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Motivated by studies on gravitational lenses, we present an exact solution of the field equations of general relativity, which is static and spherically symmetric, has no mass but has a nonvanishing spacelike components of the stress–energy–momentum tensor. In spite of its strange nature, this solution has nontrivial descriptions of gravitational effects. We show that the main aspects found in the dark matter phenomena can be satisfactorily described by this geometry. We comment on the relevance it could have to consider nonvanishing spacelike components of the stress–energy–momentum tensor ascribed to dark matter.
We study the characterization and the main basic properties of smooth isolated black holes, which are defined below.
We present a general approach for the formulation of equations of motion for astrophysical compact objects in general relativistic theories. The objects are modeled as relativistic particles, which are assumed to be moving in a geometric background which in turn is asymptotically flat. The background can be affected by the compact object; so that our approach can be applied to binary systems; by concentrating on the main contributions coming from back reaction effects due to gravitational radiation.
Our premises are different from the traditional post-Newtonian and self-force approaches since we make strong use of the asymptotic properties of the self geometry of the particle; as is described below. In particular, we use a center of mass setting, and relativistic individual dynamical times for each object. We expect our model to complement the other approaches in different regimes.
We develop further the general framework for modeling the dynamics of the motion of black holes, presented in [E. Gallo and O. M. Moreschi, Modeling the dynamics of black holes through balanced equations of motion, Int. J. Geom. Meth. Mod. Phys. 16(3) (2019) 1950034], by employing a convenient null gauge, in general relativity, for the construction of the balanced equations of motion. This null gauge has the property that the asymptotic structure is intimately related to the interior one; in particular there is a strong connection between the field equations and the balanced equations of motion.
Our work is very related to what we have called “Robinson–Trautman (RT) geometries” [S. Dain, O. M. Moreschi and R. J. Gleiser, Photon rockets and the Robinson–Trautman geometries, Class. Quantum Grav.13(5) (1996) 1155–1160] in the past. These geometries are used in the sense of the general framework, we have presented in [E. Gallo and O. M. Moreschi, Modeling the dynamics of black holes through balanced equations of motion, Int. J. Geom. Meth. Mod. Phys. 16(3) (2019) 1950034].
We present the balanced equations of motion in second order of the acceleration. We solve the required components of the field equation at their respective required orders, G2 and G3, in terms of the gravitational constant.
We indicate how this approach can be extended to higher orders.
A geometrical construction for a global dynamical time for binary point-like particle systems, modeled by relativistic equations of motions, is presented. Thus, we provide a convenient tool for the calculation of the dynamics of recent models for the dynamics of black holes that use individual proper times. The construction is naturally based on the local Lorentzian geometry of the spacetime considered. Although in this presentation we are dealing with the Minkowskian spacetime, the construction is useful for gravitational models that have as a seed Minkowski spacetime. We present the discussion for a binary system, but the construction is obviously generalizable to multiple particle systems. The calculations are organized in terms of the order of the corresponding relativistic forces. In particular, we improve on the Darwin and Landau–Lifshitz approaches, for the case of electromagnetic systems. We discuss the possibility of a Lagrangian treatment of the retarded effects, depending on the nature of the relativistic forces. The higher-order contractions are based on a Runge–Kutta type procedure, which is used to calculate the quantities at the required retarded time, by increasing evaluations of the forces at intermediate times. We emphasize the difference between approximation orders in field equations and approximation orders in retarded effects in the equations of motion. We show this difference by applying our construction to the binary electromagnetic case.