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This practical introduction explains the field of Blockchain Economics, the economic models emerging with the implementation of distributed ledger technology. These models are characterized by three factors: open platform business models, cryptotoken money supplies, and Initial Coin Offerings as a new and official form of financing. The book covers a variety of approaches from a business and academic perspective, ranging from financial theory, complexity, and open innovation networks to behavioral economics, self-determination theory, public policy, and financial inclusion.
Unlike existing titles, this book draws on worldwide blockchain industry experts to define the new discipline of Blockchain Economics and provide novel theoretical and conceptual resources for the future of this fast-developing economy. The primer also highlights the wider theme of blockchain as an institutional technology, in that many value transfer interactions might be shifted to automated networks, decreasing the number of human-operated institutions.
As well as stimulating further research, and implementation by business innovators and public policy strategists, the book can also be used as a foundational textbook in courses on Blockchain Economics.
Sample Chapter(s)
Chapter 1 - Blockchain Economic Theory: Digital Asset Contracting Reduces Debt and Risk
The following sections are included:
Disparate aspects of the emerging Blockchain Economics paradigm have been discussed, particularly cryptotokens and Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs), however, a comprehensive picture of the greater economic transformation unfolding with blockchain technology has not yet been articulated. This chapter proposes a Blockchain Economic Theory of Digital Asset Contracting as an explanatory model. The central argument is that blockchain-registered digital assets can be transacted instantaneously and pledged in new ways. This advance is leading to new modes of contracting (smart contracts) and new forms of money (cryptotokens), which in turn facilitate new structures of financial interaction. Distributed ledgers and blockchain-based structures might be applied to structural economic problems such as debt, systemic risk, technological job outsourcing, entitlements overhang, healthcare cost-outcome disconnects, and financial inclusion. A key innovation is Payment Channels, which enable the use of capital on a net rather than a gross basis, which might eventually lead to a restructuring of debt burdens.
There have been increasing expectations that blockchain technology would decentralize organizations in a wider range of services such as sharing economy, public ledgers, and electricity. On the other hand, decentralization is facing difficult challenges such as seen in the split of Bitcoin and the growing expectation on permissioned ledgers. This chapter aims to shed light on the economic mechanisms behind blockchain-enabled decentralization from the viewpoint of organizational economics. An analysis is provided with an in-depth case study of the Bitcoin ecosystem. Results reveal that blockchain technology decentralizes organizations by reducing uncertainty through codifying tasks and also by reducing the risk of opportunism through the governance by distributed participants, while those decentralization applies only to a fraction of the whole ecosystem. Additionally, decentralization sacrifices workers’ incentives such as income risk aversion and efficient decision-making. Therefore, the extent of blockchain-enabled decentralization is determined by the trade-offs between efficiency through tasks marketization and workers’ incentives.
Blockchain enables a new way of interacting with one another, directly, without the need for large corporations providing trust at the cost of high prices or privacy. Rather trust is delegated to protocols executed in code. Code however, is not easily understood and abstracts from trust. This is exacerbated by a lack of regulatory clarity and endorsement as well as a questionable reputation caused by skepticism over the legitimacy of the technology for mainstream use. Regulatory certainty can help alleviate these concerns and ensure competitive markets. It is incumbent on regulators to understand new dynamics of competition in a blockchain world — in the new ways market power can develop in the protocol layer of blockchain networks; in circular market dynamics and the dynamic impact of token signals; and in potential to collude via private blockchains.
Obtaining the necessary financing can be a challenging task for small and medium enterprises (SMEs). To obtain such financing, SMEs must go through a lengthy assessment procedure that is costly for them as well as for financiers. Experience shows issues of trust, administrative costs, repetition, and data sensitivity may be at the root of these costs. With the emergence of blockchain technology, an opportunity arises whereby a shared ledger could alleviate these issues and support the financing procedure. In this paper, we conduct an exploratory research into the appetite of the stakeholders involved in two traditional financing procedures, namely invoice factoring and inventory finance, for adopting the blockchain technology in their part(s) of the procedure, as well as the envisioned changes to their respective careers. The results show the potential of blockchain in the financing procedure, and highlight the areas where it would have the highest impact.
Challenges related to climate change, inequality, environmental degradation, and resource scarcity threaten our ability to sustain ourselves while ensuring an equal and prosperous future. The inherent complexity and interconnectedness of these challenges demand a rethinking of our traditional approach toward organizing our production and consumption systems. Transitions toward sustainability require systemic changes, implying a wide network of actors coordinating for new forms of organizing. This chapter proposes that blockchains could offer opportunities for such organizing by leveraging the various combinations of skills, capabilities, and knowledge across open innovation networks to facilitate transitions. The characteristics of open innovation networks and their significance to blockchains are discussed, and their relevance in sustainability transitions. Democratizing access to knowledge and coding trust and consensus through smart contracts make new and innovative economic spaces and opportunities possible. Firms may have to rethink traditional modes of organizing to seize the multiple opportunities that blockchain-enabled open innovation systems present.
Similar to the Internet several decades ago, Blockchain technology is expected to become a highly disruptive technology that will presumably impact society and economy alike. In this paper we present various scenarios as to how Blockchain might affect the future of work. We build on Self-Determination Theory, which takes into account different types of human needs and motivations, as a theoretical framework. We conducted 24 qualitative interviews with Blockchain experts and created three different scenarios that outline potential future developments. The experts’ opinions range from predicting no significant impact of Blockchain on the work environment toward substantial changes that can have both beneficial and adverse consequences for the work force. In this chapter we detail the three scenarios and further illustrate Blockchain’s potential implications for basic human needs in the context of the future of work.
A tidal wave of change is coming to the world of Economic Science. Digital tokens — including bitcoin, altcoins, and cryptocurrencies — will require a fundamental rethinking of valuation, in the same way that the introduction of the stock market required a new understanding of value. As of this writing, the total value of all tokens stands at $500 billion. How do investors place value on computer code, with no central bank or physical asset to support it? Drawing from the literature on behavioral economics and cognitive psychology, we provide a clear understanding of how investors are valuing these new digital assets, making this the first study of applied behavioral economics on token valuation. Using a new instrument called the Framework for Token Confidence, we show how value can be created out of “thin air,” and how tokens — indeed, our entire economic system — operate as something like a “vote of confidence.”
This chapter discusses whether PoW, PoS, and hybrid consensus-based blockchains could be considered complex systems and, if so, whether chaotic ones. A positive response would raise concerns about their likelihood of entering a chaotic regime, with catastrophic consequences for financial systems as a potential result. This study was accomplished with the help of Information Theory of Complex Systems, in general, and Crutchfield’s Statistical Complexity measure, in particular. Contrasting to PoW consensus algorithms that were shown to be highly non-complex, the PoS consensus methods studied show an outstandingly higher measure of complexity, what is undesirable for what should be a simple computational system. This chapter is a work-in-progress and undoubtedly prone to incorrectness as consensus algorithms continue to evolve. As a final thought, however, considering that the presence of capital gains-seekers in cryptocurrency markets may introduce non-linearity and, consequently, cause the emergence of chaotic regimes, one may wonder whether the recent surge of blockchain technology-based start-ups and use-based trading volume, even discounting all the scam ICO cases, could help to reduce non-linearity and prevent chaos.
This chapter discusses risk in the context of blockchain technology and proposes a theory of programmable risk that can be implemented with Black Swan Smart Contracts. The theory’s foundations are developed from two perspectives: risk theorizing in philosophy, social science, and finance; and black swan financial theory (risk distributions are fat-tailed (Mandelbrotian), not normal (Gaussian)). Event distributions can be formulated as s-curves with convex, linear, and concave segments, such that a desired level of risk may be chosen (convexity equates to lower risk). A blockchain theory of user-selected programmable risk is proposed. Black Swan Smart Contracts instantiate s-curve event distributions such that risk might be more efficiently managed by selecting low-medium-high risk as a standard smart contract parameter. Potential applications of Black Swan Smart Contracts include Insurance as a Digital Service, eBay for Money, Information Markets, and Autonomous Risk Management as a Smart Network property.
Blockchain technology enables entrepreneurs to develop new decentralized governance structures to coordinate human interaction and exchange. That is, blockchain enables exit from political-socioeconomic systems through new forms of property rights protection and enforcement. This chapter examines the economic problem facing entrepreneurs as they use blockchain to cryptosecede and develop the new governance structures of the cryptoeconomy. The analysis draws on institutional and new development economics, arguing that blockchain entrepreneurs face a private economic development problem over complementary ‘protective-tier’ institutional technologies (Leeson and Boettke 2009). This understanding of the parallels between territorial economic development and the cryptoeconomy development helps explain collaboration between blockchain entrepreneurs within governance structures such as hackathons and conferences (Allen 2017). These collaborative governance structures are entrepreneurial efforts of self-governed economic development of the cryptoeconomy.
Distributed ledgers are institutional technologies that pose complex challenges regarding regulation and inter-jurisdictional competition. This chapter introduces ‘crypto-friendly’ public policy as a way to understand these challenges. Blockchains are relevant to public policy in at least three ways. First, they can be adopted by governments for the provision of public services. Second, many blockchain applications interact with existing regulatory frameworks and may provide new regulatory challenges. Third, they present the possibility of ‘crypto-secession’ as a form of privately provided public goods provision. The chapter applies an institutional theory of regulation to assess how blockchains effect relative institutional costs and guide public policy choices. Blockchain applications such as property rights and identity management are also considered. Finally the chapter considers the possibility of crypto-friendliness as a dimension for international regulatory competition.
This chapter discusses the implications of blockchain technology for income inequality. Although inequality is identified as a complex and emergent (rather than simple and static) phenomenon, we nonetheless are able to identify channels through which blockchains are likely to affect the distribution of income. Any erosion of economic positions held by third-party intermediaries, charged with maintaining the integrity of conventional ledgers, is likely to reduce inequality. On the other hand job-creation opportunities which emphasize the need for specialist technical skills in the blockchain-enabled economy may increase inequality. The net effect of these two forces alone is ambiguous. There is the alternative possibility that the inequality-reduction potential of blockchain activity could be mitigated by the appropriation of distributed ledger technology by incumbents. To help prevent the possibility of income inequality being reproduced through the blockchain, an open and permissionless environment for blockchain participation should be maintained to the greatest extent possible.
Mesh networking and blockchain technologies are reshaping the telecommunications industry and bringing the promise of economic empowerment to areas currently not served or underserved by traditional service providers. By combining both, it is possible to provide easy and affordable access to the Internet. Several non-blockchain Alternative Community Networks (ACNs) are now successfully deployed around the world. One such case, Guifi.net, has contributed to building the largest community network, with an annual turnover of millions of euros and the creation of dozens of direct jobs. Nevertheless, there continues to be an ongoing debate on how to make them economically sustainable and scalable. The implementation of a blockchain-enabled mesh network and other tools producing extensive data sets will allow characterization of key parameters in the deployment and operation of these infrastructures. This could economically empower those who do not have Internet connectivity, access to non-traditional financial services, and capital.
The following sections are included:
"I strongly recommend this book to anyone interested in the multi- and interdisciplinary approaches to blockchain economics. These international scholars and practitioners have adopted new approaches to analyze blockchain based on economic principles spanning across the biological, chemical and physical fundamentals. Ideas associated with natural sciences were deplored to look at implications of distributed ledgers, breaking away from traditional views, and giving the readers a fresh perspective to many previously unresolved issues."
About the Editors
Jason Potts has a PhD from Lincoln University in New Zealand on theoretical foundations of evolutionary and complexity economics. He is Professor of Economics in the School of Economics, Finance and Marketing at RMIT University, and Director of the Blockchain Innovation Hub, established in 2017 as the first social science research institute on Blockchain in the world. Dr Potts is a Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences of Australia and is one of Australia's top economists, specializing in economic growth, innovation and institutions, as well as the theory of economic evolution and complexity. His work has been applied to the economics of creative industries, intellectual property and cities, and common pool resources. He received the Australian Research Council's Future Fellowship, and won the International Joseph A Schumpeter Prize. He has written five books and published over 80 articles on these themes, and is a regular media commentator. He is currently the Vice President of the International Joseph A Schumpeter Society, an Adjunct Fellow at the Institute of Public Affairs, editor of the Cambridge Elements series on Evolutionary Economics, and editor of the Journal of Institutional Economics.
Melanie Swan is the Founder of the Institute for Blockchain Studies, a Technology Theorist in the Philosophy Department at Purdue University, and a Singularity University faculty member. Her education includes an MBA in Finance from Wharton at the University of Pennsylvania, an MA in Philosophy from the New School in New York, NY, an MA in Contemporary Continental Philosophy from Kingston University London and Université Paris 8, and a BA in French and Economics from Georgetown University. Her primary research interests are Blockchain Economics and Blockchain Network Theory. In pure research, Melanie applies quantitative methods from mathematics, physics, complexity science, and machine learning to blockchains. In applied research, she focuses on payment channels, debt, net-settled capital, risk, integrated business ledgers, and blockchain health economics. Regarding social organization, she has proposed the "Smart City Cryptopolis and Blockchain Enlightenment," a social theory of dignity for a multi-species society of human, algorithm, and machine. In applied economics, she has formulated algorithmic trust, a network mechanism that moderates credit availability and facilitates blockchain markets to Nash equilibria more quickly than classical markets. Advanced conceptual research focuses on BCI cloudminds, the Brain as a DAC, the biocryptoeconomy, and blocktime (the native time domain of blockchains).
Soichiro Takagi is Executive Research Fellow and the General Manager of Research Division at the Center for Global Communications (GLOCOM) at the International University of Japan. He is the director of the Blockchain Economic Research Lab at GLOCOM and also a Visiting Associate Professor at The University of Tokyo. He also served as an Asia Program Fellow at Harvard Kennedy School, etc. His major field is information economics, focusing on the relationship between information technology and the economy. He has examined a variety of topics including offshore outsourcing, cloud computing, open data, sharing economy, digital currency, and blockchain. He has authored many books and articles, including Blockchain Economics (in Japanese) and Reweaving the Economy: How IT Affects the Borders of Country and Organization (University of Tokyo Press). He received a PhD in Information Studies from The University of Tokyo.
Paolo Tasca is a Digital Economist specializing in P2P financial systems. An advisor on blockchain technologies for international organizations such as the EU Parliament and the United Nations, Paolo is the founder and Executive Director of the Centre for Blockchain Technologies at University College London (UCL CBT). Previously, he was Lead Economist on digital currencies and P2P financial systems at the Deutsche Bundesbank in Frankfurt. Paolo is also co-author of the bestseller FINTECH Book, co-editor of the book Banking Beyond Banks and Money, Associate Editor of the Journal of Risk Finance since 2016, and Guest Editor of the Journal of Digital Banking since 2017. He is author of various scientific papers about blockchain published by prestigious international scientific journals. Dr Tasca holds an MA in Politics and Economics summa cum laude from the University of Padua and an MSc in Economics and Finance from Ca' Foscari, Venice. He did his PhD studies in Business between Ca' Foscari, Venice and ETH, Zürich. Other recent appointments include being a Permanent Member of ISO TC 307 committee on standardization of blockchain systems (ISO), Member of the DLT/1 technical committee at the British Standards Institution (BSI), Adjunct Fellow at Griffith University Law Futures Centre, Honorary Professor at Sogang University Blockchain Research Centre, and Honorary Research Associate at University of Cape Town Financial Innovation Lab.
Frank Witte completed an MSc in Theoretical Astrophysics (1992) at Utrecht University in the Netherlands and received his PhD in Theoretical Physics (1995) from the University of Heidelberg. As an Assistant and Associate Professor, he taught theoretical physics at Utrecht University and University College Utrecht (1997–2010) and published on diverse topics such a phase-transitions in non-equilibrium field theories, boundstates of fermions under gravitational interactions, and the foundations of quantum game theory. As his research interests shifted toward the application of physics-inspired methods and concepts in economics; he accepted a position in the Department of Economics of University College London where he is working today. He teaches Economics of Science, with a forthcoming textbook to be published by World Scientific, and Environmental Economics as well as Computational Methods for Economists. Frank has spent extended academic visits, including teaching and research, at St. John's College, Cambridge (UK), the Quantum Optics & Laser Science group at Imperial College London and as International Fellow of Grinnell College (US).
About the Contributors
Dr Darcy W E Allen is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the Blockchain Innovation Hub at RMIT University in Melbourne and an Adjunct Fellow at the Institute of Public Affairs. He is an institutional economist focusing on entrepreneurial discovery of opportunities for new technologies. His current research focuses on the economics and political economy of blockchain technology as a form of new economic infrastructure. Dr Allen's scholarly contributions have appeared in a wide range of journals, books, and conference proceedings including the International Journal of the Commons, the Journal of Peer Production, and New Perspectives on Political Economy. He has appeared as an expert witness to provide evidence before a number of state and federal Australian parliamentary inquiries; his commentary has been featured widely across the print and the electronic media, and he is the former editor of Australia's longest running quarterly magazine on politics and culture. His PhD dissertation in economics, examining the economics of the development of new technologies, was passed outright at RMIT University in 2017.
Chris Berg is a Senior Research Fellow at the RMIT Blockchain Innovation Hub, an Adjunct Fellow with the Institute of Public Affairs, and an Academic Fellow with the Australian Taxpayers' Alliance. Dr Berg is the author of six books including The Libertarian Alternative. He is one of Australia's most prominent voices for free markets and individual rights. He is a widely published commentator on blockchains, cryptocurrencies, privacy, and civil liberties. He has been a regular newspaper columnist, is a frequent media commentator on television and radio, and appears regularly throughout the electronic press. He holds a PhD in Economics from RMIT University, which was awarded in 2016, and a Bachelor's degree in History and Political Science from the University of Melbourne. His scholarly contributions on areas such as Australian history, economic methodology, regulation, and technological change civil liberties have appeared in journals such as Australian Journal of Political Science, Econ Journal Watch, Ledger, and Trends in Anaesthesia and Critical Care. With Sinclair Davidson and Jason Potts, he is developing the field of institutional cryptoeconomics, which studies the consequences of distributed ledger technology for firms, markets, and governments.
Sinclair Davidson is Professor of Institutional Economics in the School of Economics, Finance and Marketing at RMIT University; an Associate with the RMIT Blockchain Innovation Hub; an Adjunct Research Fellow at the Institute of Public Affairs; and an Academic Fellow at the Australian Taxpayers' Alliance. He is a member of the Centre for Independent Studies Council of Academic Advisers. Sinclair has published in academic journals such as the European Journal of Political Economy, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Economic Affairs, and The Cato Journal. He is a regular contributor to public debate. His opinion pieces have been published in The Age, The Australian, Australian Financial Review, The Conversation, Daily Telegraph, Sydney Morning Herald, and Wall Street Journal Asia. He blogs at Catallaxy Files and tweets as @SincDavidson.
Renato P dos Santos is a Researcher on blockchain technologies and Graduate Professor at the Lutheran University of Brazil. He is a member of the British Blockchain Association, holds a DSc (Physics) degree and did his postdoctoral work in Artificial Intelligence, and he also did his specializations in data science and blockchain technologies. He is also the author of more than 100 scientific papers about the philosophy of cryptocurrencies, data science in STEM education, second life in STEM education, web 2.0 technologies, ethnoscience, physics teaching, artificial intelligence and computer algebra in physics, and quantum field theory in prestigious scientific periodicals and events around the world. He is a Reviewer and Editor of prestigious scientific periodicals and events around the world and has developed systems for second life, Forex market, qualitative physics, and computer algebra.
Olga Feldmeier is the CEO of SMART VALOR, a Swiss-based blockchain start-up building a decentralized marketplace for tokenized alternative investments. Olga has extensive experience working in the banking and financial services sector for global brands such as Barclays Capital, UBS Wealth Management, and Boston Consulting Group, where she focused on strategy projects at financial institutions such as Deutsche Bank, Unicredit, and Commerzbank. Prior to founding SMART VALOR, Olga held the position of Commercial Managing Partner at the prominent Silicon Valley Bitcoin startup Xapo. Olga is a founding member of Switzerland's Crypto Valley community and is the producer of the ICO Summit — the first global conference focusing on blockchain crowdfunding in Switzerland. She is also a mentor at the largest European accelerator program, Kickstart Accelerator, and regularly delivers talks at conferences and universities on the regulation of blockchain industry, the tokenization of assets, and the disruption of the banking industry.
John Hargrave is the Publisher of Bitcoin Market Journal, (www.bitcoinmarketjournal.com), the leading investor website for bitcoin, altcoins, and new token offerings. He leads a team of 75 analysts, journalists, and researchers who have evaluated over 1,500 new token projects, developing best practices for driving value for both token creators and investors. He is also the CEO of Media Shower (www.mediashower.com), the leading blockchain media company. In his paper "How blockchain will decentralize the media", he lays out a new vision for media companies, based on the principles of radical decentralization and citizen ownership. He and his team are actively building media shower into that model media company. Hargrave is also the author of four books, including Blockchain for Everyone (Simon & Schuster/Gallery Books, 2019), the first book to explain blockchain technology to the non-technical reader. Hargrave received his MBA from Babson College and frequently writes and speaks about blockchain all over the world, building global confidence.
John B Hooks is a Distributed Ledger (Blockchain) Technologist and Venture Capital/Private Equity Advisor and Council Member in the Technology and Telecommunications Practice of the Gerson Lehrman Group (GLG), and an Advisory Board Member to several emerging Blockchain, and Big Data/IoT and AI companies. Currently, Mr Hooks is the Chairman, President, and CEO of Spectramesh, Inc. Spectramesh combines wireless advances and microelectronics with the emerging technology of blockchain in a core mesh router capable of communicating across a mixed spectrum of wireless TCP/IP, Bluetooth, and IoT spectra — a first for router devices. He is also the Chief Data Engineer and AI Business Development Executive at AmmbrTech US. Mr Hooks holds a certificate in Private Equity and Corporate Governance from the Harvard Graduate School of Business, and an MBA, Financial Management degree from the Lubin School of Business, Pace University. He was also a doctoral candidate at New York University and held concurrent appointments to the faculty of the University of Bridgeport and Pace University. John Hooks has held several securities licenses including Series 7, 63, 65, and 66 while he was an advisor with UBS Private Wealth.
Dr Alex Kayal obtained his PhD from the Interactive Intelligence section of the Intelligent Systems Department, Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands, and his Masters from the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) in Sweden. His PhD thesis focused on synthesizing and evaluating social commitment models for location sharing in the family life, grounded in user requirements, with the aim of better supporting (and understanding) human norms and values. He currently works as a Data Scientist for Exact, a Dutch business software provider, where he focuses on leveraging artificial intelligence, machine learning, and blockchain to streamline and automate manual business processes.
Rumy Narayan is a doctoral candidate at the School of Management, University of Vaasa, Finland. Her research focuses on sustainability networks, innovation systems, and sociotechnical transitions. Prior to her doctoral studies, she has been a Business Journalist, an Information Analyst, and Sustainability Consultant and Manager. In these roles, she has worked with companies like Walmart and Tetra Pak, and organizations like Environmental Protection Encouragement Agency (EPEA), a scientific research consultancy working with the Cradle-to-Cradle design concept. She has also been part of developing a certificate program on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) for the Indian Institute of Corporate Affairs (IICA).
Mikayla Novak is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow with the RMIT Blockchain Innovation Hub, RMIT University (Melbourne, Australia). An academically trained economist, Mikayla Novak attained a First Class Honours degree at The University of Queensland (Brisbane, Australia) and was awarded a doctorate at RMIT University. Prior to her appointment at RMIT University, Novak had worked for public sector agencies in Australia and New Zealand as well as for industry associations and nonprofit think tanks. Her research specialties include institutional cryptoeconomics, public finance and public sector economics, regulation and regulatory governance, economic sociology, public choice, and institutional economics. The academic writing of Mikayla Novak includes contributions toward an understanding of economic and social dimensions of inequality, evolutionary dimensions of cultural and social change, and the political economy of blockchain technology. Novak has been a prolific contributor to public policy debates, having written over 240 opinion articles as well as research papers and peer-review publications. Mikayla Novak is the author of Inequality: An Entangled Political Economy Perspective (Palgrave Macmillan).
Dr Judith Redi obtained her PhD from the University of Genoa (Italy) in 2010, with a thesis on learning machines for objective image quality assessment, final result of a project on visual quality in displays funded by Philips research. After receiving the award for the best ICT thesis from University of Genoa, she moved to Eurecom (France) for a postdoc on Digital Image Forensics and 3D face recognition. In October 2010, she became an Assistant Professor at the Multimedia Computing group of Delft University of Technology, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS). At TU Delft, she worked on image and video understanding toward the maximization of the Quality of (multimedia) Experiences. This is a highly multidisciplinary field that connects visual perception, cognitive science and engineering, machine learning, and computer vision. In 2015, she also became a Faculty fellow at the Benelux Center for Advanced Studies of IBM, where she contributed to the implementation of the Inclusive Enterprise vision. In February 2016, she became a part-time researcher at the Distributed and Interactive Systems group of CWI. Finally, convinced that we need more girls in the field, as a DEWIS (Delft Women in Science) ambassador in EEMCS, she works to promote activities to support gender diversity and women networking within her faculty. Since July 2017, she has been a Principal Data Scientist at Exact Business Software in the Netherlands.
Erich C G Schnoeckel has been infected by the Blockchain virus some 5 years ago and started researching the effect of the technology in different industries since. Erich has been responsible for the Blockchain projects at Exact Software and now acts as an independent Consultant and Advisor at 3Thin.gs Blockchain from where he advises several companies and government institutions on the use of technology. Erich is also one of the founders of Dint.io from where ICO's ratings are used to pool and syndicate investments into these ICOs. Erich regularly speaks at conferences on Health, Fintech, and Supply Chain solutions with a particular interest on building consortia and optimizing value chains with their business processes and also shares that knowledge during lectures at schools in the Netherlands, Belgium, and the UK. Erich holds a degree in Modern Japanese Studies and Economics from Erasmus University Rotterdam.
Navroop Sahdev is a Fellow at MIT Connection Science and holds a host of leadership roles in the DLT space, both as a practitioner as well as a researcher. An economist by training, Navroop is currently building a FinTech company that seeks to leverage blockchain technology. She is also a Research Associate at the Centre for Blockchain Technologies (CBT) at University College London and holds three Masters' degrees in IP Management, Economics of Innovation, and Applied Economics. A United Nations Youth Delegate for 2017, Navroop recently co-authored Hyperledger's Blockchain for Business online course. She speaks regularly at FinTech and blockchain conferences, and currently serves on the advisory board of a host of blockchain companies across various industries. Previously, she has worked at Harvard University and the United Nations Environment Programme. Her research interests are focused on distributed ledger technologies, game theory, networks theory, and complex systems science.
Arisa Siong is an Economist by training and trade. She honed her economic cynicism at London School of Economics where she obtained a BSc and MSc in Economics (Distinction) and subsequently has worked as an economic consultant for over a decade. She has advised on regulatory, competition, policy formulation, and market design issues in a range of industries including ICT, media, and financial services. Arisa currently works for the Infocomm and Media Development Authority of Singapore with a focus on digital economy issues. She has written her chapter in a personal capacity. Her view is that new technologies will fundamentally alter how market decisions are made, e.g. blockchain (autonomous), AI (automatic), and IoT and robotics (machine executed), and in doing so create new market constructs and signals (tokens and data). This will present a need for new economic frameworks and analytical tools to examine new market dynamics. There will also be an increasing need to look at the interplay between law, economics, technology, and public policy — the economic scholarship will benefit from collaborating with the legal, business, and tech communities in examining regulatory, governance, and policy issues in the digital world.
Annika Tidström is a Professor at the School of Management, University of Vaasa, Finland. Her research interests are related to business networks, industrial relationships, coopetition, tensions, and strategy-as-practice. She has published several articles in journals such as Industrial Marketing Management, Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, and Scandinavian Journal of Management. Professor Tidström is an active member of the international coopetition research community, and she is also involved in the Industrial Marketing and Purchasing (IMP) group.
Horst Treiblmaier is a Professor in International Management at MODUL University Vienna, Austria. He received a PhD in Management Information Systems in 2001 from the Vienna University of Economics and Business in Austria and worked as a Visiting Professor at Purdue University, University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), University of British Columbia (UBC), University of Technology in Sydney (UTS), and the Kazakhstan Institute of Management, Economics and Strategic Research (KIMEP). He has more than 15 years of experience as a researcher and consultant and has worked on projects with Microsoft, Google, and the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO). His research interests include the economic and business implications of blockchain, cryptoeconomics, methodological and epistemological problems of social science research, and gamification. Currently, he serves on the board of the "City of Blockchain", an Austrian association promoting the blockchain and cryptographic technologies. His research has appeared in journals such as Information Systems Journal, Structural Equation Modeling, The DATA BASE for Advances in Information Systems, Communications of the Association for Information Systems, Information & Management, Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, Journal of Global Information Management, Schmalenbach Business Review, and Wirtschaftsinformatik (Business & Information Systems Engineering).
Uwe J Umlauff is a Serial Entrepreneur, Portfolio Investor, leisure-time Database Coder, and not to forget Director of Steinbeis Transfer Institute Innovation & Business Creation in Munich, an institute of the Steinbeis University Berlin with a focus on entrepreneurship, start-up innovations, and the convergence of technologies such as blockchain, artificial intelligence, cyber sec, virtual and augmented reality, and industrial Internet of things. Steinbeis International Network is a technology transfer company under the umbrella of a foundation based in Stuttgart, Germany, with more than 1,000 research and tech transfer centers in 60+ countries. Uwe has more than 25 years of work experience in founding, consulting, financing, and internationalizing companies, mainly in CEE and in media, real estate, and IT business. He is an author of several books and articles on entrepreneurship and business administration. Moreover, he is the Co-Founder and Chairman of the City of Blockchain, a joint initiative of more than 60 public, corporate, non-governmental, and private partners in Vienna, Austria and beyond, with a view to promote distributed ledger technologies mainly in the context of smart city agendas. Uwe holds a Master's degree in business administration and information systems.
Jingwen Yao is a User Experience Designer and Researcher who has an interest in designing for positive social impacts and improving livelihoods in underdeveloped regions. With an educational background in Industrial Design (MSc from Delft University of Technology), she is specialized in adopting Human-Centered Design Methodologies to different requests and circumstances. Be it by diving into local communities' lives in rural Uganda and Tanzania for designing a frugal medical thermometer and a honey processing system or traveling all around The Netherlands to interview financiers and entrepreneurs for investigating the possibilities of financing SMEs with blockchain technologies. In the past 10 years, Jingwen, who originally comes from Beijing, has worked on and studied various topics such as Social Innovations, Social Entrepreneurship, Sustainable Design, Blockchain, and Accounting Business in more than 5 countries across Asia, Europe, and Africa. Currently, she is based in The Netherlands, working at Exact Business Software as a User Experience Designer, while preparing for her one-year travel plan, where she wants to explore more social design opportunities and sustainable living styles.