Random waves are the most important constituent of the sea environment, as they make the design of maritime structures quite different from that of structures on land. In this book, the concept of random waves for the design of breakwaters, seawalls, and harbor structures is fully explored for easy comprehension by practicing engineers. Theoretical aspects are also discussed in detail for further studies by graduate students and researchers.

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Chapter 1: Introduction (149 KB)
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- Random Sea Waves and Engineering Applications:
- Introduction
- Statistical Properties and Spectral of Sea Waves
- Generation, Transformation and Deformation of Random Sea Waves
- Design of Vertical Breakwaters
- Design of Coastal Dikes and Seawalls
- Probabilities Design of Breakwaters
- Harbor Tranquility
- Hydraulic Model Tests with Random Waves
- Statistical Theories of Random Sea Waves:
- Description of Random Sea Waves
- Statistical Theory of Irregular Waves
- Techniques of Irregular Wave Analysis
- 2-D Computation of Wave Transformation with Random Breaking and Nearshore Currents
- Statistical Analysis of Extreme Waves:
- Statistical Analysis of Extreme Waves
- Waves and Beach Morphology:
- Coastline Change and Coastal Reconnaissance
- Prediction and Control of Shoreline Evolution
Readership: Advanced undergraduate and graduate students, and practitioners in coastal and harbor engineering.
Dr. Yoshimi Goda worked at the Port and Harbour Research Institute, a national laboratory, for 31 years and served as the Director General for two years. He then joined the Faculty of Engineering of Yokohama National University for two years. Upon his retirement in March 2000 he was given the title of Professor Emeritus.
He is a pioneer in the field of engineering applications of random sea waves as exemplified by his book �Random Seas and Design of Maritime Structures,� the third edition of which will be published in 2010 from the World Scientific. For his distinguished research accomplishments, he has received the International Coastal Engineering Award of the American Society of Civil Engineers in 1989 and many other awards. He is a recipient of the Middle Order of Sacred Treasure with blue ribbon awarded by the Emperor of Japan.