This book provides a systematic and self-consistent introduction to the nonlinear continuum mechanics of solids, from the main axioms to comprehensive aspects of the theory. The objective is to expose the most intriguing aspects of elasticity and viscoelasticity with finite strains in such a way as to ensure mathematical correctness, on the one hand, and to demonstrate a wide spectrum of physical phenomena typical only of nonlinear mechanics, on the other.
A novel aspect of the book is that it contains a number of examples illustrating surprising behaviour in materials with finite strains, as well as comparisons between theoretical predictions and experimental data for rubber-like polymers and elastomers.
The book aims to fill a gap between mathematicians specializing in nonlinear continuum mechanics, and physicists and engineers who apply the methods of solid mechanics to a wide range of problems in civil and mechanical engineering, materials science, and polymer physics. The book has been developed from a graduate course in applied mathematics which the author has given for a number of years.
- Tensor Calculus
- Mechanics of Continua
- Constitutive Equations in Finite Elasticity
- Boundary Problems in Finite Elasticity
- Variational Principles in Elasticity
- Constitutive Models in Finite Viscoelasticity
- Boundary Problems in Finite Viscoelasticity
Readership: Applied mathematicians.
“… a systematic and self-consistent introduction to the nonlinear continuum mechanics of solids, from the main axioms to comprehensive aspects of the theory … fills a gap between mathematicians specializing in nonlinear continuum mechanics, and physicists and engineers who apply the methods of solid mechanics to a wide range of problems in civil and mechanical engineering, materials science, and polymer physics.”
Lavoisier-Technique et Documentation
“The text should be effective in its intended role as a graduate-level introduction, as well as providing a source of applications and giving a basis for finding some details about the foundations of mechanics. Since there are few, if any, texts having attempted quite the aim of this book … Finite Elasticity and Viscoelasticity can be considered a useful addition to many libraries.”
Appl Mech Rev
“The textbook includes many exercises of different levels of complexity, which makes the lecture very attractive. The book can be recommended to researchers and students interested in modelling and mathematical problems of nonlinear mechanics of solids.”
Mathematical Reviews