An introductory text book for graduates and advanced undergraduates on group representation theory. It emphasizes group theory's role as the mathematical framework for describing symmetry properties of classical and quantum mechanical systems.
Familiarity with basic group concepts and techniques is invaluable in the education of a modern-day physicist. This book emphasizes general features and methods which demonstrate the power of the group-theoretical approach in exposing the systematics of physical systems with associated symmetry.
Particular attention is given to pedagogy. In developing the theory, clarity in presenting the main ideas and consequences is given the same priority as comprehensiveness and strict rigor. To preserve the integrity of the mathematics, enough technical information is included in the appendices to make the book almost self-contained.
A set of problems and solutions has been published in a separate booklet.
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- Basic Group Theory
- Group Representations
- General Properties of Irreducible Vectors and Operators
- Representations of the Symmetric Groups
- One-Dimensional Continuous Groups
- Rotations in Three-Dimensional Space — The Group SO(3)
- The Group SU(2) and More About SO(3)
- Euclidean Groups in Two- and Three-Dimensional Space
- The Lorentz and Poincaré Groups, and Space-Time Symmetries
- Space Inversion Invariance
- Time Reversal Invariance
- Finite-Dimensional Representations of the Classical Groups
Readership: Graduate and advanced undergraduate students in physics.
“This book is written to meet precisely this need of the lack of suitable textbooks on general group-theoretical methods in physics for all serious students of experimental and theoretical physics at the beginning graduate and advanced undergraduate level.”
Physics Briefs
“This book is well organized and the material is presented in an appealing and easily absorbed style, … comes closer than any other to being a modern version of Wigner's classic Group Theory and its Application to the Quantum Mechanics of Atomic Spectra.”
Foundations of Physics
“A valuable addition to group theory texts for physicists. It is most appropriate for students who have taken or are taking graduate quantum mechanics, especially if their interests lie in modern field theory.”
Mathematical Reviews