In previous models, heart-lung-blood interactions and their physicochemical properties have not been considered in comprehensive simulators and an integrated mathematical model has not been presented. The aim of the present study is to combine different phenomena involved in the cardiopulmonary function, which are often considered separately. In this study, the variables that constitute a comprehensive model; which includes physicochemical reactions of O2 and CO2 in the blood and fluid compartments, V/Q, pH, body temperature and diffusion limitation in the adult human and its ability to provide realistic response under different physiological and pathophysiological conditions; have been evaluated. The new biological system model consists of two subsystems: physicochemical properties of blood and physiological subsystem models. Based on the mentioned parameters, comprehensive simulator model has been suggested as following:
According to the literature, all patients [COPD (20) and asthma (20)] showed acid-base imbalances. The mathematical model has been validated by diagnosis of acid-base abnormalities via calculating the total CO2 and T40HCO3 in physiological and pathophysiological conditions, and then the results compared to literature experimental data. Our comprehensive model provides results consistent with dynamic and steady state responses measured in subjects undergoing physiological and pathophysiological conditions. This might enable us to deepen our understanding of the cardiopulmonary system as a whole.