This paper describes a numerical model for the simulation of near shore wave dynamics and bottom topography change. In this paper, the nearshore wave dynamics is simulated by solving the depth integrated Boussinesq approximation equations for nearshore wave transformation together with the equation of continuity with a Crank-Nicholson scheme. The wave runup on beach is simulated by a scheme similar to the Volume Of Fluid (VOF) technique. The wave energy loss due to wave breaking and shear generated turbulence is simulated by a k-ε model, in which the turbulence kinetic energy (TKE) generation is assumed as the sum of those respectively due to wave breaking and horizontal and vertical shear. The bottom topography change model calculates the transport of bed load, the uptake, advection, diffusion and deposition of bed materials under combined actions of waves and currents. Especially, a new numerical scheme based on the cell donator-receiver concept has been introduced for the discretization of terms representing the advective transport of suspended sediment. Also, a new suspended sediment pick-up function, which relates the sediment pick-up rate with bed shear stress and turbulence intensity has been introduced. Additionally, a new numerical scheme, which is also based on the cell donator-receiver concept, is proposed for the evaluation of the contribution of bed load transport to the bottom topography change. This new numerical scheme eliminates the necessity of introducing false diffusion terms to the equation governing the bottom topography change, as done by various other researchers, including Rakha et al (1997), Watanabe et al (1988), and thus enable an accurate prediction of the bottom topography change, especially near coastal structures. The verification of the numerical model against data obtained from various indoor experiments reveals that the model is capable of simulating the wave dynamics, turbulence and bottom topography change under wave actions. Especially, with the new differencing scheme for the bottom topography change equation, the numerical model is capable of simulating the wave induced scouring near coastal structures with acceptable accuracy and relatively short computational time.