Enhancement of Anaerobic Biodegradability and Solubilization by Thermal Pre-Treatment of Waste Activated Sludge
In this study, an applicability of thermal pre-treatment for waste activated sludge in various total solid concentration, which are generated in a sewage treatment plant, was evaluated. The efficiency and characteristic was investigated with each sludge in various concentration after pre-treatment under the condition of 80~200℃ for 30 minutes. As the result, it was found that SCOD, NH4+, VFA concentrations increased as the pre-treatment temperature increased. For COD solubilization, it was also higher dependent on increase of temperature resulting in acceleration on hydrolysis and acid fermentation. In the BMP (Biochemical Methane Potential) experiment, it showed the highest biogas production in the range of 160~180℃. In addition, the methane yield was increased around 62~85% in all concentration of sludge, and this means that thermal solubilization process applicability was appeared to be outstanding regardless of sludge concentration.