Current research in genomics and pharmacogenomics is increasingly highlighting the need to move towards stratified disease descriptions and individualized treatment plans. This book explains how a confluence of recent biological, technological and methodological developments is making it possible to provide personalized diagnoses and treatments.
By virtue of treating each person's condition as unique, personal genomics and personalized medicine require health professionals to understand the nature of the data, its health implications, and its limitations.
This book provides a detailed scientific treatment of the emerging disciplines of personal genomics and personalized medicine. It also includes a comprehensive treatment of both the promises and challenges of personal genomics and medicine from technological, societal and medical perspectives. It offers a wide-ranging review of the state of the art across all aspects of a highly multi-disciplinary subject. This book will be immensely useful for practicing health professionals and researchers, as well as senior undergraduates and graduate students in biomedical sciences.
- From DNA Sequence to Physiology
- DNA Sequence Variations, Their Prevalence, and Effects on Cellular Biochemistry
- Environmental and Life-History Effects
- The Impact of Inter-Individual Biochemical Differences on Health Outcomes
- DNA Testing and Sequencing Technologies
- Measuring the Impact of Environmental Factors on Health
- Characterizing the Effects of Genetic and Environmental Factors on Cellular Function
- Translating Personal Genomics and Personalized Medicine into Clinical Practice
- Organizational, Legal and Ethical Challenges
- Coda — Engineering the Future of Medicine
Readership: Practicing health professionals and researchers as well as senior undergraduates and graduate students in biomedical sciences.
“Hamid Bolouri's book represents a landmark achievement in the coming revolution that will usher in personal genomics and the era of personalized medicine. The truth of this will be increasingly obvious as this era approaches, but it will certainly be plain to see after you read his book.”
Jim Karkanias
Microsoft Health Solutions Group
“The future of personalized medicine depends upon an understanding of the genome and its relationship to the probability of developing disease. This books explains the science, the policy, and the medicine in a way that enlightens readers seeking a better understanding of themselves.”
John Halamka
CareGroup Health System, Harvard Medical School
“Preserving the health benefits of genomics while minimizing the harms will be an important research goal. In that regard, Bolouri's exploration is a timely addition.”