Statistical Relationship Between Dissolved and Suspended Components in An Electrically-Enhanced Membrane Bioreactor for Municipal Wastewater Treatment
This work was supported by Masdar Institute of Science and Technology, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. Work supported by grant 13WAMA1.
In this paper, the dependence of total dissolved solids (TDS) and turbidity of influent and effluent streams on the system properties in a submerged membrane bioprocess reactor hybridized with electrokinetic phenomenon for raw municipal wastewater reclamation was investigated. The fresh activated sludge and unscreened variable-feed raw municipal wastewater samples were collected from Masdar City, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. It was observed that soluble phosphorus, pH, and carbon oxygen demand (COD) were mostly correlated with the TDS of the feed while the effluent TDS was more sensitive to total nitrogen (TN), pH, ammonia as ammonium-nitrogen (NH4+-N) and soluble fraction of COD. The turbidity of the influent and effluent correlated well with the nitrogen species. This study provides a basis for measurement costs reduction in wastewater treatment.