Motivating Mathematics demonstrates that pupils can be motivated by being given the Big Picture, including a clearer picture of the nature of maths, and by linking topics to the sciences, rather than teaching each topic in isolation. The author emphasises the many virtues of problem-solving, strongly emphasised in secondary education specifications, especially the role of perception, and the ability of pupils to create their own proofs and to appreciate 'cool' ideas and arguments.
David Wells draws on his extensive experience of teaching primary and secondary pupils and his understanding not just of how students think about mathematics, but of how they feel about a subject which so often seems merely a collection of facts and rules to be mastered. This book will be of immediate practical use to teachers and students at all levels.
Anyone involved in mathematics education will benefit from reading this inspiring book, whether classroom teacher, trainer, teacher in training or professional development, or even parent. The book will also be of interest to policy makers and others with an investment in the future of mathematics education.
Sample Chapter(s)
Chapter 1: Introduction: Motivation and Mathematics Teaching (182 KB)
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- Preamble: Young on The Teaching of Mathematics (1907)
- Introduction: Motivation and Mathematics Teaching
- Demotivating and Demotivated Pupils
- Motivating and Motivated Pupils
- Appreciating = Knowing About Mathematics
- Motivating Emotions: Beauty and Aesthetics
- Proof in School Classrooms
- Ways of Seeing Mathematics
- Euclidean Geometry as Game-Like
- The Scientific Approach to Mathematics
- Mathematics as Perception
- Mathematics Applied to Science
- Classrooms in Other Countries
- Rich Complexity, False Simplicity
- Appendix: Jennifer Kano's Letter
Readership: Students of maths education and interested parents, professional mathematics teachers and teacher trainers (providers of Continuous Professional Development), and policy makers.
"David Wells has combined novel learning activities with an insightful survey of mathematics education. He unerringly identifies the key issues in teaching and learning ... It is a very accessible discussion that will be valuable to all those involved in mathematics education."
Dr Paul Brown
Lead Teacher
Carmel School, Perth, Australia
"This will be a useful book for maths teachers, especially the many young teachers who need some support with their subject knowledge and with ideas for teaching approaches."
Professor Margaret Brown
Prof of Mathematics Education
Kings College London
"David Wells writes in a way that is both illuminating to experts in mathematics and accessible to non-experts ... this book offers an essential critique and points to ways in which school mathematics education could be motivating because it's interesting."
Professor Brian Greer
Graduate School of Education
Portland State University
"I recommend this book for any secondary school mathematics teachers looking for its practical teaching ideas and puzzles to motivate their students to learn mathematics with enjoyment and deep understanding. The materials in the book can be used to build a professional course about motivation in mathematics education."
Dr Wong Khoon Yong
Singapore Teachers Union
"It is a great tool for everyone interested in mathematics education; Wells's conclusions are worth understanding and provide a valuable resource for teachers who need support in causing a big shift in their classrooms."
Margaret Anthony
Mathematics Teaching
The Association of Teachers of Mathematics
"This book does fill the gap for teachers to learn more about this aspect of their craft. All chapters can be delved in and out of in any order — always good to have such a book on your desk for inspiration (or motivation) every now and then. Throughout the book, there are highlighted problems or puzzles to consider — always good in a book on mathematics."
Mathematics in School
"Throughout the book, Wells draws on his personal experiences. He understands how students think and, more importantly, how they perceive mathematics. We owe it to our students to provide them with the necessary tools not only to solve problems, but also to be better thinkers. To allow self-discovery and struggle when first approached with new concepts, and thereby to create a fun and motivating mathematical environment, is vital to a student’s success."
Mathematical Association of America