With a view to study heavy-ion induced fission after complete and/or incomplete fusion reactions, experiments have been performed at the Inter-University Accelerator Center (IUAC), New Delhi, India. The production cross-sections for more than 40 fission-like events (25 ≤ Z ≤ 45) produced in 16O+159Tb and 16O+169Tm systems, respectively, at E/A = 5.6 and 5.9 MeV have been measured using the recoil-catcher technique followed by off-line γ-spectroscopy. The analysis of the data indicates that fission is one of the competing modes of de-excitation of excited composite system formed via complete and/or incomplete fusion processes, where the evaporation of light nuclear particle(s) are more likely to be expected. Attempts have also been made to study isotopic yield distributions of Yttrium (83, 84m, 85, 87mY) and Strontium (80, 81, 83, 85mSr) isotopes in 16O+159Tb system, and Indium (105, 107, 108, 110In) and Technetium (99m, 101, 104, 105Tc) isotopes in 16O+169Tm system. The statistical analysis of the isotopic yield distribution has also been carried out to determine the most probable values of mass and charge of fission-like events in two systems.