We consider the Skyrme soliton from the viewpoint of realistic fluctuations about a quantum condensed phase. To study this, a systematic presentation of methods to obtain field-theory matrix elements for the Skyrmion and other extended states is given. The approach concentrates on maintaining covariance, translational invariance and other symmetries in a consistent quantum mechanical framework. The quantum kinematical features of Gaussian fluctuations and resulting matrix elements of local operators do not agree with common replacements such as the large Fπ and mean-field prescriptions, but are investigated as a function of momentum transfer, parameters defining the field distributions, and the ultraviolet regulator. We emphasize the need for off-diagonal distribution functions, construct explicit momentum in-states, and illustrate methods of calculation with examples. Much of the presentation is designed to avoid sigma-model formalism, topological arguments etc., in order to highlight the quantum mechanics for students and others learning about solitons.