Physics of Higgs Boson Family
In the Standard Model, there is the single Higgs field, ϕ, which gives rise to constituent quark and lepton masses. The Yukawa coupling is a highly complex set of 3×3 matrices, resulting in many textures of quark and lepton masses.
In this talk, I present a model which transfers the complexity of the Yukawa coupling matrices to a family of Higgs fields, so that the Yukawa coupling itself becomes a simple interaction.
In the context of this Enriched Standard Model, we introduce a new r-symmetry in the extended SU(2)L × U(1)Y × U(1)R model and show how the 125 GeV and 750 GeV resonances may be identified with H and H′, the key members of the Higgs family, with H being in every way identifed with the SM Higgs. There are interesting consequences of their 2γ decay widths.