These proceedings focus on contemporary fast neutron physics and include the recent progress and new achievements in fast neutron scattering, energy spectrum, nuclear fission, γ-ray spectroscopy and (n,γ) reaction mechanism, nuclear theory, activation cross sections, nuclear reactions and intermediate energy neutron physics.
- Measurement of Double Differential Neutron Emission Cross sections at 14 MeV (A Takahashi)
- Hadron Dependence of Collective Excitations in Neutron Scattering to Collective Levels (M T McEllistrem)
- Measurement of Double Differential Cross Sections of Secondary Neutrons in the Incident Energy Range 9 to 13 MeV (H-Q Tang et al.)
- Neutron Emission in Nuclear Fission (M V Blinov)
- Recent Progress in Fission Cross Section Measurements (A J Deruytter)
- Mechanism of (n,γ) Reactions at Low Neutron Energies (S Raman & J E Lyn)
- Thermal Neutron Capture γ-Ray Spectroscopy in Light and Medium Nuclei (K P Lieb)
- Calculations of the Nuclear Reactions in terms of the Two-component Exciton Model with Realistic State Densities (G Reffo et al.)
- Comparison of Non-Relativistic and Relativistic Phenomenological and Microscopic Optical Potentials for Neutron Induced Reactions at Low and Medium Energies (Q-B Shen et al.)
- A Semi-classical Theory of Multi-step Nuclear Reaction Processes (J-S Zhang)
- Recent Radiochemical Studies of Fast Neutron Induced Reactions (S M Qaim)
- Measurement and Evaluation of Activation Cross Section (H-L Lu et al.)
- Nuclear Studies at TUNL Using Polarized Neutron Beams (R L Walter et al.)
- Precision Total Cross Sections and the Optical Model at Intermediate Energy (R W Finlay)
- and other papers
Readership: Neutron physicists and nuclear physicists.