During the last six decades, Yang–Mills theory has increasingly become the cornerstone of theoretical physics. It is seemingly the only fully consistent relativistic quantum many-body theory in four space-time dimensions. As such it is the underlying theoretical framework for the Standard Model of Particle Physics, which has been shown to be the correct theory at the energies we now can measure. It has been investigated also from many other perspectives, and many new and unexpected features have been uncovered from this theory. In recent decades, apart from high energy physics, the theory has been actively applied in other branches of physics, such as statistical physics, condensed matter physics, nonlinear systems, etc. This makes the theory an indispensable topic for all who are involved in physics.
The conference celebrated the exceptional achievements using Yang–Mills theory over the years but also many other truly remarkable contributions to different branches of physics from Prof C N Yang. This volume collects the invaluable talks by Prof C N Yang and the invited speakers reviewing these remarkable contributions and their importance for the future of physics.
Sample Chapter(s)
The Future of Physics — Revisited (124 KB)
- The Future of Physics — Revisited (C N Yang)
- Quantum Chromodynamics — The Perfect Yang–Mills Gauge Field Theory (David Gross)
- Maximally Supersymmetric Yang–Mills Theory: The Story of N = 4 Yang–Mills Theory (Lars Brink)
- The Lattice and Quantized Yang–Mills Theory (Michael Creutz)
- Yang–Mills Theories at High Energy Accelerators (George Sterman)
- Yang–Mills Theory at 60: Milestones, Landmarks and Interesting Questions (Ling-Lie Chau)
- Discovery of the First Yang–Mills Gauge Particle — The Gluon (Sau Lan Wu)
- Yang–Mills Gauge Theory and Higgs Particle (Tai Tsun Wu & Sau Lan Wu)
- Scenario for the Renormalization in the 4D Yang–Mills Theory (L D Faddeev)
- Statistical Physics in the Oeuvre of Chen Ning Yang (Michael E Fisher)
- Quantum Vorticity in Nature (Kerson Huang)
- Yang–Mills Theory and Fermionic Path Integrals (Kazuo Fujikawa)
- Yang–Mills Gauge Theory and the Higgs Boson Family (Ngee-Pong Chang)
- On the Physics of the Minimal Length: The Questions of Gauge Invariance (Lay Nam Chang, Djordje Minic, Ahmed Roman, Chen Sun & Tatsu Takeuchi)
- Generalization of the Yang–Mills Theory (G Savvidy)
- Some Thoughts about Yang–Mills Theory (A Zee)
- Gauging Quantum Groups: Yang–Baxter Joining Yang–Mills (Yong-Shi Wu)
- The Framed Standard Model (I) — A Physics Case for Framing the Yang–Mills Theory? (Chan Hong-Mo & Tsou Sheung Tsun)
- The Framed Standard Model (II) — A First Test Against Experiment (Chan Hong-Mo & Tsou Sheung Tsun)
- On the Study of the Higgs Properties at a Muon Collider (Mario Greco)
- Aharonov–Bohm Types of Phases in Maxwell and Yang–Mills Field Theories (Bruce H J McKellar)
- Yang–Mills for Historians and Philosophers (R P Crease)
- Gauge Concepts in Theoretical Applied Physics (Seng Ghee Tan & Mansoor B A Jalil)
- Yang–Yang Equilibrium Statistical Mechanics: A Brilliant Method (Xi-Wen Guan & Yang-Yang Chen)
- Chern–Simons Theory, Vassiliev Invariants, Loop Quantum Gravity and Functional Integration Without Integration (Louis H Kauffman)
- The Scattering Equations and Their Off-Shell Extension (York-Peng Yao)
- Feynman Geometries (Sen Hu & Andrey Losev)
- Particle Accelerator Development: Selected Examples (Jie Wei)
- A New Storage-Ring Light Source (Alex Chao)
- New Contributions to Physics by Prof C N Yang: 2009–2011 (Zhong-Qi Ma)
- Brief Overview of C N Yang's 13 Important Contributions to Physics (Yu Shi)
Readership: Graduate students and scientists working in high energy physics, statistical physics and condensed matter physics.