Translated from Russian by Vitaly Kisin
This little book concentrates on the foundations of modern physics (its "ABC's") and its most fundamental constants: c — the velocity of light and ℏ — the quantum of action.
First of all, the book is addressed to professional physicists, but in order to achieve maximal concentration and clarity it uses the simplest (high school) mathematics. As a result many pages of the book will be useful to college students and may appeal to a more general audience.
Sample Chapter(s)
Chapter 1: The Fundamentals (68k)
Chapter 2: Units (63k)
Chapter 3: A Minimum of Mathematics (71k)
Chapter 27: Concluding Remarks (78k)
Postscript I (93k)
Postscript II (64k)
Bibliography (62k)
- The Fundamentals
- Units
- A Minimum of Mathematics
- Translational Motion
- Rotation and Quantization
- Particles as Corpuscles and Waves
- More About Units
- The Hydrogen Atom
- Periodic Table of Chemical Elements
- Substance
- Quantum Electrodynamics — QED
- Transition to Classical Theory
- Gravitation
- Other Galaxies
- Big Bang
- Quantum Gravidynamics — QGD
- Intranuclear Forces
- Particles in Cosmic Rays
- Particles in Accelerators
- Three Discrete Symmetries
- Half a Century Later
- On Quantum Chromodynamics
- On the Electroweak Theory
- Supersymmetry
- Grand Unification
- In the Vicinity of the Planck Mass
- Concluding Remarks
Readership: College students and interested readers in the physical sciences.
"This book of interesting ideas is addressed to young faculty teaching modern physics and contemplating the creation of new physics textbooks."
Professor Yuri A. Kamyshkov
University of Tennessee
"Can the universe and everything in it be explained in a compact book that fits in your pocket? Professor Okun shows that it can. In doing so, he illustrates the beauty and the power of the fundamental concepts of physics."
Michael E. Peskin
SLAC National Accelerator Lab
"It is like using Google Earth to zoom in on the complex metropolis that is quantum theory, providing a delightful and often surprising overview."
Physics World
"This little book is concise and a very useful guide to the fundamental concepts of subatomic physics in general and elementary particle physics in particular. Without going into technicalities, it aims to familiarize the reader with the language of relativity and of quantum mechanics."
Marek Karliner
Tel–Aviv University
"Fundamental physics is an important part of general culture and the book is an excellent guide to it."
Alexander Dolgov
University of Ferrara and INFN, Italy
"As the author of one of the first and most comprehensible textbooks on the weak interactions of elementary particles, Okun is particularly well-equipped to address such a task. His little book, just over a hundred pages, is directed at the young professional physicists who might write such material."
Contemporary Physics
"People who happen upon this work will read it quickly and with enjoyment."