We study the semiclassical distribution of resonances of a 2×2 matrix Schrödinger operator (1.1) near a fixed energy level where the underlying classical trajectories Γ1 of P1 and Γ2 of P2 are, respectively, periodic and non-trapping. The aim is to compute the imaginary part of the resonances appearing near the eigenvalues created by P1 when Γ1 intersects Γ2 with finite contact order m. Recent results [M. Assal, S. Fujiié and K. Higuchi, Semiclassical resonance asymptotics for systems with degenerate crossings of classical trajectories, Int. Math. Res. Not.2024 (2024) 6879–6905] and [M. Assal, S. Fujiié and K. Higuchi, Transition of the semiclassical resonance widths across a tangential crossing energy-level, J. Math. Pures Appl.191 (2024) 103634] assert that the width of resonances is of polynomial order in the semiclassical parameter with exponent 1+2/(m+1), if the interaction U=r0(x)+ihr1(x)Dx is elliptic at the crossing point. Here, we remove this ellipticity assumption and prove that the exponent is 1+2(k+1)/(m+1), where k is a “vanishing order” of the interaction at the crossing points, suitably defined in terms of the vanishing orders of r0 and r1 depending on whether the crossing point is a turning point or not.