This book is the first of its kind to treat high-frequency trading and technical analysis as accurate sciences. The authors reveal how to build trading algorithms of high-frequency trading and obtain stable statistical arbitrage from the financial market in detail. The authors' arguments are based on rigorous mathematical and statistical deductions and this will appeal to people who believe in the theoretical aspect of the topic.
Investors who believe in technical analysis will find out how to verify the efficiency of their technical arguments by ergodic theory of stationary stochastic processes, which form a mathematical background for technical analysis. The authors also discuss technical details of the IT system design for high-frequency trading.
Sample Chapter(s)
Foreword to East China Normal University Scientific Reports (38 KB)
Chapter 1: Introduction (112 KB)
- Introduction
- Market Microstructure
- Some Basic HFT Strategies
- IT System
- Stationary Process and Ergodicity
- Stationarity and Technical Analysis
- HFT of a Single Asset
- Bid, Ask and Trade Prices
- Financial Engineering
- Debate and Future
Readership: Graduates and researchers interested in frequency trading; finance professionals.
Zhaodong Wang obtained his PhD degree in computer science from Shanghai Jiaotong University. He is an expert in high performance system design. He was the CEO of Shanghai Futures Information Technology Corp. Ltd. During this time, he designed the trading system for Shanghai Futures Exchange, China Finance Futures Exchange and many other systems in area of finance. Later, he set up a hedge fund focus on high frequency trading.
Weian Zheng was professor of mathematics at the University of California, Irvine, USA for 21 years. He obtained his Doctor of Science degree from University of Strasbourg, France. He is currently professor and chair of Department of Financial Engineering, East China Normal University, Shanghai, China.