Scattering theory for some non-self-adjoint operators
We consider a non-self-adjoint H acting on a complex Hilbert space. We suppose that H is of the form H=H0+CWC where C is a bounded, positive definite and relatively compact with respect to H0, and W is bounded. We suppose that C(H0−z)−1C is uniformly bounded in z∈ℂ∖ℝ. We define the regularized wave operators associated to H and H0 by W±(H,H0):=s-limt→∞e±itHr∓(H)Πp(H⋆)⊥e∓itH0 where Πp(H⋆) is the projection onto the direct sum of all the generalized eigenspaces associated to eigenvalues of H⋆ and r∓ is a rational function that regularizes the “incoming/outgoing spectral singularities” of H. We prove the existence and study the properties of the regularized wave operators. In particular, we show that they are asymptotically complete if H does not have any spectral singularity.