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Virtually all fiscal measures influence people's health, through their impacts on behaviour, consumption, income and wealth. A narrow subset of fiscal measures, however, can be more directly aimed at improving health by targeting behaviours and risks that are known to be strongly associated with health outcomes. The purpose of this book is to discuss the subject of these measures, which we define as "health taxes". The book aims to enumerate key health taxes of interest, explore their positive and negative effects, and how these effects are influenced by the design of these taxes and the context in which they are applied. We ask how and where they can be implemented. Critically, we build an argument throughout the book for why policymakers across government should care about health taxes.
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Health taxes on tobacco and alcohol have a long history and on average raise significant amounts of revenues across countries. Moreover, interest in – and adoption of – taxes on sugar-sweetened beverages has increased in recent years as evidence of the negative health effects of unhealthy diets has become more prevalent. Overall, there is a trend towards a wider use of health taxes as part of countries’ health protection and promotion policies. On average, Health tax revenues account for 0.8% of GDP in high and middle-income countries and 0.4% of GDP in low-income countries. Scope exists to enhance the role of health taxes, but health tax reform needs to be embedded within the design and functioning of the broader tax system. Together with environmental taxes that aim at reducing practices which cause damage to the environment and people’s health, health taxes could play a role helping restore public finances once economies are on a more solid path to recovery from the COVID-19 crisis. In addition to increasing health tax rates, there might be substantial revenue potential from extending health taxes to other products that generate negative externalities linked to health. We begin by describing how health taxes are generally levied and we then consider their revenue-raising capacity. We consider general tax policy design principles and discuss how health taxes may interact with these principles.
We provide evidence of the extent to which health taxes on tobacco, alcoholic beverages, sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) and other food and nutrients reduce demand for these products. We open with a conceptual framework that outlines the mechanisms through which health taxes impact consumption and health outcomes, and how substitution and tax avoidance behaviours may affect the net impact of the taxes. We then review empirical evidence on the tax responsiveness of demand based on estimates from both demand models and tax evaluations, showing that higher prices/taxes on products are associated with lower quantity demanded for taxed products. We also evaluate the differential impacts of the health taxes by demographic and socio-economic status (SES), finding that demand for tobacco and sugary beverages is more price sensitive among lower SES populations. Next, we examine the extent to which health taxes may induce substitution to other products and the extent that consumers may undertake explicit tax avoidance behaviours such as cross-border shopping, as these affect the net impact of a given tax. Finally, we review the evidence on the impact of health taxes on health outcomes – i.e., if the taxes translate into improvements in health and reductions in other consumption-related risks. We find that while higher tobacco and alcohol prices/taxes are associated with advantageously reduced health and social outcomes (i.e., lowered levels of tobacco-related cancer and respiratory disease and lowered levels of alcohol-related liver cirrhosis, accidents and violent acts), there is less evidence on the effectiveness of taxes on SSBs and other foods on health outcomes. Overall, the evidence shows that health taxes are effective fiscal measures for reducing the harmful consumption of products such as tobacco, alcohol and SSBs and are an important tool that policymakers can implement to achieve goals of reducing the burden of non-communicable diseases and other consumption-related adverse outcomes.
Health taxes are typically levied on manufacturers. The impact of health taxes on consumption, and ultimately on health, depends on the extent of which taxes are transferred from manufacturers onto the prices faced by consumers, referred to as tax pass-through. We discuss the theoretical economic arguments and the empirical evidence on key factors influencing tax pass-through for tobacco, alcohol, and sugar-sweetened beverage (SSB) products, and provide general conclusions and recommendations for government policy. Key drivers of tax pass-through include strategic behaviours of manufacturers and retailers (production and marketing strategies, particularly for multi-product firms), market structure (especially the degree of concentration of a market), and supply and demand price elasticities. Based on empirical observations, taxes on tobacco, alcohol and SSBs are usually passed on to consumers through increases in market prices, sometimes exceeding the amount of the tax. The extent of tax pass-through can vary widely, depending on type of product, package size, brand characteristics, store type, etc. Furthermore, strategic firm behaviours may be triggered by features of tax design. For instance, ad valorem, or mixed specific and ad valorem tax structures may incentivise manufacturers to differentiate their brands and price levels, while specific excise taxes tend to reduce relative price differences between products, stifling potential substitutions. Moreover, specific taxes based on ingredients (e.g. grams of alcohol, or sugar), may incentivise manufacturers to reformulate their products, or to increase the promotion of products with a lower concentration of the taxed ingredient. The evidence presented underscores the importance for policymakers to carefully adjust the design, and closely monitor the impacts, of health taxes, to ensure that health benefits are not hindered by firms’ strategic responses.
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Health taxes are used worldwide to reduce unhealthy consumption of specified products. However, policymakers can be hesitant to introduce or increase health taxes due to claims from industry of negative labour impacts and economic downturn, particularly in lower-income contexts. We provide an in-depth synthesis of the global literature to evaluate these claims across the labour market spectrum. We ground the evidence around a comprehensive conceptual framework and describe the foundation from which labour market characteristics drive direct and indirect industry employment and how health taxes interact with these features. We draw on empirical and modelled evidence to critically illustrate the labour impact outcomes of these interactions across the affected sectors. We first focus on employment impacts of health taxes, describing limitations inherent in these study methodologies. Next, we explore productivity impacts of health taxes including the losses and costs incurred from consumption of the taxed products and productivity gains from pricing policies aimed to reduce consumption of unhealthful products. The evidence suggests that affected industries can expect job losses from reduced consumption, and the economy will incur transient restructuring costs; however, consumer spending on other goods and services and spending of increased government tax revenue drives a sectoral shift resulting in either minimal, neutral job losses or even gains. Furthermore, the implementation of health taxes can help reverse the indirect costs to an economy from productivity losses attributable to morbidity and mortality from consumption of targeted products. It should be noted that most of the labour impacts of health taxes evidence were from industry-reported studies, which utilised inappropriate methodology showing partial, gross impacts, while the more robust studies provide no evidence of significant negative labour impacts. Further evaluations should include the potential unintended consequences of health taxes including labour market impacts.
The reduction in consumption of harmful products triggered by increases in health taxes has effects in multiple development dimensions beyond health. We firstly review the evidence on health taxes’ effects on Sustainable Development (SD), and secondly, we provide guidance for policymakers on how to make a stronger case for health taxes by emphasising their role as policy instruments for development. We show that the effects on SD go beyond income inequalities or the progressive/regressive nature of health taxes. In general, health taxes positively affect the three systems that sustain human life, namely, the global society, the earth’s physical system and the world’s economy. Despite the need for more research and for stronger monitoring and evaluation of health taxes, we provide enough evidence to support a strong case for health taxes from a SD perspective. Reframing health taxes with a SD perspective in all stages of the policy cycle has enormous potential to gain wider societal support for progress on global uptake and increase of health taxes.
The use of taxation to improve public health has been successful in tackling tobacco and alcohol, with positive and direct effect on health outcomes. However, the taxation of other unhealthy behaviours and activities negatively affecting health (e.g. the increased use of cars) has not yet been explored for the promotion of public health and societal well-being, in particular for reducing premature mortality from non-communicable diseases (NCDs), which account for 70% of global deaths. Taxation can be expanded to unhealthy behaviours and activities affecting individuals’ health and wellbeing, in the pursuit of public health goals. For unhealthy behaviours and some other activities, taxation might be defined at local levels of government, as a way to tackle local health problems. Local governments should be actively collaborating with other levels of government (e.g. federal level), to identify taxation-based solutions for health problems that directly affect their jurisdiction. We use the examples of air pollution, land use, gambling and farming practices to illustrate the challenges facing local authorities, and opportunities to deal with them through taxation and health promotion, particularly in tackling NCDs.
To maximise the effectiveness of health taxes in reducing consumption of tobacco, alcoholic beverages, and sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs), the tax design must be considered. We study tax aspects including determining tax type (i.e., ad valorem, specific excise, sales, and import taxes), what products are going to be taxed (i.e., the tax base), tax structure, tax rate to be applied, and implications related to tax revenue and earmarking. We find that excise taxes, often used as ‘Pigouvian’ taxes, are preferable to correct for externalities from harmful consumption. We note numerous advantages of specific (applied per unit of product) versus ad valorem (applied as percentage of price) excise taxes. We find that the narrower the product tax base, the greater the opportunities for consumers to substitute away from taxed to untaxed products, reducing the effectiveness of a tax in promoting health, while also generating lower revenues. Regarding the tax level, economic theory suggests that the tax should be set so that it generates revenues that are sufficient to cover the external costs associated with the harmful consumption of the taxed product. Regarding tax structure, tiered tax structures with higher rates based on higher levels of harm associated with products (i.e., ethanol or sugar) can help to reduce consumption of the most harmful products to a greater extent and help to encourage reformulation. Additionally, earmarking the revenues of increased taxes can be used to offset potential unintended consequences, and to augment the health impact through other initiatives that discourage use – i.e., for education campaigns or prevention programmes. Finally, the type and magnitude of tax employed, and extent of earmarking should be based on country-specific situational analyses of public health challenges and in the context of related public health goals, revenue needs and tax administration capacity of the country.
Well-designed health taxes increase the price of the taxed good, leading to important price differentials with other countries, and potentially creating incentives to exploit arbitrage of price differences through illicit trade. This section reviews the discussion on health taxes and illicit trade, in order to give technicians and policymakers guidance on the available evidence on magnitude, effects, causes and possible courses of action to deal with the problem while simultaneously moving forward on health taxes. The section does not intend to be a systematic literature review about health taxes and illicit trade; instead, it focuses on the most robust evidence on this area, and the references cited provide a rich set of additional information for the reader to deepen the discussion in much further detail. The section focuses on illicit trade of tobacco and alcohol, because there is no evidence on illicit trade on sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs). Finally, as a word of caveat, the evidence and policies on tobacco control are more robust than those on alcohol and that is also the case on illicit trade…
We examine the nature and impact of health taxes within the broader context of public financing systems, including considerations around earmarking of health tax revenue. As health taxes are part of larger tax systems, policies and administrations, the design and implementation of these taxes should be analysed within the context of countries’ overall tax, budgeting and governance systems. Part of these public financing issues include how the revenue from health taxes is ultimately allocated and used. As of 2017, at least 80 countries earmarked a specific source of revenues for health. While many of these country examples involve earmarking payroll or income taxes to fund healthcare, they also represent at least 54 countries that earmark all or a portion of tobacco, alcohol, or sugar-sweetened beverage (SSB) taxation for the health sector. Despite their prevalence, significant care must be exercised when considering earmarks due to clear concerns around fungibility with other sources of revenue for the sector and potential rigidities and inefficiencies that can be introduced. The specificities of earmarking vary greatly in practice and range from a spectrum of soft to hard. From a political economy perspective, soft earmarking has been shown to help to advance the adoption of new health taxes in some settings as having a notional revenue-expenditure link can boost public support. In general, the closer the practice is to standard budget process, where revenues are matched with political priorities and population needs, the more effective it is.
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We draw from the well-established global monitoring of tobacco taxes by the World Health Organization and provide a proposed similar approach to develop new – or adapt existing – monitoring tools for taxes on alcoholic beverages and sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs). Since 2008, the periodical and global monitoring of tobacco tax levels, prices, affordability and additional tax structure and tax administration information has enabled standardised comparisons across countries and over time, informed policymaking and institutional opportunities or barriers to apply tobacco taxes, led to defining best practices in the design of such taxes, and provided powerful tools for advocacy, especially with ministries of finance to promote fiscal and health policy coherence. Monitoring taxes on alcoholic beverages and SSBs in a similar way would require adjusting the methodology used to monitor taxes on tobacco products to the unique characteristics of these beverages – namely the fact that these products are more diverse than tobacco products in terms of product types consumed, and in volume sizes and content. In addition to collecting data on the tax structure, tax rates, tax bases and nominal retail prices on several different beverage types, monitoring taxes on alcoholic beverages and SSBs would require information on beverage volume sizes and sugar content and alcohol concentration. A balance would need to be reached between characterising the diversity of global or regional consumption patterns, ensuring the standardisation and precision of the indicators, and limiting the data requirements from national authorities. While institutional considerations are to be considered in expanding the global routine monitoring systems for taxes on alcoholic beverages and SSBs, there are lessons to be learned and potential synergies from the experience monitoring tobacco taxes. The successful monitoring of taxes applied on these three unhealthy products would play a great role in promoting global action and driving progress to reduce the burden of non-communicable diseases.
Multilateral, regional and bilateral agreements establish the rules governing international trade. This chapter examines the interplay between trade obligations and the rights states retain to impose domestic taxes for health purposes. Customs and monetary unions can establish very specific rules governing domestic taxation, such as through harmonised excise or sales taxes, or harmonised approaches to tax administration. These agreements set out the most detailed international obligations concerning health taxes, but are not described or compared in detail in this chapter as they are particularistic. This chapter focuses on World Trade Organization (WTO) law, which places relatively clear limits on the use of customs duties (whether used for health or other purposes) and establishes principles of nondiscrimination. Disputes can arise where it is alleged that the effect of a tax measure discriminates against imported products as compared to domestic products. The case law as a whole suggests that even where a health tax has the effect of favouring domestic products, it may still be lawful under trade agreements, so long as that effect is justifiable in health terms. This will be the case, for example, where any differential treatment of product categories is justified by reference to differences in the risks they pose to health. This requires care in establishing the tax base and in setting tax rates to ensure that these are related to a health objective and justifiable by reference to that objective. Overall, international trade rules protect freedom to adopt and implement domestic tax measures for health purposes.
Industry sectors involved in the production, distribution, sales and promotion of tobacco, alcohol, unhealthy foods, and sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) tend to oppose health taxes because they can decrease the demand for their products and thus reduce shareholder profits. This creates an inherent conflict of interest between the commercial goals of these industries and the public health responsibilities of governments. These industries have become increasingly concentrated into a small number of global corporations that account for a large proportion of the market for these products, especially in low- and middle-income countries (LMIC). There are similarities in the way these products are marketed and purchased, explaining the historical and emerging linkages across industries in how they conduct political activities that influence the policy environment for their products. To illustrate this development, we conducted a broad search for examples of the tactics used by these industries in their treatment of health taxes and pricing policies. Sixty-four documented examples were identified that illustrate how five general corporate political strategies are implemented in a wide variety of countries: (1) using information to gain access to political decision-makers; (2) constituency-building with influential political decision-makers; (3) promoting alternative policies or voluntary measures as substitutes for statutory regulation; (4) using financial incentives to influence government policymakers to act in ways favourable to industry interests; and (5) legal measures employing trade agreements as well as pre-emption, litigation, and circumvention…
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"A highly relevant book for the challenges of the post-pandemic world. Few tools are as effective as taxes for health in improving well-being while ensuring fiscal sustainability."
"Taxation impacts behaviours: of the public, manufacturers and purveyors. This book shows how we can improve health through fiscal measures and opens discussion on 'Health in all taxes'. A great contribution."
"A compelling case for health taxes. The book offers ammunition to those in national governments, global institutions and civil society making a case for health taxes and practical guidance to those designing and implementing them. They leave us with no excuse: the time for action is now."
"Health taxes are a 'win' for inclusive growth and sustainable development, a 'win' for public-sector governance and global public goods, and a 'win' for individual welfare and human flourishing. Required reading for policymakers and practitioners in health, development and fiscal policy."
Jeremy A Lauer joined Strathclyde University in February 2020 as a professor of management science following a career (1995–2020) as an economist with the World Health Organization (WHO). Jeremy has a bachelor's degree (AB, 1986) in mathematics and philosophy from St John's College in Annapolis, Maryland, master's degrees (MA, MSc, 1991) in economics and in agricultural and applied economics from the University of Wisconsin, Madison, and a doctorate (PhD, 2009) in health policy and management from Erasmus University Rotterdam. Jeremy has contributed to an influential body of work on the cost effectiveness of interventions against cardiovascular risk factors and disease, respiratory conditions, cancers, maternal and child health, HIV/AIDS, malaria, tuberculosis and chronic diseases, as well as on health systems research and topics in epidemiology, modelling and statistics. Jeremy, working with his WHO colleagues, finalised a major update on the cost effectiveness of 500 interventions covering 20 areas of disease and risk factors for WHO-CHOICE in 2020. Jeremy has served as principal investigator and co-investigator on research projects in breast-cancer and chronic-disease control while at the WHO and has been a member of Steering Committees or Technical Advisory Groups at the University of Stellenbosch (SACEMA), the University of Basel (Swiss TPH) and the University of Bergen (CIH). In 2016, Jeremy advised the UN Secretary-General's High-Level Commission on Health Employment and Economic Growth on fiscal space for health workforce expansion in lower- and lower-middle income countries. In 2018, Jeremy was invited to advise the G20 health ministers' working group on synergies between the health system and the economy. In 2018, he led the economic analysis for the flagship 2019 WHO publication A Healthier Humanity. In 2016, while at WHO, Jeremy initiated and subsequently led a global WHO project on health taxes, health financing and fiscal reform for health. This book is a product of that work.
Franco Sassi graduated with a degree in economics and a doctorate in health economics from the University of London in 2000. He is currently chair in International Health Policy and Economics and director of the Centre for Health Economics & Policy Innovation at Imperial College Business School, after leaving the position of senior health economist and head of the Public Health Programme at the OECD. Previously, he was senior lecturer in Health Policy at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), and held adjunct and visiting positions at a number of universities in the United States, including the University of California at Berkeley, Harvard University, the University of California at San Francisco and Duke University — as well as at the Université de Montréal in Canada and at the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Rome. Professor Sassi's research focusses on economic analysis of health services, the economics of chronic disease prevention and measuring inequalities in access to healthcare. He has been principal investigator and project coordinator of the EU project Science & Technology in Childhood Obesity Policy (STOP). He is the lead author of Obesity and the Economics of Prevention: Fit Not Fat (OECD and Edward Elgar, 2010), editor and author of Tackling Harmful Use: Economics and Public Health Policy (OECD, 2015) and Promoting Health, Preventing Disease: The Economic Case (OUP, 2015); and author of a large number of publications on the economics of chronic disease prevention. He was awarded a 2000–2001 Commonwealth Fund Harkness Fellowship in Health Care Policy.
Agnès Soucat is the director of the Division of Health and Social Protection of the French Development Agency (Agence française de développement). She was previously the director of the Department of Health Systems, Governance and Financing at the WHO. Prior to that, Dr Soucat held the position of director for Human Development for the African Development Bank, where she was responsible for the health, education and social protection activities of the Bank for 53 African countries; she also held the position of global lead economist for the Health, Nutrition and Population Global Practice Group of the World Bank. She has over 30 years of experience in poverty reduction and health, covering more than 70 countries in Africa, Asia and Europe. Dr Soucat was a pioneer in several fields of innovations in healthcare financing, including community-based financing and performance-based financing, and she has authored seminal publications on these topics. She is also a co-author of the World Bank's World Development Report 2004: Making Services Work for Poor People, and of the Lancet Commission report Global Health 2035: A World Converging Within a Generation. Dr Soucat was a Commissioner on the recent Lancet and Rockefeller Commission on Planetary Health. She also did extensive work on the labour market dynamics of the health workforce in Africa. This book on health taxes is the direct result of her leadership on innovative financing while at WHO. Dr Soucat holds an MD and a master's degree in nutrition from the University of Nancy in France as well as a master's of public health and a PhD in health economics from Johns Hopkins University.
Angeli Vigo is responsible for parliamentary engagement and co-manages the inter-agency collaboration on health taxes at the WHO. After training in law at the University of the Philippines, Angeli was admitted to the Philippine Bar in 2012. She worked at the Supreme Court of the Philippines and taught at De La Salle University and Lyceum University in Manila, before moving to WHO headquarters in Geneva in 2015. She worked in tobacco product regulation for two years, during which she managed the development of the technical report series of the 'WHO Study Group on Tobacco Product Regulation' (WHO TobReg). These reports provide the WHO Director- General with scientifically sound, evidence-based recommendations for Member States about tobacco product regulation. In 2017, Angeli authored the background paper on the economic implications of health taxes for the WHO strategy meeting held that year — which was the first time that tobacco, alcohol and sugar-sweetened products were considered under the same policy umbrella. Since then, she co-manages the joint activities of a multi-agency collaboration on health taxes composed of a dozen international organisations, including the World Bank, the OECD and the Asian Development Bank and is responsible for parliamentary outreach to several countries in Africa and Asia.