International standards provide, with the Geometrical Product Specification (GPS), tools for geometric specification and verification of mechanical parts based on tolerance zones (TZ). A TZ represents a domain space in which the real surface must be included. This space domain defines the set of geometries which are functionally equivalent. In a part design, numerous TZ are constraints related to a reference system. This last one is an ideal geometry, called datum, associated to real surfaces, called datum feature. A datum can be simple, if it is related to one datum feature, or forming a datum-system reference if it is related to two or three real surfaces. In this case, there is a hierarchy in the fitting process between the datum-system and the set of datum features. Hence, a primary, secondary and a tertiary datum should be considered. It is now commonly admitted that measurements are tainted with uncertainties. These uncertainties on datum feature estimations are propagated to the datum-system reference and then propagated to all TZ positions. Thus, considering the level arm effect between the datum and the TZ, uncertainties on TZ positions can become quickly of the same order of magnitude as the maximal admissible defect specified on product geometry. This paper presents a method permitting to estimate uncertainties on a datum-system reference.