Wave overtopping and to a lesser extent wave run-up for armored rubble slopes and mounds have been subject to a number of investigations in the past. The objective of the present chapter is to summarize existing information to be present as a closed guidance on the use of wave run-up and wave overtopping formulae for a wide range of possible applications in practice. Therefore, guidance is given first on the use of wave run-up and wave overtopping formulae for simple slopes, excluding the effects of composite slopes, direction of wave attack, roughness, wave walls, etc. Then, formulae are presented to include these parameters in the calculation procedure. Guidance is also given on wave overtopping volumes, overtopping velocities, and the spatial distribution as well as for wave overtopping for shingle beaches. Finally, the effect of model and scale effects on the calculation of average overtopping rates are discussed. This chapter has mainly been composed from Chap. 6 of the EurOtop Overtopping Manual (2007), with some additions from Chap. 5. The present chapter is related to the previous Chap. 14 and the next Chap. 16 of this manual.