"Sidney Coleman was the master teacher of quantum field theory. All of us who knew him became his students and disciples. Sidney’s legendary course remains fresh and bracing, because he chose his topics with a sure feel for the essential, and treated them with elegant economy."
Frank Wilczek
Nobel Laureate in Physics 2004
Sidney Coleman was a physicist's physicist. He is largely unknown outside of the theoretical physics community, and known only by reputation to the younger generation. He was an unusually effective teacher, famed for his wit, his insight and his encyclopedic knowledge of the field to which he made many important contributions. There are many first-rate quantum field theory books (the venerable Bjorken and Drell, the more modern Itzykson and Zuber, the now-standard Peskin and Schroeder, and the recent Zee), but the immediacy of Prof. Coleman's approach and his ability to present an argument simply without sacrificing rigor makes his book easy to read and ideal for the student. Part of the motivation in producing this book is to pass on the work of this outstanding physicist to later generations, a record of his teaching that he was too busy to leave himself.
Sample Chapter(s)
Sample Chapter 1 to Chapter 3
Sample Chapter 15 to Chapter 16
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- Adding Special Relativity to Quantum Mechanics
- The Simplest Many-Particle Theory
- Constructing a Scalar Quantum Field
- The Method of the Missing Box
- Symmetries and Conservation Laws I. Spacetime Symmetries
- Symmetries and Conservation Laws II. Internal Symmetries
- Introduction to Perturbation Theory and Scattering
- Perturbation Theory I. Wick Diagrams
- Perturbation Theory II. Divergences and Counterterms
- Mass Renormalization and Feynman Diagrams
- Scattering I. Mandelstam Variables, CPT and Phase Space
- Scattering II. Applications
- Green's Functions and Heisenberg Fields
- The LSZ Formalism
- Renormalization I. Determination of Counterterms
- Renormalization II. Generalization and Extension
- Unstable Particles
- Representations of the Lorentz Group
- The Dirac Equation I. Constructing a Lagrangian
- The Dirac Equation II. Solutions
- The Dirac Equation III. Quantization and Feynman Rules
- CPT and Fermi Fields
- Renormalization of Spin-1/2 Theories
- Isospin
- Coping with Infinities: Regularization and Renormalization
- Vector Fields
- Electromagnetic Interactions and Minimal Coupling
- Functional Integration and Feynman Rules
- Extending the Methods of Functional Integrals
- Electrodynamics with a Massive Photon
- The Faddeev Popov Prescription
- Generating Functionals and Green's Functions
- The Renormalization of QED
- Two Famous Results in QED
- Confronting Experiment with QED
- Introducing SU(3)
- Irreducible Multiplets in SU(3)
- SU(3): Proofs and Applications
- Broken SU(3) and the Naive Quark Model
- Weak Interactions and Their Currents
- Current Algebra and PCAC
- Current Algebra and Pion Scattering
- A First Look at Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking
- Perturbative Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking
- Topics in Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking
- The Higgs Mechanism and Non-Abelian Gauge Fields
- The Higgs Mechanism and Non-Abelian Gauge Fields
- The Glashow Salam Weinberg Model I. A Theory of Leptons
- The Glashow Salam Weinberg Model II. Adding Quarks
- The Renormalization Group
Readership: Graduate students and academics interested in quantum field theory.
"Sidney Coleman was the master teacher of quantum field theory. All of us who knew him became his students and disciples. Sidney’s legendary course remains fresh and bracing, because he chose his topics with a sure feel for the essential, and treated them with elegant economy."
Frank Wilczek
Nobel Laureate in Physics 2004
"When stumped on some physics, I often still ask myself, even after nearly forty years, 'What would Sidney say?' His lectures and their transcriptions were models of clarity and charm. The subjects remain crucial to frontier physics. This volume is a treasure."
Hugh David Politzer
Nobel Laureate in Physics 2004
"Ah, quantum field theory: through Coleman's eyes we watch a victory parade that made 'the spectator gasp with awe and laugh with joy'!"
Anthony Zee
University of California, Santa Barbara and
author of Quantum Field Theory in a Nutshell
"Sidney Coleman's course on quantum field theory was one of the most memorable and enjoyable experiences of my physics education. Uniquely meticulous and insightful, these notes from his lectures will be invaluable to anyone interested in the cornerstone topic of modern physics."
Sean Carroll
Caltech and
author of Spacetime and Geometry: An Introduction to General Relativity
"Sidney Coleman's Field Theory lectures at Harvard were a staple of every particle physicist Harvard graduate student's education ... the ideas — like all good physics concepts — have survived the decades beautifully. In a labor of love and educational devotion, a team of former students and TAs teamed up with professors and experts to share his legacy in perpetuity."
Lisa Randall
"It may seem strange to refer to a book on Quantum Field Theory as 'fun' — but this book is fun. The reader not only sees important physics and math, but also gets to appreciate a Master Teacher at work. It is wonderful to have these lectures written down so that they can be pored over and savored multiple times. David Politzer said it best in the acknowledgment in his Nobel-Prize-winning thesis on asymptotic freedom. 'To Sidney Coleman my teacher and advisor, who with his cleverness and cunning, conned me into thinking that good physics is simple, I am forever indebted ... Thanks to him, my understanding of field theory has never been so clear, but sometimes my head feels funny.'"
Howard Georgi
"There are many testimonials to Coleman’s devotion as a teacher, his unfailing helpfulness and his concern that each student should develop their understanding of the subject … His courses would take on almost mythological status and some of his former students carry to this day the effects of being influenced by the exceptional clarity of Coleman’s thinking about some of the deepest puzzles of physics. Now his lectures have been meticulously transcribed by his devoted editors and we can all benefit from this extraordinarily perceptive mind."
Contemporary Physics
"The present book on Quantum Field Theory is one of the best presentations of the subject … The praiseworthy merit of Coleman’s book is the attention to the general structure with arguments and derivations always clear and mathematically well founded … One of the great merits of the book is the inclusion of very instructive problems with solutions on the topic developed in the preceding chapters. The Foreword by David Kaiser gives a nice review of the historical development of Quantum Field Theory of Elementary Particles, with a very detailed bibliography, with comments on Coleman approach to the evolving theory; the Foreword also gives a vivid and lively picture of Coleman's character."
"The best aspect of this text, is the immense love that radiates from its pages. This text is best described as a love letter and tribute to Coleman, which is surely deserved." [Read Full Review]
Kymani Armstrong-Williams
Queen Mary University of London