This book represents a collection of papers from one of the founders of the new Philosophy of Chemistry. It is only the second single-author collection of papers on the Philosophy of Chemistry.
The author is the editor-in-chief of Foundations of Chemistry, the leading journal in the field. He has recently gained worldwide success with his book on the periodic table of the elements titled The Periodic Table: Its Story and Its Significance. This volume provides an in-depth examination of his more philosophical and historical work in this area and further afield.
Sample Chapter(s)
Chapter 1: The Case for the Philosophy of Chemistry (1,153 KB)
- Philosophy of Chemistry and the Question of Reduction:
- The Case for Philosophy of Chemistry
- Prediction of the Nature of Hafnium from Chemistry, Bohr's Theory and Quantum Theory
- Has Chemistry Been at Least Approximately Reduced to Quantum Mechanics?
- Reduction and Emergence in Chemistry
- The Periodic Table, Electronic Configurations and the Nature of the Elements:
- Has the Periodic Table Been Successfully Axiomatized?
- The Periodic Table: The Ultimate Paper Tool in Chemistry
- Naive Realism, Reduction and the ‘Intermediate Position’
- How Ab Inito is Ab Initio Quantum Chemistry? Foundations of Chemistry
- Some Aspects of the Metaphysics of Chemistry and the Nature of the Elements
- Realism and Anti-Realism, and Educational Issues in Philosophy of Chemistry:
- Constructivism, Relativism and Chemistry
- The Recently Claimed Observation of Atomic Orbitals and Some Related Philosophical Issues
- Normative and Descriptive Philosophy of Science and the Role of Chemistry
Readership: Philosophers, historians and students of science, science educators, physicists and chemists.
“This is an outstanding and much anticipated volume, which collects in one place a number of the seminal papers written by one of the pioneers in the philosophy of chemistry … As a companion to Scerri's highly acclaimed book The Periodic Table, Its Story and Its Significance,
this volume succeeds in bringing his important work on the many facets of the reductionism debate to the attention of a new group of readers, who need to appreciate the prominent role that this debate has played from the outset in all areas of the philosophy of chemistry, and the role that Scerri himself has played in this debate … The volume itself is handsomely produced and the selections are well chosen … Every scholar in the philosophy of chemistry will want to have this volume close, to dip into, to learn about the latest thinking of one of the leading scholars in the field, and to have as a handy collection of his earlier papers.”
Foundations of Chemistry
“Eric Scerri brings sound chemical, historical, and philosophic scholarship to bear on the many aspects of chemical teaching that concern long-standing philosophical puzzles. Such work illuminates chemical education in interesting and unexpected ways, and also may well contribute to resolving problems in academic philosophy that have resisted other approaches.”
Science & Education
“General readers (or chemists, science educators, or philosophers) seeking an overview of this area could find no more effective, concise, convenient entry into this important and actively developing field than the one that this volume provides.”
Joseph E Earley
Professor Emeritus
Georgetown University, USA
“…A collection of papers from one of the founders of the new philosophy of chemistry. It is only the second single–author collection of papers on the philosophy of chemistry.”
Chemical & Engineering News
“This volume is an important addition to the rapidly growing body of literature in the philosophy of chemistry. In its insight, liveliness, and broad coverage, it will be a rare treat for philosophers, historians, scientists and science educators alike.”