Effect of salinity-alkalinity stress on seed germination of Cichorium intybus L.
Taking seeds of Cichorium intybus L. as materials, using the method of germination in petri dish, effect on C. intybus L. seeds germination under different concentrations of NaCl, NaHCO3 solution and both 1:1 mixed solution stress and after the stress being removed was studied, in order to investigate salinity tolerance ability of C. intybus L. seeds. The results showed that seed germination rate, germination potential and relative germination rate was decreased with NaCl, NaHCO3 and both 1:1 mixed concentration was increased. At high concentration, the inhibitory effect of seed was the most significant. The optimal, critical and limit value of NaCl that affected relative germination rate was 3.509‰, 5.644‰, 7.779‰; these of NaHCO3 concentration was 3.448‰, 5.736‰, 8.023‰ and these of both 1:1 mixed concentration was 4.076‰, 6.654‰, 9.232‰. The results of relief stress suggested that seeds stressed of higher concentration of NaCl, NaHCO3 and both 1:1 mixed still had greater germination capacity especially, it showed the seeds of C. intybus L. had stronger resistance to salt and alkali.