The book discusses, based on a series of lectures given by the authors at the Universidad Autonoma of Madrid discusses the relation between cosmology and particle physics at a pedagogical level. The topics covered contain much valuable introductory materials. Very useful as a text for graduate students in this field.
Sample Chapter(s)
Foreword (36 KB)
Chapter 1: The Standard Cosmological Model (584 KB)
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- The Standard Cosmological Model
- Determination of the Cosmological Parameters
- The Cosmic Microwave Background
- The Standard Big-Bang Nucleosynthesis
- The Large Scale Structure Formation
- Some Cosmological Limits on the Parameter of Exotic Particles
- Finite Temperature Effective Potential and Phase Transitions
- Problems of the Standard Big-Bang Model
- The Dynamics of Inflation
- Inflationary Models
Readership: Cosmologists and particle physicists.