The detection of gravitational waves in 2015 has been hailed a scientific breakthrough and one of the most significant scientific discoveries of the 21st century. Gravitational-wave physics and astronomy are emerging as a new frontier in understanding the universe.
Advanced Interferometric Gravitational-Wave Detectors brings together many of the world's top experts to deliver an authoritative and in-depth treatment on current and future detectors. Volume I is devoted to the essentials of gravitational-wave detectors, presenting the physical principles behind large-scale precision interferometry, the physics of the underlying noise sources that limit interferometer sensitivity, and an explanation of the key enabling technologies that are used in the detectors. Volume II provides an in-depth look at the Advanced LIGO and Advanced Virgo interferometers, as well as examining future interferometric detector concepts. This two-volume set will provide students and researchers the comprehensive background needed to understand gravitational-wave detectors.
Sample Chapter(s)
Chapter 1: Gravitational waves and their interactions with detectors
- Preface
- Volume I: Essentials of Gravitational-Wave Detectors:
- Part A: Gravitational Waves and Their Interactions with Detectors:
- Gravitational Waves and Their Interactions with Detectors (Rainer Weiss)
- Interferometer Configuration and Response (Seiji Kawamura and Masayuki Nakano)
- Global Detector Networks (Marica Branchesi and Stanley Whitcomb)
- Part B: Understanding Fundamental Noises:
- Quantum Noise (David E McClelland, Nergis Mavalvala, and Roman Schnabel)
- Thermal Noise (Sheila Rowan)
- Seismic Noise and Gravity-Gradient Noise (Jo van den Brand)
- Non-Fundamental Noise Sources (Stefan Ballmer and Bas Swinkels)
- Part C: Enabling Technologies for Gravitational-Wave Detectors:
- Interferometer Control (Mathew Evans and Nicholas Brown)
- Fabry–Perot Cavities and Gaussian Beams (Masaki Ando and Matteo Barsuglia)
- High-Power Lasers for Gravitational-Wave Detectors (Jesper Munch)
- Electro-Optic Modulators and Photodiodes (Volker Quetschke)
- Simulation Methods for Advanced Interferometers (Andreas Freise and Daniel Brown)
- Vacuum Technology (Michael E Zucker)
- Diagnostic Methods for Gravitational-Wave Detectors (Jessica McIver, Thomas J Massinger, Florent Robinet, Joshua R Smith, and Marissa Walker)
- Volume II: Advanced LIGO, Advanced Virgo and Beyond:
- Part D: Detector Subsystems:
- Seismic Isolation in Advanced GW Detectors (Giovanni Losurdo and Brian Lantz)
- Test Mass Suspensions (Norna A Robertson and Ettore Majorana)
- Pre-Stabilized Lasers (Benno Willke)
- The Input Optics System (Guido Mueller and Eric Genin)
- Fused Silica, Optics and Coatings (Gregory Harry and GariLynn Billingsley)
- Length Sensing and Control (Hartmut Grote)
- Alignment Sensing and Control (Lisa Barsotti)
- Thermal Adaptive Optics (Aidan F Brooks and Viviana Fafone)
- Part E: Realizing a Complete Detector:
- System Design and Trade-Offs (Peter K Fritschel)
- Planning, Managing and Executing the Design and Construction of Advanced LIGO (David H Shoemaker)
- Integrated Detector Commissioning (Rana X Adhikari)
- Part F: Future Detectors:
- Ideas for 2.5G and 3G Interferometric Detectors (Michele Punturo and Harald Lück)
- Cryogenic Interferometry (Kazuaki Kuroda)
- Index
Readership: Graduate students and researchers interested in gravitational waves and experimental physics.
David Reitze is the Executive Director of the LIGO Laboratory at the California Institute of Technology and a Professor of Physics at the University of Florida.
Reitze began working extensively in experimental gravitational-wave science in 1996, where he led the design and construction efforts for the 'Input Optics' subsystem of both the Initial and Advanced LIGO interferometers. He has also extensively studied and characterized the effects of thermo-optical distortions in LIGO optical systems produced by the absorption of high average power lasers and has developed several methods for minimizing them. From 2007 through 2011, he served as the elected Spokesperson of the LIGO Scientific Collaboration. In 2011, he took a long-term leave of absence from the University of Florida to join Caltech as the Executive Director of the LIGO Laboratory.
Reitze has authored or co-authored over 280 peer-reviewed publications. He was selected as a Cottrell Scholar in 1996, a Fellow of the American Physical Society in 2006, and a Fellow of the Optical Society in 2015. He shared the 2017 National Academy of Sciences Award for Scientific Discovery with Peter Saulson and Gabriela Gonzalez for his leadership role in LIGO.
Peter Saulson is the Martin A Pomerantz '37 Professor of Physics at Syracuse University. He has been on the faculty at Syracuse since 1991.
Saulson's research career has been focused on the search for gravitational waves, in particular on the development of the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO). Saulson helped to lead early engineering design studies, and was one of the authors of the Blue Book that made the case for building LIGO. One of the early leaders of the field, he has served in many ways, including two terms as the elected Spokesperson of the LIGO Scientific Collaboration. For his leadership role, Saulson is a recipient of the 2017 National Academy of Sciences Award for Scientific Discovery (shared with David Reitze and with Gabriela Gonzalez).
Saulson was elected a Fellow of the American Physical Society in 2003 and was named a Fellow of the International Society on General Relativity and Gravitation in 2013.
Saulson is also the author of Fundamentals of Interferometric Gravitational Wave Detectors (1994, second edition 2017), the first introductory textbook in the field.
Hartmut Grote is a Professor of Physics at Cardiff University in the United Kingdom.
Grote has worked in experimental gravitational-wave science since 1998, foremost at the Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics (Albert Einstein Institute) and Leibniz University of Hannover in Germany. He served as the scientific leader of the German-British gravitational-wave detector GEO600 from 2009 to 2017. His contributions to the field comprise novel lock acquisition schemes, automatic alignment solutions, the investigation of signal recycling and DC readout, and the application of squeezed states of light to gravitational-wave detectors.
Grote is also author of the book Gravitationswellen — Geschichte einer Jahrhundertentdeckung (in German), a short history of both the field and the first detections of gravitational waves, published in 2018.