Intense Laser Phenomena and Related Subjects
The Table of Contents for the book is as follows:
Nonlinear Ionization of Atoms (Short Review)
Resonant Multiphoton Ionization Revisited with Femtosecond Pulses
High-Order Harmonic Generation in Rare Gases in Intense Fields
Quasiresonant Coherent Multi-photon Processes with Participation of Atomic Discrete and Continuum States - Simple Models
Coherent Effects in the Continuum
Multiphoton Microwave Resonances in Rydberg Atoms
Multiphoton Processes in Atomic Hydrogen within the Framework of Perturbation Theory
Semiclassical Approach for Matrix Elements of Above Threshold Ionization
Semiclassical Dipole Matrix Elements of Atomic Transitions
Complex Quasienergies and Autoionizing Atomic States in a Strong Resonant Field of Laser Radiation
Multiphoton Processes in Alkaline Earth Atoms
Role of Autoionizing States in Multiphoton Ionization of Complex Atoms
Application of Hyperspherical Coordinates Method for the Description of Multiphoton Processes in Complex Atoms
Multiphoton Phenomena in the Field of a Strong Focused Laser Pulse
Nonperturbative Multiphoton Transitions in Molecules - A Coupled Equations Approach Study of LiF
Three-Photon Resonant Ionization and Above-Threshold Dissociation of Diatomic Molecules in Intense Laser Field
Non-Perturbative Approaches of Laser Interaction with Matter:From Atoms to Solids
Fractional Revivals of Wave Packets during the Long-Term Evolution of Highly Excited Quantum Systems
Major Peculiarities of Squeezed Light
Nonlinear Collective Plasma Interactions in Laser Multi-Photon Ionization
Energy Pooling Collisions in Resonantly Laser Excited Vapors