Chapter 2: Patents versus Prizes
The following sections are included:
The Flawed Deadweight Welfare Loss Argument
Deadweight Welfare Losses and Inconsistent Assumptions
Deadweight Welfare Losses from Taxation
Deadweight Welfare Losses and Market Prices
What is the Marginal Cost of an Invention?: Transaction Costs versus Administrative Costs
Lump-Sum versus Per-Unit Running Royalties
Allocative Efficiency in Technology: Prizes versus Prices
Patents and Markets for Technology
Allocative Efficiency in the Market for Inventions
Marginal Cost Prices and Central Planning
Public Goods and Natural Monopoly
Patents and Incentives for Invention and Innovation
What is Competition?: Markets versus Tournaments
Providing Information: Prices versus Prizes
The Effects of Technological Change on Market Prices
Market Prices as Indicators of Technological Change