In this study, an enormous size sample of typhoon- or low-generated annual maximum (AM) wave height data on the Northwestern Pacific Ocean is produced through a Monte-Carlo simulation over extremely long years, and spatial variation for a parent distribution of storm type-separated or storm-type-free AM wave height data is estimated based on the extreme value analysis and its statistical aggregation. Also each of the results is compared with that for historical storm case. The main findings are as follows: 1) The parent distribution of typhoon- or low-generated AM wave height is well approximated by either the Weibull distribution (typhoon and low cases) or the Gumbel distribution (low case), in case where shape parameter and the other parameters of the parent distributions are space-dependent. 2) Frequent occurrence and passage of strong storms may yield a sharper probability distribution of AM wave height data. 3) The parent distribution of storm type-free AM wave height data is strongly affected by predominant storm type-separated AM wave height data.