This work deals with the dynamics of a bioeconomic continuous time model, where the combined action of the fishing effort exerted by men (as a predator) and multiple Allee effect or depensation on the growth rate of a self-regenerating resource (the prey) are considered.
It has been recently established that a depensation phenomenon appears by diverse causes and new functions have been proposed to describe multiple Allee effects. One of these formalizations is here incorporated in the well-known Smith's model, one of the simplest models to open access fisheries.
We prove that this new and complex expression is topologically equivalent to a simpler form. Then, we postulate that the parsimony principle must be used to describe this phenomenon.
It is also shown that in the phase plane of biomass-effort on the proposed model, the origin is an attractor equilibrium for all parameters values as a consequence of the Allee effect. Moreover, there is a subset of the parameter values, for which two limit cycles exist surrounding the unique positive equilibrium point of the system, one of them being asymptotically stable (the non damped oscillatory tragedy of the commons); hence, multiestability exists, particularly three-stability.