Lectures presented in this book reflect well the new results and new problems which attract the attention of both experimentalists and theorists working in the field of physics of multiphoton processes in atoms and molecules.
- Nonlinear Ionization of Atoms (N B Delone)
- Coherent Effects in the Continuum (M V Fedorov)
- Multiphoton Processes in Atomic Hydrogen Within the Framework of Perturbation Theory (E Karule)
- Semiclassical Approach for Matrix Elements of Above Threshold Ionization (I Bersons)
- Semiclassical Dipole Matrix Elements of Atomic Transitions (V P Krainov et al.)
- Complex Quasienergies and Autoionizing Atomic States in a Strong Resonant Field of Laser Radiation (A E Kazakov)
- Application of Hyperspherical Coordinates Method for the Description of Multiphoton Processes in Complex Atoms (M I Haysak)
- Nonperturbative Multiphoton Transitions in Molecules — A Coupled Equations Approach Study of LiF (A D Bandrauk)
- Non-Perturbative Approaches of Laser Interaction with Matter: From Atoms to Solids (N S Brandi et al.)
- Fractional Revivals of Wave Packets During the Long-Term Evolution of Highly Excited Quantum Systems (I Sh Averbukh & N F Perelman)
- Major Peculiarities of Squeezed Light (V P Bykov)
- and other papers
Readership: Chemists, applied physicists and laser physicists (theorists and experimentalists).
"Its lasting value is in presenting a very thorough account of work in the USSR ..."
Contemporary Physics