The quantized Hamiltonian and currents for the skyrmion are derived in the curvelinear collective coordinates which describes the rotation of the soliton. The Euler-Lagrange equation for the rotated pion field is derived. It turns out to be the operator equations for the conservation of the axial-vector current in the massless pion case and the PCAC relation in the massive pion case. It admits stable rotating soliton solutions. The derived vector currents are applied to calculate the electromagnetic mass differences between the proton and the neutron and among the Δ’s. A down-up quark mass difference of −2 MeV is needed to explain the observed nucleon mass difference. The Goldberger-Treiman relation is derived in the massive pion case. The root mean square radii for the πNN vertex, the axial-vector form factor and the magnetic form factors are calculated in the Skyrme model.