Chapter 3: Patents and the Business Revolution
The following sections are included:
The Debate over Business Method Inventions
Business Method Inventions
An Economic Definition of Business Method Inventions
The USPTO’s Definition of Business Method Inventions
Guidance from the Patent Act in Defining Business Method Inventions
The Courts’ Movement toward a Definition of Business Method Inventions
Limiting the Patentability of Business Method Inventions Would Constrain the Commercialization of Inventions and Entrepreneurship
Business Method Inventions and the Commercialization of Scientific and Technological Discoveries
Business Method Inventions and Entrepreneurship
Efficiency Arguments in Favor of Patenting Business Method Inventions and Response to the Critics
Patenting of Business Method Inventions Promotes Dynamic Efficiency in the Market for Discoveries
Patenting of Business Method Inventions Promotes Allocative Efficiency in the Market for Discoveries
Patenting of Business Method Inventions Promotes Transaction Efficiency in the Market for Discoveries
Addressing Legal and Administrative Efficiency: Business Method Patents are not Intrinsically Vague or Abstract
Business Method Inventions and the Business Revolution
The Industrial Revolution: Machines and Transformation
The Business Revolution and Transactions
Business Method Inventions and New Transaction Techniques