This review volume on topological and nontopological chiral solitons presents a global view on the current developments of this field in particle and nuclear physics. The book addresses problems in quantization, restoration of translational and rotational symmetry, and the field theoretical approach to solitons which are common problems in the field of solitons. Primarily aimed for graduate students and the novice in the field, the collected articless cover a broad spectrum of topics in formalism as well as phenomenology.
- Skyrmions and Current Algebra (C-H Tze)
- Effective Lagrangians from Chiral Quark Dynamics (L-H Chan)
- Static Properties of Skyrmions (G Adkins)
- Phenomenology of the Meson-Skyrmion System (M Mattis)
- The Baryon-Baryon Interaction in the Skyrme Model (R Vinh Mau)
- A Chiral Quark Soliton Model (M Banerjee et al.)
- Effective Lagrangian Methods in QCD (L Celenza & C Shakin)
- The Non-topological Soliton Bag Model (L Wilets)
- Quantization of the Skyrme Soliton (C-W Wong)
- Skyrmion Quantization and Phenomenology (B-A Li & K-F Liu)
- Rotating Skyrmions in Hamiltonian Formalism (H Verschelde)
- Modeling the Field-Theory Skyrmion (J Ralston)
- The Nucleon as a Pionic Soliton (M Bolsterli & J Parmentola)
- Meson-Soliton Scattering with Soliton Recoil (J Parmentola & I Zahed)
Readership: High energy, nuclear, condensed matter and mathematical physicists.