This paper analyses the influence on the measured mean overtopping discharge of the duration of physical model tests of wave overtopping, bearing in mind the practical purpose of the studies, and the required accuracy of the measurements. The case study of the South Breakwater of Póvoa de Varzim Harbor, Portugal, is used to investigate this subject. During the two-dimensional physical model tests, three main target test conditions were used. For each one, different wave trains were utilized, all conforming to the same target JONSWAP spectrum, and three different test durations were employed. The number of random waves ranged from about 300 to 2400. Then, one of the three main test conditions was again used, but for twelve different test durations. In this case, the number of waves ranged from about 150 to 1900.
The results suggest that the convergence of the mean overtopping discharge to a constant value with increasing test duration is not obvious. Regardless of the test duration, the information obtained with a single test gives limited information about the expected mean discharge, as the mean overtopping discharge varies even for the same wave and structure characteristics. Consequently, more information is obtained on the mean discharge if several tests of the same short duration (but with different time series) are undertaken rather than if one test of long duration is carried out.