In contrast to non-financial firms, banks have undergone significant turbulence in the past decade, enduring severe financial crises and unprecedented regulatory reforms. New regulations, including heightened capital and liquidity requirements, measures to address regulatory migration, resolution authority, stress testing, and capital planning, have spurred the development of new tools to manage institutional failure. The primary goal has been to reduce the likelihood of poor performance and improve stock market valuations to restore public confidence in the industry. The banking industry plays a vital role in global economic and financial stability and is subject to intense regulatory and market scrutiny. Financial instability can be very costly for banks due to its spillover effects on other parts of the economy. Therefore, a sound, stable, and healthy financial system is essential for efficient resource allocation and risk distribution across the economy.
This is the first book that comprehensively addresses a range of contemporary issues in the global banking industry, providing a thorough understanding of the challenges and opportunities faced by the sector. The book examines how banking business models, effective policies, and regulations can address these issues, covering corporate governance, asset-liability management, risk management, financial performance, and regulatory frameworks. The potential benefits of alternative banking models, including Islamic banking, and their contribution to global financial stability and resilience are also explored.
Contributions from international scholars using both quantitative and qualitative methods provide new insights, recent findings, and perspectives on future bank stability and resilience in a global context. The book also presents updated evidence and debates on the impact of recent regulations and governance structures on the industry, which has undergone significant changes in response to financial turmoil and new laws and regulations aimed at enhancing bank resiliency, protecting against systematic risks, and promoting fair and ethical banking practices.
Sample Chapter(s)
Chapter 1: Revision of Capital Buffer Framework
- Preface
- About the Editors
- About the Contributors
- The Effect(s) of Financial and Institutional Characteristics:
- Revision of Capital Buffer Framework (Silvio Andrae)
- Do Accounting Standards Contribute to Bank Stability? (Aishath Shahudha Abdulla and Gamini Premaratne)
- Impact of Stability on Economic Growth: A Case Study from the Financial Market (Hong Thu Nguyen and Van Chien Nguyen)
- Intellectual Capital Efficiency and Islamic Banks' Stability: Evidence from Asian Countries (Ejaz Aslam, Aziz ur Rehman, and Anam Iqbal)
- The Impact of Regulatory Capital Pressure on Profitability and Risk: Evidence from Tunisian Banks (Rim Zakraoui and Dorra Mezzez Hmaied)
- Systematic Risk and Risk Management:
- Banking Stability: The Impact of Financial Sector Heterogeneity on Systemic Risk in Financial Crises and Economic Recessions (Carlos León, Zihao Liu, and Luc Renneboog)
- Analysis of the Systemic Risk in the Turkish Banking Sector (Mert Malkoç and İlkay Şendeniz-Yüncü)
- Building Bank Resilience Through Risk Management Competency Development (Eric H Y Koh)
- Resilience in the EU Banking Sector and Beyond (Lucia Alessi, Francesca E Di Girolamo, and Marco Petracco-Giudici)
- Implications from Macroeconomic Factors:
- Market Illiquidity and the Bank Lending Channel (Sergio Sanfilippo-Azofra, María Cantero-Saiz, and Begoña Torre-Olmo)
- An Empirical Analysis of the Trilemma of Exiting Expansionary Monetary Policy in the Euro Area (Sebastian Lang and Wolfgang Schadner)
- Credit-to-GDP Gaps in Real Time: Correcting Indicators for More Reliability in Policy Decision-Making (Tihana Škrinjarić)
- The Ability of Altman's Z"-score Model to Detect the Economic Distress of Kazakh Banks (Aigul P Salina, Xin Zhang, Tong Jiao, and Omaima A G Hassan)
- Microfinance During the Global Financial Crisis (2007–2009): Are There Lessons from COVID-19? (Sunil Sangwan and Md Aslam Mia)
- Liquidity Hoarding and Uncertainty for a Small Open Economy (Abdulla Ahmed Albinali)
- Index
Readership: The primary markets for the book are academic libraries, Students (undergraduate, graduate, and post-graduate), and practitioners and policymakers (financial analysts, financial institutions, rating agencies, lawyers, regulators, etc.). While this volume is not primarily intended as a textbook, it can also be used for class teaching, with conceptual chapters and case studies inside.
Sabri Boubaker is a Professor of Finance at EM Normandie Business School (Paris, France) and the University of Swansea (Swansea, United Kingdom). Sabri holds a PhD in Finance from University of Paris Est (2006) and an HDR degree (Habilitation for Supervising Doctoral Research) in 2010 from the same university. Dr Boubaker is the editor-in-chief of the Journal of International Financial Management and Accounting. Sabri Boubaker has recently published many academic papers (+100 papers) in international refereed journals including Journal of Corporate Finance, Journal of Banking and Finance, Journal of International Money and Finance, Financial Management, Journal of Business Ethics, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Auditing: A Journal of Theory & Practice, British Journal of Management, and Journal of Financial Research. Professor Boubaker has also edited many books on corporate finance and financial markets, and serves on editorial boards of several peer-reviewed finance journals. He is the co-founder and co-chair of the annual Paris Financial Management Conference (2013–), The Vietnam Symposium in Banking and Finance (2016–) and the Annual Meeting of the International Society for the Advancement of Financial Economics (2022–).
Marwa Elnahass is a Reader in Accounting and Finance at Newcastle University, United Kingdom. She has a fairly long and successful record in editorial boards as associate editor in the International Journal of Finance and Economics, Emerging Markets Review, Journal of Financial Reporting and Accounting, and International Journal of Financial Studies, managing guest editor for a special issue in the International Journal of Accounting, guest editor for special issue in the Journal of Risk and Financial Management and also two edited books for the World Scientific Publishing. Dr Elnahass is a peer reviewer/panellist, and a referee for several highly ranked and high impact journals and UK/international research councils (e.g., AHRC, ESRC, Innovate UK and QNRF). Dr Elnahass has published numerous articles in top-tier peer-reviewed ABS listed 3 & 4 academic journals in governance, green finance, and financial reporting quality such as British Journal of Management, European Journal of Finance and Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money. All publications are listed on the top 25 downloadable papers, as reported by Science Direct. Ranked in the top 10% of Authors on SSRN by total new downloads within the last 12 months, while recent publications in banking and CSR (2020–2022) are among Top 8 citations/downloads within many ranked journals. Her work on green finance and climate change has been utilised by policymakers (e.g., British High commission, central bank of Qatar and Ministry of Higher Education of Egypt and others), and published by the UK Government on She secured several external (large) and international grants. She featured in the Top 200 List of the Most Influential Women in Islamic Business and Finance for 2021/22/2023, and is published technical and industry reports/articles (e.g., ACCA and Frontiers in Digital Health journal). She is regularly invited as a keynote speaker in UK policy roundtables, international conferences, workshops, and Webinars.