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The three volumes of the proceedings of MG15 give a broad view of all aspects of gravitational physics and astrophysics, from mathematical issues to recent observations and experiments. The scientific program of the meeting included 40 morning plenary talks over 6 days, 5 evening popular talks and nearly 100 parallel sessions on 71 topics spread over 4 afternoons. These proceedings are a representative sample of the very many oral and poster presentations made at the meeting.
Part A contains plenary and review articles and the contributions from some parallel sessions, while Parts B and C consist of those from the remaining parallel sessions. The contents range from the mathematical foundations of classical and quantum gravitational theories including recent developments in string theory, to precision tests of general relativity including progress towards the detection of gravitational waves, and from supernova cosmology to relativistic astrophysics, including topics such as gamma ray bursts, black hole physics both in our galaxy and in active galactic nuclei in other galaxies, and neutron star, pulsar and white dwarf astrophysics. Parallel sessions touch on dark matter, neutrinos, X-ray sources, astrophysical black holes, neutron stars, white dwarfs, binary systems, radiative transfer, accretion disks, quasars, gamma ray bursts, supernovas, alternative gravitational theories, perturbations of collapsed objects, analog models, black hole thermodynamics, numerical relativity, gravitational lensing, large scale structure, observational cosmology, early universe models and cosmic microwave background anisotropies, inhomogeneous cosmology, inflation, global structure, singularities, chaos, Einstein-Maxwell systems, wormholes, exact solutions of Einstein's equations, gravitational waves, gravitational wave detectors and data analysis, precision gravitational measurements, quantum gravity and loop quantum gravity, quantum cosmology, strings and branes, self-gravitating systems, gamma ray astronomy, cosmic rays and the history of general relativity.
The following sections are included:
This essay celebrates the 100th anniversary of the birth of Martin Ryle and the 50th anniversary of the discovery of pulsars by Jocelyn Bell and Antony Hewish. Ryle and Hewish received the 1974 Nobel Prize in Physics, the first in the area of astrophysics. Their interests strongly overlapped, one of the key papers on the practical implementation of the technique of aperture synthesis being co-authored by Ryle and Hewish. The discovery of pulsars and the roles played by Hewish and Bell are described. These key advances were at the heart of the dramatic rise of high energy astrophysics in the 1960s and led to the realisation that general relativity is central to the understanding of high energy astrophysical phenomena.
We comment on the advance in measurements of the anisotropy of the CMB spanning from when Remo Ruffini was starting his academic career and watching the field’s development to the present.
We give a brief review of the definition of the Wang-Yau quasilocal mass and discuss the evaluation of which on surfaces of unit size at null infinity of an axi-symmetric spacetime in Bondi-van der Burg-Metzner coordinates.
We start by looking at why we believe that black holes have entropy. According to Boltzmann, the entropy is a measure of the number of microstates of a system. We suggest here that the entropy arises from a holographic conformal field theory on the black hole horizon. Finally, we discuss some of the implications for the information paradox.
In these proceedings, I will review an obstruction for theories of the beginning of the universe which can be formulated as semiclassical path integrals. Hartle and Hawking’s no boundary proposal and Vilenkin’s tunneling proposal are examples of such theories. Each may be formulated as the quantum amplitude for obtaining a final 3-geometry by integrating over 4-geometries. The result is obtained using a new mathematical tool – Picard-Lefschetz theory – for defining the semiclassical path integral for gravity. The Lorentzian path integral for quantum cosmology with a positive cosmological constant is mathematically meaningful in this approach, but the Euclidean version is not. Framed in this way, the resulting framework and predictions are unique. Unfortunately, the outcome is that primordial gravitational wave fluctuations are unsuppressed.
In this work, we extend our previous blind GW signal estimation method to the case of multiple detectors and show that, with a full use of redundancy, it gives promising results, e.g. a faster decay of fluctuations than that expected from the central limit theorem. This method, whose design explicitly accounts for redundancy in multiple measurements, considerably improves the efficiency of signal extraction in a multi-detector network.
KAGRA is an interferometric gravitational-wave detector with 3-km arms constructed at Kamioka, Gifu, Japan. One of the key features of KAGRA is the cryogenic mirrors for the 3 km arm cavities. KAGRA plans to begin the operation before the end of 2019. KAGRA plans to join the network observation of global gravitational wave interferometers.
In this talk, I give a brief introduction to the TianQin project, which aims to start space-based gravitational wave detection in the 2030s. My main focus will be on the background, the preliminary concept, the scientific objectives, the development of key technologies, the current progress and the international collaboration of the project.
Analytic approximation methods in general relativity play a very important role when analyzing the gravitational wave signals recently discovered by the LIGO & Virgo detectors. In this contribution, we present the state-of-the-art and some recent developments in the famous post-Newtonian (PN) or slow-motion approximation, which has successfully computed the equations of motion and the early inspiral phase of compact binary systems. We discuss also some interesting interfaces between the PN and the gravitational self-force (GSF) approach based on black-hole perturbation theory, and between PN and the post-Minkowskian (PM) approximation, namely a non-linearity expansion valid for weak field and possibly fast-moving sources.
Dark Matter Particle Explorer (DAMPE), the first Chinese astronomical satellite, was launched into a Sun-synchronous orbit at an altitude of about 500 km on 17 December 2015. DAMPE is a high-energy particle detector optimized for observations of cosmic ray electrons and gamma-rays up to about 10 TeV. The on-orbit performance of the detector, the calibration, and the latest results on cosmic rays and gamma-rays of DAMPE will be presented.
Binary driven hypernova (BdHN) models long gamma-ray burst (GRBs) as occurring in the binary systems involving a carbon-oxygen core (COcore) and a companion neutron star (NS) or a black hole (BH). This model, first proposed in 2012, succeeds and improves upon the fireshell model and the induced gravitational collapse (IGC) paradigm. After nearly a decade of development, the BdHN model has reached a nearly complete structure, giving explanation to all the observables of long bursts into its theoretical framework, and has given a refined classification of long GRBs according to the original properties of the progenitors. In this article, we present a summary of the BdHN model and the physical processes at work in each of the envisaged Episodes during its occurrence and lifetime, duly contextualized in the framework of GRB observations.
After updating the status of the measurements of the cosmic neutrino flux by the IceCube experiment, we summarize the observations of the first identified source of cosmic rays and speculate on the connection between the two observations.
We review our recent theoretical results about inequivalence between passive and active gravitational masses and energy in the semiclassical variant of general relativity, where the gravitational field is not quantized but matter is quantized. To this end, we consider the simplest quantum body with internal degrees of freedom — a hydrogen atom. We concentrate our attention on the following physical effects, related to electron mass. The first one is the inequivalence between passive gravitational mass and energy at the microscopic level. Indeed, the quantum measurement of gravitational mass can give a result which is different from the expected one, m≠me+E1c2, where the electron is initially in its ground state; me is the bare electron mass. The second effect is that the expectation values of both the passive and active gravitational masses of stationary quantum states are equivalent to the expectation value of the energy. The most spectacular effects are the inequivalence of the passive and active gravitational masses and the energy at the macroscopic level for an ensemble of coherent superpositions of stationary quantum states. We show that, for such superpositions, the expectation values of passive and active gravitational masses are not related to the expectation value of energy by Einstein’s famous equation, m≠Ec2. In this paper, we also improve several drawbacks of the original pioneering works.
Cosmological and astrophysical surveys from radio to far-infrared, in both temperature and polarization, offer a unique view of the Universe properties and of the formation and evolution of its structures. The last release, close to be finalized, of the Planck mission results sets the scene for cosmological models and parameters, while the comparison with other types of data sets raises the issue of possible tensions about some parameters, first of all the Hubble constant. At the same time, on the extragalactic side, Planck carried out the deepest systematic all-sky survey of SZ galaxy clusters and detected thousands of dusty galaxies and many hundreds of extragalactic radio sources, also allowing us to investigate many specific topics, including molecular hydrogen clouds in galactic halos. The exploitation of future generation of CMB missions and the next radio facilities will allow us to deeply investigate several topics in cosmology and astrophysics, from the existence of primordial gravitational waves to the energy releases in the primeval plasma, from the dawn ages and the epoch of reionization to the formation and evolution of early galaxies and clusters, while a wide set of open astrophysical problems can be studied with future IR missions.
Understanding accretion flow dynamics around black hole (BH) sources one needs to make detailed study of spectral as well as temporal properties of these objects during their active phases. We believe that studying accretion flow properties of BHs, it is necessary analyze observed data with a generalized physical model. Recently after the implementation of the generalized two Component Advective Flow (TCAF) solution as a local additive table model into HeaSARC’s spectral analysis package XSPEC, a more clear picture about the flow nature around the BHs are obtained. TCAF model fitted spectral parameters (two types of accretion rates: Keplerian disk and sub-Keplerian halo, and two types of shock parameters: location and strength of the shock) allow us to find a better physical picture about the physical processes associated with BHs. One can also predict frequency of primary dominating QPOs from TCAF model fitted shock parameters. Based on evolution of halo to disk accretion rate ratio (ARR), quasi-periodic oscillation (QPOs; if present) frequencies, a physical understanding of different observed spectral states and their transitions are done. We are able to estimate intrinsic source parameters (mass, spin), jet X-ray fluxes, etc. from spectral analysis with TCAF model. This makes this model as an ideal tool to study BHs.
We study the modulation of the observed radiation flux and the associated changes in the polarization degree and angle that are predicted by the orbiting spot model for flares from accreting black holes. The geometric shape of the emission region influences the resulting model lightcurves, namely, the emission region of a spiral shape can be distinguished from a simpler geometry of a small orbiting spot.
We further explore this scheme for the observed flares from the supermassive black hole in the context of Galactic center (Sgr A*). Our code simulates the lightcurves for a wide range of parameters. The energy dependence of the changing degree and angle of polarization should allow us to discriminate between the cases of a rotating and a non-rotating black hole.
Two examples of the analysis of the hard X-ray/soft γ-ray emission from accreting black holes observed with the INTEGRAL satellite are presented. The first study is based on data covering 16 years of monitoring of the bright persistent Cyg X-1 system. This huge data set allowed us to get more insights into the geometry of the plasma region in different spectral states of the object. In particular, we identify two substates of the hard state and provide new information on the plasma behaviour during the jet emission. The second study is based on data taken during the 2015 outburst of transient black hole binary V404 Cygni. The results of detailed spectral analysis show that a single Componization component, purely thermal or hybrid, is not sufficient to explain the hard X-ray emission during a strong radio emission period.
Observational evidences show that during the outburst, black hole binaries move to different spectral states depending on accretion flow that feeds these objects. However proper physical picture is still unclear, what causes these states change and how the quasi periodic oscillation (QPO) in observed lightcurve is related with the disk properties? In a Two Component Advective Flow (TCAF) solution it is established that low angular momentum and low viscous sub-Keplerian flow produces hot corona, which up-scatters soft photons from the Keplerian disk. We analyze the outbursts data of black holes of different scales ranging from low mass to super massive observed by different satellites with TCAF and discuss the outburst features and their spectral states.
Ultra-luminous X-ray sources (ULXs) have been puzzling us with a debate whether they consist of an intermediate mass black hole or super-Eddington accretion by a stellar mass black hole. Here we suggest that in the presence of large scale strong magnetic fields and non-negligible vertical motion, the luminosity of ULXs, particularly in their hard states, can be explained with sub-Eddington accretion by stellar mass black holes. In this framework of 2.5D magnetized advective accretion flows, magnetic tension plays the role of transporting matter (equivalent to viscous shear via turbulent viscosity) and we neither require to invoke an intermediate mass black hole nor super-Eddington accretion. Our model explains the sources, like, NGC 1365 X1/X2, M82 X42.3+59, M99 X1 etc. which are in their hard power-law dominated states.
We study the bound orbit conditions for equatorial and eccentric orbits around a Kerr black hole both in the parameter space (E, L, a) representing the energy, angular momentum of the test particle, and spin of the black hole, and also (e, μ, a) space representing the eccentricity, inverse-latus rectum of the orbit, and spin. We apply these conditions and implement the relativistic precession (RP) model to M82X-1, which is an Intermediate-mass black hole (IMBH) system, where two high-frequency Quasi-Periodic Oscillations (HFQPOs) and a low-frequency QPO were simultaneously observed. Assuming that the QPO frequencies can also be generated by equatorial and eccentric trajectories, we calculate the probability distributions to infer e, a, and periastron distance, rp, of the orbit giving rise to simultaneous QPOs. We find that an eccentric orbit solution is possible in the region between innermost stable circular orbit (ISCO) and the marginally bound circular orbit (MBCO) for e=0.2768+0.0657−0.0451, a = 0.2897 ± 0.0087, and rp=4.6164+0.0694−0.1259.
Accretion disks around stellar-mass black holes (BHs) are observed to emit radiation peaking in the soft X-rays (at about 1 keV) when the source is in the thermal state. This emission is expected to be polarized, because of electron scattering in the disk. However, photons will experience a rotation of the polarization plane due to General Relativity effects. X-ray polarization measurements can then be crucial in assessing strong gravity effects around accreting stellar-mass BHs, providing independent constraints on their spin. In this work, we present the simulated polarization spectra (obtained according to the model by Dovčiak et al.) for the X-ray, thermal radiation emitted by the accretion disk, as expected to be measured by IXPE, an X-ray polarimeter which will be launched in 2021. We also illustrate the code, currently under development, incorporate the contribution of returning radiation and account for absorption effects by the disk material.
The Rossby-Wave Instability (RWI) has been proposed to be at the origin of the highfrequency QPOs observed in black-hole systems. Here we are presenting the first full GR simulations of the instability around a Kerr black-hole which allow us to explore the impact of the spin on the instability. Those simulations, coupled with a full GR ray-tracing, allow us to directly compare our simulation with the observables we get through X-ray observations.
With NICER up and running and the ATHENA mission in preparation there is need to study in more detail what is the influence, if any, of the spin on the observed spectrum. Using the newly developed NOVAs framework which is comprised of a GR code, GRAM-RVAC, coupled with the ray-tracing GR code, gyoto, we computed a series of simulated disk spectrums for a variety of black-hole spins. Using standard models from xspec we fitted those spectrums and looked at how they performed to give us the parameters of the simulated spectrums. Here we report on our findings and how we could improve the existing models to get better insights into the physical large scale disk parameters.
Here we are presenting NOVAs, a Numerical Observatory of Violent Accreting systems, which couples a GR AMR MPI fluid dynamics code (GRAMRVAC) able to follow accretion around a Kerr Black-hole with the ray-tracing code GYOTO. Together, they allow us to test different models by running the simulation and obtaining spectral energy distributions and power-density spectrums from which we can extract the same observables as for ‘real’ observations, hence making it a Numerical Observatory.
A solution of the Boltzmann equation is obtained for a magnetized plasma with strongly degenerate electrons and nondegenerate nuclei. The components of the diffusion, thermal diffusion, and diffusion thermoeffect tensors in a nonquantizing magnetic field are calculated in the Lorentz approximation without allowance for electron-electron collisions, which is asymptotically accurate for plasma with strongly degenerate electrons. Asymptotically accurate analytical expressions for the electron diffusion, thermal diffusion, and diffusion thermoeffect tensors in the presence of a magnetic field are obtained. The expressions reveal a considerably more complicated dependence on magnetic field than analogous dependences derived in the previous publications on this subject.
Although regular orthogonal mesh is usually used in numerical relativity, isotropic mesh is preferable for complex fluid motions from the points of numerical accuracy and stability. Hexagonal close pack(HCP) mesh is thought to be an ideal for those purposes. However, HCP has not been used widely so far since it is difficult to implement HCP with data structures existing programming language such as C/C++ or Python provides. In this paper, I propose novel coordinate system suitable to realize HCP with usual array data. In addition, Voronoi tessellation and mesh refinement of HCP is described briefly.
We address the role of large scale magnetic stress in the angular momentum transport, as well as the formation of different kinds of magnetic barrier in geometrically thick, optically thin, vertically averaged 1.5-dimensional advective accretion flows around black holes. The externally generated magnetic fields are captured by the accretion process from the environment, say, companion stars or interstellar medium. This field becomes dynamically dominant near the event horizon of a black hole due to continuous advection of the magnetic flux. In such magnetically dominated accretion flows, the accreting matter either decelerates or faces magnetic barrier in vicinity of the black hole depending on the magnetic field geometry. We find that the accumulated strong poloidal fields along with certain toroidal field geometry help in the formation of magnetic barrier which may knock the matter to infinity. When matter is trying to go back to infinity after getting knocked out by the barrier, in some cases it is prevented being escaped due to cumulative action of strong magnetic tension and gravity, and hence another magnetic barrier. We suggest, this kind of flow may be responsible for the formation of episodic jets in which magnetic field can lock the matter in between these two barriers. We also find that for the toroidally dominated disc, the accreting matter rotates very fast and decelerates towards the central black hole.
We represent results of simulation protostellar molecular clouds(MC) collision process. The interaction of the MC with each other leads to the emergence of extremely dense, gravitationally bounded regions, which can be sources of the formation of new stars and star systems. Computer modeling was carried out on high-resolution grids up to 2048 × 1024 × 1024. Oscillations of the MC surface, which are caused by the formation of a dense lenticular structure at the interface of the colliding clouds in the process of collision, are found.
We model the propagation of pulsars through the inhomogeneous ISM using nonrelativistic axisymmetric magneto-hydrodynamic (MHD) simulations. We take into account the wind from the star, which carries predominantly azimuthal magnetic field, and investigate the PWN at different levels of magnetization (the ratio of magnetic to matter energy-densities) in the wind. We consider the interaction of PWN with large-scale and small-scale imhomogeneities in the ISM at different values of magnetization. We conclude that the inhomogeneities in the ISM can change the shapes of the bow shocks and magnetotails at different values of the magnetization.
We present the results of MHD simulation of the laboratory experiment for creating plasma jets. In the experiment on a NEODIM laser installation the plasma jet is formed as a result of the action of a powerful laser on the target. We simulated plasma flow, we chose a numerical method, boundary and initial conditions. We investigated the picture of the flow and compared it with the experiment.
We study a thin warped accretion disk around a spinning black hole in the viscous regime (i.e., α > H/R; α is the Shakura-Sunyaev viscosity parameter, H is the disk thickness and R is the radial distance), and calculate the steady state radial profile of the disk tilt angle for a wide range of relevant parameters of the system (like the Kerr parameter of the black hole). Although the inner part of such a disk was proposed to become aligned with the spin direction of the black hole by the Bardeen-Petterson effect, we show that for a reasonable range of the parameters of the system, the inner disk can stay significantly tilted with respect to the black hole spin. A tilt in the inner accretion disk can affect the observed X-ray spectral and timing features, and hence it makes the inner accretion disk particularly useful for probing the strong gravity region.
We discuss the effects of electric charging on the equilibrium configurations of magnetized, rotating fluid tori around black holes of different mass. In the context of gaseous/dusty tori in galactic nuclei, the central black hole dominates the gravitational field and it remains electrically neutral, while the surrounding material acquires some electric charge that can separate in space and exhibit non-negligible self-gravitational effects. The structure of the torus is thus influenced by the balance between the gravitational and electromagnetic forces. A cusp can develop near the inner rim even in Newtonian tori due to the charge distribution. Furthermore, it is interesting to note that stable polar clouds can emerge near the rotation axis in reminiscence of “lamp-post” scenario. For the latter, an appropriate distribution of the angular momentum and electric charge are essential.
We discuss numerical method based on Implicit completely conservative Lagrangian operator-difference scheme on triangular grid of variable structure. The method was successfully applied for the simulations of magnetorotational supernova explosion.
Theoretical and observational inferences reveal that accretion and outflows/jets are strongly correlated through fundamental conservation laws. All well-known jetted sources with accreting black hole systems indicate a signature of hot advective accretion flow and a dynamically important magnetic fields at the jet footprint. We inter-connect here the disc and outflow/jet for magnetized, viscous, optically thin, geometrically thick, 2.5-dimensional hot advective flows around black holes. The magnetic fields are captured from the environment, say interstellar medium or companion star, and dragged inward with continuous accretion process. This disc becomes magnetically dominated in vicinity of a black hole due to flux freezing. The accretion geometry as well as energetics of the accretion induced outflows/jets strongly depend on the mass and spin of the black hole, accretion rate, and magnetic field strength. We suggest, this magnetically dominated accretion powered system can easily explain the energetics of the ultraluminous X-ray sources in their hard power-law dominated states.
Ringed accretion disks (RADs) are aggregates of corotating and counterrotating toroidal accretion disks orbiting a central Kerr super-massive Black Hole (SMBH) in AGNs. The dimensionless spin of the central BH and the fluids relative rotation are proved to strongly affect the RAD dynamics. There is evidence of a strict correlation between SMBH spin, fluid rotation and magnetic fields in RADs formation and evolution. Recently, the model was extended to consider RADs constituted by several magnetized accretion tori and the effects of a toroidal magnetic field in RAD dynamics have been investigated. The analysis poses constraints on tori formation and emergence of RADs instabilities in the phases of accretion onto the central attractor and tori collision emergence. Magnetic fields and fluids rotation are proved to be strongly constrained and influence tori formation and evolution in RADs, in dependence on the toroidal magnetic fields parameters. Eventually, the RAD frame investigation constraints specific classes of tori that could be observed around some specific SMBHs identified by their dimensionless spin
In this work we consider the effects of vertical self-gravity on a magnetized neutrino-dominated accretion disk, which is supposed to be a candidate for central engine of gamma-ray bursts (GRBs). We study some of the physical timescales that are considered to play a crucial role in the disk’s late-time activity, such as viscous, cooling, and diffusion timescales. We are also interested to probe the emission of X-ray flares’ probability, observed in GRBs’ extended emission by an investigation on the “magnetic barrier” and “fragmentation”. Our results approve the self-gravity as an amplifier for Blandford–Payne luminosity (BP power) and the magnetic field produced through the accretion process, but a suppressor for neutrino luminosity and magnetic barrier. The latter takes place as a result of the fragmentation enhancement in the outer disk, which is more likely to happen for the higher mass accretion rates.
A unification of dark matter and dark energy based on a dynamical space time theory is discussed. By introducing a dynamical space time vector field χμ as a Lagrange multiplier, a conservation of an energy momentum tensor Tμν(χ) is implemented in addition to the conservation of the metric energy momentum tensor. This Lagrangian generalizes the Unified dark energy and dark matter from a scalar field different from quintessence which did not consider a Lagrangian formulation. This generalization allows the solutions which were found previously, in addition to a-non singular bouncing solutions that rapidly approach to the ΛCDM model. The dynamical time vector field exactly coincides with the cosmic time for the a ΛCDM solution and suffers a slight shift (advances slower) with respect to the cosmic time in the region close to the bounce for the bouncing non singular solutions. For some exponential potential which gives a possible interaction between DE and DM and could explain the coincidence problem.
It is known that one can formulate an action in teleparallel gravity which is equivalent to general relativity, up to a boundary term. In this geometry we have vanishing curvature, and non-vanishing torsion. The action is constructed by three different contractions of torsion with specific coefficients. By allowing these coefficients to be arbitrary we get the theory which is called “new general relativity”. In this note, the Lagrangian for new general relativity is written down in ADM-variables. In order to write down the Hamiltonian we need to invert the velocities to canonical variables. However, the inversion depends on the specific combination of constraints satisfied by the theory (which depends on the coefficients in the Lagrangian). It is found that one can combine these constraints in 9 different ways to obtain non-trivial theories, each with a different inversion formula.
In this short paper we study how black hole singularities can be tackled in the context of nonlocal ghost-free gravity, in which the action is characterized by the presence of non-polynomial differential operators containing infinite order covariant derivatives. The ghost-freeness condition can be preserved by requiring that such nonlocal operators are made up of exponential of entire functions, thus avoiding the emergence of extra unhealthy poles in the graviton propagator. We will mainly focus on how infinite order derivatives can regularize the singularity at the origin by making explicit computations in the linear regime. In particular, we will show that this kind of non-polynomial operators can smear out point-like distribution and that the Schwarzschild metric can not be a solution of the field equations in the ghost-free infinite derivative gravity.
The Horizon Quantum Mechanics allows one to analyse the gravitational radius of spherically symmetric systems and compute the probability that a given quantum state is a black hole. We first review the global formalism and show that it reproduces a gravitationally inspired GUP relation but also leads to unacceptably large fluctuations in the horizon size of astrophysical black holes if one insists in describing them as (smeared) central singularities. On the other hand, if they are extended systems, like in the corpuscular models, no such issue arises and one can in fact extend the formalism to include asymptotic mass and angular momentum with the harmonic model of rotating corpuscular black holes. The Horizon Quantum Mechanics then shows that, in simple configurations, the appearance of the inner horizon is suppressed and extremal (macroscopic) geometries seem highly disfavoured.
The curve in space occupied by the mass during time evolution, is a geodesic on the space-time manifold curved by the presence of masses: the mass can only follow its trajectory consistently with the underlying gravitational field. Is it possible to think at the charge trajectory in a similar fashion? Is it possible to say that the charge trajectory, the curve in phase-space occupied by the charge during time evolution, is the geodesic on the extended phase-space curved by the presence of charges? If yes then it should be possible to obtain an Einstein’s equation also for electromagnetism. This is done by considering a metric on the whole extended phase-space, which is the phase-space (x, v) plus the time, t. It is proposed to add a Hilbert-Einstein term in the lagrangian when velocities are considered as dynamical variables. Here, it will be analyzed what happens if the (non perturbative) guiding center description of motion is adopted. In such case, a similar mechanism to the one proposed by Kaluza and Klein (KK) a century ago is found. The advantage of using the present description is that, now, there is no need of looking for a compactification scheme as required in the original KK mechanism. Indeed, the extra-dimension that appears in the guiding center transformation is a physical and, in principle, measurable variable being the gyro-phase, the angle obtained when the velocity space is described by a sort of cylindrical transformation of velocities coordinates. Regardless of the equations that are really similar to the one seen in the KK mechanism, the new claim is in the interpretation of the extra dimension as a coordinate coming from the velocity space. Until now, all the compactification mechanisms have been shown to give problems, like the inconsistency of the scale of masses with observations. Instead, without a compactification at the Planck scale length and giving a physical meaning to the extra-coordinate, it seems that the KK mechanism can finally be accepted as a realistic explanation of the presence of gravitation and electromagnetism treated in a unified manner in general relativity theory extended to higher dimensions.
A little known symmetry group of Brans-Dicke gravity in the presence of conformally invariant matter (including electrovacuo) is used as a solution-generating technique, starting from a known solution as a seed. This novel technique is applied to generate, as examples, new spatially homogeneous and isotropic cosmologies, a 3-parameter family of spherical time-dependent spacetimes conformal to a Campanelli-Lousto geometry, and a family of cylindrically symmetric geometries.
We apply Relativistic Newtonian Dynamics (RND), a Lagrangian-based, metric theory to a static, spherically symmetric gravitational field. Using a variational principle and conserved momenta, we construct several metrics, analytic everywhere except at r = 0, which have g01 ≠ 0 yet still leads to the same trajectories as in the Schwarzschild model. These metrics passes all classical test of GR. However, this model and GR predict different velocities on the trajectories, both for massive objects and massless particles. The total time for a radial round trip of light in RND is the same as in the Schwarzschild model, but RND allows for light rays to have different speeds propagating toward and away from the massive object. One of theses metrics keeps the speed of light toward the object to be c. We present possible experiments to test whether g01 = 0. RND extends to multiple non-static forces, each of which obeys an inverse square law and whose field propagates at the speed of light.
The direct detection of gravitational waves and gamma-ray counterparts has confirmed that gravitational waves propagate with the speed of light, disruling some of the scalar-tensor gravity models. A huge class of Horndeski theories (those with generic G2 and G3, and with G4 depending only of the scalar field) however survived the test. The study of perturbations of such models is important to establish the ghost-free and instability-free parameter regimes. This has been investigated for a wide range of scalar-tensor theories in the spherically symmetric setup, exploring a 2+1+1 decomposition of space-time based on an orthogonal double foliation. The orthogonality however consumed one gauge degree of freedom, allowing the discussion of only the odd sector of the scalar part of perturbations. In order to describe the even sector perturbations, we worked out a novel 2+1+1 decomposition of space-time and gravitational dynamics, based on a non-orthogonal double foliation. We explore this new formalism for the perturbations of both the spherically symmetric metric tensor and scalar field in generic scalar-tensor theories, achieving an unambiguous gauge-fixing. This opens up the way for the discussion of the full spectrum of perturbations of spherically symmetric scalar-tensor gravity, including both the odd and even sectors of the scalar part of perturbations.
Propagating shock-waves can be discussed in terms of junction conditions between space-time regions separated by a hypersurface. Recent observations of gravitational waves and their electromagnetic counterparts established that the former also propagate with the speed of light. Hence energetic gravitational waves could be perceived as shock-waves on null hypersurfaces. The most generic scalar-tensor theories with at most second order dynamics, the Horndeski-theories were severely constrained. We derive junction conditions across a null hypersurface for the subclass of allowed Horndeski-theories with linear kinetic term dependence, exploring a formalism based on a transverse null vector. We obtain a 2+1 decomposed generalised Lanczos equation, with the jump of the transverse curvature induced by both the distributional energy-momentum tensor of the wavefront of the shock-wave, and by the jump in the transverse derivative of the scalar. The surface density, current and pressure of the distributional light-like shock-wave and the transverse derivative of the scalar are also constrained by a scalar junction equation.
f (T) gravity is a generalization of the teleparallel equivalent of general relativity (TEGR), where T is the torsion scalar made up of the Weitzenböck connection. This connection describes a spacetime with zero curvature but with nonvanishing torsion, which fully encodes the gravitational phenomena. We will present recent results in f (T) gravity related with the issue of the degrees of freedom of the theory. In particular, we discuss the recent finding that f (T) gravity has one extra degree of freedom compared with TEGR, which was concluded through a detailed Hamiltonian analysis of the constraint structure of the theory. The physical interpretation of this result at the level of the trace of the equations of motion and its comparison with the f (R) case is discussed.
In 2010, Banados and Ferreira (BF) constructed a variant of Born-Infeld (BI) gravity with a simple matter coupling and demonstrated how the standard background FRW cosmology could become free of curvature singularities (big-bang). Further investigations revealed many interesting consequences of this BF version of BI gravity. For a toy 3D version, we show a simple analytical solution exhibiting the removal of the big-bang singularity. Thereafter, we look at BI gravity coupled to scalar BI matter, where we are able to find non-singular (loitering and bounce types) background solutions with late as well as early time acceleration. Finally, we elevate the BI gravity parameter to a spacetime dependent field (in a novel Brans-Dicke like way) and demonstrate how cosmologies without singularities and with late as well as early-time acceleration can indeed arise quite naturally.
We present a novel theory of gravity, namely, an extension of symmetric teleparallel gravity. This is done by introducing a new class of theories where the nonmetricity Q is coupled nonminimally to the matter Lagrangian. This nonminimal coupling entails the nonconservation of the energy-momentum tensor, and consequently the appearance of an extra force. We also present several cosmological applications.
In this talk we discuss some classical aspects of general polynomial higher-derivative gravity. In particular, we describe the behaviour of the weak-field solutions associated to a point-like mass at small distances and provide necessary and sufficient conditions for the metric to be regular. We also consider the metric for a collapsing thick null shell, and verify that it is regular if the aforementioned conditions are valid.
We construct a two-dimensional action that is an extension of spherically symmetric Lovelock gravity. In spite that the action contains arbitrary functions of the areal radius and the norm squared of its gradient, the field equations are second order and obey the Birkhoff’s theorem. Similar to the spherically symmetric Lovelock gravity, the field equations admit the generalized Misner-Sharp mass that determines the form of the vacuum solution. The arbitrary functions in the action allow for vacuum solutions that describe a larger class of nonsingular black-hole spacetimes than previously available.
We analyze the propagation of gravitational waves in a molecular matter medium: our findings demonstrate that dispersion only is expected, together with the emergence of three extra polarizations, able to induce longitudinal stresses. We also give quantitative estimates of the predicted effects.
Construction of a model of Quantum Gravity, which will be some day in concordance with experiments, is one of the most fascinating tasks we have in modern theoretical physics. There are a plethora of common problems, which must be solved to find a viable candidate for Quantum Gravity. We introduce the concept of the nonlinear graviton and we end with possible experimental evidence for our approach.
The equation of state of an ultrarelativistic perfect fluid is obtained as a necessary condition for a perfect fluid space-time in Rastall’s cosmology.
Unimodular quantum cosmology admits wavepacket solutions that evolve according to a kind of Schrödinger equation. Though this theory is equivalent to general relativity on the classical level, its canonical structure is different and the problem of time does not occur. We present an Ehrenfest theorem for the long term evolution of the expectation value of the scale factor for a spatially flat Friedmann universe with a scalar field. We find that the classical and the quantum behavior in the asymptotic future coincide for the special case of a massless scalar field. We examine the general behavior of uncertainties in order to single out models that can lead to a classical universe.
Static coordinates can be convenient to solve the vacuum Einstein’s equations in presence of spherical symmetry, but for cosmological applications comoving coordinates are more suitable to describe an expanding Universe, especially in the framework of cosmological perturbation theory (CPT). Using CPT we develop a general method to transform in the weak field limit any static spherically symmetric (SSS) metric from static coordinates to the Newton gauge. We apply the method to the Schwarzschild de Sitter (SDS) metric to a SSS solution of the Brans-Dicke theory, confirming the results obtained independently by solving the perturbation equations in the Newton gauge. We then consider different classes of SSS metrics obtained by modifying the SDS metric and compute the corresponding Bardeen potentials. Using the gauge invariance of the Bardeen potentials we obtain a gauge invariant definition of the turn around radius, checking it is consistent with the result obtained in static coordinates for the SDS metric and for other SSS metrics.
Motivated by the symmetric teleparallel equivalent of general relativity we present a class of extended gravity theories where a scalar field is nonminimally coupled to nonmetricity Q. The Lagrange multipliers ensure that the connection is torsion free and flat. As a consequence, there exists a coordinate system where the connection coefficients vanish globally. We give the field equations for the metric, connection, and scalar field, and then briefly discuss cosmology, conformal invariance, and the relation with f(Q) theory.
This study highlights the dynamics of anisotropic universe in modified gravity. To meet this aim, locally rotationally symmetric Bianchi type I spacetime is studied in the metric theory of f(R) gravity. Anisotropic fluid is considered to study the exact solutions of modified field equations. In particular, a general solution metric is reported using the well-known power law f(R) gravity model. The graphical analysis of equation of state parameter is given which includes the corresponding values predicted for cosmic expansion. The energy conditions are also discussed for a range of specific model parameter. It is shown that anisotropic universe in modified gravity anticipate some interesting solutions and viable power law f(R) gravity models can be reconstructed using suitable values of model parameter.
We investigate the existence and stability of the Einstein universe in the context of f (R, T, Q) gravity, where Q = Rμν Tμν. Considering linear homogeneous perturbations around scale factor and energy density, we formulate static as well as perturbed field equations. We parameterize the stability regions corresponding to conserved as well as non-conserved energy-momentum tensor using linear equation of state parameter for particular models of this gravity. The graphical analysis concludes that for a suitable choice of parameters, the stable regions of the Einstein universe are obtained which indicate that the big-bang singularity can be avoided successfully by the emergent mechanism in non-minimal matter-curvature coupled gravity.
We discuss anisotropic source describing the phenomena of collapse and expansion in the context of f (R, T) theory. For this purpose, we take an auxiliary solution of the Einstein field equations and evaluate expansion scalar whose negative values lead to collapse and positive values give expansion. For both cases, the behavior of density, pressures as well as anisotropic parameter is explored and the effects of model parameter on these quantities are examined. We also check the energy conditions for physical viability of these generating solutions.
In this work we reformulate classical and quantum cosmology in terms of a tomographic description. This approach enables us to describe the quantum and classical states of the universe in the same way and allows us to examine some aspects of the transition from the initial quantum stage to the next classical one, which are not evident in the other formulations of quantum cosmology. For reasons of simplicity and because they allow us to very effectively illustrate some aspects of the quantum-classical transition, we have considered the Hartle-Hawking model for a de Sitter universe and the corresponding classical model. The analysis obtained can also be extended to the tunneling from nothing of Vilenkin-LInde, provided that some restrictions are made in the models. We demonstrate that the Hartle-Hawking model does not have a classic limit.
In our contribution we present spherically symmetric solutions in four dimensions to the Einstein-Weyl (and also general quadratic) gravity admitting arbitrary value of the cosmological constant. The main attention is paid to the black hole spacetimes representing one parameter extension of the well-known Schwarzschild-(anti-)de Sitter geometry of Einstein’s general relativity. This additional parameter corresponds to the non-vanishing value of the Bach tensor at the black hole horizon. Our work thus generalises recent paper by Lü et al. (Phys. Rev. Lett. 114 (2015) 171) to any value of the cosmological constant. Moreover, using more convenient metric ansatz, the field equations form an autonomous system and their solution is explicitly obtained in an exact form of power series. The physical interpretation of these geometries is also discussed, namely we investigate specific tidal effects on free test particles or their basic thermodynamic properties.
The f (R, T ) gravity theory was proposed as an extension of the f(R) theories, for which besides geometrical correction terms, proportional to the Ricci scalar R, one has also material correction terms, proportional to the trace of the energy-momentum tensor T. Those material extra terms prevent the energy-momentum tensor of the theory to be conserved. On the other hand, in the context of noncommutative quantum mechanics, the presence of compact dimensions whose coordinates do not commute with time imply that time evolution is discretized, a feature which induces violations of energy conservation. In the present work we propose a connection between these two effects, so that the energy nonconservation observed in the 4-dimensional f(R, T ) gravity can be understood as a macroscopic effect of nonconservative quantum transitions involving the compact extra dimension. It turns out that the energy flows between the ordinary (commutative) 4-dimensional spacetime and the compact extra dimension.
We present the effect of the quantum corrections on the Szekeres spacetime, a system important for the study of the inhomogeneities of the pre-inflationary era of the universe. The study is performed in the context of canonical quantisation in the presence of symmetries. We construct an effective classical Lagrangian and impose the quantum version of its classical integrals of motion on the wave function. The interpretational scheme of the quantum solution is that of Bohmian mechanics, in which one can avoid the unitarity problem of quantum cosmology. We discuss our results in this context.
We investigate the problem of the orbital stability of the motion of a test body in the restricted three-body problem, where all bodies have their own rotation. The stability of the orbits is investigated by using vector elements of orbits such as orbital moment and its time derivative. We show that it is possible to get some insight into the stability properties of the motion of test bodies.
We address the question of point particle motion coupled to classical fields, in the context of scalar fields derived from higher-order Lagrangians and BLTP electrodynamics.
Einstein, Infeld, and Hoffmann (EIH) claimed that the field equations of general relativity theory alone imply the equations of motion of neutral matter particles, viewed as point singularities in space-like slices of spacetime; they also claimed that they had generalized their results to charged point singularities. While their analysis falls apart upon closer scrutiny, the key idea merits our attention. This rapport identifies necessary conditions for a well-defined general-relativistic joint initial value problem of N classical point charges and their electromagnetic and gravitational fields. Among them, in particular, is the requirement that the electromagnetic vacuum law guarantees a finite field energy-momentum of a point charge. This disqualifies the Maxwell(–Lorentz) law used by EIH. On the positive side, if the electromagnetic vacuum law of Bopp, Landé– Thomas, and Podolsky (BLTP) is used, and the singularities equipped with a non-zero bare rest mass, then a joint initial value problem can be formulated in the spirit of the EIH proposal, and shown to be locally well-posed — in the special-relativistic zero-G limit. With gravitational coupling (i.e. G > 0), though, changing Maxwell’s into the BLTP law and assigning a bare rest mass to the singularities is by itself not sufficient to obtain even a merely well-defined joint initial value problem: the gravitational coupling also needs to be changed, conceivably in the manner of Jordan and Brans–Dicke.
We report on recent developments towards a relativistic quantum mechanical theory of motion for a fixed, finite number of electrons, photons, and their anti-particles, as well as its possible generalizations to other particles and interactions.
Most versions of classical physics imply that if the 4-volume of the entire space-time is infinite or at least extremely large, then random fluctuations in the matter will by coincidence create copies of us in remote places, so called “Boltzmann brains.” That is a problem because it leads to the wrong prediction that we should be Boltzmann brains. The question arises, how can any theory avoid making this wrong prediction? In quantum physics, it turns out that the discussion requires a formulation of quantum theory that is more precise than the orthodox interpretation. Using Bohmian mechanics for this purpose, we point out a possible solution to the problem based on the phenomenon of “freezing” of configurations.
Traversable Wormhole are amazing astrophysical objects predicted by General Relativity which are able to connect remote region of space-time. Even if their existence has not been proved yet they are object of continuous investigation. From the theoretically point of view, to exist, traversable wormholes need a special form of energy density termed “exotic”. Since this exotic source must be concentrated on the throat of the wormhole, we discuss the implications of assuming Yukawa-like profiles which could be realize such a configuration.
A lot can be learned about black holes and wormholes by re-scaling spacetime itself without changing the coordinates used to describe it. Such a conformal transformation is called a Weyl transformation. It takes spacetime from a given frame — called Einstein frame — to a conformal frame — called Jordan frame. Such a transformation reveals that horizons and wormholes might appear/disappear in the conformal frame even if they were absent/present in the original frame. It arises both from the simple prescription for defining black holes and wormholes, as well as from the more sophisticated definitions. In addition, some definitions might be transformed into one another under Weyl transformations.
Ever since their revival three decades ago, in the seminal work of Morris and Thorne, Lorentzian wormholes in General Relativity have led an uncomfortable existence because they require matter which violates the well-known energy conditions. However, in scalar-tensor and other theories of gravity, realistic wormholes can indeed exist with ‘normal matter’. We illustrate this with some known examples and also by explicitly constructing a zero Ricci scalar wormhole in a four dimensional scalar-tensor, on-brane gravity theory arising from the two-brane Randall-Sundrum model with one extra dimension. If such a wormhole could arise as the end-state of some astrophysical process, its ringdown may be studied using gravitational waves. With this aim, we obtain the scalar quasinormal modes in this class of wormholes and choose to identify them as for the ‘breathing mode’ associated with gravitational waves in scalar-tensor theories. Finally, if a breathing mode is indeed observed in LIGO-like detectors with design sensitivity, and has a maximum amplitude equal to that of the tensor mode that was observed of GW150914, then for a range of values of the wormhole parameters we will be able to discern it from a black hole. If in future observations we are able to confirm the existence of such wormholes, we would, at one go, have some indirect evidence of a modified theory of gravity as well as extra spatial dimensions.
Hawking’s singularity theorem concerns matter obeying the strong energy condition (SEC), which means that all observers experience a non-negative effective energy density (EED). The SEC ensures the timelike convergence property. However, for both classical and quantum fields, violations of the SEC can be observed even in the simplest of cases, like the Klein-Gordon field. Therefore there is a need to develop theorems with weaker restrictions, namely energy conditions averaged over an entire geodesic and weighted local averages of energy densities such as quantum energy inequalities (QEIs). We present lower bounds of the EED for both classical and quantum scalar fields allowing nonzero mass and nonminimal coupling to the scalar curvature. In the quantum case these bounds take the form of a set of state-dependent QEIs valid for the class of Hadamard states. We also discuss how these lower bounds are applied to prove Hawking-type singularity theorems asserting that, along with sufficient initial contraction, the spacetime is future timelike geodesically incomplete.
We consider Ellis wormholes immersed in rotating matter in the form of an ordinary complex boson field. The resulting wormholes may possess full reflection symmetry with respect to the two asymptotically flat spacetime regions. However, there arise also wormhole solutions where the reflection symmetry is broken. The latter always appear in pairs. We analyse the properties of these rotating wormholes and show that their geometry may feature single throats or double throats. We also discuss the ergoregions and the lightring structure of these wormholes.
This report is based on the Parallel Session AT3 “Wormholes, Energy Conditions and Time Machines” of the Fifteenth Marcel Grossmann Meeting - MG15, held at the University of Rome “La Sapienza” – Rome, in 2018.
Gravitational waves are probes of gravity in the strong-field regime that allow to understand the nature of compact objects. Several families of exotic compact objects have been conceived in order to overcome some paradoxes associated to black holes, particularly the existence of the event horizon. Some models of exotic compact objects are characterized by microscopic or even Planckian corrections at the horizon scale. In particular, the wormhole solution has a perfectly reflecting surface instead of the event horizon. Spinning horizonless compact objects may be unstable against an “ergoregion instability” when spinning sufficiently fast. We analyse the instability and its astrophysical impact for the viability of exotic compact objects.
Wormhole solutions in a generalized hybrid metric-Palatini matter theory, given by a gravitational Lagrangian density f (R, ℛ), where R is the metric Ricci scalar, and ℛ is a Palatini scalar curvature defined in terms of an independent connection, and a matter Lagrangian, are found. The solutions are worked out in the scalar-tensor representation of the theory, where the Palatini field is traded for two scalars, ϕ and ψ, and the gravitational term R is maintained. The main interest in the solutions found is that the matter field obeys the null energy conditions everywhere, including the throat and up to infinity, so that there is no need for exotic matter. The wormhole geometry with its flaring out at the throat is supported by the higher-order curvature terms, or equivalently, by the two fundamental scalar fields, which either way can be interpreted as a gravitational fluid. Thus, in this theory, in building a wormhole, it is possible to exchange the exoticity of matter by the exoticity of the gravitational sector.
We explore the possibility of ‘time travel’ through geodesics in the first order formulation of classical gravity theory. The analysis is developed around a few vacuum solutions to the field equations, constructed such that the proper time exhibits a non-monotonic flow along the geodesic. These geometries are built upon metrics whose determinant vanish over some region. The associated spacetimes are smooth and the curvature two-form fields are finite everywhere.
We study shadows cast, under some circumstances, by a certain class of rotating wormholes and explore the dependence of the shadows on the wormhole spin. We compare our results with that of a Kerr black hole. For small spin, the shapes of the shadows cast by a wormhole and a black hole are nearly identical to each other. However, with increasing values of the spin, the shape of a wormhole shadow start deviating considerably from that of a Kerr black hole. Detection of such considerable deviation in future observations may possibly indicate the presence of a wormhole. In other words, our results indicate that the wormholes which are considered in our work and have reasonable spin can be distinguished from a black hole, through the observation of their shadows.
The BRST-BV formalism provides a general and systematic framework to classify consistent deformations of gauge theories. This note is a brief review of the generalization of the method to accommodate the treatment of massive field theories in the Stueckelberg formulation. Applications include the classification of the cubic and quartic interaction vertices for a multiplet of massive spin-1 fields, and of the cubic deformations of the theory of a single massive spin-2 field. The results are shown to correctly reproduce the known vertices of massive Yang–Mills theory and massive gravity, respectively. The formalism also sheds light on the characterization of Stueckelberg gauge theories, by demonstrating in particular that they can be abelianized by means of local field redefinitions.
We consider a general Einstein–scalar–Gauss-Bonnet theory with a coupling function f (ϕ) between the scalar field and the quadratic gravitational Gauss-Bonnet term. We show that the existing no-hair theorems are easily evaded, and therefore black holes may emerge in the context of this theory. Indeed, we demonstrate that, under mild only assumptions for f (ϕ), asymptotic solutions describing either a regular black-hole horizon or an asymptotically-flat solution always emerge. We then show, through numerical integration, that the field equations allow for the smooth connection of these asymptotic solutions, and thus for the construction of a complete, regular black-hole solution with non-trivial scalar hair. We present and discuss the physical characteristics of a large number of such solutions for a plethora of coupling functions f (ϕ). Finally, we investigate whether pure scalar-Gauss-Bonnet black holes may arise in the context of our theory when the Ricci scalar may be altogether ignored.
We investigate the general approach to finding exact cosmological solutions in f (R) Hořava-Lifshitz gravity, based on Noether’s theorem. A feature of this approach is that it uses the behavior of an effective Lagrangian under infinitesimal transformations of the desired symmetry, explicitly determining the form f (R) for which such symmetries exist. It is shown that the dynamics of the scale factor changes according to either a exponential function of time.
We propose a novel class of degenerate higher-order scalar-tensor theories as an extension of mimetic gravity. By performing a noninvertible conformal transformation on “seed” scalar-tensor theories which may be nondegenerate, we can generate a large class of theories with at most three physical degrees of freedom. We identify a general seed theory for which this is possible. Cosmological perturbations in these extended mimetic theories are also studied. It is shown that either of tensor or scalar perturbations is generically plagued with ghost/gradient instabilities. See Ref. 1 for more details.
The constructive gravity programme applied to electrodynamics with vacuum birefringence yields the — up to unknown gravitational constants — unique compatible gravity theory for the underlying non-metric geometry. Starting from a perturbative variant of this procedure, we solve the resulting gravitational field equations for the geometry perturbation and point out the non-metric refinements to the linear Schwarzschild and the gravitational wave solution.
The constructive gravity program demands to derive the dynamics for the background geometry of some prescribed matter theory as the solution of a set of partial differential equations – so called gravitational closure equations – whose coefficient functions can be calculated directly from the prescribed matter action. Finding general solutions to the closure equations is hard to achieve in practice. A suitable symmetry reduction of the constructive gravity program will be demonstrated that allows to insert symmetries directly into the closure equations. Using cosmological symmetries – spatial homogeneity and isotropy – enables one to derive the Friedmann equations without Einstein equations for Maxwell electrodynamics as matter input. Studying general linear electrodynamics as a refined matter input, the way towards refined Friedmann equations is laid out.
In this manuscript, we will discuss the construction of covariant derivative operator in quantum gravity. We will find it is more perceptive to use affine connections more general than metric compatible connections in quantum gravity. We will demonstrate this using the canonical quantization procedure. This is valid irrespective of the presence and nature of sources. General affine connections can introduce new scalar fields in gravity.
In this paper, we present a brief account of a generic premetric gravity model based an the energy-momentum conservation law. Our main goal is to discuss the generic properties of the gravitational constitutive pseudotensor. We present irreducible decomposition of this object under the permutation group, or, equivalently, under the general linear group GL(4, ℝ). Even when the consideration is restricted to the metric ansatz, the nontrivial skewon and axion parts emerge. A special choice of the free dimensionless parameters recovers the standard GR in its premetric version.
The basics of the premetric approach are discussed, including the essential details of the formalism and some of its beautiful consequences. We demonstrate how the classical electrodynamics can be developed without a metric in a quite straightforward way: Maxwell’s equations, together with the general response law for material media, admit a consistent premetric formulation. Furthermore, we show that in relativistic theories of gravity, the premetric program leads to a better understanding of the interdependence between topological, affine, and metric concepts.
The notion of observers’ and their measurements is closely tied to the Lorentzian metric geometry of spacetime, which in turn has its roots in the symmetries of Maxwell’s theory of electrodynamics. Modifying either the one, the other or both ingredients to our modern understanding of physics, requires also a reformulation of the observer model used. In this presentation we will consider a generalized theory of electrodynamics, so called local and linear premetric, or area metric, electrodynamics and its corresponding spacetime structure. On this basis we will describe an observer’s measurement of time and spatial length. A general algorithm how to determine observer measurements will be outlined and explicitly applied to a first order premetric perturbation of Maxwell electrodynamics. The latter contains for example the photon sector of the minimal standard model extension. Having understood an observer’s measurement of time and length we will derive the relativistic observables time dilation and length contraction. In the future a modern relativistic description of the classical test of special relativity shall be performed, including a consistent observer model.
We present a method of constructing perturbative equations of motion for the geometric background of any given tensorial field theory. Requiring invariance of the gravitational dynamics under spacetime diffeomorphisms leads to a PDE system for the gravitational Lagrangian that can be solved by means of a power series ansatz. Furthermore, in each order we pose conditions on the causality of the gravitational equations, that ensure coevolution of the matter fields and the gravitational background is possible, i.e. gravitational equations and matter equations share the same initial data hypersurfaces.
In the young field of constructive gravity, the gravity theory constructed from general linear electrdynamics has been frequently used as a physically meaningful text case for the entire approach. Based on a Newtonian approximation of area metric gravity, we use the rotation curves of low surface brightness galaxies to determine ranges for the gravitational constants in this weak field limit. Thus we are able to show that even by using very simple models for the distribution of visible matter in the galaxies, Newtonian area metric gravity yields reasonable rotation curves and consistent estimates for the gravitational constants. Area-metric gravity turns out to not be an alternative to dark matter, but to reduce the dark matter fraction and to remove the need for a distribution subtantially different from visible matter.
Constructive gravity allows to calculate the Lagrangian for gravity, provided one previously prescribes the Lagrangian for all matter fields on a spacetime geometry of choice. We explain the physical and mathematical foundation of this result and point out how to answer questions about gravity that previously could not be meaningfully asked.
There are numerous reasons to study modifications of general relativity and the Standard Model of particle physics, ranging from modelling inflation to exploring galaxy rotation curves and the nature of dark matter. Here we study the most general linear theory of electromagnetism, which admits vacuum birefringence, and derive weak gravitational field equations for the underlying area metric spacetime geometry. We discuss the weak gravitational field sourced by a point mass in an area metric spacetime and find first order corrections to the linearized Schwarzschild metric of general relativity.
The most general theory of electrodynamics with linear field equations introduces a new geometry, the area metric, that regulates the propagation of light rays and massive particles instead of the usual Lorentzian metric. In the majority of the experimental situations, the area metric is expected to be a small perturbation around a metric background. In this perturbative case, two interesting results can be achieved. First, the dynamics of the area metric can be found explicitly. Second, the relative quantum theory of electrodynamics can be shown to be renormalizable and can be used to compute various fundamental processes.
I will show that, when one combines the results of quantum electrodynamics with the dynamics of an area-metric perturbation, the anomalous magnetic moment of the electron, the cross sections of Bhabha scattering, and the hyperfine splitting of the hydrogen pick up a dependence on the position. This way, measurements of the position dependence of these quantities provide a new channel to investigate area-metric deviations from a metric spacetime.
The gravitational closure of given matter field dynamics provides diffeomorphisminvariant dynamics for the very background geometry that is ultralocally employed in the matter action. Conceptual and technical key to this construction is the principal polynomial of the initially given matter field equations, which crucially depends on how exactly the background geometry makes its appearance in the matter action. In this talk, we consider two very different matter theories that employ a background geometry consisting of two Lorentzian metrics in vastly different ways. Applying the gravitational closure mechanism we derive the remarkable result that they share the same underlying gravitational dynamics.
The causal structure of given matter field equations provides the crucial input from which the constructive gravity program starts. It is therefore of paramount importance to successfully address a number of subtle issues, which do not arise in the simplest examples in the mathematical literature, but urgently must be taken into account for physically realistic models. This talk presents a recipe to handle these complications. In particular, we will focus on how to deal with non-scalar systems of equations, gauge symmetries and implicit information that needs to be made explicit before the causal structure, encoded in the so-called principal polynomial, can be calculated correctly.
The following sections are included:
We identify the proper geometry underlying non-relativistic string theory as ‘String Newton-Cartan Gravity’. It has the distinguishing feature that one-dimensional foliation in Newton-Cartan geometry is replaced by a two-dimensional foliation on the target space. We discuss some basic properties of the string Newton-Cartan space-time, in particular it’s behaviour under T-duality transformations. This leads to interesting nonrelativistic conformal field theories at the boundary that have applications in condensed matter physics.
We present a systematic technique to expand the Einstein–Hilbert Lagrangian in inverse powers of the speed of light squared. The corresponding result for the non-relativistic gravity Lagrangian is given up to next-to-next-to-leading order. The techniques are universal and can be used to expand any Lagrangian theory whose fields are a function of a given parameter.
In this talk, we review the construction of two three-dimensional non-relativistic pure supergravity theories. One of these yields a supersymmetrization of Newton-Cartan gravity. The other one is a Chern-Simons theory with different bosonic equations of motion and matter couplings than Newton-Cartan gravity. We comment on the prospect of using these theories to construct non-relativistic supersymmetric field theories in curved backgrounds, that can be amenable to exact non-perturbative analysis via localization techniques.
We review how the large c expansion of General Relativity leads to an effective theory in the form of Twistless Torsional Newton-Cartan gravity. We show how this is a strong field expansion around the static sector of General Relativity and illustrate this through two examples.
We have used data sets from Type Ia supernova (SN Ia) and Baryon Acoustic Oscillations (BAO) to place constraints on a chameleon model of dark energy in which tachyon scalar field plays the role of chameleon field. In our analysis the exponential and nonexponential forms for the non-minimal coupling function and tachyonic potential have been assumed.
Density perturbations in the cosmic microwave background within general f (R, ϕ) models of gravity are presented. The general dynamical equations for the tensor and scalar modes in any f (R, ϕ) gravity model are provided. An application of the equations to the (varying power)-law modified gravity toy-model is then given. Based on the latest observations of the density perturbations in the sky, the model requires inflation to occur at an energy scale less than the GUT-scale (1014 GeV). The density perturbations obtained from observations are recovered naturally, with very high precision, and without fine tuning the model’s parameters.
We revise the cosmological concordance paradigm assuming dark matter shows nonvanishing pressure. We propose a Lagrangian for matter field with a Lagrange multiplier as constraint. In addition, we add a symmetry breaking effective potential accounting for the classical cosmological constant problem. To face out the fine-tuning issue, we investigate two phases: before and after transition due to the symmetry breaking. Investigating the conserved Noether current due to the shift symmetry, we show that our Lagrangian does not depend upon the scalar field φ before and after transition. We propose that during the transition the dark matter sector cancels out the effects due to quantum field vacuum energy. This process induces a positive increase of Helmotz’s free-energy which naturally leads to a negative pressure, which turns out to be constant since the sound speed naturally vanishes. The order of magnitude of the pressure is determined by visible matter only or by the bare cosmological constant. The numerical bounds over the pressure and matter densities are in agreement with current observations, alleviating the coincidence problem. Finally assuming a thermal equilibrium between the bath and our effective matter fluid, we estimate the mass associated to the dark matter candidate. Our bounds seem to be compatible with the most recent predictions over WIMP masses for fixed spin and temperature.
We discuss constraints to some nonminimally (NMC) coupled curvature-matter models of gravity by means of Solar System experiments.
First we discuss a NMC gravity model which constitutes a natural extension of 1/Rn gravity to the nonminimally coupled case. Such a NMC gravity model is able to predict the observed accelerated expansion of the Universe. Differently from the f (R) = 1/Rn gravity case, which is not compatible with Solar System observations, it turns out that this NMC model is a viable theory of gravity.
Then we consider a further NMC gravity model which admits Minkowski spacetime as a background, and we derive the 1/c expansion of the metric. The nonrelativistic limit of the model is not Newtonian, but contains a Yukawa correction. We look for trajectories around a static, spherically symmetric body. Since in NMC gravity the energy-momentum tensor of matter is not conserved, then the trajectories deviate from geodesics. We use the NMC gravity model to compute the perihelion precession of planets and we constrain the parameters of the model from radar observations of Mercury.
Our proposal is suggested by the presence of still open problems in Astrophysics and Cosmology. In fact the Standard Cosmological Model, even if in agreement with the experiments on several Phenomena, features strange structure, with the presence of the “Magic” Contribute of Dark Matter and Dark Energy that reaches 96% of the total. At a closer glance the principal open problems in Astrophysics and Cosmology are:
The first step to complete physical theories is to contemplate on the axiomatic character of the principles. This principle of relativity was formulated by Galileo and used by Newton to derive the laws of motion, and later was placed by Einstein at the center of the Special Theory and the General Relativity. This work considers the general principle of relativity as an expression of the inherent characteristic of the most important quantity in physics - the energy - that states that the energy is constant and is independent of the type or speed of movement of an object. The energy of an object is expressed as one entity that equals the sum of two energy expressions with different character. One of these two terms is denoted as the exposed energy with a kinetic character and represents the magnitude of the field of an object. This new definition of the energy offers several perspectives that are valid for both the classical and relativistic physics and provides insights beyond these two as: i) it leads to a coherent and complete model that relates the energy with the momentum and the force, ii) enables to construct the lagrangian that can be used to derive the equations of motion without artifices, iii) offers an original viewpoint on the dark matter and dark energy that is coherent with recent developments. Einstein was the first to deny the separate existence of gravitation and electromagnetism and has implied that the goal of a unified theory would be to explain the existence and to calculate the properties of matter. He revolutionized the use of the principles of symmetry in deriving the physical laws. It is known that the classical and quantum domain do not overlap and one would not expect the same governing symmetry principles in both domains. To calculate the properties of matter we employ spatial parameters that are related with the energy state of an object and the force that it exhibits. The mechanism assumes the common origin of different forces at the highest energy level. These spacetime parameters can be used to derive the electric and gravitational forces through a single mechanism that respects the LT dimensional analysis using neither the electrical charge nor the gravitational constant.
The parallel session AT7 of the 15th Marcel Grossmann Meeting held in Rome, Italy on July 1-7, 2018 is summarized. In particular, we briefly discuss each talk, highlighting the principal results and the most intriguing perspectives.
Stellar-mass black holes come from the deaths of massive stars, and have been observed both in our own Galaxy and in other galaxies. Supermassive black holes have masses of up to 10,000,000,000 times the mass of the Sun and reside at the centers of galaxies. Intermediate-mass black holes (IMBHs), with masses in between these two regimes, are elusive and represent the missing link. When a compact object ventures too close the IMBH, it is captured because of the emission of gravitational waves, to be eventually swallowed whole when it crosses the event horizon. The process, an intermediate-mass ratio inspiral, represents a mapping of warped spacetime and can be observed with existing gravitational-wave ground-based detectors. Depending on the dynamical parameters, IMRIs can be detected jointly with space-borne ones, which will allow us to do multi-band width gravitational-wave astronomy.
We compare two action integrals and identify the Lagrangian multiplier to set up a constraint equation on cosmological expansion. This is a direct result of the fourth equation of our manuscript which unconventionally compares the general-relativity action integral with the second derived action integral. This leads to Eq. (3)–(5), a bound on the cosmological constant. We replace the Hamber quantum-gravity reference-based action integral with a result from Klauder’s “Enhanced Quantization,” while showing its relevance to early-universe black-hole production and the volume of space producing 100 black holes of 102 Planck mass in a radius of 103 Planck length for entropy of about 1000.
The first observational indication of the gravitomagnetic monopole is reported, based on the X-ray observations of an astrophysical collapsed object: GRO J1655-40. Earlier, the three independent primary X-ray observational methods gave significantly different spin values for GRO J1655-40. We show that the inclusion of an extra parameter, corresponding to the gravitomagnetic monopole, makes the spin and other parameter values inferred from the three methods consistent with each other. In addition, our result weakly indicates that GRO J1655-40 could also be a naked singularity.
We study the Kerr–Newman black hole in the formalism of isolated horizons using a general solution found by Krishnan in 2012. It establishes the existence of a null tetrad which is tangent to the horizon and parallelly propagated off the horizon along a non-twisting null geodesic congruence. However, the explicit construction of such a tetrad for the Kerr–Newman metric was not given. We have formulated appropriate initial data and found the exact form (up to integrals) of the solution everywhere in the Kerr– Newman space-time. In the near future we aim to apply this formulation to the study of distorted black holes by perturbing the initial data found in this work.
Astrophysical black holes are thought to be Kerr solution of general relativity but their Kerr geometry have not yet verified. Iron line is prominent feature in X-ray reflection spectra. Shape of iron line in X-ray reflection spectra of both stellar-mass and super massive black hole candidates are supposed to be strongly affected by spacetime geometry. This method is a powerful technique to prob strong gravity regime and deviations from Kerr spacetime. In this talk, I present iron line of some non-Kerr spacetimes. I also present data simulations of X-ray missions. The purpose is to understand whether X-ray reflection spectroscopy can distinguish these non-Kerr spacetimes from Kerr solution of general relativity.
Super-Massive Black Holes reside in galactic nuclei, where they exhibit episodic bright flares due to accretion events. Taking into account relativistic effects, namely, the boosting and lensing of X-ray flares, we further examine the possibility to constraint the mass of the SMBH from the predicted profiles of the observed light curves. To this end, we have studied four bright flares from Sagittarius A*, which exhibit an asymmetric shape consistent with a combination of two intrinsically separate peaks that occur with a specific time delay with respect to each other. We have thus proposed (Karssen et al. 2017, Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 472, 4422) that an interplay of relativistic effects could be responsible for the shape of the observed light curves and we tested the reliability of the method.
The quintessence is one of the several candidates which represents the dark energy responsible for the acceleration of the universe. The quintessence is described by a canonical scalar field minimally coupled to gravity. We study the timelike geodesic congruences in the background of a rotating black hole spacetime surrounded by quintessence in equatorial plane. The effect of equation of state (EOS) parameter for quintessence and the normalization factor on geodesics is investigated in detail in view of the structure of possible orbits, including the innermost stable circular orbits (ISCOs). The structure of photon orbits is also studied for the different values of parameters involved in. The results obtained are also then compared with those of the Kerr black hole spacetime and Schwarzschild black hole spacetime in GR with or without quintessence.
The following sections are included:
We derive the conditions for a non-equatorial eccentric bound orbit to exist around a Kerr black hole in two-parameter spaces: the energy, angular momentum of the test particle, spin of the black hole, and Carter’s constant space (E, L, a, Q), and eccentricity, inverselatus rectum space (e, μ, a, Q). These conditions distribute various kinds of bound orbits in different regions of the (E, L) and (e, μ) planes, depending on which pair of roots of the effective potential forms a bound orbit. We provide a prescription to select these parameters for bound orbits, which are useful inputs to study bound trajectory evolution in various astrophysical applications like simulations of gravitational wave emission from extreme-mass ratio inspirals, relativistic precession around black holes, and the study of gyroscope precession as a test of general relativity.
We present a smooth extension of the Schwarzschild exterior geometry, where the singular interior is superceded by a vacuum phase with vanishing metric determinant. Unlike the Kruskal-Szekeres continuation, this solution to the first order field equations in vacuum has no singularity in the curvature two-form fields, no horizon and no global time. The underlying non-analytic structure provides a distinct geometric realization of ‘mass’ in classical gravity. We also find that the negative mass Schwarzschild solution does not admit a similar extension within the first order theory. This is consistent with the general expectation that degenerate metric solutions associated with the Hilbert-Palatini Lagrangian formulation should satisfy the energy conditions.
The scattering of the Dirac fermions by the black-holes with spherical symmetry is studied by applying the method of partial wave analysis. The analytical expressions for the phase shifts and analytical formulas for the differential scattering cross section are written down for the fermion scattering from Schwarzschild, Reissner-Nordsrtöm and Bardeen black holes. A brief comment about the principal features of these cases is outlined.
The Kerr space-time possesses a “hidden symmetry”, which exhibits itself in an unexpected conserved quantity along geodesics known as the Carter constant. Here I report on a recent paper, where I answer the question whether this hidden symmetry can be used to formulate a conservation law for a general matter field. First, I show that there cannot exist a conserved sum of Carter constants for a matter system with momentum exchange between its components. Then, I derive a “weak” conservation law associated with the hidden symmetry and demonstrate its properties. Finally, I show how this weak conservation law and related identities can be used to detect violations of the evolution equations in numerical simulations of astrophysical processes near spinning black holes.
We consider the effects of rotations on the calculation of some thermodynamical quantities like the free energy, internal energy and entropy. In ordinary gravity, when we evaluate the density of states of a scalar field close to a black hole horizon, we obtain a divergent result which can be kept under control with the help of some standard regularization and renormalization processes. We show that when we use the Gravity’s Rainbow approach such regularization/renormalization processes can be avoided. A comparison between the calculation done in an inertial frame and in a comoving frame is presented.
The holography for rotating black holes provides a description of black hole physics in terms of a certain two-dimensional conformal field theory (CFT). The first realization of the holography for rotating black holes was proposed for extremal Kerr black hole. The proposal states that the near horizon geometry of the extremal Kerr black hole does have a dual holographic description in terms of a two-dimensional chiral CFT. The proposal has been studied and extended extensively for other extremal or near extremal rotating black holes. For all extremal and near-extremal black holes in different dimensions, the physical quantities associated to black hole (such as the entropy or scattering cross section) are in agreement with the corresponding microscopic dual quantities in CFT. In this talk, we find the explicit form of two-point function for the conformal spin-2 energy momentum operators on the near horizon of a near extremal Kerr black hole by variation of a proper boundary action. In this regard, we consider an appropriate boundary action for the gravitational perturbation of the Kerr black hole. We consider the boundary action and calculate it on-shell to find the two-point functions for the spin-2 energy momentum tensor fields, on the near horizon region of the Kerr black hole. We show that the variation of the boundary action with respect to the boundary fields yields the two-point function for the energy momentum tensor of a conformal field theory. We find agreement between the two-point function and the correlators of the dual conformal field theory to the Kerr black hole.
In this article, we will discuss a Lorentzian sector calculation of the entropy of a minimally coupled scalar field in the Schwarzschild black hole background using the brick wall model of G ’t Hooft. In the original article, the Wentzel-Kramers-Brillouin (WKB) approximation was used. In this article, we will consider the entropy for a thin shell of matter field of a given thickness surrounding the black hole horizon. The thickness is chosen to be large compared with the Planck length and is of the order of the atomic scale. The corresponding leading-order entropy of the scalar field is found to be proportional to the area of the horizon and is logarithmically divergent. Thus, the entropy of a three-dimensional system in the near-horizon region is proportional to the boundary surface. The leading order entropy is a decreasing function of the the thickness of the thin shell. This is also valid for the sub-leading terms.
The thermodynamics of a self-gravitating gas cloud of particles interacting only via their gravitational potential is an interesting problem with peculiarities arising due to the long-ranged nature of the gravitational interaction. Based on our recent work on the properties of such a configuration, we extend the system to contain a central gravitational field in which the particles are moving, to mimic the potential of a central compact object exerting an external force on the gas cloud. After an introduction to the general problem, including the aforementioned peculiarities and possible solutions, we will discuss the particular properties of the self-gravitating gas in a central field and its thermodynamic analysis.
We explore the Hawking radiation phenomenon as a tunneling process of charged spin particles through event horizons of some particular black holes. Using the semi-classical WKB approximation to the general covariant wave equations of charged particles, we evaluate the tunneling probabilities of outgoing charged particles. The Hawking temperatures corresponding to these black holes are recovered. By considering the back-reaction effects of the emitted spin particles from black holes, We calculate their corresponding quantum corrections to the radiation spectrum. It is found that this radiation spectrum is not purely thermal due to energy and charge conservation but has some corrections.
The properties of Kerr black holes (BHs)and naked singularities (NSs) are investigated by using stationary observers and their limiting frequencies. We introduce the concept of NS Killing throats and bottlenecks for slowly spinning NSs to describe the frequency of stationary observers. In particular, we show the frequency on the horizon can be used to point out a connection between BHs and NSs and to interpret the horizon in terms of frequencies. The analysis is performed on the equatorial plane of the ergoregion.
We formulate a description of 3+1 dimensional gravitational phenomena in terms of a relativistic fluid living on the 2+1 dimensional timelike boundary of an arbitrary bulk region of spacetime, called a gravitational screen. We establish a consistent dictionary between the geometric variables describing the evolution of the screen and the thermodynamic variables describing a relativistic viscous fluid, and discuss the interpretation. We also examine the construction of gravitational screens in different spacetimes and analyze the properties of the fluids they realize.
We consider spherically-symmetric black holes in semiclassical gravity. For a collapsing radiating thin shell we derive a sufficient condition on the exterior geometry that ensures that a black hole is not formed. This is also a sufficient condition for an infalling test particle to avoid the apparent horizon of an existing black hole and approach it only within a certain minimal distance. Taking the presence of a trapped region and its outer boundary — the apparent horizon — as the defining feature of black holes, we explore the consequences of their finite time of formation according to a distant observer. Assuming regularity of the apparent horizon we obtain the limiting form of the metric and the energy-momentum tensor in its vicinity that violates the null energy condition (NEC). The metric does not satisfy the sufficient condition for horizon avoidance: a thin shell collapses to form a black hole and test particles (unless too slow) cross into it in finite time. However, there may be difficulty in maintaining the expected range of the NEC violation, and stability against perturbations is not assured. On the other hand, expansion of a trapped region that was formed in a finite time of a distant observer leads to a firewall that contradicts the quantum energy inequality.
The well known Schwarzschild black hole entropy is depicted in terms of trapped gravitons within the event horizon. A discrete spectrum for the so trapped gravitons is obtained and used to calculate thermodynamic quantities. The semi-classical expression for the black hole entropy is obtained with a temperature proportional to the usual Bekenstein-Hawking one and as a result a pressure term arises in the first law of thermodynamic. My approach is an attempt to obtain the semi-classical black hole entropy in terms of degrees of freedom stored inside (but ’near’) the event horizon. Moreover, it is also shown that by modifying the internal energy by a term motivated by quantum Planckian fluctuations, a phase transition emerges during evaporation process with a vanishing specific heat at Planckian scales, thus representing the end of the evaporation process.
The following sections are included:
The Einstein equations describing the black-brane dynamics both in Minkowski and AdS background were recently recast in the form of coupled diffusion equations in the large-D(imension) limit. Using such results in the literature, we formulate a higher-order perturbation theory of black branes in time domain and present the general form of solutions for arbitrary initial conditions. For illustrative purposes, the solutions up to the first or second order are explicitly written down for several kind of initial conditions, such as a Gaussian wave packet, shock wave, and rather general superposed sinusoidal waves. These could be the first examples describing the non-trivial evolution of black-brane horizons in time domain. In particular, we learn some interesting aspects of black-brane dynamics such as the Gregory-Laflamme (GL) instability and non-equilibrium steady state (NESS). The formalism presented here would be applicable to the analysis of various black branes and their holographically dual field theories.
Constructing an exact correspondence between a black hole model, formed from the most simple solution of Einstein’s equations, and a particular moving mirror trajectory, we investigate a new model that preserves unitarity. The Bogoliubov coefficients in 1+1 dimensions are computed analytically. The key modification limits the origin of coordinates (moving mirror) to sub-light asymptotic speed. Effective continuity across the metric ensures that there is no information loss. The black hole emits thermal radiation and the total evaporation energy emitted is finite without backreaction, consistent with the conservation of energy.
We summarize properties of the Kerr–NUT–(A)dS spacetime in a general dimension. We also investigate a limit when several rotational parameters in the metric are set equal and study geometry of the resulting spacetime. In dimension D = 6, we found a suitable Killing vector basis, whose algebraic structure proves that symmetries of the spacetime after the limit are further enhanced.
We study static, spherically symmetric spacetimes in quadratic gravity. We show that using a conformal-to-Kundt ansatz leads to a considerable simplification of the vacuum field equations. This simplification allows us to find Schwarzschild-Bach black hole in the form of a power series expansion with coefficients given by a recurrent formula. The Schwarzschild-Bach solution is specified by two parameters, the horizon position and an additional “non-Schwarzschild parameter” b that encodes the value of the Bach tensor on the horizon. For vanishing “Bach” parameter, the Bach tensor vanishes as well and the Schwarzschild metric is recovered. The new form of the metric enables us to investigate the geometrical and physical properties of these black holes, such as tidal effects on test particles and thermodynamical quantities.
The nature of the progenitors of Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) remains a mystery. By performing binary population synthesis calculations, theoretical predictions for different SN Ia progenitor models, such as supernova rates, delay times, pre-explosion companion properties and early ultraviolet signatures from ejecta-companion interaction have been presented. The results are then compared with the observations to place constraints on the possible progenitor models of SNe Ia.
There has recently been an increasing interest in a possible population of type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) triggered by helium detonation on the surface of a massive white dwarf. In this paper, we first summarize possible observational signatures of the He detonationtriggered SNe Ia, emphasizing the new diagnostics of the He detonation mode potentially seen in the SN light within the first few days since the explosion. We then argue that observational properties of a peculiar SN Ia, MUSSES1604D as discovered by the Hyper Suprime-Cam (HSC) attached with the Subaru telescope, are best explained by the He-detonation scenario. We then discuss possible origins, including the He detonation scenario, of the diversity seen in the photometric properties of SNe Ia in the first few days. While the He detonation could reproduce observational properties of a fraction of SNe Ia showing the excessive emission in the first few days, it is likely that a bulk of them are linked to a different explosion mechanism where the early excess would arise due to an extensive mixing of 56Ni during the explosion. A combined analysis of the very early phase observations and the maximum-phase observations will be key in mapping the diverse SN Ia zoo into different populations reflecting different progenitors and/or different explosion modes.
Compact binary systems are investigated on timescales where the gravitational radiation backreaction is negligible but which is much longer than the orbital period. On this conservative timescale we use averaged equations over one orbital period removing the short time-scale modulations but keeping the secular variations. The effects of the eccentricity on the spin flip-flop is studied for equal mass binary systems. We find that eccentricity does not affect the flip-flop magnitude but it has a significant influence on its period.
We report here on a line of work that has played a key role in formally establishing and going beyond the state of the art in the effective field theory (EFT) approach and in post-Newtonian (PN) gravity. We also outline here how this comprehensive framework in fact forms the outset of a prospective rich research program, building on the public Feynman and PN technology developed.
To search for transient astrophysical neutrino sources, IceCube’s optical and X-ray follow-up program is triggered by two or more neutrino candidates arriving from a similar direction within 100 s. However, the rate of such neutrino multiplets was found to be consistent with the expected background of chance coincidences, such that the data does not provide indications for the existence of short-lived transient neutrino sources. Upper limits on the neutrino flux of transient source populations are presented in Aartsen et al. (2019) and we show here how these limits apply to the predicted neutrino emission from binary neutron star mergers.
We review some known results obtained in the context of hyperbolic scattering in a two-body system, stressing the state of the art, the main actual challenges and the related difficulties.
We review the necessary framework to study self-force effects induced by an extended body endowed with internal structure up to the quadrupole moving in a Schwarzschild black hole spacetime. The motion is described according to the Mathisson-Papapetrou-Dixon model. The metric perturbations are computed by using the Regge-Wheeler gauge. We apply this formalism to the case of Detweiler’s redshift invariant for spinning particles along circular equatorial orbits.
We review here the main advances made by using effective field theories (EFTs) in classical gravity, with notable focus on those unique to the EFTs of post-Newtonian (PN) gravity. We then proceed to overview the various prospects of using field theory to study the real-world gravitational wave (GW) data, as well as to ameliorate our fundamental understanding of gravity at all scales, by going from the EFTs of PN gravity to modern advances in scattering amplitudes, including computational techniques and intriguing duality relations between gauge and gravity theories.
We determine the binding energy, the total gravitational wave energy flux, and the gravitational wave modes for a binary of rapidly spinning black holes, working in linearized gravity and at leading orders in the orbital velocity, but to all orders in the black holes’ spins. Though the spins are treated nonperturbatively, surprisingly, the binding energy and the flux are given by simple analytical expressions which are finite (respectively third- and fifth-order) polynomials in the spins. Our final results are restricted to the important case of quasi-circular orbits with the black holes’ spins aligned with the orbital angular momentum.
There are various models that were proposed as scalar fields for inflation, some of these with an ‘attractor solutions’ to which the system evolves. For each of these models, we have a different evolution of the energy density for relativistic matter and dark matter, which were created during the reheating period, at the end of inflation in the early Universe, as a result of the ‘inflaton’ decay. Furthermore, the temperature at which the reheating takes place also depends on the type of scalar field. In this work, we consider the polynomial scalar field (chaotic inflation) of the sixth degree, and we study it with numerical methods varying the ‘free parameters’ a, b, c, obtaining the attractor behavior in particular conditions. Finally, we calculate the reheating temperature, establishing, for this case, that we are in the regime of good reheating.
I provide a brief summary of the work done on asymptotically flat black holes with synchronised hair. These black holes form families of solutions that interpolates between vacuum Kerr black holes and Bose-Einstein condensates of massive bosonic fields.
In the context of single-field inflation, the conservation of the curvature perturbation on comoving slices, ℛc, on super-horizon scales is one of the assumptions necessary to derive the consistency condition between the squeezed limit of the bispectrum and the spectrum of the primordial curvature perturbation. However, the conservation of ℛc holds only after the perturbation has reached the adiabatic limit where the constant mode of ℛc dominates over the other (usually decaying) mode. In this case, the non-adiabatic pressure perturbation defined in the thermodynamic sense, δPnad≡δP−c2wδρ where c2w=˙P/˙ρ, usually becomes also negligible on superhorizon scales. Therefore one might think that the adiabatic limit is the same as thermodynamic adiabaticity. This is in fact not true. In other words, thermodynamic adiabaticity is not a sufflcient condition for the conservation ofℛc on super-horizon scales. In this paper, we consider models that satisfy δPnad = 0 on all scales, which we call global adiabaticity (GA), which is guaranteed if c2w=c2s, where cs is the phase velocity of the propagation of the perturbation. A known example is the case of ultra-slow-roll(USR) inflation in whichc2w=c2s=1. In order to generalize USR we develop a method to find the Lagrangian of GA K-inflation models from the behavior of background quantities as functions of the scale factor. Applying this method we show that there indeed exists a wide class of GA models with c2w=c2s, which allowsℛc to grow on superhorizon scales, and hence violates the non-Gaussianity consistency condition.
In this work, we discuss whether the new ekpyrotic scenario can be embedded into ten-dimensional supergravity. We use that the scalar potential obtained from flux compactifications of type II supergravity with sources has a universal scaling with respect to the dilaton and the volume mode. Similar to the investigation of inflationary models, we find very strong constraints ruling out ekpyrosis from analysing the fast-roll conditions. We conclude that flux compactifications tend to provide potentials that are neither too flat and positive (inflation) nor too steep and negative (ekpyrosis).
We derive a general equation for the evolution of the curvature perturbation on comoving slices ℛc in the presence of anisotropy and non-adiabaticity in the energy-momentum tensor of matter fields. The equation is obtained by manipulating the perturbed Einstein equations in the comoving slicing. It could be used to study the evolution of perturbations for a system with an anisotropic energy-momentum tensor, such as in the presence of a vector field or in the presence of non-adiabaticity, such as in a multi-field system.
We find two distinct families of new charged boson star solutions of a complex scalar field coupled non-minimally to gravity by a “John-type” term of Horndeski theory. The end points of one of the branches are extremal Reissner-Nordström black hole solutions.
The high-redshift 21-cm signal of neutral hydrogen is expected to be a sensitive probe of primordial star formation as well as of the heating and ionization histories of the Universe. The recent tentative detection by the EDGES Low-Band of the cosmological 21-cm signal, if confirmed, is the first ever signature from the dawn of star formation. However, the magnitude and the shape of this signal are incompatible with standard astrophysical predictions, requiring either colder than expected gas, or an excess radio background above the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) radiation. Here we provide a brief overview of 21-cm cosmology, the status of the global 21-cm experiments and proposed theoretical explanations for the EDGES detection.
The rotation of the galactic objects has been seen by asymmetric Doppler shift in the CMB data. Molecular hydrogen clouds at virial temperature may contribute to the galactic halo dark matter and they might be the reason for the observed rotational asymmetry in the galactic halos. We present a method to constrain the parameters of these virial clouds given that they are composed of a single fluid. The method is such that it should be possible to extend it to more than one fluid.
The boosting effects induced by the peculiar motion of an observer with respect to the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) rest frame can be explored to analyze the frequency dependence of the dipole. The improvements achievable with future CMB missions on our knowledge of CMB spectral distortions and Cosmic Infrared Background spectrum are discussed considering realistic uncertainties in relative calibration and foreground subtraction.
The Planck mission has clearly demonstrated that, although not specifically designed for the observation of extragalactic sources, the space-borne experiments aimed at investigating the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) have the potential to bring breakthrough science also in this field. One example is the detection of high-z galaxies with extreme gravitational amplifications. The combination of flux boosting and of stretching of the images has allowed the investigation of the structure of galaxies at z ⋍ 3 with the astounding spatial resolution of ⋍ 60 pc. Another example is the detection of proto-clusters of dusty galaxies at high z, when they may not yet possess the hot intergalactic medium allowing their detection in X-rays or via the Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect.
We study the effects of a uniform magnetic field on the evolution of cosmological perturbations, in a full relativistic framework, considering the effects of anisotropies. We take advantage of the synchronous gauge to simplify the equations. We study both super-horizon scales in radiation dominated universe and sub-horizon scales in both a full relativistic framework and the Newtonian limit in case of adiabatic sound speed.
In this talk I will review the current status of the constraints on the neutrino properties from cosmological measurements, with a particular focus on their mass and effective number. I will also discuss the existing tensions within the context of the ΛCDM model, including the discrepancies on the Hubble parameter and on the matter fluctuations at small scales, and how neutrinos could help to alleviate the aforementioned problems.
We derive new constraints on the Hubble parameter H0 using the available data on H(𝓏) from cosmic chronometers (CCH), and the Hubble rate data points from the supernovae of Type Ia (SnIa) of the Pantheon compilation and the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) CANDELS and CLASH Multy-Cycle Treasury (MCT) programs. We employ two alternative techniques, Gaussian Processes (GPs) and the Weighted Polynomial Regression (WPR) method, to reconstruct the Hubble function, determine the derived values of H0, and compare them with the local HST measurement provided by Riess et al. (2018), HHST0=(73.48±1.66) km/s/Mpc, and with the Planck+ΛCDM value, HP180=(66.88±0.92) km/s/Mpc,. With GPs we obtain H0 = (67.99 ± 1.94) km/s/Mpc and with the WPR method H0 = (68.90 ± 1.96) km/s/Mpc. Both are fully compatible at < 1σ c.l., and also with HP180. In contrast, they are in ∼ 2σ tension with HHST0.
I review briefly three problems where tensions between predictions based on numerical simulations of the Lambda-CDM prototype and observations at small (galactic) scales occur. These include (i) the core-cusp problem on the galactic profiles, (ii) the missing satellite problem, and the (ii) too-big-to-fail problem. I explain what these problems are and present potential resolutions, first through some astrophysical mechanisms, which however, as I argue, fail to alleviate completely the problems, at least currently. Then, I discuss fundamental modifications of the Lambda-CDM model, through the inclusion of self-interacting dark matter (SIDM). I argue that a simple model of SIDM, with (warm) self-interacting right-handed neutrinos (RHN), that exist in minimal extensions of the Standard model of particle physics, appears promising in providing a resolution of the aforementioned “small-scale-Cosmology crisis”, in particular the core-cusp problem, and an observationally consistent description of the core-halo structure in galaxies.
The goal of this short report is to summarise some key results based on our previous works on model independent tests of gravity at large scales in the Universe, their connection with the properties of gravitational waves, and the implications of the recent measurement of the speed of tensors for the phenomenology of general families of gravity models for dark energy.
Multipole vectors and pseudo entropies provide powerful tools for a numerically fast and vivid investigation of possible statistically anisotropic, resp. non-Gaussian signs in CMB temperature fluctuations. After reviewing and linking these two conceptions we compare their application to data analysis using the Planck 2015 NILC full sky map.
We present a preliminary analysis of the optical system of the STRIP instrument of the Large Scale Polarization (LSPE) experiment, which aims at polarization measurements of the Cosmic Microwave Background on large angular scales. STRIP will observe approximately 25% of the Northern sky from the Observatorio del Teide in Tenerife, using an array of forty-nine coherent polarimeters at 43 GHz (Q-band), coupled to a 1.5 m fully rotating crossed-Dragone telescope. An additional frequency channel with six-elements at 95 GHz (W-band) will be exploited as an atmospheric monitor.
Non-idealities in the optical system may introduce limitations in achieving high precision measurements, if not well understood and controlled. For this reason, we studied the optical design of STRIP, its characteristics in terms of performance on angular resolution, sidelobes, main beam symmetry, polarization purity and feedhorns orientation, by means of electromagnetic simulations.
One of the main goals of modern cosmology is to probe inflationary theories by looking on the imprint of primordial gravitational waves in the cosmic microwave background (CMB) polarization field. Future CMB experiments face the great challenge to search for this primordial B-mode signal. However, the CMB sky is also filled with secondary B-modes, including CMB lensing and astrophysical foregrounds. Extracting the CMB B-mode polarization from astrophysical contaminations is a primordial task towards detection of the primordial signal. We use the analytical method of blind separation (ABS) proposed by Zhang, P., et al. (2019) to reconstruct the CMB B-mode power spectrum in the presence of foregrounds and white noise considering a full sky analysis for r = 0.
Cosmic strings in the early universe have received revived interest in recent years. In this work we derive these structures as topological defects from singular distributions of the quintessence field of dark energy. Emphasis is placed on the topological charge of tangled cosmic strings, which originates from the Hopf mapping degree and is a Chern-Simons type action possessing strong inherent tie to knot topology. It is shown that the HOMFLYPT (Jones) polynomial can be constructed in terms of this charge, serving as a topological invariant much stronger than the traditional Gauss linking numbers in characterizing string topology. This method induces applications in two aspects. One is to search a tool to measure the cascade of decreasing topological complexity and that of decreasing energy/entropy. The other is arousing a promising mathematical approach for the study of physical breaking-reconnection processes of tangled cosmic strings.
I investigate the relativistic mechanics of an extended “cable” in an arbitrary static, spherically symmetric spacetime. Such hypothetical bodies have been proposed as tests of energy and thermodynamics: by lowering objects toward a black hole, scooping up Hawking radiation, or mining energy from the expansion of the universe. I review existing work on stationary cables, which demonstrates an interesting “redshift” of tension, and extend to a case of rigid motion. By using a partly restrained cable to turn a turbine, the energy harvested is up to the equivalent of the cable’s rest mass, concurring with the quasistatic case. Still, the total Killing energy of the system is conserved.
Cosmic topological defects possibly formed during phase transitions in the very early universe and are theoretically well-motivated. Cosmic strings (CSs) would leave distinct imprints on CMB fluctuations. We apply certain topological and geometrical measures in a multi-scale edge-detection algorithm to CMB maps with contributions from CS network to assess the capability of the CS footprints. On the noiseless sky maps with an angular resolution of 0.9′, we show that our pipeline is capable of detecting CSs with Gμ as low as Gμ > 4.3 × 10-10. We also explore two powerful tree-based machine learning algorithms to perform feature importance analysis. This analysis would improve future CS searches to focus on the most significant and informative features. Our machine-learning algorithm can detect CSs with Gμ > 2.1 × 10-10 at 3σ level, for a noise-less experiment and angular resolution of 0.9′.
Topological defects formed in the early stages of our universe can play a crucial role in understanding anisotropic deviations of the Friedmann Lemâitre Robertson Walker model we observe today. These defects are the result of phase transitions associated with spontaneous symmetry breaking in gauge theories at the grand unification energy scale. The most interesting defects are cosmic strings, vortex-like structures in the famous gauged U(1) abelian Higgs model with a “Mexican-hat” potential. Other defects, such as domain walls and monopoles are probably ruled out, because they should dominate otherwise the energy density of our universe. This local gauge model is the basis of the standard model of particle physics, where the Higgs-mechanism provides elementary particles with mass. It cannot be a coincidence that this model also explains the theory of superconductivity. The decay of the high multiplicity (n) super-conducting vortex into a lattice of n vortices of unit magnetic flux is energetically favourable and is experimentally confirmed. It explains the famous Meissner effect. This process could play an essential role by the entanglement of cosmic strings just after the symmetry breaking. The stability of the lattice depends critically on the parameters of the model, especially when gravity comes into play. The questions is how the imprint of the cosmic strings could be observed at present time. Up to now, no evidence is found. The recently found alignment of the spinning axes of quasars in large quasar groups on Mpc scales, could be a first indication of the existence of these cosmic strings. The temporarily broken axial symmetry will leave an imprint of a preferred azimuthal-angle on the lattice. This effect is only viable when a scaling factor is introduced. This can be realized in a warped five dimensional model. The warp factor plays the role of a dilaton field on an equal footing with the Higgs field. The resulting field equations can be obtained from a conformal invariant model. Conformal invariance, the missing symmetry in general relativity, will then spontaneously be broken, just as the Higgs field. The dilaton field, or equivalently, the warp factor, could also contribute to the expansion of the universe as it can act as a dark energy term coming from the bulk spacetime. It makes the cosmic string temporarily super-massive. This process could solve the cosmological constant and hierarchy problem. It is conjectured that the dilaton field has a dual meaning. At very early times, when the dilaton field approaches zero, it describes the small-distance limit of the model, while at later times it is a warp (or scale) factor that determines the dynamical evolution of the universe. When more data of quasars of high redshift will become available, one could prove that the alignment emerged after the symmetry breaking scale and must have a cosmological origin. The effect of the warp factor on the second-order perturbations could also be an indication of the existence of large extra dimensions.
We examine a dark-energy equation of state. From there, we link early-universe graviton production by varying the DE equation from –1 to 1 with a Kaluza–Klein treatment of reacceleration and comment on how modification of gravitational 1r potentials and the reacceleration of the universe also bridge between the first and second parts of this document, in terms DE physics and gravitons, as well as changing Q(z) reacceleration behavior. We close with a suggestion on redoing initial contributions to DE.
A naive five-dimensional model simultaneously explains dark energy and the flat rotation curves of galaxies and enhanced gravitational lensing usually attributed to dark matter. An additional (fifth) dimension is invoked which corresponds to the radius of curvature of four-dimensional space-time and does not represent a degree of freedom of motion. The universe so modeled has two modes of expansion: that of three-dimensional space and that of the fifth dimension itself, where the latter has the characteristics partly of space and partly of time. The boundary between four-dimensional space-time and the fifth dimension is modeled by contours along which energy is conserved. The model is able to reproduce: (i) the observed relationship between distance modulus and red shift for Type 1a supernovae; (ii) the Tully-Fisher relationship; and (iii) gravitational lensing effects beyond General Relativity for galaxies and clusters of galaxies.
In this manuscript, we will discuss the construction of a theory of gravity with nonmetricity and general affine connections. We will consider a simple potential formalism with symmetric affine connections and symmetric Ricci tensor. Corresponding affine connections introduce two massless scalar fields. One of these fields contributes a stress-tensor with opposite sign to the sources of Einstein’s equation when we state the equation using the Levi-Civita connections. This means we have a massless scalar field with negative stress-tensor in the familiar Einstein equation. These scalar fields can be useful to explain dark energy and inflation. These fields bring us beyond strict local Minkowski geometries.
We consider a model based on p-form kinetic Lagrangians in the context of dark energy. The Lagrangian of the model is built with kinetic terms of the field strength for each p-form coupled to a scalar field ϕ through a kinetic function. We assume that this scalar field is responsible for the present accelerated expansion of the Universe. Since we are interested in cosmological applications, we specialize the analysis to a 4-dimensional case, using an anisotropic space-time. By studying the dynamical equations, we investigate the evolution of the dark energy density parameter, the effective equation of state and the shear induced by the anisotropic configuration.
In order to reconcile the quantum mechanics and general relativity, the equivalence principle of quantum gravity is introduced for extending the equivalence principle of general relativity to the observer frames of reference which are in quantum mechanical motions. The equivalence principle of quantum gravity is that the laws of physics must be of such a nature that they apply to systems of reference in any kind of motions, both classical and quantum mechanical. Under such principle, the quantum gravity should be formulated in the quantum space-time-matter space with local conformal symmetry and the mathematical expressions for the cosmological constant as well as the masses of fundamental particles can be found by the theory.
In this work, we study the F (R) gravity with f -essence for the flat and homogeneous Friedman-Robertson-Walker universe. For this model, we have presented the point-like Lagrangian and the corresponding field equations. To describe the dynamics of the universe, we have investigated some cosmological solutions for K, F and h functions. It is shown that these solutions describe the late time accelerated expansion of the Universe.
In this paper, we explore f (T) gravity which non-minimally coupled to fermionic fields in (2+1) spatially flat Friedmann-Robertson-Walker (FRW) dimensions. Friedmann equations, equations for fermionic fields are derived. Forms of gravitational coupling, self-interaction potential and f (T) gravity are reconstructed by Noether symmetry approach for the point-like Lagrangian. Cosmological solution of model which corresponding to the late-time accelerating expansion are obtained.
We perform a forecast analysis on the ability of future baryonic acoustic oscillation (BAO) and cosmic microwave background (CMB) experiments in constraining 3 specific interacting dark energy models using the well known Fisher-matrix formalism. In addition to a future ground-based CMB experiment, we consider a Euclid-like experiment, which is supposed to put tight constraints on the dark sector parameters. In the interacting dark energy scenario, a coupling between dark matter and dark energy modifies the conservation equations such that the fluid equations for both constituents are conserved as the total energy density of the dark sector. In this context, we consider three phenomenological models which have been deeply investigated in literature in the past years. We find that the combination of both CMB and BAO can break degeneracies among the parameters for every studied model. We found powerful constraints on, for example, the coupling constant when comparing it with present limits for two of the models, and their future statistical 3-σ bounds could potentially exclude the null interaction for the combination of probes that is considered.
By using a cosmographic analysis of the redshift data of type Ia supernovae, we are able to get the expansion of the scale factor, obtaining the current values of the Hubble, deceleration, jerk and snap parameters. Our data is then used to compare the fitness of various proposed alternative cosmological models. Since our method assumes only the validity of general relativity at the cosmic scale, along with the isotropy and homogeneity of the universe, they are very useful for comparison between different cosmological models, including the fitness of ΛCDM model. Our method is based on the order expansion of the scale factor present in the FRW metric and using a Monte Carlo integration to find the best fit order parameters of the scale factor to reproduce the observed data, we make use of parallel paradigm to improve the computational time behind the model. We find the known result of an accelerated expansion of the universe. With access to better measurements of type Ia supernovae redshifts and more data, the cosmographic results will be significantly improved.
Scalar fields which are favorite among the possible candidates for the dark energy usually have degenerate minima at ±ϕmin. In the presented work, we discuss a two Higgs doublet model with the non-degenerate vacuum named inert uplifted double well type two-Higgs doublet model (UDW-2HDM) for the dark energy. It is shown that when the both Higgs doublets lie in their respective true minima then one Higgs doublet can cause the current accelerated expansion of the Universe.
We find that having the scale factor close to zero due to a given magnetic field value in an early-universe magnetic field affects how we would interpret Mukhanov’s chapter on self-reproduction of the universe. A stronger early-universe magnetic field suggests a greater likelihood of production of about 20 new domains of size 1H, with H the early-universe Hubble constant per Planck time interval in evolution. Fluctuations in the Hubble expansion parameter, H, may affect structure. Finally, α in a gravitational potential is proportional to r−α. This adjustment affects the three-body problem.
Calculations of the flux power spectrum of the Lyman α forest are performed as a means to quantify the possible effects of time-dependent dark energy. We use a parameterized version of the time-dependent dark energy equation of state consistent with the Planck analysis. We have run high-resolution, large-scale cosmological simulation with a modified version of the publicly available SPH code GADGET-2. These simulations were used to extract synthetic Lyman α forest spectra. These were then used to simulate the flux power spectrum at various observed quasar redshifts. We conclude that the effect of time-dependent dark energy on the flux power spectrum is of marginal statistical significance compared to the intrinsic cosmic variance.
The recent analysis of low-redshift supernovae (SN) has increased the apparent tension between the value of H0 estimated from low and high redshift observations such as the cosmic microwave background (CMB) radiation. At the same time other observations have provided evidence of the existence of local radial inhomogeneities extending in different directions up to a redshift of about 0.07. About 40% of the Cepheids used for SN calibration are directly affected because are located along the directions of these inhomogeneities. We compute with different methods the effects of these inhomogeneities on the low-redshift luminosity and angular diameter distance using an exact solution of the Einstein’s equations, linear perturbation theory and a low-redshift expansion. We confirm that at low redshift the dominant effect is the non relativist Doppler redshift correction, which is proportional to the volume averaged density contrast and to the comoving distance from the center. We derive a new simple formula relating directly the luminosity distance to the monopole of the density contrast, which does not involve any metric perturbation. We then use it to develop a new inversion method to reconstruct the monopole of the density field from the deviations of the redshift uncorrected observed luminosity distance respect to the ΛCDM prediction based on cosmological parameters obtained from large scale observations.
The inversion method confirms the existence of inhomogeneities whose effects were not previously taken into account because the 2M ++ density field maps used to obtain the peculiar velocity for redshift correction were for 𝓏 ≤ 0.06, which is not a sufficiently large scale to detect the presence of inhomogeneities extending up to 𝓏 = 0.07. The inhomogeneity does not affect the high redshift luminosity distance because the volume averaged density contrast tends to zero asymptotically, making the value of HCMB0 obtained from CMB observations insensitive to any local structure. The inversion method can provide a unique tool to reconstruct the density field at high redshift where only SN data is available, and in particular to normalize correctly the density field respect to the average large scale density of the Universe.
We investigate the relativistic corrections to the standard model of formation of large scale structures. In matter domination and in the Poisson gauge, we use the weak- field approximation which allows to keep compact expressions even for the one-loop bispectrum. Whereas in the Newtonian limit, the choice of gauge is marginally important as all gauge coincides, when relativistic corrections are taken into account, it matters as a change of gauge may induce a change of gravitational potential and introduce fictitious modes in the finial result for the power spectrum. It is precisely what happens in the example presented in this talk as the equivalence principle is not fulfilled in the Poisson gauge and the cancellation of the IR divergence at one-loop does not occur. We will discuss how other choices of gauge may solve this issue.
The core-cusp problem remains as one of the unresolved challenges between observation and simulations in the standard ΛCDM model for the formation of galaxies. Basically, the problem is that ΛCDM simulations predict that the center of galactic dark matter halos contain a steep power-law mass density profile. However, observations of dwarf galaxies in the Local Group reveal a density profile consistent with a nearly flat distribution of dark matter near the center. A number of solutions to this dilemma have been proposed. We summarize investigations the possibility that the dark matter particles themselves self interact and scatter. The scattering of dark matter particles then can smooth out their profile in high-density regions. We also summarize theoretical theoretical models as to how self- interacting dark matter may arise. We summarize our own implementation this form in simulations of self-interacting dark matter in models for galaxy formation and evolution. Constraints on self-interacting dark matter are then summarized.
This brief review covers recent results on searches for dark matter in collider experiments, as well as from direct and indirect detection observatories. It focuses on generic searches for dark matter signatures at the LHC, e.g. mono-X, dijets, etc. Recently observed astrophysical signals that may provide hints of dark matter are also discussed.
We consider the impact of dynamical dark energy (DDE) in the possible solution of the existing tensions in the ΛCDM. We test both interacting and non-interacting DE models with dark matter (DM). Among the former, the running vacuum model (RVM) interacting with DM appears as a favored option. The non-interacting scalar field model based on the potential V ∼ ϕ−α, and the generic XCDM parametrization, also provide consistent signs of DDE. The important novelty of our analysis with respect to the existing ones in the literature is that we use the matter bispectrum, together with the power spectrum. Using a complete and updated set of cosmological observations on SNIa+BAO+H(𝓏)+LSS+CMB, we find that the crucial triad BAO+LSS+CMB (i.e. baryonic acoustic oscillations, large scale structure formation data and the cosmic microwave background) provide the bulk of the signal. The bispectrum data is instrumental to get hold of the DDE signal, as our analysis shows. If the bispectrum is not included, the DDE signal could not be currently perceived at a significant confidence level.
Pauli Exclusion Principle violating transitions in atoms and nuclei are predicted from many models of non-commutative space-time, such as θ-Poincaré theory. Exclusion sensitivity curves from DAMA/LIBRA and BOREXINO are so powerful to exclude many non-commutative space-time models until the Planck energy scale. A new frontier of quantum gravity phenomenology is opened, inspiring future underground projects with a higher sensitivity then current experiments.
The DAMA/LIBRA experiment has been collecting data deep underground in the Gran Sasso National Laboratory (LNGS) in its phase2 to further investigate the Dark Matter (DM) particles of the Galactic halo. The first data release of DAMA/LIBRA–phase2 corresponds to 6 full annual cycles for an exposure of 1.13 ton × yr. The data confirm the evidence of a signal that meets all the requirements of the model independent DM annual modulation signature at 9.5 σ C.L. in the energy region (1-6) keV. Considering the previous data collected by DAMA/NaI and by DAMA/LIBRA–phase1 in 2-6 keV, the achieved C.L. for the full exposure (2.46 ton × yr) is 12.9 σ.
The exceptional sensitivity and high resolution of high purity germanium detectors in gamma-ray spectrometry and their use in underground laboratories has increasing application because of the important science and technology that they allow to be studied. In fundamental physics their application is focussed on rare phenomena, e.g. double beta decay, rare nuclear decays and Dark Matter search. In the past years there has been a growing number of underground measurements also in other fields such as environmental monitoring, surveillance of nuclear activities, benchmarking of other physical techniques, Life Science and material selection for equipment which require materials with extremely low levels of radioactivity. This report describes the state of the art in underground gamma-ray spectrometry with high purity germanium detectors. Various applications in underground laboratories are presented.
We study the dynamical stability of self-gravitating systems in presence of anisotropy. In particular, we introduce a stability criterion, in terms of the adiabatic local index, that generalizes the stability condition < ϒ >≥ 4/3 of the isotropic regime. Also, we discuss some applications of the criterion.
The Thomas-Fermi model is extended at finite temperature, to describe the gravitational phase transition occurring in massive fermionic systems in a general-relativistic framework. It is shown that, when a nondegenerate fermionic gas (for N < NOV, where NOV is the Oppenheimer-Volkoff limit) is cooled down below a critical temperature, a condensed phase emerges and the gravitational collapse is prevented by quantum mechanics. If N > NOV by contrast, the system is destined to collapse towards a Black Hole because no equilibrium states exist.
The formation of large scale structures in the universe can be described in terms of a Schrödinger-Poisson system. This fact is justified showing that the Schrödinger-Poisson equations can be obtained as the large N limit of a Newtonian N-body system, that, in the cosmological context, describes the evolution of dark matter halos. This result is based on the Nelson stochastic quantization, and on the Calogero conjecture. The relevance of this finding for the study of LSS is discussed.
I outline a kinetic theory model of gravitational collapse due to a small perturbation. This model produces a pattern of entropy destruction in a spherical core around the perturbation, and entropy creation in a surrounding halo. Core–halo patterns are ubiquitous in the astrophysics of gravitational collapse, and are found here without any of the prior assumptions of such a pattern usually made in analytical models. Motivated by this analysis, I outline a possible scheme for identifying structure formation via data from observations or a simulation. This might aid exploration of hierarchical structure formation, supplementing the usual density–based methods for highlighting astrophysical and cosmological structure at various scales.
Contrary to Cartesian vortexes, Newtonian point masses do not have internal structures and inside thermal energies. The Hamilton kinetic energy demonstrates independent variables for ordered translations and Umov’s inside heat-chaos. The sum of these indivisible energies obeys the Lorentz transformations, while their difference drives adaptive self-organization of mechanical systems. The simplified Newtonian model with one consolidated degree of freedom for energies of order and chaos can be replaced by the Cartesian world paradigm. The latter can be learned quantitatively in high and higher schools due to Umov’s thermomechanics for inertial heat and de Broglie’s thermodynamics of the isolated particle.
Science educators have to move beyond traditional content-focused instruction to teach concepts of Einsteinian physics. This work presents a design-based research project that introduced general relativity (GR) to upper secondary school students in Norway. The educational approach invited students to explore the historical development and philosophical aspects of GR within a digital learning environment. Results based on focus group interviews show that students were particularly motivated by such an approach because it emphasised the cultural and social relevance of physics and it linked GR to their previous knowledge of physics. Employing history and philosophy of science in the service of physics education can serve as a successful approach to making GR more accessible to young learners.
As a matter of fact, modern physics is not taught in the majority of secondary schools; however, recent researches suggest that there are several advantages in introducing modern physics early in school. This is, for instance, the approach of the Einstein-First project. In the context of this approach, we report here some preliminary results of an intervention in the first year of Italian secondary school.
Motivating the students to study General Relativity from many points of view is a key for success in teaching GR. The risk of flattening GR to its mathematical contents is continuously present in the secondary school as well as in the undergraduate studies of Physics.
Lie point symmetries of the geodesic equations of the Gödel’s metric are found. These form a ten dimensional Lie algebra. The Lie algebra contains a maximal seven-dimensional solvable sub-algebra. It also contains five dimensional subalgebra of isometries of the metric. The isometries are used to reduce the order of the geodesic system by one. The time-like trajectories of the Gödel’s metric are then derived and their graphs in the (r, ϕ) plane are displayed showing some interesting features of the dynamics in this universe.
The Schwarzschild-de Sitter/Kottler geometry is the unique spherical solution of the vacuum Einstein equations with positive cosmological constant. Putative alternatives in the literature are shown to either solve different equations or to be the SdSK solution in disguise. No-hair and cosmic no-hair come together in a new simultaneous theorem for SdSK in the presence of an imperfect fluid.
Motivated by quantum nature of gravitating black holes, higher dimensional exact solutions of conformal gravity with an abelian gauge field is obtained. It is shown that the obtained solutions can be interpreted as singular black holes.
Quadratic Gravity is one of the modified theories of gravity; its action contains additional terms quadratic in Riemann tensor and its contractions. We study Kundt metrics, defined geometrically by admitting non-expanding, non-twisting and non-shearing null geodesic congruence, in the framework of Quadratic Gravity. We examine the special cases, namely the pp-waves and VSI spacetimes. Equations of geodesic deviation are calculated to provide means of physical interpretation.
Double field theory promotes the T-duality of closed string theory to a manifest symmetry, thus leading to a new perspective on the geometry experienced by stringy probes. In this contribution, we discuss the mathematical structure underlying the symmetries of double field theory, thus defining a DFT algebroid. We trace its origins in a large Courant algebroid defined over a doubled geometry, and show that after imposing a section condition the DFT algebroid reduces to a canonical Courant algebroid, as expected in generalized geometry.
We examine length measurement in curved spacetime, based on the 1+3-splitting of a local observer frame. This situates extended objects within spacetime, in terms of a given coordinate which serves as an external reference. The radar metric is shown to coincide with the spatial projector, but these only give meaningful results on the observer’s 3-space, where they reduce to the metric. Examples from Schwarzschild spacetime are given.
Why is the Universe so homogeneous and isotropic? We summarize a general study of a γ-law perfect fluid alongside an inhomogeneous, massless scalar gauge field (with homogeneous gradient) in anisotropic spaces with General Relativity. The anisotropic matter sector is implemented as a j-form (field-strength level), where j ∈ {1, 3}, and the spaces studied are Bianchi space-times of solvable type. Wald’s no-hair theorem is extended to include the j-form case. We highlight three new self-similar space-times: the Edge, the Rope and Wonderland. The latter solution is so far found to exist in the physical state space of types I,II, IV, VI0, VIh, VII0 and VIIh, and is a global attractor in I and V. The stability analysis of the other types has not yet been performed. This paper is a summary of [1], with some remarks towards new results which will be further laid out in upcoming work.
In a recent study of algebraically special Einstein-Maxwell fields it was shown that, for non-zero cosmological constant, non-aligned solutions cannot have a geodesic and shearfree multiple Debever-Penrose vector k. When Λ = 0 such solutions do exist and can be classified, after fixing the null-tetrad such that Ψ0 = Ψ1 = Φ1 = 0 and Φ0 = 1, according to whether the Newman-Penrose coefficient π is 0 or not. The family π = 0 contains the Griffiths solutions, with as sub-families the Cahen-Spelkens, Cahen-Leroy and Szekeres metrics. It was claimed in Ref. 2 (and repeated in Ref. 1) that for π = 0 both null-rays k and 𝓁 are necessarily non-twisting (ˉρ−ρ=ˉμ−μ=0): while it is certainly true that μ(ˉρ−ρ)=0, the case μ = 0 appears to have been overlooked. I reduce the sub-family in which k is non-expanding (ρ+ˉρ=0) to an integrable system of pde’s and I present an explicit family of solutions.
We explore a family of solutions to Einstein-Maxwell equations with cylindrical symmetry, in which both metric and electromagnetic field are expressed in terms of elementary functions. This is achieved by choosing the integration constants in (00) and (22) components of Einstein equations equal to each other, which is equivalent to putting electric field (transversal) and magnetic field (longitudinal), under suitable rescaling of coordinates, equal to each other. We discuss the connection between our family of solutions and previously known solutions summarized in the 1983 paper by MacCallum, analyze properties of spacetime described by our solutions and show how the equal-field condition can be relaxed perturbatively.
Standard model has to be generalized to a “New Physics” beyond the Standard Model. Main problem is the lack of consistency SM with gravity. We analyse Kerr-Newman spinning particle which is consistent with gravity by nature and, contrary to opinion that gravity conflicts with quantum theory, we obtain that spinning Kerr’s gravity collaborates with quantum theory in the process of formation of spinning particle. The most dramatic is the shift of the fundamental scale from Planck to Compton distances.
We study the stability of anisotropic fluid configuration using a relation between density and pressure. For this purpose, we formulate the corresponding field equations, generalized Tolman-Oppenheimer-Volkoff equation and mass equation which are necessary to discuss the structure of compact stars and solve them through numerical technique. The stability of the compact object is analyzed through cracking and formulate the force distribution function after perturbing the matter quantities. Further, we plot the resulting force function and examine the occurrence of cracking/overturning.
We investigate the conformal invariant Lagrangian of the self-gravitating U(1) scalar-gauge field on the time-dependent Bondi-Marder axially symmetric spacetime. By considering the conformal symmetry as exact at the level of the Lagrangian and broken in the vacuum, a consistent model is found with an exact solution of the vacuum Bondi-Marder spacetime, written as gμν=ω2ˉgμν, where ω is the conformal factor and ˉgμν the ‘eun-physical‘ spacetime. Curvature could then be generated from Ricci-flat ˉgμν by suitable dilaton fields and additional gauge freedom. If we try to match this vacuum solution onto the interior vortex solution of the coupled Einstein-scalar-gauge field, we need, besides the matching conditions, constraint equations in order to obtain a topological regular description of the small-scale behaviour of the model. Probably, one needs the five-dimensional warped counterpart model, where the warp factor determines the large-scale behavior of the model. This warp factor is determined by the Einstein field equations for the five-dimensional warped space, where only gravity can propagate into the bulk. The warped five-dimensional model can be reformulated by considering the warp factor as a dilaton field conformally coupled to gravity and embedded in a smooth M4 ⊗R manifold. It is conjectured that the four-dimensional conformal factor is related to the dilaton field of the five-dimensional counterpart model. The dilaton field (alias warp factor), has a dual meaning. At very early times, when ω → 0, it describes the small-distance limit, while at later times it is a warp (or scale) factor that determines the dynamical evolution of the universe. However, as expected, the conformal invariance is broken (trace-anomaly) by the appearance of a mass term and a quadratic term in the energy-momentum tensor of the scalar-gauge field, arising from the extrinsic curvature terms of the projected Einstein tensor. These terms can be interpreted as a constraint in order to maintain conformal invariance and the tracelessness of the energy-momentum tensor could then be maintained by a contribution from the bulk. By considering the dilaton field and Higgs field on equal footing on small scales, there will be no singular behavior, when ω → 0 and one can deduce constraints to maintain regularity of the action. We also present a numerical solution of the model and calculate the (time-dependent) trace-anomaly. The solution depends on the mass ratio of the scalar and gauge fields, the parameters of the model and the vortex charge n.
We present a static axisymmetric solution of Einstein’s field equations. Assuming that the deviation from spherically symmetry is small, we linearize the corresponding field equations with the perfect fluid source and up to the first order in quadrupole.
The possibility of chiral symmetry restoration by acceleration is considered. The Thermalization Theorem formalism and the large N limit (with N being the number of pions) are employed to solve the lowest-order approximation to QCD at low energies in Rindler spacetime. It is shown that chiral symmetry is restored for accelerations higher than the critical value ac = 4πfπ, with fπ being the pion decay constant. The results are completely analogous to those obtained in the inertial, finite-temperature case, evincing the ontic character of the Unruh effect.
We write solutions of relativistic quantum equations explicitly in the helicity basis for S = 1/2 and S = 1. We present the analyses of relations between Dirac-like and Majorana-like field operators. Several interesting features of bradyonic and tachyonic solutions are presented.
Scalar fields during inflation naturally define a curved field space through their kinetic interactions. When the curvature of this space is negative, the geodesic deviation of the inflationary trajectory may overcome the stabilizing force of the potential, and drive the system away from its original path in field space into a new attractor solution — a scenario known as sidetracked inflation. This note presents a brief introduction to the proposal along with a review of its main features and predictions. In particular, we highlight the strongly non-geodesic nature of the sidetracked inflationary phase and how this relates to some of the hallmarks of the model, such as the possibility of realizing inflation with steep potentials and a transient instability of perturbations that leads to unique observational signatures.
This paper is a brief summary of work already published in Ref. 1. It is inspired by solid inflation which is a cosmological model with inflation driven by fields which enter the Lagrangian in the same way as body coordinates of a solid matter enter the equation of state. We construct a simple generalization of this model by adding a scalar field with standard kinetic term to the action, and focus on calculation of quantities which can be compared with observations of CMB anisotropies.
By applying the covariant Taylor expansion method of the heat kernel, Einstein anomaly associated with the Weyl fermion of spin- 12 interacting with nonabelian vector and axial-vector fields in six-dimensional curved space are manifestly given. From the relation between Einstein and Lorentz anomalies, which are the gravitational anomalies, all terms of the Einstein anomaly should form total derivatives. It is shown before the trace operation of the gamma-matrices that the anomaly is expressed by the form expected.
We consider rigidly-rotating thermal states of a massless Klein-Gordon field enclosed within a cylindrical boundary, where Robin boundary conditions (RBCs) are imposed. The connection between the parameter of the RBCs and the energy density and four-velocity expressed in the Landau frame is revealed.
It is known that an electric-magnetic duality transformation is a symmetry of the classical source-free Maxwell theory in generic spacetimes. This provides a conserved Noether charge, physically related to the polarization state of the electromagnetic field. We shall argue that this conservation law fails to hold at the quantum level in presence of a background classical gravitational field with non-trivial dynamics, as determined by the Chern-Pontryagin invariant. This is the spin-1 analog of the chiral anomaly for massless Dirac fermions.
We extend the adiabatic regularization method for an expanding universe to include the Yukawa interaction between a quantized Dirac field and a homogeneous time-dependent scalar field. We present the renormalized semiclassical equations that are needed in order to take into account the backreaction of the produced Dirac fermions in both gravitational and scalar background fields.
We present here the results of a recent analysis of interacting quantum field theories on a curved manifold with a topological defect constructed by geometrically deforming a lattice. We discuss an explicit example where curvature and boundary conditions compete in altering the way the quantum vacuum is destabilized. We show that the competing action of the locally induced curvature and of boundary conditions generated by the non-trivial topology allows configurations where symmetries can be spontaneously broken close to the defect core. Inspired by this effect, we propose a novel mechanism to induce a superconducting phase by triggering particle condensation along cosmic strings.
We discuss quantisation and time evolution of cosmological tensor perturbations in the Kasner–de Sitter space-time as a model of (pre-)inflation. We propose a prescription for reading off the quantum energy levels in the presence of the initial Kasner-like singularity.
Wave-function collapse following a measurement process is a longstanding controversial issue of quantum physics. It introduces an element of strong non-linearity and irreversibility in an otherwise unitary and reversible dynamics. Several proposals of modification of Quantum Mechanics have been put forward in the past few decades in order to solve such a dichotomy. Among them, some approaches and explicit models considered the possible role of gravity in the wave-function collapse as a result of the incompatibility of general relativity and unitary time evolution of Quantum Mechanics. In this contribution we present some results based on one of such models, De Filippo’s Nonunitary Newtonian Gravity, which shows several appealing features: while reproducing at a macroscopic level the ordinary Newtonian interaction, it presents a mass threshold for gravitational localization. In particular, it provides a mechanism for the evolution of macroscopic coherent superpositions of states into ensembles of pure states. On one hand, we show the results of a numerical simulation of a simple system, i.e. two particles in a harmonic trap interacting via an ‘electrical’ delta-like potential and gravitational interaction. Starting from an energy eigenstate within the ordinary setting, we find that, while energy expectation remains constant, a slow net variation of the von Neumann entropy for the system as a whole takes place, with a small modulation induced on the relative entanglement entropy of the two particles. On the other hand, we explicitly show how a one-parameter generalization of the model, reproducing the nonlinear Newton-Schrödinger equation as the parameter goes to infinity, is free from any causality-violation problem for any finite value of it.
It is well known that a receding mirror in Minkowski spacetime can model the formation of a black hole, producing Hawking-like radiation at late times. We ask what an observer would need to do to discern whether the radiation is fermionic or bosonic. Specialising to massless fields in 1+1 dimensions, we find that an Unruh–DeWitt detector accomplishes this: the late time transition rate of a detector coupled linearly to the scalar density of a spinor field is proportional to the Helmholtz free energy density of a fermionic thermal bath, hence showing a clear sign of Fermi–Dirac statistics, with no counterpart in the response of a detector coupled linearly to a scalar field or its derivative. By contrast, an observer examining just the stress-energy tensor sees no difference between a fermion and a boson, neither at late times nor early.
What is the black hole in quantum mechanics? We try this problem in a self-consistent manner. First, we analyze time evolution of a 4D spherically symmetric collapsing matter including the back reaction of particle creation that occurs in the time-dependent spacetime. As a result, a compact high-density star with no horizon or singularity is formed and eventually evaporates. This is a quantum black hole. We can construct a self-consistent solution of the semi-classical Einstein equation showing this structure. In fact, we construct the metric, evaluate the expectation values of the energy momentum tensor, and prove the self-consistency. Large pressure appears in the angular direction to support this black hole, which is consistent with 4D Weyl anomaly. When the black hole is formed adiabatically in the heat bath, integrating the entropy density over the interior volume reproduces the area law.
Implementing a path integral quantization of real massive scalar fields in a wide class of curved spaces we derive a general expression for the vacua in the Schrödinger representation. Using the general boundary formulation of quantum theory, we show how a symmetry of the space of classical solutions leads to a one-parameter family of quantum vacua. In this way we offer a new derivation of the alpha-vacua in de Sitter space.
Both inflationary and ekpyrotic scenarios can account for the origin of the large scale structure of the universe. It is often said that detecting primordial gravitational waves is the key to distinguish both scenarios. We show that this is not true if the gauge kinetic function is present in the ekpyrotic scenario. In fact, primordial gravitational waves sourced by the gauge field can be produced in an ekpyrotic universe. We also study scalar fluctuations sourced by the gauge field and show that it is negligible compared to primordial gravitational waves. This comes from the fact that the fast roll condition holds in ekpyrotic models.
Scalar field vacuum energy and particle creation in a 3D Casimir apparatus, freely falling in the Schwarzschild spacetime, are considered in the reference frame of a comoving observer. Following Schwinger’s proper time approach, Casimir energy is evaluated from the effective action, resulting in a small correction to the flat spacetime case. Besides, a tiny amount of quanta excited out from the vacuum is found. Both effects are discussed, drawing attention to the role of the underlying spacetime dimensionality.
The supersymmetry arises in certain theories of fermions coupled to gauge fields and gravity in a spacetime of 11 dimensions. The dynamical brane background has mainly been studied for the class of purely bosonic solutions only, but recent developments involving a time-dependent brane solution have made it clear that one can get more information by asking what happens on supersymmetric systems. In this work, we present an exact supersymmetric solution of a dynamical M-brane background in the 11-dimensional supergravity and investigate supersymmetry breaking, the geometric features near the singularity.
Gamma-Ray Bursts (GRBs) are probably one of the most enigmatic sources in current astrophysics, especially when their high-energy (HE, 100 MeV ≲ E ≲ 100 GeV) emission is considered. Fermi-LAT observations unveiled many properties of GRBs emission in the GeV band, but its physical origin is not clearly understood yet. In this context, observations of GRBs at very-high-energies (VHE, E ≳ 100 GeV) could provide a crucial contribution in the understanding of the physical processes driving GRB emission at the highest energies. For this purpose, ground facilities performing fast-follow up of GRBs above ∼ 100 GeV with high sensitivity are needed. In particular the MAGIC telescopes were designed to have a low energy threshold (∼ 50 GeV) and to perform fast follow-up of GRBs thanks to their fast slewing movement. Up to date, 101 GRBs were followed-up by MAGIC in different observational conditions, providing a large data sample to search for VHE emission. This contribution will focus on the MAGIC GRBs follow-up campaign and highlight the observation of the short and nearby (𝓏 = 0.16) GRB 160821B, an interesting event showing a hint of VHE gamma-ray emission.
Lorentz symmetries represent one of the cornerstones of modern physics, and yet independent approaches aiming at combining general relativistic with quantum effects often imply some form of departures from them. According to the simplest models, particles having different energies emitted at the same time from a given source should be detected at different times from a far-away detector, thereby producing a phenomenon of in-vacuo dispersion with a linear correlation between the time of observation and particles’ energy. Given that, the search for energy-dependent time lags in gamma-ray bursts (GRB) has gradually become a standard way to make tests of fundamental physics and also look for the first signatures of the sought-after quantum theory of gravity. Most of the current studies, considering a single GRB or just the most energetic photon for each GRB analysed, allowed to set very tight constraints on the relevant scale, usually believed to be close to the Planck mass. However, due to the rather poor understanding of the spectral evolution of GRBs, statistical analyses over collections of GRBs would provide more reliable outcomes. Here we test in-vacuo dispersion by analysing all the photons with energy at the emission greater than 5 GeV emitted from 7 GRBs observed by Fermi-LAT. Remarkably, we find preliminary evidence of in-vacuo-dispersion-like spectral lags consistently with what has been noticed by some recent studies which, though, had focused only on the energy range above 40 GeV.
The first detection of gravitational waves a binary neutron star merger GW170817 by the LIGO-Virgo Collaboration has provided fundamental new insights into the astrophysical site for r-process nucleosynthesis and on the nature of dense neutron-star matter. The detected gravitational wave signal depends upon the tidal distortion of the neutron stars as they approach merger. We examine how the detected chirp depends the adopted equation of state. This places new constrains on the properties of nuclear matter. The detected evidence of heavy-element nucleosynthesis also provides insight into the nature of the r-process and the fission properties of the heaviest nuclei. Parametrically, one can divide models for the r-process into three scenarios roughly characterized by the number of neutron captures per seed nucleus (n/s). In addition to neutron-star mergers, these include magneto-hydrodynamic jets from supernovae and the neutrino heated wind above the proto neutron star in core-collapse supernovae. Insight from GW170817 allows one to better quantify the relative contributions of each astrophysical site and the fission termination of the r-process recycling.
We discuss some aspects of de Araujo, Coelho and Costa concerning the role of a time dependent magnetic ellipticity on the pulsars’ braking indices and on the putative gravitational waves (GWs) these objects can emit. Since only nine of more than 2000 known pulsars have accurately measured braking indices, it is of interest to extend this study to all known pulsars, in particular as regards GW generation. In summary, our results show a pessimistic prospect for the detection of GWs generated by these pulsars, even for advanced detectors such as aLIGO and AdVirgo, and the planned Einstein Telescope, would not be able to detect these pulsar, if the ellipticity has magnetic origin.
We study how to probe non-gaussianity of stochastic gravitational waves with pulsar timing arrays. The non-gaussianity is a key to probe the origin of stochastic gravitational waves. In particular, the shape of the bispectrum which characterize the non-gaussianity carries valuable information of inflation models. We show that an appropriate filter function for three point correlations enables us to extract a specific configuration of momentum triangles in bispectra.
We present results from general-relativistic (GR) three-dimensional (3D) core-collapse simulations with approximate neutrino transport for three non-rotating progenitors (11.2, 15, and 40 M⊙) using different nuclear equations of state (EOSs). We find that the combination of progenitor’s higher compactness at bounce, that is a consequence of the use of softer EOS, leads to stronger activity of the standing accretion shock instability (SASI). We confirm previous predication that the SASI produces characteristic time modulations both in neutrino and gravitational-wave (GW) signals. Our results indicate that the correlation of the neutrino and GW signals, if detected, would provide a new signature of the vigorous SASI activity in the supernova core.
The first-order electroweak phase transition in the early universe could occur in multiple steps leading to specific multi-peaked signatures in the primordial gravitational wave (GW) spectrum. We argue that these signatures are generic phenomena in multi-scalar extensions of the Standard Model. In a simple example of such an extension, we have studied the emergence of reoccurring and nested vacuum bubble configurations and their role in the formation of multiple peaks in the GW spectrum.
We show that gravitational wave radiative patterns from a point test particle falling radially into a Schwarzschild black hole, as derived by Davis, Ruffini, Press and Price, are present in the nonlinear regime of head-on mergers of black holes. We use the Bondi-Sachs characteristic formulation and express the gravitational wave luminosity and the radiated energy in terms of the news functions. Our treatment is made in the realm of Robinson-Trautman dynamics, with characteristic initial data corresponding to the head-on merger of two black holes. We consider mass ratios in the range 0.01 ≤ α ≤ 1. We obtain the exponential decay with ℓ of the total energy contributed by each multipole ℓ. The total rescaled radiated energy Etotal W/m0α2 decreases linearly with decreasing α, yielding for the point particle limit α → 0 the value ≃ 0.0484, about five times larger than the result of Davis et al. We also analyze the mode decomposition of the net momentum flux and the associated impulse of the gravitational waves emitted, resulting in an adjacent-even-odd mode-mixing pattern with the dominant contribution coming from the mixed mode (2, 3). We obtain the exponential decay with ℓ of the total gravitational wave impulse contributed by each (ℓ, ℓ + 1) mixed mode.
We focus on spacetime oscillations, the so-called w-modes, of gravitational waves emitted from a protoneutron star in the postbounce phase of core-collapse supernovae. By adopting numerical results from recent relativistic three-dimensional supernova models, we find that the w1-mode frequency multiplied by the radius of the protoneutron star is expressed as a linear function with respect to the stellar compactness insensitively to the nuclear equation of state. Combining with another universal relation of the f-mode oscillations, it is shown that the time dependent mass-radius relation of the protoneutron star can be obtained by observing both the f - and w1-mode gravitational waves simultaneously. That is, the simultaneous detection of the two modes could provide a new probe into finite-temperature nuclear equation of state that predominantly determines the protoneutron star evolution.
The relation between the physics and the difference geometry had been discussed many years, we think gravitoelectromagnetism is a way of Linking gravitational potential to the curvature in the theory and the experiments. We discuss the relation between Lense-Thirring Precession and Gravitomagnetic clock. And we report the new result of gravitational mass defect though still can not find gravitomagnetic mass. In the last, we discuss gravitomagnetic experiments in binary pulsars and near earth spacetime.
The Marcel Grossmann triennial meetings are focused on reviewing developments in gravitation and general relativity, aimed at understanding and testing Einstein’s theory of gravitation. The 15th meeting (Rome, 2018) celebrated the 50th anniversary of the first neutron star discovery (1967), and the birth of relativistic astrophysics. Another discovery of the same caliber is the detection of the binary neutron star GW170817 in 2017 — almost as if to celebrate the same jubilee — marking the beginning of multi-messenger gravitational wave astronomy. We present work in progress to craft open-sourced numerical tools that will enable the calculation of electromagnetic counterparts to gravita- tional waveforms: the GiRaFFE (General Relativistic Force-Free Electrodynamics) code. GiRaFFE numerically solves the general relativistic magnetohydrodynamics system of equations in the force-free limit, to model the magnetospheres surrounding compact binaries, in order (1) to characterize the nonlinear interaction between the source and its surrounding magnetosphere, and (2) to evaluate the electromagnetic counterparts of gravitational waves, including the production of collimated jets. We apply this code to various configurations of spinning black holes immersed in an external magnetic field, in order both to test our implementation and to explore the effects of (1) strong gravitational field, (2) high spins, and (3) tilt between the magnetic field lines and black hole spin, all on the amplification and collimation of Poynting jets. We will extend our work to collisions of black holes immersed in external magnetic field, which are prime candidates for coincident detection in both gravitational and electromagnetic spectra.
DECIGO (DECi-hertz Interferometer Gravitational wave Observatory) is a planned space mission targeting the detection of gravitational waves from very beginning of the universe, which no one has ever seen. As DECIGO utilizes freely flying Fabry-Perot cavities in orbit, a feasibility study of complex of its control systems including laser interferometer, which is tightly connected to drag-free control system together with formation-flying system, is a critical issue to realize DECIGO. As a first step to realize drag-free control required for DECIGO, we started from two experiments: the first one is a demonstration of position control using a thrust system, and the other is the development of a thrust stand to characterize the thrusters with µN-level force noise. In this paper, our progress and prospects for the next of these experiments are summarized.
DECIGO and B-DECIGO is space gravitational wave detecter project which aims decihertz band. In (B-)DECIGO, dual-pass differential Fabry-Pérot interferometer (DPDFPI) is planed to be used. Also, to reduce the noise from the space craft displacement, drag-free control is implemented. It is needed to demonstrate DPDFPI with drag-free control with a test bench. In the test bench, DPDFPI is constructed with softly suspended benches and cavities to mimic the motion in the space. In this article, the design of the optical and mechanical part in the test bench is reviewed. First, the optical design is shown. Second, mechanical suspension design is explained. All resonance modes of the important degree of freedom is designed to be less than ∼ 1 Hz.
KAGRA is a new gravitational wave detector which aims to begin joint observation with Advanced LIGO and Advanced Virgo from late 2019. Here, we present KAGRA’s possible upgrade plans to improve the sensitivity in the decade ahead. Unlike other state-of-the-art detectors, KAGRA requires different investigations for the upgrade since it is the only detector which employs cryogenic cooling of the test mass mirrors. In this paper, investigations on the upgrade plans which can be realized by changing the input laser power, increasing the mirror mass, and injecting frequency dependent squeezed vacuum are presented. We show how each upgrade affects to the detector frequency bands and also discuss impacts on gravitational-wave science. We then propose an effective progression of upgrades based on technical feasibility and scientific scenarios.
We demonstrated a cryogenic mirror suspension for a gravitational detector, KAGRA, and evaluated several performances such as cooling time and damping control. Cooling mirrors is promising technique for reducing the mirror thermal noise that fundamentally limits sensitivity of current ground-base gravitational-wave detectors around 100 Hz region. Cryogenic technology for mirror suspensions is therefore essential for further improvement of detector sensitivity beyond the 2nd generation detectors such as aLIGO, aVIRGO, and KAGRA. In this paper, current status of KAGRA cryopayloads is discussed.
We present some preliminary results of our work about the close encounter of binary stars hosting planets on S-type orbits with the Sgr A* supermassive black hole in the center of our Galaxy.
We briefly describe and discuss the set-up of the project Mocca Survey Database I. The database contains more than 2000 Monte Carlo models of evolution of real star cluster performed with the Mocca code. Then, we very briefly discuss results of analysis of the database regarding the following projects: formation of intermediate mass black holes, abrupt cluster dissolution harboring black hole subsystems, retention fraction of black hole - black hole mergers, and tidal disruption events with intermediate mass black holes.
For the first time we detected microlensing events at zero latitude in the Galactic bulge using the VISTA Variables in the Vía Laćtea Survey (VVV) data. We have discovered a total sample of N = 630 events within an area covering 20.7 sq. deg. Using the near-IR color magnitude diagram we selected N = 291 red clump sources, allowing us to analyse the longitude dependence of microlensing across the central region of the Galactic plane. We thoroughly accounted for the photometric and sampling efficiency. The spatial distribution is homogeneous, with the number of events smoothly increasing toward the Galactic center. We find a slight asymmetry, with a larger number of events toward negative longitudes than positive longitudes, that is possibly related with the inclination of the bar along the line of sight. We also examined the timescale distribution which shows a mean on 17.4 ± 1.0 days for the whole sample, and 20.7 ± 1.0 for the Red Clump subsample.
We study the evolution of a massive primordial hard black hole binary (BHB) in small-and intermediate-size isolated star clusters, modelled as proxies of galactic open clusters (OCs), by means of direct N-body simulations. Some of our models show a significant hardening of the BHB in a relatively short time. Some of them merge within the cluster. The perturbation of stars around BHB systems is key to induce their coalescence. Under our assumptions, we estimate a BHB merger rate of Rmrg ∼ 2 yr−1 Gpc−3. In some cases the BHB triggers tidal disruption events which, however, are not linked to the GW emission.
Nuclear Stellar Clusters are so dense stellar systems (containing up to 107 stars in few parsec radius) that their dynamics cannot be followed with the high precision, direct summation available N -body codes over a long integration time. Here we present the main idea of our new computational approach to study the dynamics of the MW NSC exploiting the facilities of the high precision hybrid parallelized code NBODY6++GPU. This strategy will allow us to study the evolution of the NSC over its 2-body relaxation time with an acceptable numerical effort by mean of a massive computational platform.
According to our current knowledge about physical and dynamical properties of the MilkyWay-M31 system, it seems likely that these two galaxies will collide and eventually merge in a time very sensitive to initial conditions. Using the HiGPUs code, we have performed several numerical simulations to study the dynamics of the system, trying to define the role of indeterminacy in the present day observed relative velocities of the two galaxies and the time of the merger. At the same time, we have followed the dynamics of the two massive black holes sitting in the galactic centers, to check (within the space and time resolution limits of our simulation) their relative motion upon the completion of the galaxies merger process.
The recent detection of a binary neutron star merger by the LIGO and Virgo collaborations (LVC) and its corresponding electromagnetic counterpart from several astronomer teams marks the birth of multi-messenger astronomy. Due to the size of the sky localization from a GW signal only, which can span tens to thousands of square degrees, there are significant benefits to rank the galaxies inside these large sky areas to maximize the probability of counterpart detection. Here we present a new procedure to query the galaxy catalogs, rank the galaxies and eventually define a prior for time allocation and scheduling algorithms.
A stochastic background of gravitational waves can be described basically as the superposition of several unrelated events, of cosmological or astrophysical origin. This is a generic definition: depending on specific cases the background can show a rich statistical structure, both in the space and time domain, and in principle several physical information of great interest can be extracted from it. I will discuss the features of this kind of signal, giving some details about how detection and parameter estimation procedures can be designed to obtain optimal performances.
The localization of Gravitational Wave (GW) sources, that is crucial in identifying their physical nature via the joint use of GW interferometers and other messengers (electromagnetic, neutrino, etc.), is mainly based on the observed delays between pairs of interferometers. Time-Frequency (TF) representations can be effectively used for GW detection and parameter estimation. In particular, it is possible to estimate the arrival time delay between the GW signals detected by two interferometers by suitably aligning the related TF maps. In this work we compare different TF representatons and alignment techniques, by using numerical simulation based on recent public-domain GW data.
The most general gravitational wave is composed of six polarization modes in metric theories of gravity. Polarization modes of gravitational waves can be used for the gravitational-wave tests of general relativity because the properties of polarization modes depend on the specific theory of gravity. We study the separability of the polarizations and the degeneracies between binary and polarization parameters for the inspiral gravitational waves from the compact binary coalescences.
The MAGIC Collaboration operates two Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescopes (IACTs) which investigate the gamma-ray sky from 50 GeV to 50 TeV. In recent years, the ever-increasing development of new measurement instruments and the new synergies between research teams world-wide have contributed to the beginning of the multi-messenger era. The performance characteristics of the MAGIC telescopes make them well suitable for multi-messenger studies: numerous follow-ups of gravitational and neutrino alerts have been performed, along with the historic detection of the first neutrino-blazar association TXS 0506+56. In this context, since recent years it is also possible for external scientists to contribute to the MAGIC Collaboration observations and scientific output.
PKS 1510-089 (z = 0.361), one of only a handful of flat spectrum radio quasars detected in the very high energy (VHE, E > 100 GeV) γ-rays, is known for its flux variability and complex multiwavelength behaviour. VHE observations by H.E.S.S. and MAGIC in May 2016 detected an unprecedented flare, both in intensity and in the shortness of its variability timescale. The flare lasted less than 48 hours, during which time the flux reached about 80 per cent of the Crab Nebula flux above 200 GeV. In addition, the intranight variability of this source was detected for the first time. Simultaneous observations in high energy (HE, E > 100 MeV) γ-rays performed with Fermi-LAT and optical R-band performed with ATOM show behaviour not consistent with simple simultaneous brightening in all bands. While a significant hardening of the spectrum is visible in HE, the flux increased only moderately. A simultaneous rise in daily-averaged optical flux was seen in the R-band. However, the intranight R-band flux evolution shows two prominent peaks, while only one is visible in the VHE range. These intriguing features of the flare will be presented in detail. We will also discuss possible explanations for the observed emission.
The detection of a cosmic neutrino flux by the IceCube telescope triggers the search for the astrophysical accelerators responsible for it. Among them, Galactic sources are expected to contribute at some level: thanks to its location in the Northern hemisphere, KM3NeT is optimally suited to constrain their contribution with a clean event sample of upgoing muon tracks. Therefore, it is timely to investigate the discovery potential of KM3NeT to extended sources of very-high-energy neutrinos. The study presented is based on a comparative analysis of the sensitivity of KM3NeT and CTA. The methods are then applied to two interesting Galactic gamma-ray sources: the brightest TeV supernova remnant, RX J1713.7-3946, and the Galactic Center Ridge.
We explore the sensitivity of the relic supernova neutrino background from core-collapse supernova explosions to the nuclear equation of state (EoS). This sensitivity arises largely from the contribution to neutrino emission from failed supernovae (fSNe). We consider a variety of astrophysical scenarios, including different progenitor masses, different cosmological star formation rates, starbursts, quiescent star formation, and a metallicity dependence of the initial mass function. We find that the EoS signature remains robust under a variety of conditions. We demonstrate the viability of future neutrino detectors to distinguish the nuclear EoS via the relic supernova neutrino spectrum.
The Chinese mission Insight–HXMT allows for a high sensitivity study of the X-ray sky in 1250 keV, thanks to a smart combination of collimated detectors operating in different energy bands and providing a source location accuracy of 1 arcmin for a 20-σ source. In addition to observing Galactic sources, the HXMT High Energy (HE) instrument also operates in the so-called GRB mode, that makes it possible to detect and characterise GRB prompt emission from 200 keV to 3 MeV with an effective area as high as 2000 cm2, thus filling the sensitivity gap of presently flying main GRB detectors in this energy range. We report the results of intensive simulations of the expected performances of HXMT for GRB science, showing how, especially in combination with, e.g., Swift/BAT and Fermi/GBM, the HXMT/HE will provide a significant improvement in the characterisation of temporal and spectral properties of the prompt emission of long GRBs, as well as an improved detection rate and better spectral characterisation of short GRBs.
We provide updated expectations for the diffuse gamma and neutrino emission produced in the TeV domain by the interaction of cosmic rays with the gas contained in the galactic disk. Motivated by recent analyses of the Fermi-LAT data, we consider different assumptions for the cosmic ray space and energy distribution in the Galaxy, including the possibility that cosmic ray energy spectrum depends on the galactocentric distance.
“Gap”-type particle acceleration in the vicinity of supermassive black holes (BHs), accompanied by curvature and Inverse Compton radiation, could in principle lead to variable gamma-ray emission that may be detectable with current instruments. We shortly comment on the occurrence of magnetospheric gaps at the jet base, and the realisation of different potentials. The detection of rapid variability becomes most instructive by imposing a constraint on possible gap sizes, thereby limiting extractable gap powers and allowing to assess the plausibility of a magnetospheric origin. The relevance of this is discussed for the radio galaxies M87 and IC310. The detection of magnetospheric gamma-ray emission generally allows for a sensitive probe of the near black hole region and is thus of prime interest for advancing our understanding of the (astro)physics of extreme environments.
We employ two radio surveys to find young energetic active galactic nuclei (AGN) with flat spectrum, and search for their counterpart in the Second Planck Catalogue of Compact Sources (PCCS2) at 353 GHz. We find 21 and 6 such AGN in the S4 and S5 Strong Source Surveys, respectively. Although none of them are within the error circle about the sky position of the track-type high-energy neutrinos already detected by the IceCube South Pole Neutrino Observatory, their flat spectrum and high-frequency detection imply they might emit neutrinos to be observed in the near future. Extending the list of these sources with the 114 flat spectrum AGN appearing with PCCS2-counterpart we already found in the Parkes Catalogue, we conclude that most of them have flux density between 400 ÷ 1400 mJy at 5 GHz. This range is a good selection criterion for the future campaigns at 5 GHz aiming to find the possible sources of high-energy neutrinos.
The Space Variable astronomical Object Monitor (SVOM) is a mission dedicated to the detection and characterization of Gamma-Ray Bursts and other high-energy astrophysical transients. SVOM is jointly developed by the Chinese Academy of Science (CAS), the Chinese National Space Administration (CNSA) and the French space agency (CNES) with a launch date foreseen at the end of 2021. SVOM will enable to observe new sources in a large wavelength domain, from the near infrared to gamma rays, thanks to its unique combination of space and ground based instruments. The space borne instruments include two wide field of view monitors, ECLAIRs and GRM, operating in the hard X-ray to gamma-ray energy band, and two narrow field telescopes, MXT and VT, operating in the X-ray and visible domain. On the ground three dedicated robotic telescopes, F-GFT-Colibri, C-GFT, and GWACs will provide complementary coverage in the near infrared and visible bands. SVOM alerts will be distributed publicly to the scientific community in order to enhance the scientific return of the mission.
Thanks to the introduction of a general Lagrangian, we derive a simple expression for Mercury perihelion advance (MPA) which can be applied to many historical examples, such as Poincaré’s 1906 application of his relativistic action, Einstein’s probable test of his 1912 metric, Einstein-Besso’s 1914 application of the Entwurf … as well as to modern presentations. We argue that Einstein’s failure to derive in his Zurich Notebook the right equations of general relativity has a physical rather than mathematical origin, which amounts to an incomplete application of the 1895 Lorentz Transformations to his 1911 formulation of the Equivalence Principle. MPA could have been already in his hands in 1912.
I comment on the three (Brazilian, British and North-American) expeditions organized to observe in Sobral, Brazil, the May 29, 1919 total solar eclipse.
In 1937, P.A.M. Dirac suggested the idea that the dimensionless constants of physics must be in relation with the epoch (age of the universe expressed in atomic units). From this hypothesis, known as Large Numbers Hypothesis or Dirac’s Principle, he built a cosmological model in 1938 and abandoned it.
Following this principle, P. Jordan developed a series of articles, translated by us, based on the conservation of the dimensionless numbers coincidence. He suggested a model of matter creation to counterbalance the expansion of the universe.
Surprisingly, in the seventies, Dirac came back to his Large Numbers Hypothesis and published a new cosmological model, based on a description of the universe using two metrics.
We intend to review and present the historical development of the Large Numbers Hypothesis and its consequences in cosmology through the works of these two famous authors.
In order to map and clarify the field of gravitation and dozens of alternative theories to General Relativity developed during the past century, I propose several visualizations of networks that illustrate the complexity of theoretical relations, hierarchy of concepts, historical evolution and authorship relations. Conceptual lattices are data driven, and formal concepts are analyzed using Concept Explorer and visualized in D3.
The interactive web display allows exploration of the network elements that contain information about the theories and their attributes. It also highlights super-concepts and sub-concepts, serving as a tool for the study of physical theories, their models and foundations. A tree type visualization, called the Gravity Apple Tree, relates common terms, authors and publications in time series for 12 branches of gravitation. Portraits of authors and links to more than 100 seminal articles are provided. Crucial experiments and observations, located in the time-line space, contrast with the theoretical branches. A citation network based on the seminal articles shows another view to the development of this theoretical field. Visualizations are available for exploration at (http://remo.cua.uam.mx/vis/Exploratorium/).
This article presents hitherto unpublished correspondence of Struble in 1947 with Menger, Chandrasekhar, and eventually Einstein, about a possible observational test supporting Einstein’s special relativity against Ritz’s emission theory using binary stars. This ‘Struble effect,’ an acceleration Doppler effect in emission theory, appears to have been overlooked, and the historical context, including de Sitter’s binary star test of special relativity, is also discussed.
The spectral classification introduced by Father Angelo Secchi, SJ (1818–1878) opened a new way to study the stars and the universe. We summarize the main achievements of his work and show how the following developments lead to the foundation of modern astrophysics.
The equation of time determines the difference between the mean solar noon and the true one. Graphically it is represented with an analemma, drawn also in the sundials made by Secchi (e.g. the ones of Grottaferrata and Augusta). The relationship between the day of the year and the corresponding equation of time, from Ptolemy to Clavius, is presented, including some medieval cases. Finally the Sundial of Boville Ernica made in 1865 by Secchi for public utility, as in his vision of science, is presented to wish a new restauration.
Optical spectroscopy developped so much in XIX century that many results required the quantum physics to be fully explained from selection rules to quantum probability. Angelo Secchi designed or modified some instruments like the Hoffman prisms to reach a great resolution, namely better than 1 Angstrom around the Sodium D-Lines. Alessandro Cacciani, who worked in Monte Mario Observatory and Sapienza University of Rome, invented and developped the MOF Magneto-Optical Filter by tuning the magnetic field in a vaporized sodium cell. The MOF is being used in the two MOT telescopes in Anctartica, and has been used in US and EU telescope reaching an extraordinary velocity resolution in the dopplerograms of the Sun. Two inventors in comparison, at a century of temporal distance, with Mount Mario Observatory ideally inherited the Collegio Romano story, because had the Merz telescope of Secchi until the fire of July 15, 1958.
Rome as every modern big city is heavily affected by the light pollution and the observation of the celestial objects is hampered by a luminous background. While a comparison with a rural place is made by observing the Orion nebula at the same heigth above the horizon and in the same meteorological conditions, an historical consideration is made by using the observations of years 1867–68 by Angelo Secchi of the same nebula, and upon the use of the meridian line of santa Maria degli Angeli for measuring the position of the Moon, and the instant of the full Moon used for the computation of the Easter’s sunday in Catholic Church. The observation of the Moon on the meridian line nowadays on the meridian line is obstacoled by the external lights of Termini Station and Repubblica Square.
As Secchi-Rosa law has been named the observed variation of the solar diameter with the solar cycle. It was considered a consequence of the solar activity on the outer layer of the stellar structure, and there was a discussion on the irradiation effect due to the Earth’s atmosphere. A comparison with the penumbra effect measured on the meridian line of Santa Maria degli Angeli and its debate since Cassini and Manfredi is made, and the definition of the solar limb as inflexion point are discussed. A relationship between position on the meridian line and extension of the penumbra is proposed from the analyzed data.
The research started from the birthdate of Angelo Secchi: June, 28, that is the vigil of St. Peter and Paul in Roman Catholic Church. In this congress Matteo Galaverni assessed the baptismal names of Angelo Secchi, clarifying that the pointed letter “P.” stands for Father, in Italian ”Padre”. So there is no connection between the names of Angelo Secchi, with the Prince of the Apostoles, but the question about the storicity of the feast of the two Apostoles dead both in Rome under the prosecution of Nero, remains. An archaic algorithm to fix relevant days of the year is still connected with some important dates of the present globalized World. These are ±40 days from solstices and equinoxes. The action of the Catholic Church to Christianize some of these feasts is outlined, but the conclusion is that the 29 of June is not connected with such algorithm and procedure, having reliably and historical root.
The father of Italian geodesy is Francesco Bianchini (1662–1729), who built the meridian line in the Basilica of S. Maria degli Angeli in Rome with the purpose of measuring accurately the variation of the obliquity of Earth’s orbit and the tropical year duration. He compared the observations of eclipses made in Rome and in Bologna, at the meridian line (1655) made by Giandomenico Cassini and found that the meridian of the Pontifical State was from Rome to Rimini. While Bianchini published many details of the meridian line in 1703, the presence of two decorations near the Summer solstice position has remained unexplained until 2018. Only one of them receives the image of the Sun nowadays and allows immediately to evaluate the secular shift of the solstice’s position. The position of the red marble strip under this decoration is the materialization of the solstitial center of the solar image in 1702. For 150 years the noon signal was given by that meridian line; Angelo Secchi was able to automatize the procedure of the ball-drop, as in Greenwich observatory. A signal was spread to the city, through the fall of a sphere visible from far on top of the Flamsteed house, to give the instant of the local meridian transit. This was established in 1833 and automated in 1852 by George B. Airy. Secchi realized a similar device upon the roof of St. Ignatius, where his Observatory was located. This ball-drop gave the signal to a cannon located at Castel Sant’Angelo, the cannon was moved later on Gianicolo hill. Nowadays the tradition of the cannon continues, without the intervention of astronomers. Secchi measured carefully the meridian of Rome, and paved the way to the modern geodesy and the fundamental meridian of Italy at 12° 27’ 08” from Greenwich on top of Monte Mario.
Angelo Secchi, following the tradition started with father Christopher Clavius (1535– 1612) who wrote a mathematical treatise (1581) on Gnomonics, realized sundials and quadrants. The equation of time determines the difference between the mean solar noon and the transit of the Sun at the meridian line. Its behavior depends on two facts: the obliquity of the ecliptic and its eccentricity. The first is determinant for the double sinus curve during a year and the second for the asymmetry of the approach to the solstices, which determines some cares when the parabolic fit is adopted. It confirms the difficulty of measuring the solstices with respect to the equinoxes already evidenced in Ptolemy’s Almagest.
This paper is rewritten from an original paper of 1976. It is in Italian and gives a complete framing of the scientific activity of Angelo Secchi in comparison with his contemporaries. Alexandre Namara published this contribution in a famous book “les secrets de l’Astronomie” published in Geneva in 1976 and translated into 4 languages.
Why Angelo Secchi has been a giant in solar physics? the following considerations will demonstrate this thesis. Both observationally, experimentally and theoretically Secchi was always at the cutting edge of his times in the realm of solar physics and astrophysics. His book Le Soleil has recently been reprinted by Forgotten Books (August 6, 2018) and Il Sole, Italian version, is being published by Gerbertus Academic Journal (2019). The experience of Secchi drove me during the PhD Thesis at Sorbonne University, through his book Le Soleil.
Magnetic fields affect the structure of compact objects. The anisotropy produced by the magnetic field in the pressures suggests the necessity of using structure equations considering the axial symmetry of the magnetized system. In this work, we propose a model that generalizes the Tolman-Oppenheimer-Volkoff equations for the magnetized case and discuss some preliminary results for WDs equations of state. Our calculations are based on the γ-metrics where the parameter γ relates the deformation with the anisotropy in the pressures.
We examine crustal torsional oscillations, newly taking into account the effect of the pasta structure. We find from eigenmode analyses for various models of the equation of state of uniform nuclear matter that the fundamental frequencies of such oscillations are almost independent of the incompressibility of symmetric nuclear matter K0, but strongly depend on the slope parameter of the nuclear symmetry energy L. On the other hand, we also find that the frequencies of the 1st overtones depend strongly on not only L but also K0. By comparing the resultant frequencies to the quasi-periodic oscillations observed in the giant flares, we can constrain the values of L and K0. Furthermore, considering the constraints on K0 obtained from the terrestrial nuclear experiments, we can successfully make a more severe constant on L.
The low density contribution to the tidal deformability and moment of inertia of a neutron star are calculated via various well known equations of state. The contributions to the moment of inertia are directly calculated, whilst the tidal deformability’s are constructed through comparing an equation of state with a fit with the low density region removed. With the recent measurement of GW170817 providing constraints on the tidal deformability, it is very important to understand what features of the equation of state have the biggest effect on it.
Different extensions of the Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model, known to satisfy expected QCD chiral symmetry aspects, are used to investigate a possible hadron-quark phase transition at zero temperature and to build the corresponding binodal sections.
Neutron stars are objects where matter and fields can be tested to the extreme. In their interior, ordinary matter with a majority of nucleons (N) may coexist with a component of exotic matter that constitutes the so-called dark matter. It is believed that this latter type of matter constitutes nearly 80% of all mater in the currently accepted cosmological paradigm for our Universe. Popular candidates for such a kind of matter belong to extensions of the Standard Model of particle physics. In this contribution we discuss the impact of a component of self-annihilating fraction of dark matter (χ) that may be present in the star. We focus on the microscopics of the energy deposit arising from the annihilation process χχ → Nγ in the dense core of a NS. We show that even if a tiny portion of matter inside the NS is dark matter it may trigger critical changes in the equation of state (EoS) of regular hadronic stars, provided its mass, mχ, and cross-section scattering off nucleons, σχN, resides in a suitable allowed region of the dark parameter phase space.
We present two recent parametrizations of the equation of state (FSU2R and FSU2H models) that reproduce the properties of nuclear matter and finite nuclei, fulfill constraints on high-density matter stemming from heavy-ion collisions, produce 2M⊙ neutron stars, and generate neutron star radii below 13 km. Making use of these equations of state, cooling simulations for isolated neutron stars are performed. We find that two of the models studied, FSU2R (with nucleons) and, in particular, FSU2H (with nucleons and hyperons), show very good agreement with cooling observations, even without including nucleon pairing. This indicates that cooling observations are compatible with an equation of state that produces a soft nuclear symmetry energy and, thus, generates small neutron star radii. Nevertheless, both schemes produce cold isolated neutron stars with masses above 1.8M⊙.
BlackHoleCam is a project funded by a European Research Council Synergy Grant to build a complete astrophysical description of nearby supermassive black holes by using a combination of radio imaging, pulsar observations, stellar astrometry and general relativistic magneto-hydrodynamic models. BlackHoleCam scientists are active partners of the Event Horizon Telescope Consortium. In this talk I will discuss the use of pulsars orbiting Sagittarius A for tests of General Relativity, the current difficulties in detecting such sources, recent results from the Galactic Centre magnetar PSR J1745-2900 and how BlackHoleCam aims to search for undiscovered pulsars in the Galactic Centre.
We study the gravitational lensing by a Kerr-Sen black hole spacetime which arises a solution to the low-energy effective field theory for four-dimensional heterotic string theory. A closed form expression of the deflection angle of light rays lensed by the Kerr-Sen black hole is derived as a function of impact parameter, spin and charge in the equatorial plane of the black hole. It is observed that charge parameter behaves differently from the spin parameter for the photons in direct and retrograde orbits around the black hole. The deflection angle becomes larger in strong field limit with an increment in the value of charge parameter and it is observed that this effect is more perceptible in case of the direct orbits as compared to the retro orbits. The results obtained are also compared with the corresponding cases of well known Kerr black hole in general relativity (GR).
Number counts observations available with new surveys such as the Euclid mission will be an important source of information about the metric of the Universe. We compute the low red-shift expansion for the density contrast using an exact spherically symmetric solution in presence of a cosmological constant. At low red-shift the expansion is more precise than linear perturbation theory prediction. We then use the local expansion to reconstruct the metric from the monopole of the density contrast. We test the inversion method using numerical calculations and find a good agreement within the regime of validity of the red-shift expansion. The method could be applied to observational data to reconstruct the metric of the local Universe with a level of precision higher than the one achievable using perturbation theory.
We consider light propagation as a probe of non-metricity in area metric spacetimes, and find a deviation from the standard Etherington relation for linearized area metric Schwarzschild. This is joint work with Frederic P. Schuller (Erlangen University).
We reconstruct early-universe GW conditions, before the onset of inflation. The idea is as follows. e-Fold expansion of the universe due to inflation is of the order of 1026. Hence, the goal is to produce relic gravitational waves with a device having a signal with frequencies around 1010 Hz, which is in line with todays theoretical GW frequencies of 1016 Hz for relic big-bang GW detected in the present era. Measuring 1010 Hz in a laboratory would be a proof of the calculated e-fold value of, say, 60.
A unified approach to the study of classical and quantum spin in external fields is developed. Understanding the dynamics of particles with spin and dipole moments in arbitrary gravitational, inertial and electromagnetic fields is important in astrophysics and high-energy and heavy-ion experimental physics.
There is an ever growing number of proposals for high precision experiments to measure gravitational effects, from simple Newtonian gravity to gravitational waves and even precision tests of general relativity (GR). In particular, more and more researchers from the fields of quantum optics and quantum opto-mechanics are becoming interested in GR and propose metrological experiments. Usually, such proposals rely heavily on a notion of length. However, in GR, as coordinates have no physical meaning, there is no unique concept for the length of a matter system. In this proceedings article, we summarize the article, where the conceptual problem of length is addressed for a subset of experimental proposals. In particular, the effect of gravitational fields and acceleration on the frequency spectrum of an optical resonator is discussed in the framework of GR. The optical resonator is modeled as a deformable rod of matter connecting two mirrors. Explicit expressions for the frequency spectrum are given for the case of a small perturbation. Example situations are discussed and a connection is obtained to a relativistic concept of rigidity.
We discuss the interaction of gravitational waves with spinning particle. To obtain physically measurable quantities, we make use of Fermi coordinates and we show that, using these coordinates, the magnetic-like (or gravitomagnetic) part of the gravitational field of the wave is emphasized. Eventually, we evaluate the magnitude of the effects induced by the waves on spinning particles, and discuss some measurement possibilities.
Inertial sensors based on atom interferometers have demonstrated extremely high levels of sensitivity thus allowing for accurate measurements of gravitational interactions. Most such sensors employ multi-photon transitions induced by laser fields to manipulate the atomic wavepackets that enter an interferometer. However, this approach cannot totally suppress the contribution of the laser phase noise to the gravitational signal when two sensors are separated by a large distance. In this article, a proof-of-principle experiment for an interferometer operating on the single-photon clock transition of strontium atoms is described. This configuration can suppress the effect of laser phase noise and therefore provides a promising condidate for the detection of low-frequency gravitational waves.
Large ring lasers have improved significantly in recent years, such that we are now in the position to separate and mitigate error sources that are not directly related to the rotation sensing process from the Sagnac interferogram. As a result, we are now able to reduce the measurement error of the 16 m2 G ring laser of the Geodetic Observatory Wettzell by a factor of two. Improvements in the measurement of the relevant parameters for the backscatter correction remove most of the sensor drift effects, so that the backscatter induced coupling is no longer a real concern. Now that we can separate the mechanisms of the error contributors much better, we can mitigate them in a more effective way. In this paper we report on the latest progress.
The Lagrange points of the Sun/Earth pair form an interesting reference frame corotating with the Earth around the barycenter of the pair. Here we propose to use them as a base for a “rigid” physical loop allowing for the propagation of electromagnetic signals along a closed contour. If a gravito-magnetic field is concatenated with the loop, it produces an asymmetry of the times of flight in opposite directions, just as for the classical Sagnac effect. Due to the large scale of the loop, an experiment based on these premises could allow for a measurement of the angular momentum of the Sun and also the detection of the angular momentum of the dark halo of the Milky Way, if it exists.
We describe how to create a measurable unbalanced gravitational acceleration using a gravitomagnetic field surrounding a superconducting toroid. Such a gravitomagnetic toroid has been experimentally quite impractical. However recent advances in nanorod superconducting wire technology has enabled a new class of SMES devices operating at current densities and magnetic field strengths sufficient to develop measurable gravitomagnetic fields, while still maintaining mechanical integrity. In the present paper an experimental SMES toroid configuration is proposed that uses an absolute quantum gravimeter to measure acceleration fields along the axis of symmetry of a toroidal coil, thus providing experimental confirmation of the additive nature of the gravitomagnetic fields, as well as the production of a linear component of the overall acceleration field.
Light stable axions, originally proposed to solve the strong CP problem of quantum chromodynamics (QCD), emerge now as leading candidates of WISP dark matter. The axion-electron coupling, explicitly predicted by some models, can be exploited to envisage novel detectors complementary to the “Sikivie haloscope”. In fact, due to the Earth motion with respect the dark matter halo, the interaction of relic axions with electron spins results in an effective magnetic field that inject power in magnetized media. In this proceeding we present the QUAX proposal of a ferromagnetic haloscope and the related ongoing experimental activity at the National Laboratories of Legnaro (Italy). The experimental parameters required to achieve cosmologically relevant sensitivity with our detector will be discussed. Some preliminary results on the operation of the QUAX prototype are eventually presented.
Motivated by reported claims of the measurements of a variation of the fine structure constant α we consider a theory where the electric charge, and consequently α, is not a constant but depends on the Ricci scalar R. We then study the cosmological implications of this theory, considering in particular the effects of dark energy and of a cosmological constant on the evolution of α. Some low-red shift expressions for the variation of α(z) are derived, showing the effects of the equation of state of dark energy on α and observing how future measurements of the variation of the fine structure constant could be used to determine indirectly the equation of state of dark energy and test this theory. In the case of a ΛCDM Universe, according to the current estimations of the cosmological parameters, the present value of the Ricci scalar is ≈ 10% smaller than its future asymptotic value determined by the value of the cosmological constant, setting also a bound on the future asymptotic value of α.
A key lesson from the multi-messenger observations of colliding neutron stars is the importance of having accurate templates to compare with observations. This manuscript demonstrates the production of such templates for the evolution of cosmological parameters and fundamental constants using the beta function formalism. The beta function in this formalism is the derivative of the scalar field with respect to the natural log of the scale factor. This demonstration utilizes the quintessence cosmology with an inverse power law dark energy potential as an example but the formalism is expandable to other dark energy potentials and cosmologies. The advantage of the beta function formalism is that it produces analytic solutions of the evolutions as a function of the scale factor which is a fundamental observable quantity.
Deployment of quantum technology in space provides opportunities for new types of precision tests of gravity. On the other hand, the operational demands of such technology can make previously unimportant effects practically relevant. We describe a novel optical interferometric red-shift measurement and a measurement scheme designed to witness the possible spin-gravity coupling effects.
GINGER (Gyroscopes IN GEneral Relativity) is a project based on an array of large dimension ring laser gyroscopes, which is aiming at measuring in a ground laboratory the gravito-electric and gravito-magnetic effects (also known as De Sitter and Lense-Thirrings effect), foreseen by General Relativity, and proposed at the underground Gran Sasso laboratory (LNGS). The geometry control to keep constant the scale factor and the optimal orientation of the array have been studied. GINGERINO, a square ring-laser prototype built inside LNGS, has shown the advantages of an underground location for GINGER. At present, it is the only high sensitivity laser gyro running unattended in a seismically active area. It recorded the large signals of the sequence of the central Italy 2016 earthquakes and microseismic signals of the Mediterranean area five orders of magnitude smaller. The analysis of 90 days of continuous operation shows that its duty cycle is higher than 95%, with noise limit of the order of 10−10(rad/s)/√Hz.
With the technology development in the cold atomic clock etc. and the gyposcope etc., many relativistic geodetic project and the plan of Atomic Gravitational wave Interferometric Sensor (AGIS) was proposed. Here we introduce one plan of spacetime structure exploration in the earth-moon system by the above mentioned thecniques, which focus on surveying the gravitational potential and gravitational first order redshift in spacetime geometry of the earth-moon system. We also discussed that apply those satellites and instrumenmts to find Geometrodynamic field moment which include gravitomagnetic clock, the possible CPT violation (Lorentz Invariance Violation) from Gravitional second order Redshift.
The dimensionality of the quantum spacetime is often understood in terms of the spectral dimension; a different notion of dimensionality, the thermal dimension, has recently been proposed by some of us in Ref. 1. We showed through the study of specific models of quantum gravity that, in those cases where the spectral dimension has puzzling physical properties, the thermal dimension gives a different and more meaningful picture. In Ref. 2, we applied the statistical mechanics developed to define the thermal dimension to the study of the production of primordial cosmological scalar perturbations, assuming a running Newton constant and Rainbow Gravity. Here, we briefly review the main arguments and results of these studies.
Nonlocal quantum gravity is a class of fundamental theories whose classical and quantum dynamics is specified by “form factors”, operators with infinitely many derivatives. After briefly reviewing this paradigm and its role in the resolution of big-bang and black-hole singularities, we count the number of nonpertubative field degrees of freedom as well as the number of initial conditions to be specified to solve the Cauchy problem. In particular, in four dimensions and for the string-related form factor, there are 8 degrees of freedom (2 graviton polarization modes, which propagate, and 6 nonpropagating rank-2 tensor modes) and 4 initial conditions. The method to obtain this result is illustrated for the case of a nonlocal scalar field.
We generalize the semiclassical treatment of graviton radiation to gravitational scattering at very large energies E ≫ MP and finite scattering angles θs, so as to approach the collapse regime. Our basic tool is the extension of the recently proposed, unified form of radiation to the Amati-Ciafaloni-Veneziano reduced-action model. By resumming eikonal scattering diagrams, we are able to derive the corresponding (unitary) coherent-state operator. The resulting graviton spectrum, tuned on the gravitational radius R, fully agrees with previous calculations for small angles θs ≪ 1 but, for sizeable angles θs ∼ 1 acquires an exponential cutoff of the large frequency region (ω > 1/R), due to energy conservation, so as to emit a finite fraction of the total energy. In the approach-to-collapse regime we find a radiation enhancement due to large tidal forces, so that the whole energy is radiated off, with a large multiplicity ⟨N⟩ ∼ Gs ≫ 1 and a well-defined frequency cutoff of order 1/R. The latter corresponds to the Hawking temperature for a black hole of mass somewhat smaller than E.
The Hamiltonian formulation of modified dispersion relations (MDRs) allows for their implementation on generic curved spacetimes. In turn it is possible to derive phenomenological effects. I will present how to construct the kappa-Poincare dispersion relation on curved spacetimes, its spherically symmetric realizations, among them the kappa deformation of Schwarzschild spacetime, and its implementation on Friedmann-Lemaître-Robertson-Walker spacetimes with arbitrary scale factor. In addition we will construct the general first order modifications of the general relativistic dispersion relation. After-wards we will use the perturbative MDRs to calculate specific observables such as the redshift, lateshift and photon circular orbits.
I present recent results concerning the statistical description of the Black Hole entropy in terms of trapped gravitons. In particular, I present a theorem depicting a possible physical mechanism, from finite size effects induced by Planckian fluctuations, giving trapped gravitons with a linear equation of state. As a consequence, logarithmic corrections to the Black Hole entropy naturally arise. Finally, it is also shown that such a mechanism allows a statistical description of macroscopic configurations made of cosmological constant in terms of massless excitations within a spherical box.
We study how one can avoid some ultraviolet problems in the description of a perturbative inhomogeneous Dirac field in inflationary hybrid Loop Quantum Cosmology (LQC). Within a canonical approach for the entire cosmology, we consider different separations between the canonical variables that describe the homogeneous geometry and the fermionic perturbations. Each of such choices leads to a different fermionic contribution to the total Hamiltonian. In the hybrid quantization scheme, a quantum version of that contribution contains a backreaction term on the homogeneous part of the wavefunction. We provide the conditions on the choice of fermionic variables that lead to a finite backreaction.
Cosmology appears as the most promising way to test and constrain quantum gravity theories. Loop quantum gravity is among the most advanced attempts to perform a non-perturbative quantization of general relativity. Its cosmological counterpart, loop quantum cosmology, has clear predictions both for the cosmological background and for the perturbations. In particular, the initial Big Bang singularity is replaced by a bounce due to quantum geometry effects. In this proceeding I will focus on new results obtained in loop quantum cosmology: i) the prediction of the duration of inflation as a function of all the unknown parameters of the model and ii) new primordial power spectra obtained with modified dispersion relations accounting for trans-planckian effects.
Loop Quantum Cosmology has recently been applied to extend the analysis of primordial perturbations to the Planck era. Two approaches to Loop Quantum Cosmology leading to predictions that can be compatible with observations are the so-called hybrid and dressed metric approaches. In spite of their similarities, we show that the effective equations that they provide for the evolution of the perturbations are different. When backreaction is neglected, the discrepancy appears only in the time-dependent mass term of the corresponding field equations. We explain the origin of this difference.
Some recent results on black holes in effective loop quantum gravity are presented. Quantum gravity effects might allow the transition of a black hole into a white hole, when the Planck density is reached. I briefly review previous studies and focus on the random nature of the bouncing lifetime which was not previously taken into account. I show that, when we consider a stochastic lifetime, the signal emitted by bouncing black holes might explain fast radio bursts. Then, I present new results on the absorption cross sections calculated for a quasi Schwarzschild black hole including loop quantum gravity corrections. The black hole geometry deformation due to quantum effects has consequences for the cross sections and the Hawking spectrum.
We summarize our investigations of the second-order perturbations in loop quantum cosmology (LQC). We shall discuss, primarily, two aspects. Firstly, whether the second-order contributions arising from the cosmic bounce, occurring at Planck scale, could be large enough to break the validity of perturbation theory. Secondly, the implications of the upper bounds on primordial non-Gaussianity, arrived at by the Planck collaboration, on the LQC phenomenology.
In this proceeding we consider a massive charged scalar field in a uniform electric field background in a de Sitter spacetime (dS). We compute the in-vacuum expectation value of the trace of the energy-momentum tensor for the created Schwinger pairs, and using adiabatic subtraction scheme the trace is regularized. The effect of the Schwinger pair creation on the evolution of the Hubble constant is investigated. We find that the production of the semiclassical pairs leads to a decay of the Hubble constant. Whereas, the production of a light scalar field in the weak electric field regime leads to a superacceleration phenomenon.
Quantum corrections to the Maxwell equations induced by light-by-light (LbL) scattering can significantly modify the propagation of light in vacuum. Studying the Heisenberg-Euler Lagrangian, it can be shown that, in some configurations, the polarization of plane monochromatic waves oscillates periodically between different helicity states, due to LbL scattering. We discuss the physical implications of this finding, and the possibility of measuring this effect in optical experiments.
Using the symmetry of the near-horizon geometry and applying quantum field theory of a complex scalar field, we study the spontaneous pair production of charged scalars from near-extremal rotating, electrically and/or magnetically charged black holes. Analytical expressions for pair production, vacuum persistence and absorption cross section are found, and the spectral distribution is given a thermal interpretation. The pair production in near-extremal black holes has a factorization into the Schwinger effect in AdS and Schwinger effect in Rindler space, measuring the deviational from extremality. The associated holographical correspondence is confirmed at the 2-point function level by comparing the absorption cross section ratio as well as the pair production rate both from the gravity and the conformal field theories. The production of monopoles is discussed.
We consider pair production phenomena in spatially homogeneous strong electric fields. We focus on spinor QED in two-dimensions and discuss the potential ambiguity in the adiabatic order assignment for the electromagnetic potential required to fix the renormalization subtractions. This ambiguity can be univocally fixed by imposing, at the semiclassical level, stress-energy conservation when both electric and gravitational backgrounds are present.
In this proceedings article, we review the results presented in [Fabienne Schneiter et al. 2018 Class. Quantum Grav. 35 195007] on the gravitational field of light in a laser beam, modeled as a solution to Maxwell’s equations perturbatively expanded in the beam divergence. Using this approach, wave properties of light, such as diffraction, are taken into account that have been neglected in earlier studies. Interesting features of the gravitational field of laser beams become apparent like frame-dragging due to the intrinsic angular momentum of light and the deflection of parallel co-propagating test beams for short distances to the source beam.
We explore the enhancement of an electromagnetic field in an inflationary background with an anti-conductive plasma of scalar particles. The scalar particles are created by Schwinger effect in curved spacetime and backreact to the electromagnetic field. The possibility of a negative conductivity was recently put forward in the context of the renormalization of the Schwinger induced current in de Sitter spacetime. While a negative conductivity enhances the produced magnetic field, we find that it is too weak to seed the observed intergalactic magnetic field today. This result on pair creation in inflationary scenario is however important for primordial scenarii of magnetogenesis as the presence of a conductivity alters the spectral index of the magnetic field. This also shows on a specific example that backreaction can increase the electromagnetic field and not only suppress it.
We investigate the influence of the surface electrical charge in the static equilibrium configuration of white dwarfs, this is possible by solving numerically the hydrostatic equilibrium equation for the charged case. We consider that the fluid in the star is described by a fully degenerate electron gas and that the electric charge is distributed close to the surface of the white dwarf. We found that super-Chandrasekhar mass white dwarfs are found for a large surface electrical charge.
We sketch a possible evolutionary scenario by which a highly magnetized super-Chandrasekhar white dwarf could be formed by accretion on to a commonly observed magnetized white dwarf. This is an exploratory study, when the physics in cataclysmic variables (CVs) is very rich and complex. Based on this, we also explore the possibility that the white dwarf pulsar AR Sco acquired its high spin and magnetic field due to repeated episodes of accretion and spin-down. We show that strong magnetic field dramatically decreases luminosity of highly magnetized white dwarf (B-WD), letting them below the current detection limit. The repetition of this cycle can eventually lead to a B-WD, recently postulated to be the reason for over-luminous type Ia supernovae. A spinning B-WD could also be an ideal source for continuous gravitational radiation and soft gamma-ray repeaters (SGRs) and anomalous X-ray pulsars (AXPs). SGRs/AXPs are generally believed to be highly magnetized, but observationally not confirmed yet, neutron stars. Invoking B-WDs does not require the magnetic field to be as high as for neutron star based model, however reproducing other observed properties intact.
White dwarf stars are widely studied as being composed of an ion lattice embedded in a degenerate fermion gas. However, at the beginning of their lives these stars are subject to temperatures that can reach up to T = 109K. In this limit there is no longer total degeneracy and a temperature-dependent equation of state (EOS) is needed to take in account the Fermi-Dirac occupation factor of fermion levels. In this article, we will study this regime, in particular the effect of positrons in the EOS and in the hot white dwarf structure.
Anomalous X-ray pulsars (AXPs) and soft-gamma repeaters (SGRs) form together a single class of astrophysical sources characterized by the emission of strong X-ray bursts and persistent emission with luminosity 1031–1036 erg/s in the 0.2–10 keV energy range. These objects are commonly associated to magnetars, i.e. neutron stars endowed with ultra-strong magnetic fields. New-generation X-ray polarimeters like IXPE (NASA SMEX program), to be launched in 2021, will play a key role in assessing the nature of these sources by directly probing the star magnetic field. In fact, in the highly magnetized environment radiation is expected to be strongly polarized and such a measure will be easily within reach of IXPE. Polarization measurements will eventually confirm the presence of ultra-strong magnetic fields, probing the magnetar scenario. In this work I will discuss theoretical expectations, within the magnetar scenario, for the polarization signature of AXPs and SGRs and present numerical simulations for the response of the new-generation polarimeters currently under construction. I will also show how these sources can be used to test vacuum birefringence, a QED effect predicted by Heisemberg and Euler in the ‘30s and not experimentally verified as yet.
The persistent emission of the anomalous X-ray pulsar 4U 0142+61 extends over a broad range of energy, from mid-infrared up to hard X-rays. In particular, this object is unique among soft gamma-ray repeaters (SGRs) and anomalous X-ray pulsars (AXPs) in presenting simultaneously mid-infrared emission and also pulsed optical emission. In spite of having many propositions to explain this wide range of emission, it is still lacking one that reproduces simultaneously all the observations. Filling this gap, we present a model that is able, for the first time, to reproduce simultaneously the entire spectral energy distribution of 4U 0142+61 using plausible physical components and parameters. We propose that the persistent emission comes from an accreting white dwarf (WD) surrounded by a debris disk. This model is thoroughly discussed at Ref. 2 and assumes that: (i) the hard X-rays are due to the bremsstrahlung emission from the post-shock region of the accretion column; (ii) the soft X-rays are originated by hot spots on the WD surface; and (iii) the optical and infrared emissions are caused by an optically thick dusty disk, the WD photosphere, and the tail of the post-shock region emission. In this scenario, 4U 0142+61 harbors a fast-rotator near-Chandrasekhar WD, which is highly magnetized. Such a WD can be formed by a merger of two less massive WDs.