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    Vortices and Charges in Josephson Junction Arrays as Quantum Particles

    Vortices and single charges have particle-like properties when they are excited in a medium with extremely low damping at low temperatures. We have experimentally studied the behavior of arrays of superconducting islands, weakly coupled by high quality, small capacitance Josephson tunnel junctions. In the islands, the phase of the order parameter and the electrical charge act as conjugate variables. The response is determined by the ratio between the Josephson coupling energy EJ and the charging energy EC. For EC/EJ<<1 vortices are the dominant excitations; for EC/EJ>>1 single charges are dominant. We have observed the phase transition as a function of EC/EJ from superconducting to insulating behavior in zero applied field. It is also possible to observe the phase transition induced by a perpendicular magnetic field, characterized by Bose condensation of vortices. We have studied vortices as ballistic particles. Recently we have obtained first indications of quantum interference of vortices.