A simple but effective method is proposed for the mitigation of the impact of macrovortices generated by differential wave breaking in correspondence of submerged breakwaters. Inspection of the analytical expression which gives the intensity of such vortical flow features suggests that a reduction of the breakwater lateral slopes induces a reduction of the lateral gradients of the local wave height field. Numerical simulations, run with an available, shock-capturing Nonlinear Shallow Water Solver, support our conjecture and provide the data used for a quantitative assessment of the vortex intensity decrease as function of the parameters controlling the flow. Major findings are that: i) the macrovortex strength is directly proportional to the wavelength, ii) the breakwater lateral slope more strongly controls the strength than the beach slope, iii) the reduction of the lateral breakwater slopes more efficiently mitigates the vortex strength when the breakwater is placed on steep beaches.