This paper explores the oceanic wave characteristics exhibited by a modified integrable generalized (2+1)(2+1)-dimensional nonlinear Schrödinger system of equations through variable coefficients. Two newly modified methods, specifically the improved nonlinear Ricatti equation method and the improved sub-equation method, have been proposed to investigate the aforementioned nonlinear system. Through the utilization of these methods, we successfully obtain traveling and solitary waves solutions for this nonlinear system. We emphasize several constraint conditions that serve to guarantee the existence of these solutions. More comprehensive information about the physical dynamical representation of some of the solutions presented is illustrated through graphical depictions. The Mathematica software package is employed to produce both three-dimensional and their corresponding contour plots, thereby improving the visualization and comprehension of the solutions. This paper illustrates that the two proposed approaches provide straightforward and efficient means of acquiring various types of soliton, rational, trigonometric, hyperbolic and exponential solutions. Moreover, they present a more potent mathematical tool for addressing a variety of other nonlinear partial differential equations that hold significance in the field of applied science and engineering.