Quantum information describes the new field which bridges quantum physics and information science. The quantum world allows for completely new architectures and protocols. While originally formulated in continuous quantum variables, the field worked almost exclusively with discrete variables, such as single photons and photon pairs. The renaissance of continuous variables came with European research consortia such as ACQUIRE (Advanced Coherent Quantum Information Research) in the late 1990s, and QUICOV (Quantum Information with Continuous Variables) from 2000–2003. The encouraging research results of QUICOV and the new conference series CVQIP (Continuous Variable Quantum Information Processing) triggered the idea for this book.
This book presents the state of the art of quantum information with continuous quantum variables. The individual chapters discuss results achieved in QUICOV and presented at the first five CVQIP conferences from 2002-2006. Many world-leading scientists working on continuous variables outside Europe also contribute to the book.
Sample Chapter(s)
Chapter 1: Bipartite and Multipartite Entanglement of Gaussian States (517 KB)
- Bipartite and Multipartite Entanglement of Gaussian States (G Adesso & F Illuminati)
- Gaussian Quantum Channels (J Eisert & M M Wolf)
- Entanglement in Systems of Interacting Harmonic Oscillators (K M R Audenaert et al.)
- Continuous-Variable Quantum Key Distribution (F Grosshans et al.)
- Gaussian Quantum Cellular Automata (O Krüger & R F Werner)
- Distillation of Continuous-Variable Entanglement (J Fiurášek et al.)
- Loophole-Free Test of Quantum Nonlocality with Continuous Variables of Light (R García-Patrón et al.)
- Homodyne Tomography and the Reconstruction of Quantum States of Light (G M D'Ariano et al.)
- Schrödinger Cat States for Quantum Information Processing (H Jeong & T C Ralph)
- Polarization Squeezing and Entanglement (N Korolkova)
- Type-II Optical Parametric Oscillator: A Versatile Source of Quantum Correlations and Entanglement (J Laurat et al.)
- Accessing the Phase Quadrature of Intense Non-Classical Light State (O Glöckl et al.)
- Experimental Polarization Squeezing and Continuous Variable Entanglement via the Optical Kerr Effect (V Josse et al.)
- High-Fidelity Quantum Teleportation and a Quantum Teleportation Network (N Takei et al.)
- Quantum State Sharing with Continuous Variables (T Tyc et al.)
- Experimental Quantum Cloning with Continuous Variables (U L Andersen et al.)
- Quantum Imaging Techniques for Improving Information Extraction from Images (C Fabre et al.)
- Squeezed Light for Gravitational Wave Detectors (R Schnabel)
- Continuous Variables for Single Photons (L Zhang et al.)
- Experimental Non-Gaussian Manipulation of Continuous Variables (J Wenger et al.)
- Continuous-Variable Quantum-State Tomography of Optical Fields and Photons (A I Lvovsky & M G Raymer)
- Gaussian Description of Continuous Measurements on Continuous Variable Quantum Systems (L B Madsen & K Mølmer)
- Quantum State Preparation of Spin Ensembles by Continuous Measurement and Feedback (R van Handel et al.)
- Real-Time Quantum Feedback Control with Cold Alkali Atoms (J M Geremia)
- Deterministic Quantum Interface Between Light and Atomic Ensembles (K Hammerer et al.)
- Long Distance Quantum Communication with Atomic Ensembles (C W Chou et al.)
- Decoherence and Decoherence Suppression in Ensemble-Based Quantum Memories for Photons (M Fleischhauer & C Mewes)
Readership: Researchers and students specializing in quantum information systems described by continuous variables; as supporting material for advanced university courses in the field.