This book presents a comprehensive treatment of earthquake hazards in Lebanon and its vicinity. A thorough review of the tectonics of the region is given alongside a re-assessment of the historical and instrumental earthquake records. Probabilistic seismic hazard analysis is undertaken and hazard maps are presented in terms of peak ground parameters as well as spectral ordinates (acceleration and displacement). Owing to their significance to the economy of Lebanon, the three cities of Beirut, Sidon and Tripoli are subjected to site-specific earthquake hazard assessment. The maps provided are the best available estimates of seismic hazards in Lebanon and are recommended for use in risk assessment. Also, the basis and framework for similar studies in the Levant are given. The rigorous and pragmatic approach adopted by the authors renders the book accessible to design engineers and researchers alike.
- Executive Summaries
- Background to the Study
- Earthquake Hazard — Preliminaries
- Magnitude Recurrence in Lebanon and Adjacent Regions
- Synthesis of Seismicity and Rate Information
- Selection of Attenuation Relationship
- Source Zone Modelling and Recurrence Relationship
- Hazard Maps
- Site-Specific Hazard Assessments
- Deterministic Assessment of Seismic Hazard
- Concluding Remarks on Seismic Hazard in Lebanon
Readership: Senior undergraduates in civil engineering; graduate students in earthquake structural engineering, geotechnical engineering and engineering seismology.
Amr S Elnashai is a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering in the UK, Willett Professor of Engineering at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and Director of the Mid-America Earthquake Center. He is Fellow of the American Society of Civil Engineers and the UK Institution of Structural Engineers. A graduate of Cairo University, he obtained his MSc and PhD from Imperial College, University of London. Before joining the University of Illinois in 2001, Amr was Professor of Earthquake Engineering and Head of the Engineering Seismology and Earthquake Engineering Section at Imperial College. He is founder and co-editor of the Journal of Earthquake Engineering.
Ramy El-Khoury graduated from Imperial College, University of London, with a BSc in civil engineering followed by a Master of Science in Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics. He is involved in the design, construction supervision and/or management of major infrastructure and building projects for Rafik El-Khoury & Partners, one of the top multidisciplinary consulting engineering firms in Lebanon.