Statistical Theory of Irregular Waves
The following sections are included:
Distribution of Wave Heights
Envelope of Irregular Wave Profile
The Rayleigh Distribution of Wave Heights
Probability Distribution of Largest Wave Height
Wave Grouping
Wave Grouping and Its Quantitative Description
Probability Distribution of Run Length for Uncorrelated Waves
Correlation Coefficient Between Successive Wave Heights
Theory of Run Length for Mutually Correlated Wave Heights
Distribution of Wave Periods
Mean Period of Zero-Upcrossing Waves
Marginal Distribution of Wave Periods and Joint Distribution of Wave Heights and Periods
Maxima of Irregular Wave Profiles
Nonlinearity of Sea Waves
Nonlinearity of Surface Elevation
Effects of Wave Nonlinearity on Characteristic Wave Heights and Periods
Nonlinear Components of Wave Spectrum
Sampling Variability of Sea Waves