Evidence of cosmic strings by the observation of the alignment of quasar polarization axes on Mpc scale
Topological defects formed in the early stages of our universe can play a crucial role in understanding anisotropic deviations of the Friedmann Lemâitre Robertson Walker model we observe today. These defects are the result of phase transitions associated with spontaneous symmetry breaking in gauge theories at the grand unification energy scale. The most interesting defects are cosmic strings, vortex-like structures in the famous gauged U(1) abelian Higgs model with a “Mexican-hat” potential. Other defects, such as domain walls and monopoles are probably ruled out, because they should dominate otherwise the energy density of our universe. This local gauge model is the basis of the standard model of particle physics, where the Higgs-mechanism provides elementary particles with mass. It cannot be a coincidence that this model also explains the theory of superconductivity. The decay of the high multiplicity (n) super-conducting vortex into a lattice of n vortices of unit magnetic flux is energetically favourable and is experimentally confirmed. It explains the famous Meissner effect. This process could play an essential role by the entanglement of cosmic strings just after the symmetry breaking. The stability of the lattice depends critically on the parameters of the model, especially when gravity comes into play. The questions is how the imprint of the cosmic strings could be observed at present time. Up to now, no evidence is found. The recently found alignment of the spinning axes of quasars in large quasar groups on Mpc scales, could be a first indication of the existence of these cosmic strings. The temporarily broken axial symmetry will leave an imprint of a preferred azimuthal-angle on the lattice. This effect is only viable when a scaling factor is introduced. This can be realized in a warped five dimensional model. The warp factor plays the role of a dilaton field on an equal footing with the Higgs field. The resulting field equations can be obtained from a conformal invariant model. Conformal invariance, the missing symmetry in general relativity, will then spontaneously be broken, just as the Higgs field. The dilaton field, or equivalently, the warp factor, could also contribute to the expansion of the universe as it can act as a dark energy term coming from the bulk spacetime. It makes the cosmic string temporarily super-massive. This process could solve the cosmological constant and hierarchy problem. It is conjectured that the dilaton field has a dual meaning. At very early times, when the dilaton field approaches zero, it describes the small-distance limit of the model, while at later times it is a warp (or scale) factor that determines the dynamical evolution of the universe. When more data of quasars of high redshift will become available, one could prove that the alignment emerged after the symmetry breaking scale and must have a cosmological origin. The effect of the warp factor on the second-order perturbations could also be an indication of the existence of large extra dimensions.