence of the connection of long GRBs to star formation in young regions of the universe.
We applied matched filtering to the light curves of 1491 long GRBs in the BATSE catalogue to search for evidence of spindown of rapidly rotating black holes and (proto-) neutron stars. On average, the results favor black hole spindown against high density matter at the ISCO. As a natural and common outcome of core-collapse of massive stars and mergers, this model accounts for GRBs in- and outside star forming regions. It also accounts for hyper-energetic GRB-SNe whose energy requirements exceed the maximal spin-energy of rapidly rotating neutron stars. Hyper-energetic CC-SNe hereby provide novel priors to LIGO-Virgo and KAGRA searches for long duration gravitational wave bursts up to tens of seconds with an anticipated negative chirp by expansion of the ISCO.
In the Fireshell model, the canonical GRB has two components: an emission occurring at the transparency of the expanding e+e−-baryon plasma, the Proper-GRB (P-GRB), followed by the extended afterglow, due to the interactions between the accelerated baryons and the CircumBurst Medium (CBM) in fully radiative regime. The energy of these two components, for a given total plasma energy , is uniquely a function of the baryon load
, where MB is the total baryonic mass. In this picture we have defined: (a) genuine short GRBs, with B ≲ 10−5, whose first example is GRB 090227B; (b) “disguised short GRBs by defect”, with 3 × 10−4 ≤ B ≤ 10−2, addressed in literature as short GRBs with extended emission, whose extended afterglow is energetically predominant but less intense than the P-GRB. This fact is due to the density of the CBM, 〈nCBM〉 ≈ 10−3 particle/cm3, much lower than the canonical value 〈n〉 ≈ 1 particle/cm3 (see Fig. 1, right panel). We here present our analysis on GRB 090510, the first “disguised short burst by excess”. This class has, again, 3 × 10−4 ≤ B ≤ 10−2 and occurs in a overdense medium with 〈nCBM〉 ≈ 103 particles/cm3. Consequently, the afterglow is compressed in time and “inflated” in intensity with respect to the disguised short bursts by defect (see Fig. 1), making it appear as a genuine short GRB…
Observations of gamma-ray bursts are being used to test for a momentum dependence of the speed of photons, partly motivated by preliminary results reported in analyses of some quantum-spacetime scenarios. The relationship between time of arrival, momentum of the photon and redshift of the source which is used for these purposes assumes a “breakdown” of relativistic symmetries, meaning that it is a preferred-frame scenario which does not satisfy the Relativity Principle. The alternative hypothesis of a “deformation” of relativistic symmetries, which preserves the Relativity Principle by adopting deformed laws of relativistic transformation between observers, could not so far be tested in gamma-ray-burst observations because it was not known how to formulate it in expanding spacetimes. I here offer a perspective on results recently obtained by Amelino-Camelia, Marcianò, Matassa and myself in Ref. 1, where such a formulation was provided, and it is found that also for the symmetry-deformation scenario the analysis of gamma-ray-burst data take us very close to the desired Planck-scale sensitivity.
Compact binaries are important progenitors for gamma-ray bursts, they constitute the most promising sources of gravitational waves and form an interesting setting for dynamically important nuclear burning processes. Here we present simulations of the onset of mass transfer in compact binaries, focusing on systems containing a neutron star and a white dwarf. These systems are formed interestingly often. A significant fraction of them will come into contact in less than a Hubble time while still being interestingly eccentric. We realistically model the white dwarf by using the Helmholtz equation of state. We make use of a modified form of smoothed particle hydrodynamics, which enables us to model realistically low mass transfer rates for the first time. We use this code to investigate the stability of mass transfer.
We derive source integrals for multipole moments that describe the behavior of static and axially symmetric spacetimes close to spatial infinity. We assume that the matter distribution is isolated. We outline also some applications of these source integrals of the asymptotic multipole moments.
The Kerr-Newman black hole solution can be constructed straightforwardly as the unique solution to the boundary value problem of the Einstein-Maxwell equations corresponding to an asymptotically flat, stationary and axisymmetric electro-vacuum spacetime surrounding a connected Killing horizon.
We investigate the interrelationship between integrability, inverse-scattering (ISM), and vesture for harmonic maps into symmetric spaces. Motivated by the application of ISM to the Einstein Equations in the case of stationary, axisymmetric metrics, we show that the equations for an axially symmetric harmonic map of ℝ3 into a symmetric space G/K are completely integrable. Furthermore, new solutions for these equations can be generated starting from a given seed solution. As an application to General Relativity, we consider the problem of finding N-solitonic harmonic maps into the noncompact Grassmann manifolds SU(p, q)/S(U(p) × U(q)) and find it is completely reducible via dressing to a problem in linear algebra. We indicate directions for further investigation.
The monodromy transform approach, developed originally for solution of integrable reductions of vacuum Einstein equations and electrovacuum Einstein - Maxwell equations in General Relativity, was shown to be applicable to solution of the field equations which govern the bosonic dynamics of string gravity in four and higher dimensions and 5D minimal supergravity for space-times with the Abelian isometry group of codimension 2. In this short communication, we discuss a choice of (matrix-valued for these cases) monodromy data for construction of solutions which satisfy physically reasonable conditions (e.g., regularity of the axis of symmetry). We describe also a convenient “canonical” form of the matrix monodromy data and some discrete non-gauge symmetries of the spectral problem which can be used to restore the generic data from these “canonical” ones.
The Ricci collineations equations are solved for the plane symmetric Lorentzian manifolds admitting six isometries and the dimensions of Lie algebras of Ricci collineations, dimRC(M) found. There appeared 11 space-time metrics, admitting six isometries. For the one group of 6 metrics, similar to the Bertoti-Robinson type metrics, dimRC(M) is infinite, whereas for the others, dimRC(M) is 6, identical to isometries.
In this paper symmetry methods have been used to classify a class of plane symmetric static spacetimes according to their Noether symmetries and metrics. It is found that this class may admit 17, 9, 8 or 7 Noether symmetries.
A flat Friedmann universe filled with a mixture of anti-Chaplygin gas and dust-like matter evolves into a future soft singularity, where despite infinite tidal forces the geodesics can be continued. In the singularity the pressure of the anti-Chaplygin gas diverges, while its energy density is zero. The dust energy density however does not vanish, neither does the Hubble parameter, which implies further expansion, if its evolution is to be continuous. If so, the energy density and the pressure of the anti-Chaplygin gas would become ill-defined, hence only a contraction would be allowed. Paradoxically, the universe in this cosmological model would have to expand and contract simultaneously. The paradox can be avoided by redefining the anti-Chaplygin gas in a distributional sense. Then the Hubble parameter could be mirrored to have a jump at the singularity, allowing for a subsequent contraction. With this modification the set of Friedmann, Raychaudhuri and continuity equations are all obeyed both at the singularity and in its vicinity.
We obtain an asymptotic solution for FRW cosmology with an ordinary matter in f(R) gravity in the case of f = R + RN and study its properties depending on equation of state of the matter.
We study the late time evolution of flat FRW models with a perfect fluid and a minimally coupled scalar field which arises in the conformal frame of the second order gravity theory. We analyze the structure of the resulted four-dimensional dynamical system and investigate the possibility of existence of solutions describing accelerating expansion of the universe.
Near the singularity, gravity should be modified to an effective theory, in the same sense as with the Euler-Heisenberg electrodynamics. This effective gravity surmounts to higher derivative theory, and as is well known, a much more reacher theory concerning the solution space. On the other hand, as a highly non linear theory, the understanding of this solution space must go beyond the linearized approach. In this talk we will present some results previously published by collaborators and myself, concerning solutions for vacuum spatially homogenous cases of Bianchi types I and VIIA. These are the anisotropic generalizations of the cosmological spatially “flat”, and “open” models respectively. The solutions present isotropisation in a weak sense depending on the initial condition. Also, depending on the initial condition, singular solutions are obtained.
The self-tuning mechanism aims to provide a way to address the cosmological constant problem by guarantying the existence of flat brane solutions independently of the brane tension value. In recent work we have studied the asymptotics of different models of brane-worlds, and here we highlight certain interesting behaviors we have encountered in our search for appropriate conditions to avoid finite-distance singularities in flat brane solutions. Finding such conditions offers a framework within which the self-tuning mechanism could be realized.
We find various asymptotic limits of universes containing two interacting fluids which interact and exchange energy. We study the finite-time singularities that may develop in these cosmologies and obtain the asymptotic behaviours of the solutions near such blow up regimes.
We review recent results on the Cauchy-Kowalevsky structure of theories with higher derivatives in vacuum. We prove genericity of regularity of solutions under the assumption of analyticity. Our approach is framed in the general context of formal series expansions of the metric around a regular point.
We review ongoing research related to the asymptotic dynamics of isotropic universes in theories with higher derivatives, especially near the initial singularity. We treat two major cases, that is universes in vacuum, and also those filled with radiation using the method of asymptotic splittings of vector fields. Our solutions have the form of formal Fuchsian-type series for the basic unknowns and are valid near collapse or big rip regimes asymptotically.
We construct solutions of the Friedmann equations near a sudden singularity using generalized series expansions for the scale factor, the density, and the pressure of the fluid content. In this way, we are able to arrive at a solution with a sudden singularity containing two free constants, as required for a general solution of the cosmological equations.
Our covariant Hamiltonian for dynamic geometry generates the evolution of a spatial region along a vector field. It includes a boundary term which determines both the value of the Hamiltonian and the boundary conditions. The value gives the quasi-local quantities: energy-momentum, angular-momentum/center-of-mass. The boundary term depends not only on the dynamical variables but also on their reference values, the latter determine the ground state (having vanishing quasi-local quantities). For our preferred boundary term for Einstein's GR we propose using 4D isometric matching and extremizing the energy to determine the “best matched” reference metric and connection values.
Among theoretical issues in General Relativity the problem of constructing its Hamiltonian formulation is still of interest. The most of attempts to quantize Gravity are based upon Dirac generalization of Hamiltonian dynamics for system with constraints. At the same time there exists another way to formulate Hamiltonian dynamics for constrained systems guided by the idea of extended phase space. We have already considered some features of this approach in the previous MG12 Meeting by the example of a simple isotropic model. Now we apply the approach to a generalized spherically symmetric model which imitates the structure of General Relativity much better. In particular, making use of a global BRST symmetry and the Noether theorem, we construct the BRST charge that generates correct gauge transformations for all gravitational degrees of freedom.
The trajectory of any accelerated body in flat Minkowski background geometry ημν can be represented as a geodesic motion in another metric which depends only on gμν and on the motion of the body. As an example, we apply this method to the Gordon-type metrics.
The dynamics of gravity can be described by two different systems. The first is the familiar spacetime picture of General Relativity, the other is the conformal picture of Shape Dynamics. We argue that the bulk equivalence of General Relativity and Shape Dynamics is a natural setting to discuss familiar bulk/boundary dualities. We discuss consequences of the Shape Dynamics description of gravity as well as the issue why the bulk equivalence is not explicitly seen in the General Relativity description of gravity.
We investigate inertial frames in the absence of Lorentz invariance, reconsidering the usual group structure implied by the relativity principle. We abandon the relativity principle, discarding the group structure for the transformations between inertial frames, while requiring these transformations to be at least linear (to preserve homogeneity). In theories with a preferred frame (aether), the set of transformations between inertial frames forms a groupoid/pseudogroup instead of a group, a characteristic essential to evading the von Ignatowsky theorems. In order to understand the dynamics, we also demonstrate that the transformation rules for energy and momentum are in general affine. We finally focus on one specific and compelling model implementing a minimalist violation of Lorentz invariance.
We present the coordinate time principal Lyapunov exponent and Kolmogorov-Sinai entropy in terms of the equation of the radius of Innermost Stable Circular Orbit(ISCO) and using it we show that the stability and instability of equatorial circular geodesics, both massive and massless particles for Kerr-Newman black hole.
Canonical analysis of 3-D Poincaré gauge gravity actions yield symmetries that seem quite different from the underlying Poincaré symmetry. Though both symmetries are themselves off-shell, it has been noted in literature that the two become equivalent only on-shell. But then, two inequivalent sets of complete symmetries for the same action are physically untenable and will need more independent primary first-class constraints than are available. We report a resolution of this discrepancy by showing that the hamiltonian and Poincaré symmetries are canonically equivalent to each other, being related through trivial gauge transformations.
In this article we will discuss some features of a particular spacetime called Bertrand space-time of Type II (BST-II). The talk discusses about the energy conditions and the ESR parameters in this spacetime.
We show how to construct the most general vacuum connections in real space-time which have vanishing curvature tensor, viewing the gravitational connection as the gauge potential of Lorentz group. This allows us to classify the vacuum space-time by the knot topology π3(S3) ≃ π3(S2) of π3(SO(3, 1)) ≃ π3(SU(2)). Moreover, this allows us to obtain the gauge independent vacuum decomposition of an arbitrary connection to the vacuum and gauge covariant (physical) parts. We discuss the physical implications of our result, in particular the vacuum tunneling and the θ-vacuum, in quantum gravity.
A recently proposed variational approach for general relativity where, in addition to the metric tensor, two independent affine connections enter the action as dynamical variables, is revised. Field equations always reduce to the Einstein field equations for any dependence of the matter action upon an independent connection.
We show that, unlike what occurs in the usual analogue models, is possible to construct, for a non-linear scalar theory, a emergent metric that governs not only the dynamics of the perturbations of the theory but also the dynamics of the fundamental field too. Thus, the self-interaction is interpreted as a coupling of the scalar field with an effective gravitational metric that is constructed with the field itself.
In this short note, we differentiate the number of interesting features of the extremal and non-extremal Kerr black hole.
The importance of double-null form of spacetimes is supported, especially, due to simplifications of different calculations in such coordinates. Here, using the coordinate transformations, existence of the double-null form for different spacetimes is discussed.
Recently Böhmer and Lobo have shown that a metric due to Florides can be extended to reveal a classical singularity that has the form of a two-sphere. Here we discuss and expand on the classical singularity properties and then show the classical singularity is not healed by a quantum analysis.
Friction forces play an important role in a wide class of phenomena both in the contexts of classical mechanics and general relativity. This paper discusses the Poynting-Robertson approach to the description of the motion of a massive test particle inside a perfect fluid undergoing dissipative effects in curved space. Specific cases of motions 1) inside a photon gas near a Schwarzschild black hole; 2) inside a photon gas in the Tolman metric are then discussed with applications to models of accretion disks of a black hole and to motion inside a static radiation dominated Universe.
The “lukewarm” Reissner-Nordström-de Sitter black hole admits a discrete conformal isometry, leading to an unphysical interpretation of the horizon at negative r.
Some properties of both the intrinsic and extrinsic geometry of special slicings in black hole spacetimes are discussed. A special role is played by slicings associated with the so called Painlevé-Gullstrand observers.
We construct generic spherically symmetric thin shells by using the cut-and-paste procedure. We take considerable effort to make the analysis as general and unified as practicable; investigating both the internal physics of the transition layer and its interaction with “external forces” arising due to interactions between the transition layer and the bulk spacetime. We demonstrate in full generality that stability of the thin shell is equivalent to choosing suitable properties for the material residing on the junction interface. Applications to gravastars and wormhole geometries are also explored.
General properties of gravitational waves in Einstein gravity theory extended to any higher number of dimensions D are investigated. Using the equation of geodesic deviation, evaluated with respect to an observer's natural orthonormal frame, exact spacetimes representing gravitational waves can be identified by specific purely transverse effects on free test particles. There are D(D − 3)/2 independent polarization states due to the corresponding transverse components of the gravitational field typical for spacetimes of algebraic type N. As an explicit example, we study a complete family of exact ppwaves and discuss the resulting measurable effects on particles. With higher dimensions there occur some completely new effects. For example, the tidal deformations caused by higher-dimensional gravitational waves need not be tracefree, when they are observed by a detector located in four-dimensional physical subspace.
The features of the scattering of massive neutral particles propagating in the field of a gravitational plane wave are compared with those characterizing their interaction with an electromagnetic radiation field. The comparative analysis shows that the scattering process is strongly influenced by the nature of the interaction between particles and radiation field, in principle leading to detectable observational consequences. A much more detailed examination of this problem can be found in our paper published in Phys. Rev. D 86, 064016 (2012).
This is a summary of how the definition of quantum singularity is extended from static space-times to conformally static space-times. Examples are given.
This paper is devoted to describe some important characteristics of Hawking radiation motivated by quantum field theory. We illustrate the Hawking radiation spectrum via tunneling phenomenon for axially symmetric rotating black holes having electric and magnetic charges. We evaluate tunneling probabilities of outgoing charged particles and also their corresponding Hawking temperature.
It is shown that passive gravitational mass operator of a hydrogen atom in the post-Newtonian approximation of general relativity does not commute with its energy operator, taken in the absence of a gravitational field. Nevertheless, the equivalence between the expectation values of passive gravitational mass and energy is shown to survive at a macroscopic level for stationary quantum states. Breakdown of the equivalence between passive gravitational mass and energy at a microscopic level for stationary quantum states can be experimentally detected by studying unusual electromagnetic radiation, emitted by the atoms, supported and moved in the Earth gravitational field with constant velocity using spacecraft or satellite.
In this paper we describe two approaches that allow to calculate some thermal features as perceived by different observers in curved spacetimes: the tunnelling method and the Unruh-DeWitt detector. The tunnelling phenomenon is a semi-classical approach to the issue of Hawking radiation and allows a straightforward calculation of the horizon temperature in a plethora of scenarios; the Unruh-DeWitt model relies instead on a quantum field-theoretical approach and (whenever possible) gives a more exact answer in terms of transition rates between energy levels of an idealized detector.
We outline an analytic method for computing the renormalised vacuum expectation value of the quadratic fluctuations and stress-energy tensor associated with a quantised scalar field propagating on AdSn. Explicit results have been obtained using Hadamard renormalisation in the case of a massive neutral scalar field with arbitrary coupling to the curvature, for n = 2 to n = 11 inclusive.
We investigate the one-loop infrared behaviour of the effective potential in minimally coupled graviton Higgs theory in Minkowski background. The gravitational analogue of one loop Coleman Weinberg effective potential turns out to be complex, the imaginary part indicating an infrared instability. This instability is traced to a tachyonic pole in the graviton propagator for constant Higgs fields. Physical implications of this behaviour are studied. We also discuss physical differences between gauge theories coupled to Higgs fields and graviton Higgs theory.
We investigate the rigidly rotating quantum thermal distribution of fermions in flat space-time. We find that thermal states diverge on the speed of light surface. We remove the divergences by enclosing the system inside a cylindrical boundary and investigate thermal expectation values and the Casimir effect for two sets of boundary conditions.
The chiral U(1) anomaly associated with a fermion of spin interacting with nonabelian vector and axial-vector fields in 6 dimensional curved space is given in tensorial form.
We study the correlators for interacting quantum field theory in the flat chart of de Sitter space at all orders in perturbation. The correlators are calculated in the in-in formalism which are often applied to the calculations in the cosmological perturbation. It is shown that these correlators are de Sitter invariant. They are compared with the correlators calculated based on the Euclidean field theory. We then find that these two correlators are identical. This correspondence has been already shown graph by graph but we give an alternative proof of it by direct calculation.
We report our recent work on computing Hawking radiation of a Proca field in D-dimensional Schwarzschild black hole. Since the mass term introduces a coupling between two physical degrees of freedom of the field, we construct a numerical strategy to solve the coupled system numerically, and define the transmission factor from an S matrix. Then the transmission factors are used to obtain the Hawking fluxes in this channel.
The Weyl-Wigner-Groenewold-Moyal quantization formalism is applied to the linearized gravitational field. Under this method the ground state Wigner functional and the propagator for the graviton are obtained. These results are compared with those found previously by other quantization techniques.
An alternative approach to scalar quantum electrodynamics has been proposed where the usual gauge redundancy of the theory do not manifest. The gauge-dependence of Coleman- Weinberg effective potential is resolved using gauge-free approach leading to a unique scalar to vector mass ratio. The gauge-free result is compared with the one obtained in Vilkovisky-DeWitt's geometric framework and it is shown that it differs from the standard result reported earlier. It is also shown that for reparametrization invariance of the Coleman-Weinberg potential one must combine the Vilkovisky-DeWitt's method with the gauge-free approach.
Stochastic gravitational wave background (SGWB) is expected to arise from the superposition of gravitational-wave signals from many uncorrelated and unresolvable sources, either astrophysical or cosmological. Some of the SGWB models predict a gravitational wave spectrum that may be observable by the upcoming second-generation gravitationalwave detectors. We review the most recent results of SGWB searches, and the prospects for detecting the SGWB and testing the SGWB models with the second-generation detectors.
The following sections are included:
In this article I discuss Low-Mass X-ray Binaries as sources of gravitational waves and review theoretical work on the signal expected from “mountains” on the neutron star and unstable modes. In particular I will focus on the r-mode instability and discuss how X-ray data can be used to aid gravitational wave detection and to constrain the physical mechanisms at work in the stellar interior.
Glitches - sudden increases in spin rate - are observed in many pulsars. One mechanism that has been proposed to account for these is the starquake model, in which glitches are triggered by a loss of strain in the solid crust of the star. Starquakes can be expected to excite some of the oscillation modes of the neutron star, which means that they are of interest as a source of gravitational waves. We describe a model that we are developing to calculate the change in the properties of the star during a starquake, in order to work out how the star oscillates after the glitch.
The ANTARES detector is currently the largest operating neutrino telescope in the Northern Hemisphere. Its scientific target is the detection of ultra-high energy cosmic neutrinos through measurement of Cherenkov radiation from neutrino-induced charged leptons. Here, an overview of the results of various analyses will be given, in particular for the searches of point-like sources and the opportunities for multi-messenger astronomy.
Most astronomical sources emit multiple messengers, such as photons, cosmic rays, gravitational waves and neutrinos. These messengers often carry complementary information about the emission mechanism and its environment. A combined multimessenger analysis is synergetic: the relative properties of the messengers (such as amplitude and timing) provide additional information compared to that can be extracted by single-messenger analyses.
In recent years we started feasibility studies for joint search for gravitational waves (GWs) and neutrinos from core collapse supernovae (SN) involving members of the GW and neutrino communities. This collaborative work is aimed to maximize the science out of the existing and forthcoming instruments as they monitor the nearby universe for core-collapse SN. A first paper on this has appeared in Ref.1, an update of which is under way. The present work captures the current status of this effort and key questions that have steered the discussion and work since then…
Many astrophysical sources and cataclysmic phenomena are expected to produce gravitational waves and high-energy cosmic radiation in our Universe, in the form of photons, hadrons and presumably also neutrinos. Both gravitational waves (GW) and high-energy neutrinos (HEN) can escape very dense media and travel unabsorbed over cosmological distances, carrying information from the innermost regions of the astrophysical sources. Requiring consistency between GW and HEN detection channels enables new searches and a detection would yield significant additional information about the common source. We performed the first triggered analysis by combining GW data from the LIGO and Virgo interferometers around the time of neutrino triggers revealed from ANTARES neutrino telescope. No evidence for coincident events was found. We place a lower limit on the distance to GW sources associated with every HEN trigger. We are able to rule out the existence of coalescing binary neutron star systems and black hole-neutron star systems up to distances that are typically 5 Mpc and 10 Mpc, respectively. For generic waveforms, given certain assumptions, typical distance limits can be as high as 17 Mpc.
We discuss the “multi-messenger astronomy” approach in the context of the GW detection. We present a brief review of various scenarios of such observations proposed by different authors. Special attention is paid to the “neutrino-gravity correlation” which looks more or less realistic in the case of supernova events in the Milky Way and near-by galaxies. “EM-gravity” events are discussed in the context of enhanced sensitivity of the advanced interferometers LIGO and VIRGO.
In this talk I will describe the main results obtained in the search for continuous gravitational wave signals from known neutron stars with the first generation of interferometric detectors and describe expectations for the next “advanced” generation. The role of photon astronomy in helping us to narrow down the parameter space to be explored when targeting potentially interesting sources and in the interpretation of results will be discussed.
A recent study has shown that redshift information can be directly extracted from gravitational wave sources. This can be done by exploiting the tidal phasing contributions to the waveform during the inspiral phase of binary neutron stars coalescences. The original study investigated the viability of this idea in the context of the Einstein Telescope using a Fisher Matrix approach and in this paper, we further explore this idea using realistic simulations and Bayesian inference techniques. We find that the fractional accuracy with which the redshift can be measured is in the order of tens of percent, in agreement with Fisher Matrix predictions. Moreover, no significant bias is found. We conclude that, when tidal phasing contributions are included in the analysis, inference of the cosmological parameters from gravitational waves is possible.
Significant progress has been made in recent years on the development of gravitational wave detectors. Several km-scale interferometers have already operated at interesting sensitivity levels. In particular, the interferometric detector for gravitational waves Virgo completed its fourth science run in August 2011, when the upgrade toward the second-generation detector Advanced Virgo started. This major upgrade is planned to be completed by 2015. The expected final sensitivity of Advanced Virgo is about ten times better than the sensitivity reached by its predecessor. Many of the components of the detector will be changed to meet this goal, including new core optics, a more powerful laser, an improved vacuum system, the implementation of the signal-recycling technique. In this paper the description of the project and the expected schedule are presented.
We are at the dawn of making the first detection of gravitational waves (GWs). The advanced LIGO and VIRGO detectors are funded and are under construction with a promise of a few of detections a year. A larger GW network is forming with the KAGRA detector in Japan partially funded and LIGO-India on the near horizon. A low-latency search pipeline is crucial for enabling follow-up electromagnetic observation when a gravitational-wave signal is detected. In this paper, we discuss the benefit for a larger network that includes AIGO - a GW detector at the southern hemisphere for low-latency detections of gravitational waves. The status of current low-latency search pipelines for GWs from compact binary coalescence will be presented.
The main goal of this work is an experimental search for excess mechanical noise which might be generated in a contact area of parts glued to each other by silicate bonding technique under external stress. This technique is an important method developed for the second generation of the ground based gravitational wave detectors. Although this technique is already used in AdvLIGO for the attachment of “ears” with suspension fibers to the test masses, the absence of additional non-gaussian noise caused by the bond area subjected by heavy load wasn't proved yet.
The second/third generation interferometric gravitational wave detectors need not only strong attenuation at the observation band but also reduction of root mean square motion of the mirrors. Many kinds of mechanisms for isolation at low frequencies have been suggested for gravitational wave detectors. An inverted pendulum and geometric anti-spring filters are used in the isolator for KAGRA located in the Kamioka mine. We employed two layer tunnels to put the isolators onto the ground rock directly.
A fundamental noise source limiting the measurement sensitivity of interferometric gravitational wave (GW) observatories is the light's quantum noise. While the sensitivity of the first observatory generation was limited by the shot noise at Fourier frequencies above several hundred hertz, the future observatory generations are expected to be limited by quantum noise also in their low-frequency detection band. Squeezed states of the light field allow for improving the sensitivity at all quantum-noise-limited frequencies. Recently, a squeezing-reduced shot noise of the GW observatory GEO 600 was demonstrated. Based on this success, the Einstein Telescope design study proposes squeezed-light injection to reduce shot noise as well as quantum radiation pressure noise by a factor of ten in power, i.e. by 10 dB. This contribution summarizes the current state of the art in the field of squeezed-light generation for gravitational wave astronomy and the prospects for the intermediate future.
We highlight four points which have been ignored or underestimated before and which allow a better understanding of Poincaré's article Sur la dynamique de l'électron: (i) the use by Poincaré of active Lorentz transformations (boosts); (ii) the necessity, required by mechanics, of a group condition l = 1 eliminating dilations; (iii) the key role of the action (electromagnetic or not) and of its invariance; (iv) the mathematical status of electron models as example or counter-example.
The first attempts to detect gravitational waves are due to Joseph Weber (1919 – 2000), one of the founders of laser and maser physics. His interest in general relativity led Weber to study with Wheeler in Princeton and to focus his interest on gravitational radiation at a time when the existence of gravitational waves was not widely accepted and poor was the knowledge on possible powerful cosmic sources…
We suggest that not only quanta may have played a role in Einstein's ideas on relativity, but that they themselves may be related to the dynamical and relativistic behaviour of the electromagnetic field exhibited in a Poincaré's 1900 paper, in particular to the identical transformation law of energy and frequency for bounded plane waves.
A critical look at the history of relativistic dynamics.
Let us recall first some biographical data. Hermann Weyl (1885–1955) becomes professor at the ETH (Zürich) in 1913. At that time, he is well known for his contributions in pure mathematics: Riemann surfaces and integral equations. Already in his works on integral equations — especially in 1912–1913 — he has strong interest in mathematical physics. Weyl's career is almost immediately interrupted by the First World War. According to Thomas Hawkins “Although at first Weyl was judged physically unfit for military service by the German army, he was finally drafted in the spring of 1915 but was discharged the following spring at the request of the Swiss government.” His scientific career begins anew in 1916. During the period 1916–1923, his research is mainly devoted to the formalization of special and general relativity…
In 1918, Hermann Weyl proposed a generalisation of Riemannian geometry, in order to unify general relativity and electrodynamics. This paper investigates the physical, mathematical and philosophical reasons for his subsequent abandonment of any such attempt towards a unified field theory.
Only seven transits of Venus have been observed and studied up to now since the first astronomical observations with the telescope: 1639, 1761–69, 1874–82 and 2004–12. The measurement of the Astronomical Unit has been one of the main goal of the study of this rare phenomenon, as well as the identification of the planetary atmosphere and its properties, the understanding of the black drop phenomenon and the measurement of the solar diameter. The 1639 transit observed by J. Horrocks is presented in more detail.
For future surveys, spectroscopic follow-up for all supernovae will be extremely difficult. However, one can use light curve fitters, to obtain the probability that an object is a Type Ia. One may consider applying a probability cut to the data, but we show that the resulting non-Ia (nIa) contamination can lead to biases in the estimation of cosmological parameters. A different method, which allows the use of the full dataset and results in unbiased cosmological parameter estimation, is Bayesian Estimation Applied to Multiple Species (BEAMS). BEAMS is a Bayesian approach to the problem which includes the uncertainty in the types in the evaluation of the posterior. Here we outline the theory of BEAMS and demonstrate its effectiveness using both simulated datasets and SDSS-II data. We also show that it is possible to use BEAMS if the data are correlated, by introducing a numerical marginalisation over the types of the objects.
Microlensing observations toward globular clusters could be very useful to probe their low mass star and brown dwarf content. Using the large set of microlensing events detected so far toward the Galactic centre we investigated whether for some of the observed events the lenses are located in the Galactic globular clusters. Indeed, we found that in four cases some events might be due to lenses located in the globular clusters themselves. Moreover, we discuss a microlensing event found in M22. Using the adaptive optics system NACO at ESO VLT it was possible to identify the lens, which turned out to be a low mass star of about 0.18 solar masses in the globular cluster M22 itself.
In this work we examine the possibility that the future Euclid space observatory discover microlensing events in its field of view, caused by free-floating planets. These unbound objects are questioned and discussed several times during this decade. Our calculations are based on latest results about their mass function in the mass range [10−5, 10−2]M⊙. We calculate the optical depth toward galactic bulge, microlensing rate and predict an important number of such events to be observed by Euclid.
Diffraction is important when nearby substellar objects gravitationally lens distant stars. If the wavelength of the observation is comparable to the Schwarzschild radius of lensing object, diffraction leaves an observable imprint on the lensing signature. The SKA may have sufficient sensitivity to detect the typical sources, giant stars in the bulge. The diffractive signatures in a lensing event break the degeneracies between the mass of the lens, its distance and proper motion.
We present a new analysis of the results of the EROS2, OGLE-II, and OGLE-III microlensing campaigns towards the Small Magellanic Clouds (SMC). Through a statistical analysis we address the issue of the nature of the reported microlensing candidate events, whether to be attributed to lenses belonging to known population or dark matter. Main tools of our analysis are optical depth, number of events and duration to be compared with corresponding observed quantities. Overall we consider 5 reported microlensing events towards the SMC. As a results we find, that in term of the number, with about 2 expected self-lensing events, these candidate may fully be explained by the expected self-lensing rate. On the other hand analysis of both the duration and the spatial distribution suggest that not all the events may be due to self-lensing. Only about 2% (10%) of self-lensing events are expected to have a duration shorter (longer) than the short (long) duration OGLE-SMC-04 (OGLE-SMC-02) candidate events. We estimated an upper limit for the halo mass fraction in form of MACHOs, f, of about 10%-20% in the MACHO mass range 10−3 – 10−1M⊙, and about 20%-30% for 10−1 – 1M⊙ MACHOs.
Strongly Lensed systems, and in particular gravitational arcs, are useful tools for a variety of astrophysical applications. Finding arcs in wide-field surveys such as the Dark Energy Survey (DES) requires automated algorithms to select arc candidates due to the large amount of data. In this contribution we present a new arcfinding method that uses the Mediatrix filamentation method coupled to a neural network to select arc candidates. We carry out a systematic comparison between this method and three other arcfinders available in the literature — Lenzen et al. (2004), Horesh et al. (2005), and More et al. (2012) — on a sample of arc simulated with the PaintArcs method.
This article presents some basic results for the gravitational lensing in the strong deflection limit by black holes coupled to phantom scalar and/or phantom electromagnetic field.
Gravitational microlensing, in case of relevant finite source size effects, provides an unique tool for the study of stellar atmospheres through the enhancement of a characteristic polarization signal. Here, we consider a set of highly magnified events and show that for different types of source stars (as hot, late type main sequence and cool giants) showing that the polarization strength may be of ≃ 0.04 percent for late type stars and up to a few percent for cool giants.
We use all the publicly available date on high redshift objects to derive constrains on the parameters of FRWL cosmological model without imposing any a priori assumptions about the dynamical equations for gravity and matter content of the Universe. These data sets allow us to put constrains on the cosmographic expansion parameters up to the fifth order. We show that the standard ΛCDM model is marginally compatible with these data, in particular the deceleration parameter confirms the present acceleration phase of the Universe, but there are hints that the dark energy equation of state is changing in time.
We discuss about the use of gamma ray bursts as cosmological rulers and the related difficulties based on the observational data. We present also a possible method to use GRBs connected with supernovae as distance indicator, which is physically well explained in the Induced Gravitational Collapse paradigm.
Gamma-ray bursts (GRBs), which have been observed up to redshifts z ≈ 9.5 can be good probes of the early universe and have the potential of testing cosmological models. The analysis by Dainotti of GRB Swift afterglow lightcurves with known redshifts and definite X-ray plateau shows an anti-correlation between the rest frame time when the plateau ends (the plateau end time) and the calculated luminosity at that time (or approximately an anti-correlation between plateau duration and luminosity). We present here an update of this correlation with a larger data sample of 101 GRBs with good lightcurves. Since some of this correlation could result from the redshift dependences of these intrinsic parameters, namely their cosmological evolution we use the Efron-Petrosian method to reveal the intrinsic nature of this correlation. We find that a substantial part of the correlation is intrinsic and describe how we recover it and how this can be used to constrain physical models of the plateau emission, whose origin is still unknown. The present result could help clarifing the debated issue about the nature of the plateau emission. This result is very important also for cosmological implications, because in literature so far GRB correlations are not corrected for redshift evolution and selection biases. Therefore we are not aware of their intrinsic slopes and consequently how far the use of the observed correlations can influence the derived ‘best’ cosmological settings. Therefore, we conclude that any approach that involves cosmology should take into consideration only intrinsic correlations not the observed ones.
With the latest sample of 116 GRBs with measured redshift and spectral parameters, we investigate 6 2D correlations and 14 derived 3D correlations of GRBs to explore the possibility of decreasing the intrinsic scatters of the luminosity relations of GRBs. We find the 3D correlation of Epeak–τRT–L to be evidently tighter than its corresponding 2D correlations, i.e., the Epeak–L and τRT–L correlations. In addition, the coefficients before the logarithms of Epeak and τRT in the Epeak–τRT–L correlation are almost exact opposites of each other. We discuss how our findings can be interpreted/understood in the framework of the definition of the luminosity (energy released in units of time).
One of the important unknowns of current cosmology concerns the effects of the large scale distribution of matter on the formation and evolution of dark matter haloes and galaxies. One main difficulty in answering this question lies in the absence of a robust and natural way of identifying the large scale environments and their characteristics. This work summarizes the NEXUS+ formalism which extends and improves our multiscale scale-space MMF method. The new algorithm is very successful in tracing the Cosmic Web components, mainly due to its novel filtering of the density in logarithmic space. The method, due to its multiscale and hierarchical character, has the advantage of detecting all the cosmic structures, either prominent or tenuous, without preference for a certain size or shape. The resulting filamentary and wall networks can easily be characterized by their direction, thickness, mass density and density profile. These additional environmental properties allows to us to investigate not only the effect of environment on haloes, but also how it correlates with the environment characteristics.
We study the relations between the multimodality of galaxy clusters drawn from the SDSS DR8 and the environment where they reside. We find that multimodal clusters reside in higher density environment than unimodal clusters. We determine morphological types of superclusters and show that clusters in superclusters of spider morphology have higher probabilities to have substructure and larger peculiar velocities of their main galaxies than clusters in superclusters of filament morphology. Our study shows the importance of the role of superclusters as high density environment which affects the properties of galaxy systems in them.
We showed how the shape of cosmic voids can be used to distinguish between different models of dark energy using galaxy positions.
Galaxies are not distributed randomly in the cosmic web but are instead arranged in filaments and sheets surrounding cosmic voids. Observationally there is still no convincing evidence of a link between the properties of galaxies and their host structures. Using the largest spectroscopic galaxy redshift survey (SDSS) we study the connection between the spin axes of galaxies and the orientation of their host filaments.
We found evidence that the spin axes of bright spiral galaxies have a weak tendency to be aligned parallel to filaments. For elliptical galaxies, we have a statistically significant result that their spin axes are aligned preferentially perpendicular to the host filaments.
Comparison of peculiar velocities of galaxies with their gravitational accelerations (induced by the density field) is one of the methods to constrain the redshift distortion parameter , where Ωm is the non-relativistic matter density parameter and b is the linear bias. In particular, one can use the motion of the Local Group (LG) for that purpose. Its peculiar velocity is known from the dipole component of the cosmic microwave background, whereas its acceleration can be estimated with the use of an all-sky galaxy catalog, from the so-called clustering dipole. At the moment, the biggest dataset of that kind is the Two Micron All Sky Survey Extended Source Catalog (2MASS XSC) containing almost 1 million galaxies and complete up to 300 Mpc/h. We applied 2MASS data to measure LG acceleration and used two methods to estimate the beta parameter. Both of them yield β ≃ 0.4 with an error of several per cent, which is the most precise determination of this parameter from the clustering dipole to date.
In this contribution we present the preliminary results regarding the non-linear BAO signal in higher-order statistics of the cosmic density field. We use ensembles of N-body simulations to show that the non-linear evolution changes the amplitudes of the BAO signal, but has a negligible effect on the scale of the BAO feature. The latter observation accompanied by the fact that the BAO feature amplitude roughly doubles as one moves to higher orders, suggests that the higher-order correlation amplitudes can be used as probe of the BAO signal.
A novel method allowing to compute density, velocity and other fields in cosmological N–body simulations with unprecedentedly high spatial resolution is described. It is based on the tessellation of the three-dimensional manifold representing cold dark matter in six-dimensional phase space. The density, velocity and other fields are computed by projecting the tessellation on configuration space. The application of this technique to cosmological N–body simulations in ΛCDM cosmology reveals a far more elaborate cosmic web then dot plots or self–adaptive SPH. In addition, this method allows to uniquely define physical voids and identify and study the caustic surfaces directly.
Structures like galaxies and filaments of galaxies in the Universe come about from the origami-like folding of an initially flat three-dimensional manifold in 6D phase space. The ORIGAMI method identifies these structures in a cosmological simulation, delineating the structures according to their outer folds. Structure identification is a crucial step in comparing cosmological simulations to observed maps of the Universe. The ORIGAMI definition is objective, dynamical and geometric: filament, wall and void particles are classified according to the number of orthogonal axes along which dark-matter streams have crossed. Here, we briefly review these ideas, and speculate on how ORIGAMI might be useful to find cosmic voids.
In a Universe dominated by cold dark matter, structure forms from foldings of a three-dimensional sheet permeating six-dimensional phase space. The dynamics of the sheet is governed by gravity alone, and it never tears or intersects itself in phase space. In position space, these foldings lead to the formation of pancakes, filaments and finally dark matter halos: the cosmic web. N-body simulations already follow the motion of this sheet in phase space. This fact can be used to extract full fine-grained phase-space-structure information from existing cosmological N-body simulations. Particles are considered as the vertices of an unstructured three dimensional mesh, moving in six dimensional phase-space. On this mesh, mass density and momentum are uniquely defined. We show how to obtain the space density of the fluid, local velocity dispersion and detect caustics. We also discuss how information about the sheet can be used to create highly accurate volume visualizations and devise new simulation codes to evolve cold collisionless fluids under self-gravity.
We present a new way to formulate the geometry of the Cosmic Web in terms of Lagrangian space. The Adhesion model has an ingenious geometric interpretation out of which the spine of the Cosmic Web emerges naturally. Within this context we demonstrate a deep connection of the relation between Eulerian and Lagrangian space with that between Voronoi and Delaunay tessellations.
Loop Quantum Gravity (LQG) is a promising approach to quantum gravity, in particular because it is based on a rigorous quantization of the kinematics of gravity. A difficult and still open problem in the LQG program is the construction of the physical Hilbert space for pure quantum gravity. This is due to the complicated nature of the Hamilton constraints. The Shape Dynamics description of General Relativity (GR) replaces the Hamilton constraints with spatial Weyl constraints, so the problem of finding the physical Hilbert space reduces to the problem of quantizing the Weyl constraints. Unfortunately, it turns out that a loop quantization of Weyl constraints is far from trivial despite their intuitive physical interpretation. A tentative quantization proposal and interpretation proposal is given in this contribution.
After appropriate adjustments, spin foam models can be used as effective theories. We present a study of abelian gauge theory which points out what adjustments are necessary in usual spin foam models. The study is carried out in a manner that prepares the path for the extension to non abelian gauge fields. This work finds agreement with earlier results of Oriti et al. on a spin foam model for two dimensional gravity, and Sorkin's discrete model for electromagnetism.
Contradiction between Quantum theory and Gravity contains two principal points: i/uncompatibility with the quantum statement on the pointlike electron and ii/distortion of the plane waves and the related Fourier transform in curved spaces. The general point of view on the priority of Quantum theory doesn't lead to progress, and we suggest to listen attentively to Gravity's view, which suggests for item i/ singular pp-waves and twistorial Fourier transform, and for item ii/ the Kerr-Newman (KN) electron model based on the twistorial structure of the Kerr theorem. Both suggestions are related with the holographic twistorial structure of the Kerr-Schild (KS) geometry, indicating the twistorial KS way to Quantum Gravity.
Causal Dynamical Triangulations is a background independent approach to quantum gravity. We show that there exists an effective transfer matrix labeled by the scale factor which properly describes the evolution of the quantum universe. In this framework no degrees of freedom are frozen, but, the obtained effective action agrees with the minisuperspace model.
The Operator Spin-network Diagrams is a new framework that enables to express Spin-foam amplitudes in a clear graphical way. Within this framework it is easy to find and characterise all the spin-foams with a given fixed boundary graph. We used this technique to characterise transition amplitudes in Dipole Cosmology in higher order in the vertex expansion.
Causal dynamical triangulations allows for a non perturbative approach to quantum gravity. In this article a solution for dimers coupled to CDT is presented and some of the conceptual problems that arise are reflected upon.
We present a non-perturbative quantization of general relativity coupled to dust and other matter fields. The dust provides a natural time variable, leading to a physical Hamiltonian with spatial diffeomorphism symmetry. The methods of loop quantum gravity applied to this model lead to a physical Hilbert space and Hamiltonian. This provides a framework for physical calculations in the theory.
In fundamentally discrete approaches to quantum gravity such as loop quantum gravity, spin-foam models, group field theories or Regge calculus observables are functions on discrete geometries. We present a bra-ket formalism of function spaces and discrete calculus on abstract simplicial complexes equipped with geometry and apply it to the mentioned theories of quantum gravity. In particular we focus on the quantum geometric Laplacian and discuss as an example the expectation value of the heat kernel trace from which the spectral dimension follows.
We present a new perspective on early cosmology based on Loop Quantum Gravity. We use projected spinnetworks, coherent states and spinfoam techniques, to implement a quantum reduction of the full Kinematical Hilbert space of LQG, suitable to descrive inhomogeneous cosmological models. Some preliminar results on the solutions of the Scalar constraint of the reduced theory are also presented.
We give the integral formulation of Yang-Mills equations, which lead us naturally to the construction of gauge invariant conserved charges.
We discuss the extension of loop quantum gravity to topspin networks, a proposal which allows topological information to be encoded in spin networks. This requires minimal changes to the phase space, C*-algebra and Hilbert space of cylindrical functions. Here we focus on the changes to the area operator and determine how it depends on the topology. We hope these ideas will extend the idea of “background independence” in loop quantum gravity to include topology as well as geometry.
We resume the recently proposed Planck-scale phenomenology based on laboratory Bose-Einstein condensates. In particular we study uniform and harmonically trapped condensates with a Planck-scale induced deformation of the Minkowski energy-momentum dispersion relation showing that it produces a shift in the critical temperature Tc of the condensate. We argue how it is possible to enlarge
and compare the Planck-scale induced shift in Tc with similar effects due to interboson interactions.
The vacuum of quantum gravity is believed to be a form of ‘space-time foam’ which resembles a turbulent fluid. In this perspective, it is conceivable that Lorentz symmetry might be an emergent phenomenon. However, this idea of an underlying turbulent ether is not strictly peculiar of quantum gravity. This general picture suggests an alternative interpretation of the stochastic signal observed in the present ether-drift experiments with potentially important implications for both relativity and gravity.
We argue that Relative Locality may arise in the no gravity G → 0 limit of gravity. In this limit gravity becomes a topological field theory of the BF type that, after coupling to particles, may effectively deform its dynamics. We briefly discuss another no gravity limit with a self dual ground state as well as the topological ultra strong G → ∞ one.
We propose the concept of MoNDian dark matter which behaves like cold dark matter at cluster and cosmic scales but emulates modified Newtonian dynamics at the galactic scale. The connection between global physics and local galactic dynamics is implemented via entropic gravity. We also give an alternative formulation of MoNDian dark matter by using an effective gravitational Born-Infeld theory. In the latter approach, we show that the quanta of MoNDian dark matter obey infinite statistics.
Quantum or torsion gravity models predict unusual properties of space-time at very short distances. In particular, near the Planck length, around 10−35m, empty space may behave as a crystal, singly or doubly refractive. However, this hypothesis remains uncheckable for any direct measurement since the smallest distance accessible in experiment is about 10−19m at the LHC. Here I propose a laboratory test to measure the space refractivity and birefringence induced by gravity. A sensitivity from 10−31m down to the Planck length could be reached at existent GeV and future TeV energy lepton accelerators using laser Compton scattering. There are already experimental hints for gravity signature at distances approaching the Planck length by 5–7 orders of magnitude, derived from SLC and HERA data.
We critically discuss the measure of very short time intervals. By means of a gedanken-experiment, we describe an ideal clock based on the occurrence of completely random events. We show that the minimum time interval that this clock can measure scales as the inverse of its size. This implies an uncertainty relation between space and time. We outline and briefly discuss the implications of this uncertainty principle.
The field equations in modified gravity theories possess an important decoupling property with respect to certain classes of nonholonomic frames. This allows us to construct generic off–diagonal solutions depending on all spacetime coordinates via generating and integration functions containing (un–)broken symmetry parameters. Some corresponding analogous models have a nice ultraviolet behavior and seem to be (super) renormalizable in a sense of covariant modifications of Hořava–Lifshits (HL) and ghost free gravity. The apparent noncommutativity and breaking of Lorentz invariance by quantum effects can be encoded into geometric objects and basic equations on noncommutative tangent Lorentz. The constructions can be extended to include conjectured covariant reonormalizable models with effective Einstein fields with (non)commutative variables.
The time-dependent Schrödinger-Newton equation can be considered as a model for the gravitational self-interaction of a quantum system. We motivate this model as the non-relativistic limit of a gravitationally interacting relativistic field. Namely, we show that the Schrödinger-Newton equation can be derived in a WKB-like expansion in 1/c from the Einstein-Klein-Gordon and Einstein-Dirac system.
We give here an overview of results obtained in collaboration with G. Amelino-Camelia and G. Rosati. We present a formal characterization of spacetime noncommutativity within a covariant formulation of quantum mechanics. We present here the results for the much studied case of the κ-Minkowski noncommutative spacetime. This formalism allows us to give a crisp derivation of relative locality effects and of the fuzziness of distant spacetime regions.
Several recent studies in the quantum-gravity literature have analyzed DSR-relativistic symmetries. This leads to a rich phenomenology but it has been established that there are no modifications of particle-reaction kinematics at leading order in the deformation scale (usually assumed to be of the order of the Planck scale). We here report preliminary results of our work in progress performing for the first time all-order analyses of particle-reaction kinematics. We here focus on the simple case of a two-body decay and on a specific DSR setup inspired by properties of the κ-Poincaré Hopf-algebra.
We summarise some results of work in progress in collaboration with Giovanni Amelino-Camelia about momentum dependent (Rainbow) metrics in a Relative Locality framework and we show that this formalism is equivalent to the Hamiltonian formalization of Relative Locality obtained in arXiv:1102.4637.
Several approaches to the quantum-gravity problem predict that spacetime should be “fuzzy”. On the basis of semi-heuristic arguments, in particular involving an irreducible Planck-scale contribution to the uncertainty of the energy of a particle, a rather active phenomenological programme has been developed, looking for blurring of images of distant astrophysical sources that would result from such energy uncertainties. I here summarize some of the results reported by Amelino-Camelia, Astuti and myself in Ref. 1, where we investigate spacetime fuzziness within the quantum picture of spacetime provided by κ-Minkowski/κ-Poincaré spacetime noncommutativity. This manuscript can be considered as the following of the talk given by Astuti reported in Ref. 2.
We summarize the status of constructing fixed functionals within the f(R)-truncation of Quantum Einstein Gravity in three spacetime dimensions. Focusing on curvatures much larger than the IR-cutoff scale, it is shown that the fixed point equation admits three different scaling regimes: for classical and quantum dominance the equation linearizes and has power-law solutions, while the balanced case gives rise to a generalized homogeneous equation whose order is reduced by one and whose solutions are non-analytical.
We present recent results on the non-perturbative renormalization group flow of Quantum Einstein Gravity (QEG) on spacetime manifolds with boundaries. As an application, novel quantum gravity corrections to the thermodynamics of black holes are discussed.
Matter-quantum gravity interactions can be used for direct and also indirect experimental tests of quantum gravity. We focus on photon-photon scattering in asymptotically safe gravity as a direct test of the small-scale structure of spacetime, and discuss how near-future experiments can probe asymptotic safety in a setting with large extra dimensions.
We study quantum gravity corrections to early universe cosmology as resulting within the asymptotic safety scenario. We analyse if it is possible to obtain accelerated expansion in the regime of the renormalisation group fixed point in a theory with Einstein-Hilbert gravity and a scalar field. We show how this phase impacts cosmological perturbations observed in the cosmic microwave background.
After a brief discussion of the different infrared effects in de Sitter spacetime, we show that the long-distance behavior of the photon field two-point function is highly gauge-dependent. This situation is in disagreement with its counterpart in flat spacetime, where the two-point function vanishes in the IR region for any choice of the gauge-fixing parameters. A criterion to isolate the “physical” part of the two-point function is given and is shown to lead to a well-behaved two-point function in the IR region. It is suggested that similar gauge artifacts can occur for the graviton field in de Sitter.
Holography is sometimes claimed to be a fundamental principle in the advancement of quantum gravity. This paper critically evaluates this claim and provides a look back at an important historical forerunner of the modern concept of holography, which is to be found in the work of Hermann Weyl. By the same token, a brief and rather skeptical response to the recent and broad public interest in holography will be given.
The difference between Einstein's general relativity and its Cartan extension is analyzed within the scenario of asymptotic safety. In particular, the four-fermion interaction is studied which distinguishes the Einstein-Cartan theory from its Riemannian limit.
We summarize the talks presented at the QG4 session “Loop Quantum Gravity: Cosmology and Black Holes” of the 13th Marcel Grossmann Meeting.
In this talk we introduce an extension of the inflationary paradigm to include Planck scale physics, using techniques from loop quantum cosmology. We address open gravitational issues both for the background geometry and perturbations. This approach provides examples of effects that may have observational implications, and thus provide a window to test the basic quantum gravity principles employed.
In this proceeding, I show some features of Loop Quantum Cosmology (LQC) through cosmological perturbations and their consequences on the Cosmic Microwave background (CMB). It has been known for quite a long time that tensor perturbations are a promising way to possibly investigate the predictions of theories of gravitation. However, we have recently understood -in particular thanks to the study of vector and scalar modes-that the algebra usually assumed was in fact not correct. The requirement of anomaly-freedom for vector and scalar perturbations leads to modifications of the tensor-mode algebra, especially for the two main corrections implied by LQC, namely the holonomy and inverse-triad terms. For the holonomy corrections in the bouncing scenario, it exists a possible generic way to derive the anomaly-free and gauge-invariant variables which revealing a specific scheme (the so-called mu-bar scheme), usually assumed for other reasons. This model shows finally an “effective” change of the metric signature (from lorentzian to euclidean) around the bounce, possibly bridging this approach with the Hartle-Hawking proposal and with the effect of Asymptotic Silence.
This contribution discusses the thermodynamic limit for black holes in loop quantum gravity by using the number-theoretic methods introduced to compute their entropy in this framework. We show how that the subdominant corrections for the entropy in this limit differ from the ones corresponding to the statistical entropy.
We perform a LQC-quantization of the FRW cosmological model with nonminimally coupled scalar field. Making use of a canonical transformation, we recast the theory in the minimally coupled form (Einstein frame), for which standard LQC techniques can be applied to find the physical Hilbert space and the dynamics. We then focus on the semiclassical sector, obtaining a classical effective Hamiltonian, which can be used to study the dynamics. We show that the classical singularity is replaced by a “mexican hat”-shaped bounce, joining the contracting and expanding branches. The model accommodates Higgs-driven inflation, with more than enough e-folding for any physically meaningful initial condition.
Various choices of the geometry degrees of freedom as the emergent time are tested on the model of an isotropic universe with a scalar field of ϕ2 potential. Potential problems with each choices as well as possible applications in loop quantization are discussed.
It is well known that the process of quantizing field theories is plagued with ambiguities. First, there is ambiguity in the choice of basic variables describing the system. Second, once a choice of field variables has been made, there is ambiguity concerning the selection of a quantum representation of the corresponding canonical commutation relations. The natural strategy to remove these ambiguities is to demand positivity of energy and to invoke symmetries, namely by requiring that classical symmetries become unitarily implemented in the quantum realm. The success of this strategy depends, however, on the existence of a sufficiently large group of symmetries, usually including time-translation invariance. These criteria are therefore generally insufficient in non-stationary situations, as is typical for free fields in curved spacetimes. Recently, the criterion of unitary implementation of the dynamics has been proposed in order to select a unique quantization in the context of manifestly non-stationary systems. Specifically, the unitarity criterion, together with the requirement of invariance under spatial symmetries, has been successfully employed to remove the ambiguities in the quantization of linearly polarized Gowdy models as well as in the quantization of a scalar field with time varying mass, propagating in a static background whose spatial topology is either of a d-sphere (with d = 1, 2, 3) or a three torus. Following Ref. 3, we will see here that the symmetry and unitarity criteria allows for a complete removal of the ambiguities in the quantization of scalar fields propagating in static spacetimes with compact spatial sections, obeying field equations with an explicitly time-dependent mass, of the form
We completely quantize the model consisting of scalar perturbations around a homogeneous and isotropic universe filled with a massive scalar field and with positive-curvature spatial sections. A gauge fixing is performed so as to remove the spurious local degrees of freedom. The homogeneous sector is then quantized with loop techniques, while the inhomogeneities are described by a standard Fock representation which is uniquely determined by the symmetries of the spatial sections and the requirement of unitary dynamics. We provide a quantum Hamiltonian constraint and characterize its solutions in terms of their initial value on the minimum volume section. An equivalent formulation in terms of gauge invariants is commented.
The following sections are included:
Quantum theory of a scalar field is developed on the LQC Bianchi I space-time. By comparing the quantum field theory for a single mode on classical and quantum background geometries we find that an effective Bianchi I space-time emerges. We show that by disregarding the back-reaction no Lorentz-violation is present, despite the effective metric being different than the classical Bianchi I one.
It is discussed a truncation of the kinematical Hilbert space of Loop Quantum Gravity, which describes the dynamical system associated with an inhomogeneous cosmological model.
We discuss the identification of SGR/AXPs progenitors and associated birth events. We argue that a possible interval of 18 — 40M⊙ of rotating progenitors is indicated, and that associated supernovae may be driven by the magnetar under certain conditions. This does not guarantee a super-energetic event, although it is shown that this may be the case of the recent identification CXOU J171405.7-381031/CTB37B. Magnetars are predicted to be massive, M ≥ 1.6M⊙ right at their birth.
Disk accretion as a means to explain the persistent and transient X-ray emission of anomalous X-ray pulsars (AXPs) has been first proposed by van Paradijs et al. 1995, by Chatterjee et al. 2000 and by Alpar 2001. This class of models was developed further in a series of papers of the Istanbul group (for a recent summary see Ertan et al. 2009), and can be applied to soft gamma ray repeaters (SGRs) as well, which have similar timing and spectral properties as AXPs. The required magnetic dipole fields to explain the temporal evolution of the neutron stars are in the range of 1012–1013 G. Highly super-Eddington bursts observed in SGRs, could be produced by the decay of super-strong magnetic fields (1014–1015 G) residing in localized multi-pole fields. The presence of magnetar multipole fields close to the surface of the star is compatible with the fallback disk model since the disk matter interacts with the magnetic dipole field.
We describe one of the so-called low magnetic field magnetars SGR 0418+5729, as a massive fast rotating highly magnetized white dwarf following Malheiro et. al. We give bounds for the mass, radius, moment of inertia, and magnetic field for these sources, by requesting the stability of realistic general relativistic uniformly rotating configurations. Based on these parameters, we improve the theoretical prediction of the lower limit of the spin-down rate of SGR 0418+5729. In addition, we compute the electron cyclotron frequencies corresponding to the predicted surface magnetic fields.
We examine an external trigger mechanism that gives rise to the intense soft gamma-ray repeater (SGR) giant flares. Out of the three giant flares, two showcased the existence of a precursor, which we show to have had initiated the main flare. We develop a reconnection model based on the hypothesis that shearing motion of the footpoints causes the materialization of a Sweet-Parker current layer in the magnetosphere. The thinning of this macroscopic layer due to the development of an embedded super-hot turbulent current layer switches on the impulsive Hall reconnection, which powers the giant flare. We show that the thinning time is on the order of the pre-flare quiescent time.
Central Compact Objects are peculiar young neutron stars, with very low external magnetic fields combined with high fluxes in the X-ray band and surface temperature anisotropies. However, in their crust the magnetic field can be strong, result of its burial during a short post-supernova hypercritical accretion episode. The implications of this latter scenario for the temperature anisotropy, pulsed fraction and luminosity are discussed.
The magnetars are believed to be highly magnetized neutron stars having surface magnetic field 1014 – 1015 G. It is believed that at the center, the magnetic field may be higher than that at the surface. We study the effect of the magnetic field on the neutron star matter. We model the nuclear matter with the relativistic mean field approach considering the possibility of appearance of hyperons at higher density. We find that the effect of magnetic field on the matter of neutron stars and hence on the mass-radius relation is important, when the central magnetic field is at least of the order of 1017 G. Very importantly, the effect of strong magnetic field reveals anisotropy to the system. Moreover, if the central field approaches 1019 G, then the matter becomes unstable which limits the maximum magnetic field at the center of magnetars.
This paper summarizes some of the recent results on magnetism in high dense mediums, where the phenomenon of color superconductivity can be present, and its possible implications for the astrophysics of compact objects. The presentation will be organized through the answers to three fundamental questions.
The magnetized color flavor locked matter phase can be more stable than the unpaired phase, thus becoming the ground state inside neutron stars. In the presence of a strong magnetic field, there exist an anisotropy in the pressures. We estimate the mass-radius relation of magnetized compact stars taking into account the parallel and perpendicular (to the magnetic field) pressure components.
In this presentation, we discuss the possible implication of new hadronic degrees of freedom in a dense compact object. We propose a model of compact star that has three phases, nuclear matter at the outer layer, kaon condensed nuclear matter in the middle and strange quark matter at the core. Using a simplified model, we demonstrate the possible scenario where the different phases are smoothly connected with the kaon condensed matter playing a role of “doorway” to a quark core, the equation of state (EoS) of which with parameters could be made compatible with the 2-solar mass objects PSR J1614-2230 and J0348+0432 recently observed.
The possibility of observationally discriminating between various types of neutron stars, described by different equations of state of the nuclear matter, as well as differentiating neutron stars from other types of exotic objects, like, for example, quark stars, is one of the fundamental problems in contemporary astrophysics. We consider the possibility that different types of quark stars, in both normal and superconducting CFL (Color-Flavor-Locked) phase can be differentiated among themselves, and from neutron stars, by the study of the emission properties of the accretion disks. Particular signatures appear in the electromagnetic spectrum, thus leading to the possibility of directly testing the equation of state of the dense matter by using astrophysical observations of the spectra of the accretion disks.
We give a brief summary report of the session (SF3) “Strong Fields and High Energy Astrophysical events”.
In this short paper we report on the results found in modeling of a relativistically rotating neutron star. The star is modeled as a rotating magnetic dipole in a static spherical mass. It is found that the radiation for these relativistically rotating stars is severely reduced due to general relativistic effects. It is also found that in the limit, as the mass of the neutron star approaches 3.2M⊙, no radiation is emitted; this essentially signifies a black hole.
In this work, we study the influence of strong constant magnetic fields on a neutral and compressed core of neutrons, protons and electrons. The spherically symmetric core and homogeneous distributions of protons and neutrons at nuclear density are assumed without studying details of gravitational, electromagnetic and nuclear effects. Using the Thomas-Fermi equation for ultra relativistic electrons with non-vanishing Fermi energy, we exactly obtain analytical solutions for different values of magnetic fields B, much larger 1013 Gauss, but smaller than 1017 Gauss. The effects of magnetic fields on the Coulomb potential depth at the center and overcritical electric field near surface are shown. The up-limit of average magnetic field is discussed to see the necessary pressure of magnetic field for stabilizing the system of degenerate electrons, protons and neutrons in the absence of gravitational field.
Neutral stellar core at or over nuclear densities is described by a positive charged baryon core and negative charged electron fluid since they possess different masses and interactions. We approximately integrate the Einstein-Maxwell equations and the equations for the number and energy-momentum conservation of complete degenerate electron fluid, showing possible electric processes that lead to the production of electron-positron pairs.
We study acceleration of current-carrying string loops governed by presence of an outer tension barrier and an inner angular momentum barrier in the field of black holes. Relativistic current carrying strings moving axisymmetrically along the axis of a black hole could in a simplified way represent plasma that exhibits associated string-like behavior. We demonstrate that string loops can be scattered near the black hole horizon and the energy of string oscillations can be efficiently converted to the energy of their linear motion. Such a transmutation effect can potentially represent acceleration of jets in active galactic nuclei and microquasars.
The dynamical impacts of radiation fields on the relativistic magnetic reconnection are investigated by means of Relativistic Resistive Radiation Magnetohydrodynamic (R3MHD) simulations. We found that the radiation energy is confined within a narrow angle of outflow exhausts due to frequent interactions between the gas and radiation through the electron scattering process. The gas is dragged by radiation, leading to a slower outflow than that without radiation.
The study of off-equatorial orbits in razor-thin disks is still in its beginnings. Contrary to what was presented in the literature in recent publications, the vertical stability criterion for equatorial circular orbits cannot be based on the vertical epicyclic frequency, because of the discontinuity in the gravitational field on the equatorial plane. We present a rigorous criterion for the vertical stability of circular orbits in systems composed by a razor-thin disk surrounded by a smooth axially symmetric distribution of matter, the latter representing additional structures such as thick disk, bulge and (dark matter) halo. This criterion is satisfied once the mass surface density of the thin disk is positive. Qualitative and quantitative analyses of nearly equatorial orbits are presented. In particular, the analysis of nearly equatorial orbits allows us to construct an approximate analytical third integral of motion in this region of phase-space, which describes the shape of these orbits in the meridional plane.
We discuss a geometrical model of the torus structure of Vela pulsar wind nebula (PWN). We suggest a method of determination of the leptonic distribution function anisotropy based on a comparison of model predicted images and high angular resolution Chandra images of Vela PWN. We determine an angular dependence of distribution function in a broad angular range.
In this communication, we focus on the possibility to test General Relativity (GR) with radioscience experiments. We present simulations of observables performed in alternative theories of gravity using a software that simulates Range/Doppler signals directly from the space time metric. This software allows one to get the order of magnitude and the signature of the modifications induced by an alternative theory of gravity on radioscience signals. As examples, we present some simulations for the Cassini mission in Post-Einsteinian gravity (PEG) and with Standard Model Extension (SME).
GINGER is a proposal for a new experiment aimed to the detection of the gravito-magnetic Lense-Thirring effect at the surface of the Earth. A three-dimensional set of ring lasers will be mounted on a rigid “monument”. In a ring laser a light beam traveling counterclockwise is superposed to another beam traveling in the opposite sense. The anisotropy in the propagation leads to standing waves with slightly different frequencies in the two directions; the resulting beat frequency is proportional to the absolute rotation rate in space, including the gravito-magnetic drag. The experiment is planned to be built in the Gran Sasso National Laboratories in Italy and is based on an international collaboration among four Italian groups, the Technische Universität München and the University of Canterbury in Christchurch (NZ).
The external gravitational field of the Earth is not axially symmetric but is irregular, described by series of the spherical harmonic functions. In the local inertial coordinate system the field is rotating following the rotation of the Earth. In the Newtonian interpretation the field is rotating stiffly with the Earth but according to the Einstein's General Relativity interpretation the propagation speed of the gravitation is finite and the gravitational anomalies are propagated in space with the speed of light. Consequently the anomalous field at the altitude h should be twisted by angle α = h ω/cg comparing to the ground level (ω - the speed of the Earth's rotation, cg – speed of the gravitational signal). This effect is difficult to measure because of the decreasing of anomaly values with the distance. However, with the modern techniques like GNSS positioning and gradiometry the torsion could be measured.
The data of 2012 transit of Venus are compared with the ones of 2004. The thickness of the atmosphere of Venus, its aureole and the effect of oblateness and other asphericities in the figure of the Sun are taken into consideration, as well as the black drop effect. A new extrapolation method for the contact times is presented. The next Mercury transit in 2016 will be fully visible from Europe, and the data will be gathered in view of this new method of analysis, to obtain the solar diameter.
The Gravitation Astrometric Measurement Experiment (GAME) is a mission concept based on astrometric and coronagraphy techniques whose main scientific goal is the estimation of the γ and β parameters of the PPN formalism. The science case also addresses cosmology, extra-solar planets, Solar System objects and fundamental stellar parameters. We briefly describe the motivations of the mission, its measurement approach and instrument design, providing an estimation of the expected results.
A fully relativistic method to allow for self-positioning in space-time will be presented. The method is based on the use of at least four independent sources of pulsated electromagnetic signals, whose position in space is given. Good sources can be pulsars and specifically X-ray pulsars; in addition one can consider artificial emitters to be laid down on the surface of celestial bodies of the Solar system. A simple algorithm using linear equations permits the piecewise reconstruction of the space-time trajectory of an observer elaborating on the locally measured time intervals between the arrivals of the pulses from the various sources. The accuracy of the positioning depends both on the quality of the emitters and of the clock carried by the observer. A simulated example will be presented with four real pulsars and the final issue will be the world-line of a point on the Earth, during three days.
The collapse of the iron core of a star with mass 1.4M⊙ is computed. We develop a numerical method for the joint solution of the gas-dynamical equations for matter and the Boltzmann kinetic equations for the distribution functions of various types of neutrinos. The spherically symmetrical case is considered, but the dependences of the distribution functions on all the phase-space variables. The solution yields neutrino light curves with narrow maximum. Part of the neutrino energy is absorbed in the envelope of the stellar core. This is associated with the high mean neutrino energies in our model. This result is of interest for the application of 2D, 3D models taking into account large-scale convection.
Models of rotating relativistic stars with a toroidal magnetic field have been computed for a sample of eight equations of state of cold dense matter. Non-rotating models admit important levels of magnetization accompanied by a seemingly unlimited growth in size and quadrupole distortion. Rotating models reach the mass-shedding limit at smaller angular velocities than in the non-magnetized case corresponding to the larger circumferential equatorial radius induced by the magnetic field. Moreover, they can be classified as prolate–prolate, prolate–oblate, or oblate–oblate with respect to quadrupole distortion and surface deformation. Simple expressions for surface and quadrupole deformation are provided that are valid up to magnetar field strengths and rapid rotation.
We study the dynamical evolution of the gravitational-wave driven instability of the f-mode in rapidly rotating relativistic stars. With an approach based on linear perturbation theory we describe the evolution of the mode amplitude and follow the trajectory of a newborn neutron star through its instability window. We study several evolutions with different initial rotation rates and temperature and determine the gravitational waves radiated during the instability. From the thermal evolution we find that the heat generated by shear viscosity during the saturation phase completely balances the neutrinos cooling and prevents the star from entering the regime of mutual friction. The evolution time of the instability is therefore longer and the star loses significantly larger amounts of angular momentum via gravitational waves.
Several observational evidences and deeper theoretical insights reveal that accretion and outflow/jet are strongly correlated. We model an advective disk-outflow coupled dynamics. We investigate the properties of the disk-outflow surface and how is it dependent on the spin of the black hole. The energetics of such a symbiotic system strongly depend on the mass, accretion rate and spin of the black holes. The model clearly shows that the outflow power extracted from the disk increases strongly with the spin of the black hole.
We will briefly review the Accretion-Ejection Instability and show how to provide a good model to explain the Low-Frequency QPO from microquasars and how it can be used as a building block to create a scenario for microquasar behavior.
Two component advective flows are the most physical accretion disks which arise from theoretical consideration. Since viscosity is the determining factor, we investigate the effects of viscous stresses on accretion flows around a nonrotating black hole. As a consequence of angular momentum transfer by viscosity in an accretion flow, the angular momentum distribution is modified. We include cooling effects and found that a Keplerian disk is produced on the equatorial plane and the flow above and below remains sub Keplerian. This gives a complete picture to date, of the formation of a two component advective flow around a black hole.
The effect of cooling on the outflow rate from an accretion disk around a black hole is investigated using a coupled Monte Carlo Total Variation Diminishing code. A correlation between the spectral states and the outflow rates is found as a consequence.
High-Frequency Quasi-Periodic Oscillation (HFQPO) have been observed in several microquasars but no model of this elusive phenomena has yet gained wide acceptance. Before looking at a model based on the Rossby Wave Instability (RWI), we first look at the constraints arising from observations and how that translates for an HFQPO model. This list could then be used to test any model. Here we present how the RWI fares with respect to that list and the first PDS made from simulations.
The Galactic black hole candidate (BHC) H 1743-322 recently exhibited two outbursts in X-rays in August 2010 & April 2011. The nature (outburst profile, evolution of quasi-periodic oscillation (QPO) frequency and spectral states, etc.) of these two successive outbursts, which continued for around two months each, are very similar. We present the results obtained from a comparative study on the temporal and the spectral properties of the source during these two outbursts. The evolutions of QPOs observed in both the outbursts were well fitted with propagating oscillatory shock (POS) model. During both the outbursts, the observed spectral states (i.e, hard, hard-intermediate, soft-intermediate and soft) follow the ‘standard’ type of hysteresis-loop, which could be explained with two component advective flow (TCAF) model.
There has been a long string of efforts to classify observations from microquasars. The progress made in the understanding of the variability of these objects during the past few years makes it possible now, to try to use the physical processes to make a new classification. This will also have the interest of reuniting all microquasars in one classification, without their specificities (mass, variation timescale) taken into account. Here we describe this classification based on the instabilities occurring in the disk and link them with the variability observed.
The following sections are included:
We examine the low angular momentum flow model for Sgr A* using 2D hydrodynamical calculations based on the parameters of the specific angular momentum and total energy estimated in the recent analysis of stellar wind of nearby stars around Sgr A*. Consequently, the accretion flow is non-stationary and an irregularly oscillating shock is formed in the inner region of a few tens to a hundred and sixty Schwarzschild radii. Due to the oscillating shock, the luminosity and the mass-outflow rate are modulated by several per cent to a factor of 5 and a factor of 2-7, respectively, on time-scales of an hour to ten days. The radiative efficiency of the accreting matter into radiation is very low, ~ 10−5–10−3. The time variability may be relevant to the flare activity of Sgr A*.
When a magnetized accretion disk approach its last stable orbit, the relativistic effects result in another flavor of the AEI, the Relativistic AEI. Here we will focus on the consequences on the LFQPO and how this can be used to explain the less frequent B- and A-types of LFQPO.
In our study of the timing properties of few Galactic black hole candidates evolutions of the low and intermediate frequency quasi-periodic oscillations (LIFQPOs) are observed. In 2005, for explaining evolution of QPO frequency during rising phase of 2005 GRO J1655-40 outburst, Chakrabarti and his students introduced a new model, namely propagating oscillatory shock (POS) model. Here we present the results obtained from the same POS model fitted QPO evolutions during both the rising and declining phases of the outbursts of 2005 GRO J165540, 2010-11 GX 339-4, and 2010 & 2011 H 1743-322.
Until recently gamma Cas stood alone as the major exception to our understanding of the X-ray emission from massive stars. In the last years, however, a growing number of ‘gamma Cas-like’ objects has been unveiled by X-ray telescopes suggesting the existence of an entire new class of X-ray sources. The nature of their X-ray emission remains a mystery. Two hypotheses have been put forward: accretion onto a degenerate companion (a White Dwarf) or, alternatively, the interaction of the circumstellar disk with the star's magnetic field. Both explanations challenge our current understanding of the structure and evolution of massive stars. To ascertain their true nature is, therefore, of great interest.
As suggested by optical observations, the globular cluster NGC 6388 may harbor a central intermediate-mass black hole with mass of about 5.7 × 103 M⊙. We review the past X-ray and radio observations conducted towards NGC 6388 with particular attention to IGRJ17361-4441, i.e. a high energy transient recently discovered by using the INTEGRAL satellite. The transient was located at the globular cluster center thus leaving the intriguing possibility that it may be associated to the central black hole activity.
We review the white dwarf pulsars as particle acceleration sites.
As reported in Terada et al. (2008), we discovered a non-thermal hard X-ray radiation above 10 keV from a intermediate polar AE Aquarii, which shows that WDs can accelerate high energetic particles, that is, cosmic-rays. Those WDs are named as “WD pulsars”. On the other hand, the intermediate polars generally emit thermal hard X-ray from their post-shock region where accreting plasma is channelled by strong magnetic field of the WD. The thermal hard X-ray contaminates that of the non-thermal and makes it difficult to search for the WD pulsars. In this work, we used a thermal X-ray spectral model of the intermediate polars involving the change of the gravitational potential in their post-shock region (Cropper et al. 1999) and the reflection from the WD surface for the first time for the WD pulsar search. We searched the non-thermal signal in Suzaku observation of IGR J00234+6141 and V2487 Ophiuchus with applying the spectral model. With aid of XIS and HXD onboard Suzaku satellite, we detected the non-thermal signal in V2487 Ophiuchus.
AE Aquarii is a cataclysmic variable with the fastest known rotating magnetized white dwarf (P = 33.08 s). It was observed with the NuSTAR imaging hard X-ray observatory to search for possible thermal emission above 10 keV and to identify a reported narrow feature in its pulse profile. The 3–30 keV phase-averaged spectrum is found to be well-fit by either an optically-thin thermal plasma model with a temperature of 3.9 keV plus power-law component with photon index of 2.2, or an optically-thin thermal plasma model with two temperatures of 2.3 keV and 8.7 keV, with the latter model being slightly preferred statistically. In the 3–30 keV hard energy band, we confirm a sinusoidal pulse profile with a pulsed fraction of 16.4 ± 2.4%. However, we were not able to reproduce the sharp pulse feature in the light curve in this band reported to be seen in a previous observation.
In order to search for possible non-thermal emission like AE Aquarii, we picked up magnetized isolated white dwarfs (WDs) in addition to binaries including magnetized cataclysmic variables. Recently, many magnetized WDs are found by Sloan Digital Sky Survey project reaching 9000 objects including WDs showing a magnetic field strength of B ~ 109 G. 82 objects were selected with known magnetic field strength and spin periods in terms of magnetic dipole momentum. The most promising object is EUVE J0317-855, which locates above death line of pulsars and has magnetic dipole radiation Erad ~ 1.1 × 1029 erg/s. Then, we researched for non-thermal emission from isolated magnetized WDs with INTEGRAL, MAXI and Suzaku. As a result, no significant emissions were detected from isolated magnetized WDs with these instruments sensitivities.
Among various types of astrophysical particle acceleration sites, one important prototype is rotation-powered pulsars, namely highly magnetized (1012 G) and rapidly rotating (1 sec) neutronstar. On the first successful detection of pulsating hard X-rays from AE Aqr, the possibility of particle acceleration in the magnetosphere was pointed out. We consider that such magnetized whited dwarfs have similar system as pulsars. The particles are accelerated by the electrostatic potential which is induced by a strong surface field but the acceleration mechanism is still controversal. Here, for simplicity, we demonstrated particle simulation for isolated Rotating White Dwarf magnetosphere. We considered the effect of higher order stellar magnetic field such as quadrupole magnetic field. Magnetic field is assumed to be dipole or quadrepole. The numerical code is originately developed for particle simulation for axissymetric pulsar magnetosphere. We have obtained steady solution with accelerating regions around the star. Because of superimposition of quadrepole field, the location of accelerating region differs around the equatorial plane in contrast to dipole magnetic field case.
Accretion-driven spin-up of a magnetized white dwarf in a close binary system is discussed. We address a situation in which the magnetic field of the white dwarf is screening during the accretion phase and re-generating due to the field diffusion through the accreted material after it. We find this scenario to be effective for a formation of massive pulsar-like white dwarfs.
We report on the optical follow-up observation of the X-ray source 1RXS J180431.1-273932 which was previously recognized as a Symbiotic X-ray Binary. With the new analysis, we found that the brightest optical source inside the 90% X-ray positional error circle is spectroscopically identified as a magnetic cataclysmic variable (CV), most likely of Intermediate Polar type, hosting an accreting white dwarf with mass ≃ 0.8 M⊙.
HD 49798/RX J0648.0–4418 is a post common-envelope X-ray binary composed of a hot subdwarf and one of the most massive white dwarfs with a dynamical mass measurement (1.28±0.05 M⊙). This white dwarf, with a spin period of 13.2 s, rotates more than twice faster than the white dwarf in the cataclysmic variable AE Aqr. The current properties of these two binaries, as well as their future evolution, are quite different, despite both contain a fast-spinning white dwarf. HD 49798/RX J0648.0–4418 could be the progenitor of either a Type Ia supernova or of a non-recycled millisecond pulsars.
Recently, several white dwarfs (WDs) with very strong surface magnetic fields (106 – 109) G have been observed. Moreover, possible description of SGRs/AXPs has been discussed in terms of massive highly magnetized rotating white dwarfs in analogy with the case of pulsars originating their energy from the rotational energy of the neutron stars. Furthermore, two SGRs with low magnetic fields have been detected, sharing some properties with recent detected fast and magnetized white dwarfs. In this work, we present important properties of these SGRs/AXPs as white dwarf pulsars, in particular the surface magnetic field, and show some similarities between fast white dwarfs and the SGRs with low magnetic field described in the white dwarf model.
SGRs/AXPs are assumed to be a class of neutron stars (NS) powered by magnetic energy and not by rotation, as normal radio pulsars. However, the recent discovery of radio-pulsed emission in four of this class of sources, where the spin-down rotational energy lost Ėrot is larger than the X-ray luminosity LX during the quiescent state - as in normal pulsars - opens the question of the nature of these radio AXPs in comparison to the others of this class. In this work, we show that the radio AXPs obey a linear log-log relation between LX and Ėrot, very similar to the one of normal X-ray pulsars, a correlation not seen for the others SGRs/AXPs. This result suggests a different nature between the radio AXPs comparing to the others SGRs/AXPs.
The properties of uniformly rotating white dwarfs (RWDs) are analyzed within the framework of Newton's gravity and general relativity. In both cases Hartle's formalism is applied to construct the internal and external solutions to the field equations. The white dwarf (WD) matter is described by the Chandrasekhar equation of state. The region of stability of RWDs is constructed taking into account the mass-shedding limit, inverse β-decay instability, and the boundary established by the turning points of constant angular momentum J sequences which separates stable from secularly unstable configurations. We found the minimum rotation period ∼ 0.28 s in both cases and maximum rotating masses ∼ 1.534M⊙ and ∼ 1.516M⊙ for the Newtonian and general relativistic WDs, respectively. By using the turning point method we show that general relativistic WDs can indeed be axisymmetrically unstable whereas the Newtonian WDs are stable.
The “effective geometry” formalism is here adopted to analyze the perturbations of a non rotating white dwarf. After the derivation of a compact analytical parametric approximate white dwarf solution via the Padé formalism, we use it to construct the effective acoustic metric governing general fluid perturbations. The equations of the theory, numerically integrated in the case of irrotational, spherical, pulsating problem, show the analog space-time structure of the acoustic metric. In particular it appears that the stellar surface exhibits a curvature singularity associated to the vanishing of density.
We consider a relativistic, degenerate, electron gas under the influence of a strong magnetic field, which describes magnetized white dwarfs. Landau quantization changes the density of states available to the electrons, thus modifying the underlying equation of state. We obtain the mass-radius relations for such white dwarfs and show that it is possible to have magnetized white dwarfs with a mass significantly greater than the Chandrasekhar limit in the range 2.3 – 2.6M⊙. Recent observations of peculiar type Ia supernovae - SN 2006gz, SN 2007if, SN 2009dc, SN 2003fg - seem to suggest super-Chandrasekhar-mass white dwarfs with masses up to 2.4 – 2.8M⊙, as their most likely progenitors and interestingly our results lie within the observational limits.
The Feynman-Metropolis-Teller (FMT) treatment considering a classic non-relativistic Thomas-Fermi model confined in a Wigner-Seitz cell has been recently generalized to relativistic regimes and applied to the description of static and rotating white-dwarfs in general relativity. We here extend the FMT treatment to the case of finite temperatures for selected nuclear compositions.
The ASTRO-H satellite is an X-ray astronomy satellite currently planned to be launched in 2015. It is a successor of the series of Japan's X-ray astronomy satellites, and is being developed under an international collaboration with the US, some European countries, and Canada. The satellite carries four scientific payloads: SXS (soft X-ray spectrometer), SXI (soft X-ray imager), HXI (hard X-ray imager), and SGD (soft gamma-ray detector), providing a non-dispersive high-resolution spectroscopic capability with SXS and a wide energy coverage with the four instruments. We present the status of the development and some of the scientific prospects related to the interest of the session, which includes high-resolution X-ray spectroscopy of neutron stars.
LOFT, the large observatory for X-ray timing, was selected by the European Space Agency (ESA) in February 2011 as one of four medium size mission concepts for the Cosmic Vision program that will compete for a launch opportunity in the early 2020s. LOFT will carry out high-time resolution (10 μs) and spectroscopic observations (<260 eV) of compact objects in the X-ray band (2-80 keV), with unprecedented throughput, thanks to its 10 m2 effective area. LOFT will address the fundamental questions of the Cosmic Vision Theme “Matter under extreme conditions”: What is the fundamental equation of state of a compact object? Does matter orbiting close to the event horizon follow the predictions of general relativity?
We review the phenomenology of mini black holes at colliders in light of the latest data from the LHC. By improving the conventional production cross-section, we show that the current non-observation of black hole signals can be explained in terms of quantum gravity effects. In the most optimistic case, black hole production could take place at a scale slightly above the LHC design energy. We also analyse possible new signatures of quantum-corrected Planck-scale black holes: in contrast to the semiclassical scenario the emission would take place in terms of soft particles mostly on the brane.
We compute the Zero Point Energy in a spherically symmetric background distorted at high energy as predicted by Gravity's Rainbow. In this context we setup a Sturm-Liouville problem with the cosmological constant considered as the associated eigenvalue. The eigenvalue equation is a reformulation of the Wheeler-DeWitt equation. We find that the ordinary divergences can here be handled by an appropriate choice of the rainbow's functions, in contrast to what happens in other conventional approaches.
Kaluza-Klein gravitons emission rates due to plasmon-graviton conversion in magnetic field are computed within the ADD model of TeV-scale gravity.
We report on calculation of classical ultrarelativistic gravitational bremsstrahlung in particle collisions in the ADD model with d toroidal extra dimensions using post-linear approximation. The radiation efficiency ϵ ≡ Erad/Einitial obtained can be expressed in terms of the Schwarzschild radius rS corresponding to the collision energy , the impact parameter b and the center-of-mass Lorentz factor γcm as follows:
with some d–dependent power ν. This is larger than previously known estimates and is interpreted as indication on string radiative damping of transplanckian collisions.
Classical collision of point-like particle interacting purely by gravity with the D − 2-dimensional Nambu-Goto brane is studied in D–dimensional space-time (D ⩾ 4) within perturbation theory in terms of the gravitational constant ϰD. The particle induces the first-order fluctuation of brane consisting of a smooth part and the shock wave part. In the second order in ϰD gravitational radiation takes place similar to bremsstrahlung in the point particle collision. The amplitude exhibits destructive interference in small-angle part of the spectrum.
The following sections are included:
We study New Massive Gravity on de Sitter background and discuss several interrelated properties: The appearance of an enhanced symmetry point at linearized level where the theory becomes partially massless; its absence at full nonlinear level, and its relation with the existence of static black hole solutions and their hair parameter.
Kerr geometry displays remarkable parallelism with quantum world and string theory. Kerr-Newman solution is generated by a complex world-line (Newman, 1973), which forms an open complex string with orientifold world-sheet. The adjoined to this string twistorial structure of Kerr geometry is determined by Kerr theorem and described as a quartic in the projective twistor space, CP3, forming a Calabi-Yau twofold imprinted in the 4d Kerr-Schild geometry. It is conjectured that superstring structures of the Kerr geometry may be caused by the relationships with N=2 critical superstring.
The fuzzy disc is a disc-shaped region in a noncommutative plane, and is a fuzzy approximation of a commutative disc. We showed that one can introduce a concept of angles to the fuzzy disc, by using the phase operator and phase states known in quantum optics. We also constructed fan-shaped soliton solutions, which would be identified with D-branes, of a scalar field theory on the fuzzy disc and applied this concept to a theory of noncommutative gravity. This proceeding is based on our previous work.
This is a summary of the parallel session.
We give an overview of the use of multivalued fields to describe a Riemann-Cartan spacetimes with curvature and torsion with the help of multivalued displacement fields in spacetime.
The topological theory and the Volterra process are key tools for the classification of quantized and continuous defects in Condensed Matter Physics. We employ both approaches to classify the defects of various dimensionalities of a 4D maximally symmetric spacetime. We concentrate on cosmic forms, which are continuous 2D defects falling into three classes: i)- m-forms, akin to 3D space disclinations and Kibble's cosmic strings; ii)- t-forms, related to hyperbolic rotations; iii)- r-forms, to null rotations. m-forms are compatible with the usual cosmological principle, t- and r-forms demand spacetime homogeneity, and thus are typical of a vacuum in a de Sitter spacetime.
A gauge-translational Lagrangian approach is developed to describe elastic solid containing static dislocations with finite-sized core. The core self-energy includes the translational part of the general Lagrangian quadratic in torsion and curvature which corresponds to the Riemann–Cartan geometry in three dimensions. In the Hilbert–Einstein case, the gauge equation plays the role of non-conventional incompatibility law. The stress tensor of the modified screw dislocations is smoothed out within the core. The renormalization of the elastic constants caused by the dislocation dipoles is considered. The use of the singularityless dislocation solution modifies the renormalization of the shear modulus in comparison with the case of singular dislocations.
The cylindrical geometric space defect is a new example of geometric defects, which proved useful in the description of defects in solid state physics. Here we present a short qualitative exposition of the application of cylindric geometric defect to multiwall nanotubes.
Inhomogeneous exact solutions of General Relativity with zero cosmological constant have been used in the literature to challenge the ΛCDM model. From one patch Lemaître-Tolman-Bondi (LTB) models to axially symmetric quasi-spherical Szekeres (QSS) Swiss-cheese models, some of them are able to reproduce to a good accuracy the cosmological data. It has been shown in the literature that a zero Λ LTB model with a central observer can be fully determined by two data sets. We demonstrate that an axially symmetric zero Λ QSS model with an observer located at the origin can be fully reconstructed from three data sets, number counts, luminosity distance and redshift drift. This is a first step towards a future demonstration involving five data sets and the most general Szekeres model.
We study correlation functions of density perturbations in a spherically symmetric void universe which does not employ the Copernican principle. First we solve perturbation equations in the inhomogeneous universe and obtain the density contrasts by using a method of non-linear perturbation theory. Then we calculate correlation functions of the density contrasts and show that a local anisotropy of those functions appears different from those in homogeneous and isotropic universes.
Perturbations of Kantowski-Sachs models with a positive cosmological constant are considered in a harmonic decomposition, in the framework of gauge invariant 1+3 and 1+1+2 covariant splits of spacetime. Scalar, vector and tensor modes are allowed, however they remain vorticity-free and of perfect fluid type. The dynamics is encompassed in six evolution equations for six harmonic coefficients.
We summarise recent results about the evolution of linear density perturbations in scalar field cosmologies with an exponential potential. We use covariant and gauge invariant perturbation variables and a dynamical systems' approach. We establish under what conditions do the perturbations decay to the future in agreement with the cosmic no-hair conjecture.
We introduce the concept of back-reaction in relativistic cosmological modeling. Roughly speaking, this can be thought of as the difference between the large-scale behaviour of an inhomogeneous cosmological solution of Einstein's equations, and a homogeneous and isotropic solution that is a best-fit to either the average of observables or dynamics in the inhomogeneous solution. This is sometimes paraphrased as ‘the effect that structure has of the large-scale evolution of the universe’. Various different approaches have been taken in the literature in order to try and understand back-reaction in cosmology. We provide a brief and critical summary of some of them, highlighting recent progress that has been made in each case.
A phenomenological formalism is presented in which the apparent acceleration of the universe is generated by cosmic structure formation, without resort to Dark Energy, modifications to gravity, or a local void. The observed acceleration results from the combined effect of innumerable local perturbations due to individually virializing systems, overlapping together in a smoothly-inhomogeneous adjustment of the FRW metric, in a process governed by the causal flow of inhomogeneity information outward from each clumped system. After noting how common arguments claiming to limit backreaction are physically unrealistic, models are presented which fit the supernova luminosity distance data essentially as well as ΛCDM, while bringing several important cosmological parameters to a new Concordance. These goals are all achieved with a second-generation version of our formalism that accounts for the negative feedback of Causal Backreaction upon itself due to the slowed propagation of gravitational inhomogeneity information.
The characteristic formalism of numerical relativity is based on coordinates aligned with outgoing null cones. While these coordinates were designed for studying gravitational waves (GWs), they can easily be adapted to model cosmological past null cones (PNCs), which then provides coordinates causally aligned with observations. The diameter distance (r) used in GW simulations as radial coordinate, is however not ideal for cosmological modelling since it becomes multi-valued as the PNCs refocus in earlier epochs. This presentation addresses this problem by introducing a metric based on the Bondi-Sachs metric where r is replaced by an affine parameter. The resulting model is particularly suitable for numerical calculations and provides a useful tool to compare different cosmologies given similar observations on the observer PNC.
We briefly report on a previously found new, approximate, solution to Einstein field equations, describing a cubic lattice of spherical masses. This model mimics in a satisfactory way a Universe which can be strongly inhomogeneous at small scales, but quite homogeneous at large ones. As a consequence of field equations, the lattice Universe is found to expand or contract in the same way as the solution of a Friedmann Universe filled with dust having the same average density. The study of observables indicates however the possible existence of a fitting problem, i.e. the fact that the Friedmann model obtained from past-lightcone observables does not match with the one obtained by smoothing the matter content of the Universe.
We numerically construct an one-parameter family of initial data of an expanding inhomogeneous universe model which is composed of regularly aligned black holes with an identical mass. We study the relation between the mean expansion rate of the 3-space, which corresponds to the Hubble parameter, and the mass density of black holes. The result implies that the same relation as that of the Einstein-de Sitter universe is realized in the limit of the large separation between neighboring black holes. The deviation of the spatial metric of the cosmological Newtonian N-body system from that of the black hole universe is found to be smaller than about 1% in a region distant from the particles, if the separation length between neighboring particles is 20 times larger than their gravitational radius. By contrast, the deviation of the square of the Hubble parameter of the cosmological Newtonian N-body system from that of the black hole universe is about 20% for the same separation length.
Averaging problem in GR and cosmology is of fundamental importance. It is still not clear how to unambiguously average Einstein equations and the metric tensor (despite some promising attempts). Here we will present a new approach to this problem using the theory of the Cartan scalars. After short review of the theory originally taken from the equivalence problem, averaging procedure is presented and some examples are given.
New results from the LHC are increasingly probing the borders of the Standard Model of particle physics. Some of the most attractive scenarios for new physics are supersymmetric models. In addition to solving some of the shortcomings of the Standard Model (e.g. the hierarchy problem, gauge coupling unification) they also provide a suitable Dark Matter candidate, which could be produced at the LHC. We present the latest searches for Supersymmetry in events with high-energy final states and large missing transverse momentum using 4.7 fb−1 of proton-proton collisions at as recorded by the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider. The data is interpreted in models where the Dark Matter candidate is dominantly produced in cascade decays of heavier unstable supersymmetric particles together with high-pT Standard Model particles. We also present more model-independent searches for one single highly energetic jet or photon together with large amount of missing transverse energy, showing the first results for a mono-jet analysis. Such signals are highly relevant for Dark Matter studies and assume that the DM candidates are pair-produced at the LHC and that all other particles are too heavy to be produced directly. So far no excess above the Standard Model background expectation is observed.
The following sections are included:
Sample Chapter(s)
Chapter 1: On the Cosmological Singularity (477 KB)