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We introduce an approach to compensate for temporal distortions of repeated measurements in event-related potential research. The algorithm uses a combination of methods from nonlinear time-series analysis and is based on the construction of pairwise registration functions from cross-recurrence plots of the phase-space representations of ERP signals. The globally optimal multiple-alignment path is approximated by hierarchical cluster analysis, i.e. by iteratively combining pairs of trials according to similarity. By the inclusion of context information in form of externally acquired time markers (e.g. reaction time) into a regularization scheme, the extracted warping functions can be guided near paths that are implied by the experimental procedure. All parameters occurring in the algorithm can be optimized based on the properties of the data and there is a broad regime of parameter configurations where the algorithm produces good results. Simulations on artificial data and the analysis of ERPs from a psychophysical study demonstrate the robustness and applicability of the algorithm.
We define the Abelian distribution and study its basic properties. Abelian distributions arise in the context of neural modeling and describe the size of neural avalanches in fully-connected integrate-and-fire models of self-organized criticality in neural systems.
We study an adaptive controller that adjusts its internal parameters by self-organization of its interaction with the environment. We show that the parameter changes that occur in this low-level learning process can themselves provide a source of information to a higher-level context-sensitive learning mechanism. In this way, the context is interpreted in terms of the concurrent low-level learning mechanism. The dual learning architecture is studied in realistic simulations of a foraging robot and of a humanoid hand that manipulated an object. Both systems are driven by the same low-level scheme, but use the second-order information in different ways. While the low-level adaptation continues to follow a set of rigid learning rules, the second-order learning modulates the elementary behaviors and affects the distribution of the sensory inputs via the environment.
Combining experiments and modeling, we study how the discrimination of time intervals depends both on the interval duration and on contextual stimuli. Participants had to judge the temporal regularity of a sequence of standard intervals that contained a deviant interval. We find that the performance to detect the deviant increases with the number of standards preceeding the deviant and decreases with the duration of the standard. While the effect of the standard duration can be explained by an neural network model that realizes the concept of multiple synfire chains, the position effect is incorporated into the model by an in-situ averaging process. Furthermore, experiments are discussed that are critical for the predictions of the model.