The Table of Contents for the book is as follows:
Opening address
1. Scattering and Energy Spectrum
Measurement of double differential neutron emission cross sections at 14 MeV
Fast neutron scattering cross sections at small angles and optical model parameters
Hadron dependence of collective excitations and neutron scattering to collective levels
Measurement of double differential cross sections of secondary neutrons in the incident energy range 9 to 13 Me V
Secondary neutron double differential cross sections from 209Bi at 14.2 MeV
2. Nuclear Fission
Neutron emission in nuclear fission
Measurement of the prompt neutron spectrum of 238U fission
Study of prompt neutron spectrum in low energy portion for 252Cf and 248Cm spontaneous fission
Behavior of prompt γ-ray emission in cold fragmentations of binary fission of 252Cf
Recent progress in fission cross section measurements
Mass distribution in 11.3 MeV neutron-induced fission of 238U
3.γ-ray Spectroscopy and (n, γ) Reaction Mechanism
Mechanism of (n,γ) reactions at low neutron energies
The test of nuclear models using E2 transitions for rare-earth deformed nuclei
Study of high energy γ-rays in fast neutron capture reactions
Thermal neutron capture γ-ray spectroscopy in light and medium nuclei
Comments on applications of Doppler shift attenuation analysis in fast neutron experiments
Measurements of neutron capture cross sections of Wolfram and Thulium
4. Nuclear Theory
Calculation of the nuclear reactions in terms of the two-component exciton model with realistic state densities
Comparisons of non-relativistic and relativistic phenomenological and microscopic optical potentials for neutron induced reactions at low and medium energies
Theoretical research on 13 MeV N-D break-up processes
A semi-classical theory of multi-step nuclear reaction processes
Neutron scattering analysis with microscopic optical model potentials
5. Activation Cross Sections
Reaction cross section measurements in 8-13 MeV neutron energy range
Study of fast neutron cross sections at JAERI tandem accelerator
Absolute measurement of cross sections of 27Al(n, α)24Na and 56Fe(n, p)56Mn at 14.6 MeV
Recent radiochemical studies of fast neutron induced reactions
Measurement and evaluation of activation cross section
6. Nuclear Reactions
Nuclear studies at TUNL using polarized neutron beams
Double differential neutron emission cross sections of (p, n) reactions on 59Co and Mo isotopes
Neutron shell effect in the (n, 2n) reaction cross sections at 14.6 MeV
7. Intermediate Energy and Others
Precision total cross sections and the optical model at intermediate energy
Nucleon radiative capture and the inverse reaction at intermediate energies
Progress of nuclear data work of CNDC
Summary Talk
Closing Address
List of participants